Thank you Dr. Day!

I completely support Hezbollah.

Why is Ukraine asking permission to attack deep inside Russia?

Why is NATO thratening to attack Russia? Are they crazy?

Why send high-capacity weapons to Ukraine that if deployed against Russia will instigate multi-national war? Is this a game of chicken?

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Corrupt politicians in every country serve wealthy masters, and lie to their citizens and subordinates. They have bunkers to go to, right? They'll "be taken care of", they are told...

It seems that the western/global financial Ponzi scheme is close enough to crashing that global elites really crave the emergency powers over finance, and killing lots of people, that WW-3 would afford them.

Actual statesmen in Russia, China and Iran, for instance, seek to avoid the Armageddon that global financiers crave so profoundly...

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So now I am forced to trust Putin et al because the western financial Ponzi scheme will backfire at an extreme risk to me. Whoopee! we're all gonna die. What was the name of that song about VietNam by Country Joe and the Fish? Seems appropriate now.

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I Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die Rag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W7-ngmO_p8

It started playing in my head when you mentioned it.

It's not really about trusting, so much as watching what is happening in the world.

Hold cash somewhere. Get out of debt. Save rice, beans, salt, olive oil and water, ride a bike. "God Bless Us Every One"

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Learn to GROW those rice & beans, also I've discovered that (just like homegrown tomatoes), the heirloom varieties I have grown in my own garden taste better than the cheap corporate farmed crap from big box grocery stores:



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I always grow beans, especially African beans (black eyed peas) with which I continue to experiment, basically breeding a land-race of 3 types I like, grow together, and select for traits.

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The UK government has decided not to pay age pensioners the Winter Fuel Payment,

to cover their Winter heating costs... Dr Vernon Coleman estimates this decision will

result in from 100,00 to 250,000 pensioners dying from the Winter Cold...

It seems DRN notices and The Jab didnt kill-off enough "useless eaters".

The savings will be good for the government's budget bottom line... We're likely to read

- The 'Cause of Death' on Death Certificates - 'Balanced Budget'.

- The 'Died From' on tombstones - "Balanced Budgets'.

Meanwhile, The Ukraine government too seems concerned about Balancing future

budgets. According to the MOA post above "[...] the average age of newcomers [to

Ukraine's frontline] can even be 55+, not 45+."

Many of the "55+" are unlikely to live to get an age pension... More Budget Savings !!

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There is a lot of short-termism in Ukrainian "halls of power" with the big regime change due for Christmas, or so... I'm not sure, but that's the look of it.

They only think of what they can pocket right now, and where they can put it.

I'm sorry about the UK. Kier Starmer might have tasted of human flesh or something.

He's trying to get a lot of people wiped out there. That's painfully clear.

Who gives him orders?

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Adolph starmer takes orders directly from Satan

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@Grasshopper Kaplan

There was a Catholic church doctrine that (roughly paraphrased) runs:

"Satan can not create a new thing, only twist existing creations".

One corrolary to this is that when Satan offers you something in return for your soul, it will always be something you COULD have attained on your own, "Satan" just gave your doubting self permission to go there .

Related to this is the axiom that, equally, the worst evil men do may be accomplished on their own, no Satanic "special sauce" is required to originate the worst of anthropogenic horrors. We are a talented species that way & Satan has a (papal certified!) limitation we apparently do not...

Poor Satan, there are human souls he had better never allow into his domain, lest he face a color revolution- Allen Dulles comes to mind.

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Certainly he is also guided by some immediate superiors, though...

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Red lines these days are nothing more than red lipstick. meaningless bluff.

But accepting fate reminds me of one of the most poignant scenes in any war movie

entitled "Mission of the Shark." About the sinking of the USS Indiannapolis and how Captain McVay was scapegoated in a sham military court martial.



Japanese Sub commander Hashimoto: " Captain, you are a man who believes in fate?"

Captain McVay (played by Stacey Keach) : "No. I am a man who is trying to accept it."

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Are you gonna be on the next Tour de France, just kidding

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I've never been fast enough to race, but I did a lot of 100 mile rides.

My younger son raced until COVID shut that all down.

Riding a fixed-gear bike on a somewhat hilly route gives me a more whole-body workout.

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The Pentagon has reportedly vetoed the notion of using US missiles into the depths of Russia...Is this aircraft activity a pretense of activity, or is it connected to a real plan?

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I believe that it is an unexplained observation, of which there are many in our world.

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Two things come to mind as I read this blog, Dr. Day. The first is a towering sense of irony when I read that Hizballah, an avowed terrorist organization, which preys specifically on innocent non-combatants using explosives for suicide bombings, attacks on US military bases, blowing up aircraft ("Hezbollah quickly established its strength and prominence through a string of major terrorist attacks in the region, including the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, the 1984 car bombing of the U.S. embassy annex in Beirut, and the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 in 1985." and moving on from there https://www.csis.org/blogs/examining-extremism/examining-extremism-hezbollah#:~:text=Hezbollah%20quickly%20established%20its%20strength%20and%20prominence%20through,the%20hijacking%20of%20TWA%20Flight%20847%20in%201985.) but now bewails the damage done to people in their homes and on the streets as somehow being different in quality from what they do as an ongoing policy. Sorry, not sorry that their communication toys were dented and destroyed. I think it was a brilliant move on the part of the Israelis. Bravo.

But, more significantly, the Middle East strife, like the Ukrainian strife, like the strife created in a child's mind when they are lied to and told that they could be in "the wrong body" and then damaged for life psychologically and or medically and the Malthusian Management used across the board in virtually every aspect of life has its source in the central Death Machine, the United Nations.

And right now, with the Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future and its other documents, the most comprehensive tyranny ever conceived by the mind of man is set to self-authorize and anoint itself to carry out yet more tightening of the noose of tyranny.

Unless. Unless we get our countries out of the United Nations Death Machine.

Here in the US, we have the opportunity to do just that, in fact, by passing the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023. This Act is before Congress now and Congress is its final session before adjourning for the last time. The 119th Congress will be inaugurated on January 3 and the likelihood of ever again having the opportunity to pass legislation like this is, in my estimation, much smaller than zero.

Hence, it is critically important that this bill be shown massive popular support to compel Congress to not only pass it, but to pass it with the necessary votes to override an Oval Office veto.

To help make this happen, we at the Natural Solutions Foundation, of which I am the Medical Director, have created PreventGenocide2030.org.

There, you can take the six simple steps of the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to prevail upon Congress to pass this bill and to activate your Circle of Influence to get them involved, too.

It takes only a few minutes and can literally help to save humanity.

Please visit, take action and help to mobilize your friends. |

Our lives depend upon it.

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Thank you for visiting the comments section, Dr. Laibow. We share core values, I see, for human life and freedom.

Globalists seek to divide people and nations against each other, lend them money to carry out wars, profit from trade between nations, and to carry all people in debt servitude.

I see that we are opposed to this mechanistic, parasitic approach to the world.

I seek Divine Guidance frequently, and meditate for ways that I can benefit life on our fair planet.

I support self-determination of peoples, human rights, and the international laws of war, though not war as a tool. Many people are trapped in war.

Israeli Settler-Colonialism and genocide are of the same nature as the Nazi exterminations of Slaves, Poles, Gypsies and Jews.

There are many atrocities in recent history, and they do not justify more atrocities. Under international law, the Palestinian people have the right to resist, violently and militarily. Bombing US Marines in Lebanon counts as fair play, though I had a friend who was there checking security months before that happened, informed them of the security problem at the gate, and they blew it off. Sometimes "our" government leaves things set up so that they can happen... He worked with those special branches of government and developed a lot of insights.

Hezbollah has various branches and personalities within it, and has changed over time, as times have changed.

Early on, in the 1980s forward, it was increasingly cultivated by Revisionist Zionists, as it opposed a 2-state solution, and could thwart the PLO for them. Netanyahu advocated for supporting Hezbollah repeatedly, and funded them through Qatar for over 2 decades.

Those are points of fact in our world. It is best to stand for principle, not for one side or another, as such in war, though the current genocide and those carrying it out, are of a "Satanic" nature, if I might use that term loosely, and as it is commonly used, though there are other historic meanings.

Wishing you well in following Divine Guidance.

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Isra Hell marries fUkraine, they try to get arrogant Wes to fight their dammmm wars and assist the genocide of Palestine and Ukraine, they ride off on a stickboard into bankruptcy and collapse

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