Agreed from beginning it was a bioweapon along with its jab bioweapon. Now, one must reconsider how many previous bioweapons and their corresponding bioweapon shots were previously used by the genocidal psychopaths on society. My bet is most are. Fabricate a problem, fabricate the reaction, and fabricate the solution. This Godless world is Hell on Earth.

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Read Dr. David Martin on all the patents for disease our government in the USA holds.

It is laughable how many times they have attempted to kill us off! :)

Staying Alive until my Creator is ready for me, then I will happily leave my earthly body.

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Yes Dr D E Martin woke me up to this Bio Weapon with his Follow the money video, 3/2020

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Absolutely a bio weapon

We had it.

Not a virus

We in mass formation 😀 must start culling it what it is.

Not the Covid name.

Bio weapon.

Yes. Who was the taster on the human burger? How do they know?

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Quite an article! I felt this was a Bioweapon since 2020. I learned a great deal from your other topics in here. So well written!

I don’t care how many studies come out or how many explanations the government gives.

I trust my God-given gut instinct as a highly intuitive woman. It has served me well. 

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You are a moderately fast reader, Myriam.

Thank you.

I try to be useful to people.

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Very useful! I am reading Substack articles about 12 hours/day! No way I can get to all the Subs I am subscribed to, but when this title came up on my newsfeed, I knew I had to read it.

I feel like I have found my tribe on Substack. I have been leary of the conventional medical model and have stayed away from it for decades.

I have many stories to share about what harms I experienced and witnessed with my mother and clients of mine.

Thank you!

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Thanks Myriam,

I have always tried to "first do no harm".

Lots of harm has been done.

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God Bless you, Dr. John! We need more doctors like you!

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Currently unemployed since firing for COVID-vaccine refusal last October, after treating with antivirals from spring 2020.

The interesting story of how that went down is here.


I was fired planting the winter vegetable garden I kept for my coworkers at the clinic, on my off-work time.

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:( This brought me to tears. I am so sorry but you were/are doing God's work and apparently that is not allowed in our current time in history. I am also a Boomer, 1959.

Do you know A Midwestern Doctor here on Substack? She's also Buddhist.

You should join Functional Medicine or work as a health consultant if that appeals to you, until we are able to expose the villains and their agenda.

I started growing food in my apartment last year in a Lettuce Grow Tower Garden and in my daughter's rental back yard this year.

Thank you for your humanity <3

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I have not read all the links yet. I need to do other things too! :)

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I confess I never trusted Hannah Arendt's Totalitarianism book - to my historical understanding too obviously skewed to an agenda....even your quote is mystifying rather than edifying. It is clear from eastern Europe 1930-1957 that fear wears off into various forms of resistance and accomodation in combination.That's a long conversation so I'm just registering some dissent. IMHO not a useful guide!

Here in Greece where supermarket items are pretty basic, frozen fake meat has been in the freezers for a good 2 years. We just assume its Soros! Given the various poisons sold as normal in prepared food items I'd especially warn against ANYONE eating it. If they blithely poison water and food "products", launch bioweapon plagues / pharma, the consumers of frozen fake meat would seem a primary low hanging fruit audience :-)

As for "Human fake meat" this has NOT arrived here : I can only see the Orthodox church going ballistic.

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I have not read Arendt's book, myself, but I don't doubt her experience, insights or sincerity.

Mainly I'm just seeking an understanding which will be useful as we proceed, and we see so much "irrationality", without the usual limits, just keeping going when people get killed and hurt, plowing ahead and singing the praises of the faith, whatever faith, the current thing.

I mainly eat real vegetables. There is plenty of variety, and excellent nutrition in real things that people ate before refrigerators. Not that I'm against refrigerators. They are very useful. One of the things that scares me about grid failures is loss of my refrigerated and frozen foods. They'll spoil before I can eat them.

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We can observe that those contentedly plowing ahead with The Current Thing are those who [1] tend not to question things and [2] are still living in a modicum of comfort, thus little disturbed by distant events - and [3] for whom the current PR has not (yet) contradicted their everyday reality.

An ever-diminishing number but still a large enough demographic....

As we saw in Greece this can change quite rapidly!

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I'm ready to be some kind of not-bad example when people get interested, whenever that may (or may not) be...

Not holding my breath.


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Did you know the Georgia Guidestones were blown up??

Things are shifting, brother, and that wave is coming.

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I saw that had been done.

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That "fake human meat" thing sounds to me like a psychopath's version of a joke... How to begin to "normalize" the IDEA of cannibalism, how to freak people out, how to continue to distract, how to continue to do their obscene Satanic dance on our imagination and lure the youth that are most easily tempted by the outrageous, the curiosity factor, the dare-devil factor...

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Absolutely TRUE! Normalisation of the unthinkable.

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As a vegetarian, I dont want burgers that are like meat. I like plant based "burgers" beans and grains. I do not understand who they are making the taste like meat fake meat products for. As a vegetarian, if I want something to replace meat in a recipe, I still dont want it to taste like meat, sounds gross to me

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Thank you for clearing up a mystery! I've wondered too.....because most vegetarians I know are literally disgusted by meat. Perhaps they are targeted at secret meat-lovers who are determined to be vegetarian, but then why offer them burgers and not fake steak?!

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Yes, I'm a "regular vegetarian" too. I still wonder who the taste-testers are who declare this to be "most like human flesh".

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Thanks for the article. Compelling!

Schwab's narrative allows for "isolated pockets of self-sustaining community" that choose to opt-out of the Great Reset.

Re-localization with coops, co-housing, land trusts and protective associations, adaptive reuse, recycling and parts salvage operations, old world skills training, regenerative ag, labor credit or paper currency, open air markets to work around new restrictions, food security and mutual aid networks can be formed now as the reality sets in for fence-sitters. Build it and they will come. Learn to recognize the inconsequential and ignore it. Be strong, show mercy. Best wishes!

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The problem is that everybody wants the benefits of community, but nobody wants to do all the hard work every day forever...


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The point of Iceni/Spartacus' column to me was the arcane bit of knowledge he gives about Peter Daszak's origins. Didn't know his father was in OUN. Much of the rest I knew (having followed everyone from El Gato to David Martin to Ethical Skeptic to Bobby Malhotra over the past 2 1/2 yrs. Sorry to hear you were fired. I just assumed you were retired. My husband George was fired from radiology locum tenens jobs multiple times because he refused to cut corners & "play the game." At one time, he had an historic home w a big veg garden, but that hospital went bankrupt, causing him to lose solo practice & his home. Only good thing abt that was after he'd lost everything (and like you, he'd kept license & rejoined the ACR for jobs when he could), we met. I think he was one of the best doctors I ever knew (and I'd worked at UCLA Med Ctr on support staff, had been a patient of a famous NYU Med Ctr internist, and worked for both NYU & UCLA scientists.) Interesting thought, that maybe our sociopaths serve as a check on population - I see them as cautionary tales. Best wishes - somehow I hope you're reinstated - if you want to be. Yeah, human meat - sick. I saw a reference to it on my great-nephew & niece's card game just today 🤔 - a game called Taco v. Burrito, with a reference to "human burger."???

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