"we could refuse the jabs, but we all have to breath air polluted by chemtrails."
Hello my friend.
First of all I am happy for Julian... he is a Hero...
Nevertheless this is a distraction...
And I agree with your assessment... Geoengeneering is a crime...
Who is behind it? Bill Gates...
Bill Gates has long ago a patent to vaxxinate through sprays... and the Chemtrails are "Smart Dust"
Smartdust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals.
This poison they spray will kill your crops so you are forces to pay Monsanto (Bill Gates) for crops that produce poison... sterilize your kids and kill you all.
Bill Gates wants to block out the sun but sprays smart dust and possibly NEURAL LACE because no one wants the jabs no more.
At the same time Elon Musk is building a Robot Army of 20 Billion and more Tesla Robots.
Foehn wind is the opposite to the Mistral Dr John. It is a southerly/southwesterly wind often originating in the Mediterranean (certainly to the south of the Alpine range), which deposits snow on the south side of the Continental divide in winter, but rushes downward on the north side, creating much higher temperatures and rain even at quite high altitudes in northern Switzerland an Austria (presumably Germany as well).
I've heard many, many stories of Austrians getting migraines when the Foehn blows, but I've no knowledge on how that is caused. It's usually merely the manifestation of an Atlantic Depression running further south in latitude and then tracking in a NE direction from Marseilles toward Prague. Don't think there's much different between that depression and ones tracking a bit further north that bring snow on westerlies/northwesterlies to northern Switzerland and northern Austria. But for some reason, Foehn winds affect some humans whereas depressions from a slightly different direction don't.
Hi, John. Regarding "Inverting the Hard Problem ", I highly recommend a new book by Federico Faggin, inventor of the microprocessor, "Irreducible". He lays out a compelling hypothesis based on the latest understandings in quantum mechanics that consciousness is fundamental and matter is derivative. In addition to the book, here is a very incomplete youtube playlist I have put together with some recent interviews of Federico: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6iMnod6rUzznmM_ZfDHA2d34Qk70sN4
As a self proclaimed Idealist, I agree mind is fundamental to matter. We can presume energy is fundamental to matter as well. But what is relation between mind and energy? Is it as simple as mind, energy and matter are like gas, liquid and solid? I’m liking the idea mind and energy are equally fundamental and mind modulates raw energy into desired substance.
An appealing argument for fundamental mind is e=mcc. Any physical substance can be, hypothetically, converted “back” into raw energy. But how is that raw energy reconverted into specific substance. There would appear to be a missing factor in Einstein's equation.
Another interesting researcher is Bernardo Kastrup and his take on analytic idealism.
Hi, Til. Bernardo Kastrup's Essentia Foundation is Irreducible the book's publisher. He and Faggin are well acquainted. Here is a link to Faggin's interview on Essentia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVS3-NDUC0M
My understanding is that e=mcc tells us that matter and energy are equivalent, that one can be transformed into the other and vice versa. So from the Idealist perspective, both are derivative of consciousness which is both fundamental and irreducible.
The energy equivalents from equal masses of apple and orange are identical but cannot be transformed back into their original mass without information that is lost in the original conversion. The apple and orange are different. Their energy equivalents are identical, imho
Hi, Til. I am certainly not prepared to get into a debate with you on this topic. I would only offer that Faggin defines two types of information, quantum info and classical info. The info you refer to in the apple/orange example would be classical information in Faggin's hypothesis. Please excuse the AI but here is a link to a chatgpt explanation of the diferences betewwn the two that is better that one I can author in a reasonable time: https://chatgpt.com/share/212654f7-4e4a-4721-9660-ca8f1512dae7
I am always behind on being able to read books, and I always let something else slip by when I do. I am a dozen books behind, and they have accumulated over several years.
I very much appreciate Josh's work here, and his path to this point.
Videos are worse than books in a way. I try very hard to avoid them. No TV in the new millennium; no movie since the kids left home a dozen years ago...
I recall the first time I heard of chem trails. It was back around 2000 in the parking lot of Wheatsville Co-Op. A cab driver was ranting about them and I thought he was crazy. Might as well have been saying a green Martian was sitting on the roof dangling their legs over the edge. I don’t even remember looking up.
A few years later I spent an afternoon going outside every 15-min to watch them gradually disperse from pencil line streaks to cover the sky. One thing that has bothered me most is the government’s complete denial. It just draws more suspicion. “Don’t believe your lie’n eyes.”
A friend claims he saw “persistent” contrails growing up on the East coast back in the 50’s. If true, that dates chem trails back over half a century.
I noticed them over Wheatsville (and Austin) in the1990s, maybe 1996 or so. I grew up on military bases, and used to watch the contrails dissipate behind the planes. These did not dissipate.
"Towed the Ike".....and the intrigue continues! It's off to the bone yard for the Ike. Just have to limp home to be stripped of anything of value. Hey! it's old and needs to be retired, nothing to see here. Tacos anyone? Pass the popcorn.
Gotta' limp to Germany, not "home", and Ansar Allah says they smacked Ike a couple of more times recently. No independent images/videos in a couple of weeks now.
Most of my emotional response to this post is about the American effort to use Ukraine as a proxy to inspire war with Russia.
WTF?! America, if you really want to go to war with Russia, just effing do it. Don’t hide behind the Ukrainians. But really, why??? Is this an effort to patronize some sick fuck in the State Dept? Why are we jeopardizing Americans, especially our young men and women (who are about to be drafted, for God’s sake)? Aren’t their lives important to us? Does ego trump sanity and responsibility? If so, you should just resign NOW.
Why risk American assets — our people and our wealth — in a war that is completely unnecessary for Americans?
The "owners" aren't particularly "American", are they?
Russia is a treasure trove of natural resources and collateral for loans, and is opposing the criminal-empire. Ukraine has vast mineral assets (Titanium! Coal! Lithium!), so getting Ukrainian Russians and Russian Russians to kill each other, then taking all that lovely wealth, is the owners' plan, same as it ever was.
There are billions too many people for their liking these days, so this all works into the culling of their herds.
That's us.
Politicians have a job. Their job is to deliver the people, willingly if possible, to the will of the owners.
Clearly I have missed a few details. It's all about the theft of assets. What could be more American? Is this just the latest version of settler colonialism? (something I learned recently, and poorly.)
Susan - I am afraid that the answer to your question is that the US would lose any conventional war with Russia right now, because your military-industrial-complex has been overcharging you for 20 years for substandard, behind-the-times tat. Russia's weaponry is superior and cost orders of magnitude less to produce.
That leaves two options: nuclear war (and who wins that?) or 'keeping the Russians busy' by organising a proxy war in Ukraine. It's a disgusting tactic in humanitarian terms, as the US non-leaders have decided to sacrifice a million young men (and some women) just to 'keep Russia busy', whilst stealing the assets of Ukraine (in return for out of date military equipment that the Russians just destroy on day 1). Larry Fink of Blackrock is acquiring all kinds of Ukrainian assets like prime black earth farmland, so when this human sacrifice is over, Ukrainians won't own their homeland, a predatory 'asset management company' run by a billionaire Zionist will.
The first rule for all Western citizens when wishing to analyse their governments' action is this: always assume that every action is carried out to benefit the 0.1% minority and that it will be paid for by the 99.9% majority.
As long as you think that your government acts in your interests, you will struggle to understand world events. As soon as you face up to that unpleasant reality, most things become clear.
In my country, the UK, all our politicians do the bidding of nutcases in Washington DC so that they can get more highly paid jobs after leaving politics. They literally couldn't care less about the country. Nick Clegg is a prostitute now for Mark Zuckerberg, Rishi Sunak will soon be working in Silicon Valley. Tony Blair whored himself for US banks, a few totalitarian dictators overseas and now has a £100m+ pile as reward for murdering 1 million Iraqis on Dick Cheney's say so. Keir Starmer will do exactly the same as his predecessors, in fact he may be more blatant, more ruthless, more obviously wedded to the Zionist goals.
American people are totally expendable, so are British people.
You'll note of course that Benjamin Netanyahu's son is safely ensconced in the USA so he doesn't have to fight in his father's 'existential war' with Gaza. There's zero chance that any member of the Biden family, the Trump family, the Kennedy family, will see active military service in Ukraine in the next four years. Rishi Sunak will toddle off to the USA so his children can avoid any enforced conscription that may come young Britons' way under Starmer.
'We waste your money, kill your children, save our children and get very very rich doing all that'.
That's what the slogan should be on all your AIPAC-approved candidates in 2024.....
"The Square Mile" probably runs the whole show, with subsidiaries in New York, Washington, Paris, Frankfurt and Tel Aviv...
Bobby Kennedy Jr's son actually took the summer off law school on 2022 to go run a machine-gun for Ukraine, then came back alive. He left Dad out of that loop.
"we could refuse the jabs, but we all have to breath air polluted by chemtrails."
Hello my friend.
First of all I am happy for Julian... he is a Hero...
Nevertheless this is a distraction...
And I agree with your assessment... Geoengeneering is a crime...
Who is behind it? Bill Gates...
Bill Gates has long ago a patent to vaxxinate through sprays... and the Chemtrails are "Smart Dust"
Smartdust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals.
This poison they spray will kill your crops so you are forces to pay Monsanto (Bill Gates) for crops that produce poison... sterilize your kids and kill you all.
Bill Gates wants to block out the sun but sprays smart dust and possibly NEURAL LACE because no one wants the jabs no more.
At the same time Elon Musk is building a Robot Army of 20 Billion and more Tesla Robots.
While the WEF sponsors a Biological Artificial AI brain.
This all together will be the final solution for Humanity
Beyond evil.
There's a wind named The Mistral. It blows from the continent down,
and countries such as Spain are affected... It seems the wind pushes
ahead of itself a wave of positive ions that negatively affect hoomins,
and it's said that Magistrates give lenient sentences to those who
commit crimes while The Mistral blows...
According the Arthur Firstenberg's latest post the radiation from cell
phones & cell towers can contribute to murders... I look forward to
someone using that as a defense as, the way things are going, i might
have need of such for my defense...
Please Get Rid Of Your Cell Phones, Now !
"Fahn wind" in Germany; same thing.
Flip phone and don't text. Not on my person, nor even in the room at the moment.
Hard-wired laptop.
Foehn wind is the opposite to the Mistral Dr John. It is a southerly/southwesterly wind often originating in the Mediterranean (certainly to the south of the Alpine range), which deposits snow on the south side of the Continental divide in winter, but rushes downward on the north side, creating much higher temperatures and rain even at quite high altitudes in northern Switzerland an Austria (presumably Germany as well).
I've heard many, many stories of Austrians getting migraines when the Foehn blows, but I've no knowledge on how that is caused. It's usually merely the manifestation of an Atlantic Depression running further south in latitude and then tracking in a NE direction from Marseilles toward Prague. Don't think there's much different between that depression and ones tracking a bit further north that bring snow on westerlies/northwesterlies to northern Switzerland and northern Austria. But for some reason, Foehn winds affect some humans whereas depressions from a slightly different direction don't.
Thanks for the correction, Rhys.
Hi, John. Regarding "Inverting the Hard Problem ", I highly recommend a new book by Federico Faggin, inventor of the microprocessor, "Irreducible". He lays out a compelling hypothesis based on the latest understandings in quantum mechanics that consciousness is fundamental and matter is derivative. In addition to the book, here is a very incomplete youtube playlist I have put together with some recent interviews of Federico: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6iMnod6rUzznmM_ZfDHA2d34Qk70sN4
As a self proclaimed Idealist, I agree mind is fundamental to matter. We can presume energy is fundamental to matter as well. But what is relation between mind and energy? Is it as simple as mind, energy and matter are like gas, liquid and solid? I’m liking the idea mind and energy are equally fundamental and mind modulates raw energy into desired substance.
An appealing argument for fundamental mind is e=mcc. Any physical substance can be, hypothetically, converted “back” into raw energy. But how is that raw energy reconverted into specific substance. There would appear to be a missing factor in Einstein's equation.
Another interesting researcher is Bernardo Kastrup and his take on analytic idealism.
Hi, Til. Bernardo Kastrup's Essentia Foundation is Irreducible the book's publisher. He and Faggin are well acquainted. Here is a link to Faggin's interview on Essentia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVS3-NDUC0M
It is not the best IMO but worth a viewing.
My understanding is that e=mcc tells us that matter and energy are equivalent, that one can be transformed into the other and vice versa. So from the Idealist perspective, both are derivative of consciousness which is both fundamental and irreducible.
The energy equivalents from equal masses of apple and orange are identical but cannot be transformed back into their original mass without information that is lost in the original conversion. The apple and orange are different. Their energy equivalents are identical, imho
Consciousness contains information.
This is obviously above our pay grades to actually perform.
Hi, Til. I am certainly not prepared to get into a debate with you on this topic. I would only offer that Faggin defines two types of information, quantum info and classical info. The info you refer to in the apple/orange example would be classical information in Faggin's hypothesis. Please excuse the AI but here is a link to a chatgpt explanation of the diferences betewwn the two that is better that one I can author in a reasonable time: https://chatgpt.com/share/212654f7-4e4a-4721-9660-ca8f1512dae7
Thanks, Bob.
Thank You, Bob.
I am always behind on being able to read books, and I always let something else slip by when I do. I am a dozen books behind, and they have accumulated over several years.
I very much appreciate Josh's work here, and his path to this point.
Videos are worse than books in a way. I try very hard to avoid them. No TV in the new millennium; no movie since the kids left home a dozen years ago...
I recall the first time I heard of chem trails. It was back around 2000 in the parking lot of Wheatsville Co-Op. A cab driver was ranting about them and I thought he was crazy. Might as well have been saying a green Martian was sitting on the roof dangling their legs over the edge. I don’t even remember looking up.
A few years later I spent an afternoon going outside every 15-min to watch them gradually disperse from pencil line streaks to cover the sky. One thing that has bothered me most is the government’s complete denial. It just draws more suspicion. “Don’t believe your lie’n eyes.”
A friend claims he saw “persistent” contrails growing up on the East coast back in the 50’s. If true, that dates chem trails back over half a century.
I noticed them over Wheatsville (and Austin) in the1990s, maybe 1996 or so. I grew up on military bases, and used to watch the contrails dissipate behind the planes. These did not dissipate.
Thank you John.
I know that feeling of weather having grown up in Brisbane
"Towed the Ike".....and the intrigue continues! It's off to the bone yard for the Ike. Just have to limp home to be stripped of anything of value. Hey! it's old and needs to be retired, nothing to see here. Tacos anyone? Pass the popcorn.
Gotta' limp to Germany, not "home", and Ansar Allah says they smacked Ike a couple of more times recently. No independent images/videos in a couple of weeks now.
"Inquiring minds want to know."
Real question, isn't the US base in Germany considered the same as home? You know US sovereign soil or some such?
I don't know the details. I presume a shipyard with good security is needed.
Most of my emotional response to this post is about the American effort to use Ukraine as a proxy to inspire war with Russia.
WTF?! America, if you really want to go to war with Russia, just effing do it. Don’t hide behind the Ukrainians. But really, why??? Is this an effort to patronize some sick fuck in the State Dept? Why are we jeopardizing Americans, especially our young men and women (who are about to be drafted, for God’s sake)? Aren’t their lives important to us? Does ego trump sanity and responsibility? If so, you should just resign NOW.
Why risk American assets — our people and our wealth — in a war that is completely unnecessary for Americans?
The "owners" aren't particularly "American", are they?
Russia is a treasure trove of natural resources and collateral for loans, and is opposing the criminal-empire. Ukraine has vast mineral assets (Titanium! Coal! Lithium!), so getting Ukrainian Russians and Russian Russians to kill each other, then taking all that lovely wealth, is the owners' plan, same as it ever was.
There are billions too many people for their liking these days, so this all works into the culling of their herds.
That's us.
Politicians have a job. Their job is to deliver the people, willingly if possible, to the will of the owners.
Clearly I have missed a few details. It's all about the theft of assets. What could be more American? Is this just the latest version of settler colonialism? (something I learned recently, and poorly.)
Just follow the big money, it's a conflated trail but will connect a lot of dots.
Oh! Now I see what is behind the Russia/Ukraine war.
My horror grows.
Susan - I am afraid that the answer to your question is that the US would lose any conventional war with Russia right now, because your military-industrial-complex has been overcharging you for 20 years for substandard, behind-the-times tat. Russia's weaponry is superior and cost orders of magnitude less to produce.
That leaves two options: nuclear war (and who wins that?) or 'keeping the Russians busy' by organising a proxy war in Ukraine. It's a disgusting tactic in humanitarian terms, as the US non-leaders have decided to sacrifice a million young men (and some women) just to 'keep Russia busy', whilst stealing the assets of Ukraine (in return for out of date military equipment that the Russians just destroy on day 1). Larry Fink of Blackrock is acquiring all kinds of Ukrainian assets like prime black earth farmland, so when this human sacrifice is over, Ukrainians won't own their homeland, a predatory 'asset management company' run by a billionaire Zionist will.
The first rule for all Western citizens when wishing to analyse their governments' action is this: always assume that every action is carried out to benefit the 0.1% minority and that it will be paid for by the 99.9% majority.
As long as you think that your government acts in your interests, you will struggle to understand world events. As soon as you face up to that unpleasant reality, most things become clear.
In my country, the UK, all our politicians do the bidding of nutcases in Washington DC so that they can get more highly paid jobs after leaving politics. They literally couldn't care less about the country. Nick Clegg is a prostitute now for Mark Zuckerberg, Rishi Sunak will soon be working in Silicon Valley. Tony Blair whored himself for US banks, a few totalitarian dictators overseas and now has a £100m+ pile as reward for murdering 1 million Iraqis on Dick Cheney's say so. Keir Starmer will do exactly the same as his predecessors, in fact he may be more blatant, more ruthless, more obviously wedded to the Zionist goals.
American people are totally expendable, so are British people.
You'll note of course that Benjamin Netanyahu's son is safely ensconced in the USA so he doesn't have to fight in his father's 'existential war' with Gaza. There's zero chance that any member of the Biden family, the Trump family, the Kennedy family, will see active military service in Ukraine in the next four years. Rishi Sunak will toddle off to the USA so his children can avoid any enforced conscription that may come young Britons' way under Starmer.
'We waste your money, kill your children, save our children and get very very rich doing all that'.
That's what the slogan should be on all your AIPAC-approved candidates in 2024.....
"The Square Mile" probably runs the whole show, with subsidiaries in New York, Washington, Paris, Frankfurt and Tel Aviv...
Bobby Kennedy Jr's son actually took the summer off law school on 2022 to go run a machine-gun for Ukraine, then came back alive. He left Dad out of that loop.
Just another avenue for the depopulation caravan.
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