The sabotage of the NS pipelines was an Act of War. Speculating, Germany was moving towards telling NATO to eff off and to open the pipelines and buy Russian gas, with Rubles. This would have deflated Washington's insane economic war on Russia, and possibly set NATO back decades. Moreover, it would have been a giant kick in the crotch to the hegemony of the USD. It "couldn't be allowed" to happen, any of it...

So what is the result? Germans will freeze this winter, to satisfy the American Empire. That's a sure thing. Will Atlantic undersea cables "suddenly fail". like the pipelines? Will more food processing and power plants in the USA suddenly explode or catch fire (more false flags, with fingers pointed at Russia)? The NS pipelines sabotage is, by far and away, the most dangerous and stupid thing yet.

"War, its just a shot away."

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It is an existential war between Russia and the "western empire", which is NATO, City of London, NYC, Washington, the Federal Reserve, IMF, CIA, Mossad, ...

TROTW (the rest of the world) is tentatively on the side of not-the-empire, and is taking heart at Russian persistence, but is still understandably timid.

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