💯💪🏻 “Billionaires First” testing new drugs and injectables ... also for decarbonization of themselves 😎

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I’m in big big trouble now, the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews have some “more” immunity than Caucasians and blacks (?). I must make a long long story short, where I come from in western Europa it got the most foreign invaders any other place on earth. To begin with Attila the Hun, Mongolians related to the Chinese, then Romans, Barbarians, Spanish, French, Austrians, Dutch, and our liberators Americans and English. There were also missions of the Dutch Company to Japan, China and east Asia not to forget Marco Polo and ambassadors

to China. Concerning the Ashkenazi who can tell for sure that they for centuries remained in what is now known as Ukraine, and not spread like all Jews over whole Europe, East and west and Russia? Now my problem all of my ancestor grandmothers, who knows in their large families from sometimes more than 10-12 children, there wasn’t one or more conceived in a moment of....All of my former grandfathers were too busy to notice, they too were charmed by a pretty Chinese or Jewish girl. There are many stories of polish going with Jewish beauties. Coming back to my problem, to which genes are these ethnic vaccines directing, because I’m afraid I carry all of them.

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The ACE-2 receptors, targeted by the original strain of COVID, are expressed most in men, so men got hit harder than women with the pre-Omicron strains. The ACE-2 receptors are expressed in the arterial blood vessels and lungs, as well as some other places, so the lungs were attacked from the blood-vessel side with COVID, very confusing and novel.

The genetic differences allowed the original spike protein (still in the "vaccines") to bind to the ACE-2 receptors of blacks and "caucasians" (a political term, not really racial), but Ashkenaz, Fins and Chinese were relatively spared. This was all just a matter of degrees of susceptibility, not decisive. Having upper-normal vitamin-D level and a good immune system were much more important.

The whole binding thing is different since Omicron. These are now historical differences, unless you get "the jabs".

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Thanks, again I learned some important details. Are there more receptors beyond ACE2?

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There are other binding sites, but the higher fatality rates were linked to binding inside the blood vessels and lungs, so now the virus is much more ordinary, without that super-villain power.

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We need to rid ourselves of these vampires. They all know what they are doing in taking our energy at a very low level to satisfy the psychosis so prevalent in their ego. Really depraved beings. What else are they going to say? They know this is the line that cannot be crossed. I bet if we got rid of the pedophiles, the loosh takers, the adrenochrome junkies, and all other sex offenses to the human spirit. We would knock down the population very quickly.

We would then have the clarity of conciousness to rise above and realize a fraction of our power and ability to help others.

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Let's see how this goes. Marking groups for extinction and assigning killers always causes problems. Each of us folowing awareness with discernment, and acting rightly in the moment is beter than making another killing-system.

We should each be responsible and active, though, not passive.

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Yes, of course. I just don’t get the lack of empathy they have for,....well,.....anybody. Our empathy may be our downfall. ...but well worth it.

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It's a problem. A skilled sociopath can "read" us, but will generally manipulate our perceptions of them on the first round or two. As we get older, we might recognize the paterns of manipulators earlier.

Then what do we do?

We can call them out, but they often have the microphone.

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They know our care level for others and count on it sometimes. Like the guy letting the toddler fall to the ground at the Mexican border,....totally psychotic, but knowing we will not cause any more deaths they use our empathy against us in terrifying visuals. That’s what horror movies are made for too. To give us the pictures so we can incorporate them into our lives. What do we do? Make lists, take pictures, warn others. But never fall for their playbook. We can only help others as much as possible. Yes you can discern these people more with age. Don’t watch anything over PG for movies. Make your world the way you want it.

I bought some Heritage cucumber seeds this year. The English cukes are really good. Beets and onions and 4 different tomatoes are growing like crazy. How’s yours going?

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It's over 100 every day here, summer heat, so the garden is producing much less, except okra, an African plant. Armenian cucumbers are pretty good. I always plant numerous vrieties of cucumber and keep seeds in the fridge for next year, and the year after. It's not always the same thing that thrives. Our "tomatopause" season is beginning, but they will be producing again in October if I keep them watered.

I harvest onions in May, and garlic by end of June, winter/spring crops here.

I haven't wanted to watch movies in a long time. There is so much going on.

I'm working on more fully understanding "Ahimsa", the way of non-violence, of minimizing violence. It is a moment by moment practice. I would clearly jump in to prevent violence, even if it required fighting, because it would reduce the total violent harm. One has to be careful of that, and not make wars under the false "R2P", "responsibility to protect" pretense.

Personal action to reduce violence is something you can really know and not be misled, if your intentions are clear.

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So good to hear you say that. So many, including the government use R2P. Especially if you are a protector all your life ie. Never piss off a mama. Lol. You learn a lot of non.violence ways in Karate. Perhaps there are some martial arts videos of non- violence. There should be, the way of non-violence is the way of the true warrior. But we are not programmed that way. Now the soldiers want to be super human soldiers. 🙄. They were promised....but going the wrong way. *sigh*

Up North here east of Toronto Ontario Canada, we have some pretty hot days. lost our bag potatoes when the humidex went above 40C that’s 104F. I wasn’t home to pull them into the shade.

Last year I wanted to do a 2nd growth of beans. Snow peas really hate the heat so I made trenches along the side and put ice in a sandwich bag with small holes in the bottom mid morning I dropped them into the trenches. That seemed to work and mulch.

I noticed at my sons place his basement is freezing. It is in clay. I wonder if an orangery dug into the earth for coolness would work. Too hot for Broccoli too.

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I'm trying to get a second crop of black beans going, but it is really hard on them. Even my black-eyed peas (African beans) are hardly producing in this heat.

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I have some knowledge of how previous empires rose and fell. Yet, I am wondering in the content of all the chaos that is happening. I am wondering if this will be a different change of guard. The poor and middle-class are in peril. Basic necessities will become outrageously priced due to what they say is supply chain issues and supposed environmental impact. I am concerned that the rich and their alliances with corporations and their loyal NGO groups will wreck more havoc for the people. I am concerned about food restrictions, fake food and toxics medicines. I am also concerned the push to artificial intelligence.

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I think "they" want to eliminate most of "us", while maintaining a working industrial economiic system, which "they" control. I think that's "hubris". This time is "different", in that it is so much bigger, more complicated and energetically-intensive than all of the other times.

Will industrial economy persist? If not, then it may not ever be possible to re-create.

Is that "bad" or "good"?

I'm just plugging away, trying to expose lies, theft and murder; and grow some vegetables for dinner.

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I do agree that they need to be exposed. There are many events happening together. It is important for everyone to know the goings-on to keep one on their toes. I also agree that growing your own vegetables is a great plan. There is so much fake food at the grocery stores.

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Just saw a program about cultures and empires that rose and fell because of the metals they used. The copper societies were taken over by the iron, now some say we’re in the Aluminum stage and already new metals are replacing them, lithium and carbon and the precious metals of which China and Russia have abundantly. Didn’t I hear about an exclusive contract with some South American country, was it Peru or Chili that both Russia and China signed an exclusive contract? Artificial Intelligence and precious metals go together but the human microbiome will never adapt to its ingestion, so Yuval and others can pray or beg to the artificial God to provide them plenty they will never be able to integrate or assimilate.

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