Thank you for the article by Mr. Hersh on Sgt Calley. I was in my 20s when the My Lai massacre details came to light. I was horrified that Americans would do such a thing and deeply saddened for the Vietnamese. I did read a recent news article about Calley's death. And thought good riddance. But really it seems he was just a tool of his government. It was my govt. that did that, and continues to do that around the world. I am embarrassed and angry.

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I was in 7th grade on a Marine Corps base when that story was in the news, and there were a lot of strong feelings in various directions back then.

I was glad that my friend Dan sent me this piece about Lieutenant Calley, for my careful consideration, and editing down to share the key points.

I am glad that you also found benefit in it.

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I came here to write something similar to what @Susan J. wrote, thanking you for the article. I think I was in the 9th grade at the time the story broke. It was a turbulent time with adults beginning to see that the "truths" they were told about Vietnam were just possibly not the actual Truth. Questioning was hard to do at that time, the height of the Cold War, but we are fortunate that Sy Hersh and many elements of the media in those days were willing to do it. Those days are sadly gone now, where the Press does anything other than repeat what their government handlers tell them to say, you know, like Mockingbirds...

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So I assume from your notes that Jamie Lee Curtis never bore children, and that her trans-identified kid is not her biological child. I've been following men in women's sports for a long time, and my understanding is that men who have androgen-insensitivity syndrome look very female. The arms on the boxer who took out his female opponent in 45 seconds did NOT look very female, and neither do most mediocre men who cheat. Talk about grooming masses of people! and telling them that the obvious man they see is female! Just like not seeing that Biden has dementia or that Harris is drug-addled.

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"Androgen Insensitivity", "Testicular Feminization Syndrome" produces "girls" with incomplete female characteristics, since female is the stock setting for embryonic development, and they look normally female at birth, and are raised female.

They are not diagnosed until they fail to have a menstrual period, so not usually before 13 or 14. Typically, in the US, they have surgery to remove the pelvic testes, to reduce cancer risk, and start getting estrogen supplements.

If the testes are left in, the course would be somewhat different. Body manifestations are variable, but usually taller, leaner and less pear-shaped than XX-women.

The reports are clear that both of these boxers were born as girls.

There is a lot of confusion about this, but it is not "fair" for them to compete as boxers, maybe as bicyclists?

It is a political decision in the end.

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No. And biological males have been competing as women bicyclists and beat biological females handily. I would not trust any "reports" that both of these boxers were born female; this is what the purveyors of transgender propaganda always say: "I've been female all my life" says dude who has clearly NEVER been female. I've been immersed in gender-critical writing for many years, and I don't buy any of this stuff.

That said, the most interesting intersex condition I personally know of was a friend who looked VERY female, though she was large. Finally a decent doctor decided to do some genetic testing on her, and she was born XXY. I've had people tell me that my friend was male; she was decidedly not male appearance-wise, and of course such a condition caused her many medical problems. Her brother it turned out was also a genetic anomaly.

Do you know what the overwhelming majority of women who take testosterone look like? They're fat, they have male-pattern baldness, and they grow facial hair. Testosterone, the miracle hormone which makes you lose the hair on your head and grow it instead on your face.

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Your friend may have been XXY WITH Androgen insensitivity, a double rarity, as XXY with normal androgen response present as a eunuchoid male body habitus.

A lot of women, in menopause and perimenopause take a little bit of testosterone with their estrogen and progesterone, to get a serum level a little under 50. Libido is better.

I ended up in a practice where I did a lot of women's health, having done an OB/GYN fellowship for Family Practitioners in 1994-1995, did a lot of hormonal replacement, and was one of the few doctors who would manage the rare transgender patients in Austin in those days. None of them were teenagers back then, and many already had families. These people had dealt with it a long time.

I suspect strongly that the rash of gender-identity disorders in kids and teens now is a variant of autistic-spectrum disorder from childhood vaccines.

I am very sorry to see it and to see it being politically weaponized. These are human beings with vaccine injuries and autism, and they are being manipulated, not helped, quite the contrary.

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MOST of the trans nonsense in children is either pushed on them by teachers, social workers, or wacky parents, AND by social contagion. I wish you would read about the young women who have had horrible toxins and surgeries practically forced down their throats when they went for help for their serious emotional problems. And, yes, many of them are autistic, people who are particularly vulnerable to social contagion because gender roles do not make sense to most autistic people.

Middle-aged? Older? A bunch of crap unless they are so desperate they're willing to have surgeries. But no! Most of these males remain intact and are sex mimics. One practitioner suggested that these men have serious problems with women and decide they can have an "inner woman" whom they can totally control. What do you think it does to their wives and children? The women are called transwidows and social workers heavily pressure them to conform to their husbands' wishes and the wives are told they were always lesbians. This is termed GASLIGHTING. You can find many transwidows online talking about their horrible experiences; Ute Heggen is a fine example. One thing that viscerally revolts these women is having their husbands insist the children call them mother.

Much has changed since your experience in Austin. Transgenderism is a mental illness and should be treated as such. And it's always horrifying to read about the awful men -- sex molesters -- who pushed this garbage in the 20th century. At last! men found a way to totally negate femaleness which allows them to deprive women of their rights because if you can't name what a woman is, women cannot join together and fight for liberation.

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Supposedly about 80% of "trans" teens also have autistic spectrum features, which seem to mainly come from excessive and never safety-tested childhood vaccines. Otherwise we would not see what we see, and there would not be so much vulnerability.

This is not, in my estimation, between men, women or other groups of regular people, but it is another aspect of dividing people against each other to rule them.

I am sorry to see it in all of it's perverse manifestations.

We need to understand, explain and call it out at all levels.

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Do so as a gender-critical feminist and be threatened with rape with a chainsaw. Or the murder of your children.

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As for the video of a Shooter RUNNING Across Roof As Trump Is Speaking - I cannot see a person in that video. The object I do see is too fuzzy to identify. Perhaps the video was edited?

It's true that the story told us by the Secret Service is incomplete and suspicious. Tucker Carlson's interview of Jack Posobiec, https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-jack-posobiec was very informative and I recommend it.

I admit when the shooting first happened, I suspected it was a faked. Now I suspect it was intentional, but botched. I'm still thinking about which is worse.

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The person running across the roof was on the other side of the roof, so just the head was visible from the bleachers. The counter-snipers were higher up and would have seen better, though there was a tree in the way for part of the roof.

I think it was intentional and botched, myself.

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I watched and listened to Tucker Carlsen's interview of Jack Posobiec: https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-jack-posobiec

“Jack Posobiec: The Trump Shooting and the Coup Against Biden”

It is long, but I found it worthwhile. At the end Jack and Tucker seemed to agree that the assassination attempt was authentic, but failed because of Secret Service fuckups - in your words, intentional and botched. Their discussion of who was behind the attempt and what they hoped to achieve is chilling.

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hmmm. I guess if he was truly the patsy of orders given 'higher up' there is some justice there--but many went through torture and death because of his actions. It is a lesson for today. Will those responsible for the death and injury during the vaxx mandates and lockdowns simply be excused because they were "only following orders?" There is a great deal of fear among Fauci and others that the crows will come home to roost on their doorstep--hence the adamant push forward to destroy as much life and liberty as possible before we put a halt to their deliberate plans to kill off as many as possible--especially children. I look forward to your thoughts on how the gross spectacle of the French Olympics ties in with the whole drama of destroying our human civilization--piece by piece. Again I would like to suggest the documentary, The Silence of Others. The silence imposed on the people of Spain after Franco's death, was a horrifying example of what Mandated Forgiveness can do to a population that suffered the torture and murder of thousands, with no recourse for bringing justice. That must not happen here. There can be no forgiveness without justice.

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I found an explanation for the spectacle of the French Olympics on The Highwire - there is some connection to French history, a history I never encountered before.

I guess the designers of that spectacle forgot that peoples world-wide would be watching with their own interpretation. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/an-olympics-of-the-occult/

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Thank you Susan J. I saw that interview as well from Highwire. For me, it was deliberate Shock and Awe! Evil must tell you what it is going to do before it does it... There is a very evil element in the Macron--WEF young global leader and avid follower--government. I can only think that they hope we will be Afraid! Be very Afraid! I am certainly disgusted by the spectacle that had nothing to do with a sporting event but certainly laid the groundwork for 'men masquerading as women' beating up on the women's teams. Why would I be interested in seeing more of this? When asked what he thinks about biological men competing on women's teams, RFK Jr. stated that he thinks it is inappropriate for men--even if they claim to identify as women--to adulterate women's sports. We have worked very hard over many decades to create an arena where women can show their expertise in sporting events. It is simply wrong to allow the 'higher testosterone levels' to upstage the women and make a mockery of the competition.

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I am glad to read your reaction to the opening ceremonies. I found them insulting and debased. Since the Olympics is supposed to be a world-wide event, to use the history of the host nation to shape the ceremonies seems abusive.

And I was horrified by the man allowed to participate in Women's boxing. That is beyond abusive. His female opponent was traumatized.

All in all the French Olympic Committee, whatever their name, blew it. They insulted participants and viewers.

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I am glad to stand with you in calling out the disgusting spectacle presented at the opening of these 'games.' I really liked your perspective, " Since the Olympics is supposed to be a world-wide event, to use the history of the host nation to shape the ceremonies seems abusive." I so agree.

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What a glorious garden! Thanks for the piece on Calley and Mi Lai. It is important to remember and I never read this side of it. Was Calley still in prison when he died? Thanks for giving us more than sound bites. I never mean to read the whole article but can't help myself. :) War is Hell. Let's end it forever by sharpening our diplomacy skills and continuing to tell the stories of the horror. Did you ever read "Why Men Love War"? It is very sobering and reminds us of how easy it is to fire up nationalism.

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I never read that book, no.

I found this:

Calley was convicted in 1971 for the murders of 22 people during the rampage. He was sentenced to life in prison but served only three days because President Richard Nixon ordered his sentence reduced. He served three years of house arrest.

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