Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

The bike ride…great and free therapy.

Hang in there, Doc.

You did the right thing.

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I'm sorry they did this. Thank you for risking so much for fellow citizens.

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Blessings on you! Thank you for staying strong!❤️

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Well we knew this has been happening to GOOD doctors everywhere. So nice of them to separate the honest from the corrupt for all of us who only wish to place our wellness care in the hands of doctors who actually care about their patients. That Board of Eejits can kiss their credibility goodbye.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

God bless you John! You are now in the ranks of the persecuted righteous and right. You are so needed in practice rurally if you ever choose. And you would be heartened by the functional psychiatry course I am taking now. Please check out PsychiatryRedefined.org. I knew to get folks off psych meds and onto omega 3 FA, vitamins, exercise etc bit didn’t know til now the critical individualized testing needed, available and censored for profit until now. Sound familiar? If we can stop the profiteers from controlling/banning supplements and repurposed meds, much good can be done and you’re the man for it, if the spirit moves you in that direction again! You already have done it and are now, just in a different mode! If you ever get protonmail or signal, please email me…

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Stay Positive Dr. John... Things are changing. It's becoming almost impossible to keep up the Lies that mainstream medicine and media have promoted for a long while. Simply put.. they are wrong... and now they're fearful because what they tried do has failed. It partially succeeded, but more and more USA citizens/residents are becoming more aware of what was done to us. And they are furious. Thanks so much for doing your part to help raise awareness. StayStrong... Live Long...

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

They will pay, not by any retribution, but with their lives. I spose that's part of why you are not being seriously angry with them, as they are ticking time bombs. I couldn't have been a doctor for a lot of reasons, but being nice to stupid people is not in my playbook. They are dangerous.

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I'm impressed by your powers of resilience and attention, Dr. John. I love how you didn't dwell on the contents of the letter; you accepted it, got on your bike, and got on with your life. We are all going to have to strengthen those capabilities within ourselves if we're going to create new systems. Blessings on your continuing fight!

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Crime runs this country through Big Harma. Dissent is not wanted and truth must be ignored.

The good news is you can practice medicine. This said I imagine in a few years if unlucky no one will practice medicine without the Commissar approving the ideology.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Oh John, I fear That we both believe that the bulk of attention paid to you in that letter was done by bot. Mere blind bureaucracy seems inadequate to create such self-deluding nonsense. Only the truly blind can lead the falsely blind.

But at least you have an initial offer on the auction price of your soul, which offer was the full fruits of a lifetime of dedicated professional endeavor, of import at least as high as any profession can claim, at the pinnacle of your career when you know enough to make a master's difference after decades as apprentice and journeyman... in time, you may well have to offer the full mortal price -- your life -- in an offer you are expected to be unable to refuse but will probably prove quite able to accept: death, the full and proper price for one's mortal soul.

Regarding that destination, they say you don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord, but I think it's not unwise to arrive at the gate of reclaiming light with proof of purchase.

I cannot even ponder what it will be like for your former colleagues and bosses when they can no longer escape knowing that they have violated just about every moral and ethical principle they claim to hold dear, including one that is so popularly understood that few bother to say it: if you are going to kill yourself, try to do it on purpose, be it through brave self-sacrifice for others or (also brave) suicide. Don't off yourself pretending to be saving yourself and humanity while killing both. Involuntary but emphatically self-administered suicide seems quite the anti-accomplishment.


Doctor arrives at St. Peters' sentry booth. Entry denied.

"Was I that bad, o saint? I was just exercising my faith in my authorities. Most of my colleagues did so too, and I respect my colleagues. Is that so bad that I must be exiled from God?"

Peter says: "It's not your moral courage or lack thereof. It's your stupidity. We rather expected that the first batch -- Adam and Eve -- would be as dumb as they were. Don't Eat That Fruit -- it's poison... so they of course gobbled it up. But it was expected that their descendants, having inherited the knowledge vaccine, would evolve to be able to at least crudely distinguish right from wrong, even if they mostly wouldn't have the heart to do the right thing when doing so displeased them. That was part of the cost and the calculated risk. But it was expected that you would at least -- having eaten the fruit -- be able to discern *globally* disastrous wrong from right, even if you couldn't act accordingly. You know, like Don't Eat the Apple. Don't Launch ICBMs. Don't Poison the Bulk of the Human Genome. Simple concept.

"But you were a doctor and you couldn't even tell poison from medicine after 23 years of practice?"

"So I'm going to hell? "

"Yes. You're reincarnating as an infant born with the body of a twisted dwarf and the mind of a genius. Deaf, dumb, blind, immobile, with tactility, taste and smell being your entire physical world."

"Please, not that!"

"OK, you can spend closer-than-not-to eternity reviewing and accurately fact-checking every paper and article ever written on covid and associated vaccines. After that, you will argue online with every true-believing vaxxer until they recant."

"Deaf dumb and blind dwarf it is, then!"


P.S. 'A Midwestern Doctor' is superb. Writing that comprehensive yet accessible to laymen is rare.

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I am so sorry, John!! But also, it means that you are on the right side of history!!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Holy monster artichoke!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by John Day MD

I think this is the first time reading one of your blogs. You're in great company with other smart, helpful doctors who can see and think outside of the expected and who don't just follow directions. I'm just dreaming of retirement after 20 years as a floor nurse while working on my functional medicine certification, blessed with a medical exemption. Trying to keep a good attitude, but stories like yours can cause some negative thoughts. Nothing surprises God and that gives me comfort. God loves justice and that helps a lot.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Thank you for your courage

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thank you for your courage and perseverance! You have made a sacrifice. for sure. Keep up the good work, you are not alone.

is that a scotch thistle in the photo??

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Hey John, just made it here. The first address I had took me to your G-blog, and I did write a comment over there. The notion of removing your Boards because of holding a difference of opinion (how dare you believe TRUTH?!) shows the value of these boards. ZIP. ZERO. NADA.

What an absolute joke our medical system has become. The 'badge of honor' is going to be the first thing to look for, as those who have been persecuted are the trustworthy people! And if McCullough's data is correct (2 weeks ago in NY he said 96% of docs took the jab!), there may be a shortage they did not anticipate!

I am subscribing to your blog, it will give you an email address for me. If you see this, please write me a note privately as I'd like some dialogue.

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