I’m concerned and convinced that this dismantling of what was once an international order is part and parcel of the Reset. Should we not expect this warfare to further distance us from the facts that the United Nations is another tentacle of the Reset? The nations played ball with Covid. The same nations pick sides in a war that has the potential for World War Three or any other number that you might like to see. The United States is already in a cold civil war and with open borders and lawfare being used to tie up the nation in knots so that the Will of the Global elites can continue to be imposed on the world. All these wars are not the advertised conflicts but staged conflicts to wreck the old world order and bring in a Pax Technocratic global regime. To my eyes the wars require the US to change. A governmental change requires an economic change and the freedom Americans have if organized in a differently organized manner can be seen as part of a broader global population front pushing the Tyranny back and on the Defensive. After Covid we are rapidly becoming totalitarian and authoritarian and the wars that have spun into ever greater violence cannot stop by any protest but by overthrowing our domestic tyranny
Thank You, Stegiel. The UN is a field of contest, a forum, a format, is it not?
The current waves of change are able to manifest through the UN format. The playground bully of US/UK/NATO is weakened and the little kids are banding together with potential "champions" now evident (and ever-suspect, as well).
What are the mechanisms through which a financial regime-change takes place?
There must be vast debt-default, which means the US defaults on $US debts.
FDR did this, defaulting on gold debts internally in the US, confiscating vast gold wealth, devaluing the $US against gold to the rest of the world, selling them bargains for their gold, and holding 2/3 of global central-bank gold by 1950.
Nixon defaulted on gold-backing of the $US in 1971 when that gold ran out.
The next default should most easily be done by letting the $US float up to $20k/oz gold, then pegging to gold and paying out in gold. The US would need to keep a balanced budget. The $US would not be a global reserve currency. The US would no longer pay massive debt-service to financiers, eliminating that drain on productive economy.
The military to enforce global use of $US would no longer be funded.
Pax-techncratism is inefficient compared to more localized problem solving. The key to economic efficiency at each location is local management. "Local" is a relative term, but distant edicts are always inefficient locally, allowing distant value extraction and a lack of fine adjustment to changing conditions, which is inefficient/wasteful/stoopid.
Yes, not working out yet, and should never work out. Cash is decentralized and hated by globalists/central-bankers, because the individual (or thief, or drug cartel, or CIA) controls the transactions, and the central powers want more control and more skim.
If it can't compete in novel environments when there are catastrophic events, and can't self-reproduce, it will be a dead-end at some point. There is a danger of this technology killing what can adapt and self-reproduce, though, since the owners are driven to eliminate all competition. I don't think it will be possible for them to move fast enough, but suckers will die without ever getting an even break.
Ithaca dollars are one solution to FRN's. The time dollar concept is local money. As we evidently are becoming tribes living on reservations called nations the Technocracy is a bullet train for the cyborg future. WHO is chosen as the best way to keep that train running. No end is in sight for the medical state. We thought Theocracy was bad, wait for the next iteration of Fauci proclaiming perhaps from WHO the great Idol of Science commands all souls must inject. And watch in wonder as county by county in 2025 enforcement starts softly with the bigstick backing it up. All these little wars mean nothing, smoke from the bonfires of Covid.
The monetary/financial system, based upon credit-money will "break" causing the real economy to drastically restructure to support societal survival, if societal survival is to be supported. That is a "Big-If".
I hope this to be the case, but there is usually a dark decade at best, right?
Truly untested waters unless we experience-very possible-a crushing military defeat. In that case I think of Russia after losing against Japan and later having a Revolution. As the situation appears to my eyes swift local action with an eye on food supplies and other items needed in a civilization down SOS has to rely on an exchange outside FRN's. Time dollars seem a good tool. Good for community organizing as well.
This is certainly not all Jews, but perhaps a subset of powerful Jews, who are not so different from powerful people anywhere, the "line of kings" and other "bloodlines" of elites who have become the apex-predators, human wolves-in-sheep's-clothing, upon human flocks of sheep.
The Kol Nidre is an Absolution to lie... there are no two explanations to it...
Those who live by the Kol Nidre are Liars... no two ways about it.
The Jews and Freemasons alike live by the Babylonian Talmud.
They are in the Scripture the Devil to proof God... as does Main stream Science... it proves the scripture not disproves it.
That is a problem.
Those who live by the scriptures are either stupid (Christians) or the Devil (Freemasons Jews the Occult).
Those who denounce themselves from this Indoctrination have a chance becoming Human.
By the way... the Fabian Society Freemasons and Jews alike are the wolf in sheeps clothing... they lie openly (Kol Nidre) to get what they desire which is personal richdom and world total control.
This seems to be a position of "gaming-karma", as I might put it, which you describe, and I see attributed to dark methods of secret societies and bloodlines.
The outcome of superficial wealth and power during human life must be assessed from a core-value system. It makes "sense" from a nihilistic value system, but is destructive as I see it.
Exactly.... even more so if you consider that Education as a commodity serves only those who are born rich... and that leads back to the same Nihilistic Tribes who use secret Societies as an Elevator to personal success.
Just look at me...
This is why I am for free Education at any given time.
Which can be easily provided through the Internet.
One of the great examples is "Physics for Future Presidents"...
I am bewildered really at the attention to all the sideshows. First, Covid lies are intact. They remain law. Every single fake fact is intact. Do not remain beguiled. Millions of injected people are injured and unknown estimated numbers are still dying. True no media brings this to view. If each day you had death stats like Vietnam I wonder. Worse, various Globalist totalitarian measures are to become operational with or without consent. The stupidity is strong that totalitarian killers are constrained by anything resembling law. Frankly the problem is the US. Without changing our money system then our government profoundly, doing away with it, no change globally is feasible. Money is a force greater than you might imagine. In the days of Chaucer coined money became prominent in England. The consequences shattering. Village commons sold. Family land sold. Parents evicted for money. "The Origins of English Individualism is about the nature of English society during the five centuries leading up to the Industrial Revolution, and the crucial differences between England and other European nations. Drawing upon detailed studies of English parishes and a growing number of other intensive local studies, as well as diaries, legal treatises and contemporary foreign sources, the author examines the framework of change in England. He suggests that there has been a basic misrepresentation of English history and that this has considerable implications both for our understanding of modern British and American society, and for current theories concerning the preconditions of industrialization."
I’m concerned and convinced that this dismantling of what was once an international order is part and parcel of the Reset. Should we not expect this warfare to further distance us from the facts that the United Nations is another tentacle of the Reset? The nations played ball with Covid. The same nations pick sides in a war that has the potential for World War Three or any other number that you might like to see. The United States is already in a cold civil war and with open borders and lawfare being used to tie up the nation in knots so that the Will of the Global elites can continue to be imposed on the world. All these wars are not the advertised conflicts but staged conflicts to wreck the old world order and bring in a Pax Technocratic global regime. To my eyes the wars require the US to change. A governmental change requires an economic change and the freedom Americans have if organized in a differently organized manner can be seen as part of a broader global population front pushing the Tyranny back and on the Defensive. After Covid we are rapidly becoming totalitarian and authoritarian and the wars that have spun into ever greater violence cannot stop by any protest but by overthrowing our domestic tyranny
Thank You, Stegiel. The UN is a field of contest, a forum, a format, is it not?
The current waves of change are able to manifest through the UN format. The playground bully of US/UK/NATO is weakened and the little kids are banding together with potential "champions" now evident (and ever-suspect, as well).
What are the mechanisms through which a financial regime-change takes place?
There must be vast debt-default, which means the US defaults on $US debts.
FDR did this, defaulting on gold debts internally in the US, confiscating vast gold wealth, devaluing the $US against gold to the rest of the world, selling them bargains for their gold, and holding 2/3 of global central-bank gold by 1950.
Nixon defaulted on gold-backing of the $US in 1971 when that gold ran out.
The next default should most easily be done by letting the $US float up to $20k/oz gold, then pegging to gold and paying out in gold. The US would need to keep a balanced budget. The $US would not be a global reserve currency. The US would no longer pay massive debt-service to financiers, eliminating that drain on productive economy.
The military to enforce global use of $US would no longer be funded.
Pax-techncratism is inefficient compared to more localized problem solving. The key to economic efficiency at each location is local management. "Local" is a relative term, but distant edicts are always inefficient locally, allowing distant value extraction and a lack of fine adjustment to changing conditions, which is inefficient/wasteful/stoopid.
Um. The WHO vaccine passport is technocracy. 120 nations like WHO. Seems kinda global right?
Yes, not working out yet, and should never work out. Cash is decentralized and hated by globalists/central-bankers, because the individual (or thief, or drug cartel, or CIA) controls the transactions, and the central powers want more control and more skim.
It’s a start toward the cyborg. Anthrobots use human skin cells.
If it can't compete in novel environments when there are catastrophic events, and can't self-reproduce, it will be a dead-end at some point. There is a danger of this technology killing what can adapt and self-reproduce, though, since the owners are driven to eliminate all competition. I don't think it will be possible for them to move fast enough, but suckers will die without ever getting an even break.
Ithaca dollars are one solution to FRN's. The time dollar concept is local money. As we evidently are becoming tribes living on reservations called nations the Technocracy is a bullet train for the cyborg future. WHO is chosen as the best way to keep that train running. No end is in sight for the medical state. We thought Theocracy was bad, wait for the next iteration of Fauci proclaiming perhaps from WHO the great Idol of Science commands all souls must inject. And watch in wonder as county by county in 2025 enforcement starts softly with the bigstick backing it up. All these little wars mean nothing, smoke from the bonfires of Covid.
The monetary/financial system, based upon credit-money will "break" causing the real economy to drastically restructure to support societal survival, if societal survival is to be supported. That is a "Big-If".
I hope this to be the case, but there is usually a dark decade at best, right?
Truly untested waters unless we experience-very possible-a crushing military defeat. In that case I think of Russia after losing against Japan and later having a Revolution. As the situation appears to my eyes swift local action with an eye on food supplies and other items needed in a civilization down SOS has to rely on an exchange outside FRN's. Time dollars seem a good tool. Good for community organizing as well.
Any currency has to be plain-not-fancy to be workable, I think.
Silver coinage can work, as in the old days, augmented with silver-certificates, as needed to replenish hoarding, which people always do.
Going for bike ride before rain...
When Martin Luther Translated the bible he did so because the Catholic Church sold Papal (Paypal) BULL's for Absolution.
The Jews call it Kol Nidre.
The Kol Nidre is a blank check to Lie and an Absolution... the only reason the Jews Lie like there is no tomorrow...
They believe they are Gods over us and they are allowed to Lis steal and Kill us.
Speaking about Religious Insanity here.
This is also the reason the Jews want war... to cover up their crimes like 9/11 7/7 Covid and the War Pig Scam.
Jews do not want peace... their religion is based on the Lie... the Kol Nidre... and war... for they profit from war.
This is certainly not all Jews, but perhaps a subset of powerful Jews, who are not so different from powerful people anywhere, the "line of kings" and other "bloodlines" of elites who have become the apex-predators, human wolves-in-sheep's-clothing, upon human flocks of sheep.
As I refer to Religion as Mind Control ...
The Kol Nidre is an Absolution to lie... there are no two explanations to it...
Those who live by the Kol Nidre are Liars... no two ways about it.
The Jews and Freemasons alike live by the Babylonian Talmud.
They are in the Scripture the Devil to proof God... as does Main stream Science... it proves the scripture not disproves it.
That is a problem.
Those who live by the scriptures are either stupid (Christians) or the Devil (Freemasons Jews the Occult).
Those who denounce themselves from this Indoctrination have a chance becoming Human.
By the way... the Fabian Society Freemasons and Jews alike are the wolf in sheeps clothing... they lie openly (Kol Nidre) to get what they desire which is personal richdom and world total control.
This seems to be a position of "gaming-karma", as I might put it, which you describe, and I see attributed to dark methods of secret societies and bloodlines.
The outcome of superficial wealth and power during human life must be assessed from a core-value system. It makes "sense" from a nihilistic value system, but is destructive as I see it.
Exactly.... even more so if you consider that Education as a commodity serves only those who are born rich... and that leads back to the same Nihilistic Tribes who use secret Societies as an Elevator to personal success.
Just look at me...
This is why I am for free Education at any given time.
Which can be easily provided through the Internet.
One of the great examples is "Physics for Future Presidents"...
I am bewildered really at the attention to all the sideshows. First, Covid lies are intact. They remain law. Every single fake fact is intact. Do not remain beguiled. Millions of injected people are injured and unknown estimated numbers are still dying. True no media brings this to view. If each day you had death stats like Vietnam I wonder. Worse, various Globalist totalitarian measures are to become operational with or without consent. The stupidity is strong that totalitarian killers are constrained by anything resembling law. Frankly the problem is the US. Without changing our money system then our government profoundly, doing away with it, no change globally is feasible. Money is a force greater than you might imagine. In the days of Chaucer coined money became prominent in England. The consequences shattering. Village commons sold. Family land sold. Parents evicted for money. "The Origins of English Individualism is about the nature of English society during the five centuries leading up to the Industrial Revolution, and the crucial differences between England and other European nations. Drawing upon detailed studies of English parishes and a growing number of other intensive local studies, as well as diaries, legal treatises and contemporary foreign sources, the author examines the framework of change in England. He suggests that there has been a basic misrepresentation of English history and that this has considerable implications both for our understanding of modern British and American society, and for current theories concerning the preconditions of industrialization."
Please expound further, Stegiel.
Whoever chooses sides, loses: