From the first video clip 'Solar-Heinrich-Magnetic-Cycle: 'Greenest of the green Sahara

period 6000 years ago, the last geomagnetic excursion happened at that time as well.'

The book by James DeMeo documents radical changes in human relationships occurred

at the time (4000 BCE), when the area turned from lush green into the Sahara Desert...

"SAHARASIA. The 4000 BCE Origins Of Child Abuse. Sex-Repression, Warfare And Social

Violence In The Deserts Of The Old World.' (2011)...


Dont bank on the next geomagnetic excursion making things better ?

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Looks "interesting":

James DeMeo's Saharasia is the largest and most in-depth scholarly study on human behavior and social violence around the world which has ever been undertaken. The findings summarized in Prof. DeMeo's book cover the entire globe, from early prehistory into modern times, integrating on world-maps a full sweep of standard research data from the fields of archaeology and history, plus an in-depth cross-cultural review and mapping of data from over 1000 distinctly different human societies, from standard anthropological data bases. It employed standard cross-cultural correlation tables on over 60 different variables, plus geographical mapping and quadruple blind research procedures to insure objectivity, and all the basic starting assumptions are clearly elucidated in advance. The work also incorporates his own personal field research in the deserts of the Middle East and Southwestern USA. No great knowledge of maths or scientific methods is required to follow the logic and research to their conclusions, though the book is clearly written for scholars. An early period of generally peaceful social conditions is documented in prehistory, but with a major shift towards patriarchal-authoritarian and decidedly violent social conditions across the Saharasian region after a major climate-shift from wet grassland-forest conditions towards harsh desert conditions at c.5000-4000 BC. Major epochs of cultural diffusion are also presented on maps, showing how violent patriarchal authoritarian, sex-repressive and child-abusive behaviors were carried outward from their Saharasian origins to nearly every corner of the globe. It presents previously-unknown geographical patterns in dozens of different human behaviors, beliefs and social institutions representative of human violence and warlike aggression, such as slavery, castes, genital mutilations and a low women's status. The findings have been praised by many, published in scientific journals and magazines, cited repeatedly, but in largest measure have been willfully censored out of the discussion by most within the editorial power-circles of modern academics and mainstream journalism, which continues to embrace the flawed and disproven theories of "violent genes" or other "original sin" concepts. None of those theories, nor anything like them, can stand in the face of the new evidence presented in Prof. DeMeo's Saharasia.

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Thank you Doctor...

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"Dont bank on the next geomagnetic excursion making things better ?"

I look at it more like someone shaking the etch-a-sketch. A new beginning as it were. The elites will get that depopulation thing they're looking for but they won't fair any better than the rest.

I dropped this earlier this morning a couple of posts back but will put here for those that may be interested in some low tech ideas: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/

page three has a look at this:

Fruit Trenches: Cultivating Subtropical Plants in Freezing Temperatures

Great round up again John!

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Thanks Red. I used to turn my Etch-A-Sketch upside down and shake it sideways.

My Etch-A-Sketch was red. I can picture it. :-)

How many people know what you are talking about?

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I am relieved to read someone say this.

Net Zero does not refer to anything other than human population and civilization. Just say NO!

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Fascinating compilation, as ever. Do you listen to your music records while you do this? And many thanks for the garden photo!

• I begin to think the Net Zero project is referring to population. And is a new way to separate the Haves from the Have Nots. I still think that debt is the number one bogey man in the economy.

• Do I care about not paying for the govt? I doubt it.

• “Affordability of discretionary (non-essential) products and services” begins to make the entire govt. look discretionary. I do realize that when the bill comes due, it will be the taxpayer who will be stiffed. The American taxpayer has one creature that he must support: himself. The rest can take a number, or a powder.

• Why in the hell is the US trying to limit how Israel can use the weapons America sells it? What a joke. If the US doesn’t want Israel bombing Gaza, then don’t give it the bombs! That’s easy.

• Mitch McConnell decides to retire as leader of the Senate. How old is this man? Should we have been concerned about his capabilities given his age? When so many are concerned about Biden’s mentality?

• Has Macron ever posited plans that benefit France and Europe?

• Midazolam - one more thing to refuse when you find yourself in the hospital. Add that to intubation.

!!! God bess Dr. John.

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So many unanswerable questions.


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Dr John: the Feds shutting down is such a scam. Nothing shuts down, the money printer still goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Yes, but it does force compromises by denying money...

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Hello Dr. Day and thanks for another of your interesting compilations of personal thoughts and article synopses. For what it's worth, I began reading The Honest Sorcerer's postings after you had given him some space on your blog a while back. Sadly, I recently unsubscribed from his Substack for two reasons. The first is that he continually draws fundamentally incorrect conclusions from widely accepted scientific phenomena (he is especially fond of thermodynamics), in order to give his dire predictions the appearance of credibility. When I spoke out to question the validity of his premises, as you might imagine, some of the true believers of his Substack descended quickly upon me to defend their staunch beliefs in the coming Armageddon as espoused by The Sorcerer (such an apt name, minus the "Honest"). Based on the interactions I had with these folks, it seems that "because I said so" has now displaced actual science. The second reason for unsubscribing was the lack of constructive intent that his postings provide. At this point, Substack authors who choose to repeatedly post rephrased articles about the same alarming problems that they have already identified ad nauseum must be viewed as background noise, distracting us from finding solutions. The Sorcerer is worth reading perhaps once or twice, but after that I feel as though it becomes intellectual self-flagellation and emotional defeatism. Even if we were to ascribe to all of his deeply flawed conclusions, if he cannot offer any constructive thoughts about how to remedy the horrible problems he dwells upon, what is the point of posting his articles at all? Perhaps The Sorcerer's dad never taught him that "necessity is the Mother of invention". I pray that you and your family are able to find the hope in our world that The Sorcerer seeks to extinguish. Thank you again for your thought provoking work.

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Thanks for the perspective, Peter. You'll note that I just lifted a brief summary from "Sorcerer's" blog, which was further detailed in the piece about California carbon-accounting legislation, and placed into broad perspective by Dr. Tim Morgan at Surplus Energy Economics.

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Thank you. Oh my Good I LOVE you.

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Thank You.

(Whu'd I do?)

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Ooops meant for the author 😂

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Oh that IS YOU!!! I really like this article.

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You are welcome, Friend Lizzie.

I am happy to be of service to people who want truthful information. I do my best to find it and condense it.

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Author of which story?

I include the links so you can go to the sites.

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There is a little comment link at the very bottom. Good.

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