When I was living in China I worked for a Jew... later I found out he was a Mossad Agent.

His work was basically to bring western Business to china.

The implications of this are deliberate and strategic... basically you weaken the west and build up china... as a future adversary... creating a future enemy for a future war.

America and the west has lost its production capability and with it is knowledge base.

Putin and Russia and the war in Ukraine are exactly the same... they forced Putin to attack by threatening Russia... and they do now the same in Poland by stationing nukes there.

It is a very deliberate act of sabotage upon Humanity... strategically to create WW3.

Add to this the Trans Agenda CRT BLM ANTIFA and you understand the strategic dehumanizing control in order to sabotage the world.

The ADL basically is a greater threat a greater enemy to America than Tic Toc.

And scott Ritter tells the world what I say for a very long time... Israel today is Nazi Germany 19333 and worse... Israel is a crazy state full of crazies... we should cut all ties with Israel.

But of course the US is under total Jewish control... and the Jews want war..., WW3.

Therefore domestic problems are ignored... again a deliberate strategic act of sabotage... while a future war is supported and as a result your Grandkids Future destroyed because the USA is bankrupt but we have money for a war.

Rabbi Alon Anava tell us who the culprits are...Essentially Jews / Freemasons Rockefeller Rothschild.


And there is no reasoning with this lot... they have no Humanity inside.

You see this with the protests... essentially mirroing the Vietnam war protests... the police is a Mob... Mindless useless Motherfuckers.

The message is simple... stop this war... stop all wars... yet no one hears it.

Instead their solution of the problem their creation is to escalate... Mob Mentality.

Power corrupts... and all in power are totally corrupt... by the very people you protect... playing the victim card... without taking the responsibilities for their actions... essentially rabbited dogs and the only solution is to shoot them.

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Those in power "without humanity" are a "diverse" lot, without loyalties, except to themselves, and their role is to keep culling the human herd when it overgrazes. They are adapted to this ecological niche.

They use the mob-mentality of the herd to create factions, like police/Brownshirts, then they train them in Israel for "free", paid for with taxes through the fraudulently controlled system of representative-government.

Power corrupts, which means that there must be some other mechanism than to "shoot them", because that is the exercise of "power", and those who shoot people have already been corrupted, as we already see.

The "solution" as I see it is outside the box of power politics. The solution is to accept and follow Divine Guidance, not human-sacrifice...

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There's another solution. I've been enjoying reading your comments Fritz. We have the same concerns, and I believe the same aspirations.

However many ruling man is an utter failure. God's kingdom is the only hope for us. I know your feelings on the subject, I don't want a long winded debate. I much prefer to build on what we do agree on. And that's a lot. Exposing the lies is a good thing. I salute you, you brave warrior

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Here's my two cents regarding Buddha and Jesus. Buddha had many good lessons to teach, but he was of the upper classes. Jesus was a landless Palestinian peasant and he challenged the oppressive system far more than Buddha did. Eating with women! Eating with the unclean! Eating with tax collectors! And then he was called a glutton!

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I believe from my study and meditation that both knew the Truth, but had trouble explaining it to people.

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HUH? Those parables difficult for you?

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You can't explain color to a color-blind animal that specializes in night vision.

Parables may point to truth, but only a person who is capable of understanding can understand.

Additionally, there are sometimes layers of meaning from superficial to deeply spiritual.

Absolute truth can be referred-to in words, but not transmitted in words.

Factual circumstances and events can be communicated fairly well in words.

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God's Kingdom... two things I do not agree... Religion and Monarchy.

It implies that God & Kings own the lot... they own fuck.

What I do agree is Truth Freedom and peace.

With Freedom comes responsibility... and without Truth there is no freedom.

People imply that because they are Christians they have morality... fuck that.

Every war ever fought is based on Religion... even Adolf Hitler had an audience with the pope... and don't get me started on the Jews what they do in Gaza.

And all these Religious people lack self awareness self respect and self responsibility... mind blowing.

I present for almost two decades a Solution... my Hypersonic Train I patented 15 years ago... infinite speed... absolute zero emissions.

Only now people start to understand the term Hypersonic because of the war in Russia and Iran has some.

Yet they use a similar technology that I use in my Train... a sonic combustion air breathing engine or scramjet... I was way ahead then and I am way ahead now.

But when I present my work people tell me they don't want it... staggering... instead they tell me I have to find Jesus.

At this point I have lost all sympathy for Religion and I think all Religious people should be crucified... their skin burned with liquid acid so they die the most painful slow death for their sins... which is to believe in God and Religion in the first place.

If you take away from society all the work that people like me... Atheists... Forward thinkers... Inventors... you are left with nothing... back to caves.

No electricity... no Internet... no car... nothing.

I tell you a secret....free of charge.

I solve all the problems in the world with two things:

Free Education for life and energy from water.

Religion should be banned and criminalized because it stops people thinking and using their brains.

It is a crutch to the mind that stops people from knowing they can walk.

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"The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You."

Do not give up your decision-making to authoritarian-religion, which is the work of power-elites.

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No Kingdom no heaven no Hell.

The spirit of everything and everyone is in everything and everyone.

Everything is connected and we are one.

Principles of a living Universe we are all part of.

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Yes, that is a more well rounded concept of "God", though no concept can be adequate for the Consciousness within which ALL exists.

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One could argue that we are living inside of God...

We are living in Buddhas Belly.

Buddha is laughing because he is happy to gave life to a universe.

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Well, Fritz, supposedly Buddhist missionaries were at work in Palestine at the time Jesus was alive, which might explain why I moved so seamlessly from Zen to being a Jesus follower.

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Apr 27
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So genocidal murderer Benjamin Netanyahu considers himself a judge of peaceful protestors, does he?

It's about time that every time Netanyahu does something disgusting, that the most media-savvy honest people call him a genocidal murderer.

They should also call the pro-Zionist prostitutes in the MSM 'lying appeasers of genocidal murderers'.

Every member of the US Congress/Senate that says that Zionist mass murder cannot be protested against should face the same fate as 30,000 Palestinians already have. They should die horribly, without dignity and utterly without rights of proper burial. So should all the money men and women who conspire with those corrupt people to enrich the prostitutes in return for the betrayal of the US people.

Maybe that is what it will take to make traitorous, treasonous, non-representatives of the US people either learn to behave or withdraw from public life?????

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It isn't just the people of the US but of all the west in particular and the world as a whole. These powers hold no allegiance to any geographical location or peoples beyond their own, whom ever they are? Dark times are indeed upon us.

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Paramedics and rescuers were cited as saying that some bodies had been found with their hands tied and their abdomens cut, raising suspicions of organ theft.


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These reports seem to occur around all of the mass graves that Israelis dump corpses into.


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What this means is that when the first dust has settled dozens of organ harvesting surgeons with mobile refrifgeration units, following immediately behind the IDF, step in and get to work.. The best organs are harvested from people still alive. Ker-ching! $$$$$$$$$......

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I’m wondering about the Ukraine. Russia might be quiet.

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Lots or reports about organ harvesting in Ukraine, including missing-children.

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Dear Doc, Everything here on this plane is only temporal, make investments in and decisions to prepare yourself for what where You will spend Eternity, once this sick World has passed away !!!!

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I agree that one should "store up for yourself treasures in Heaven", which is to work for peaceful solutions which reduce suffering, "loving your neighbor as yourself".

Eternity is a long time.

I don't know what will happen this coming week. Keeping nose to grindstone...

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I am a Christian that believes in reincarnation, so apparently I am more invested in this world than you. This world is a crucible for your soul. Come back again to burn away your imperfections.

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This is a good way to see it, not particularly different from my view, though "certainty" is elusive in such matters.

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Thanks. New to me. Both seeking harmony. I believe the Western Civ to follow Faust and his bargain with the devil for “buy now and pay later” will be replaced with a Culture of Holographic/fractal perspective. Walking in Beauty/harmony is fitting.

As for reincarnation, I took it seriously when I came across rumors that our ruling elites serving the Demiurge have knowledge to return to the same families.

Here are the indigenous Americans with similar belief and abilities to do this.


If true:

Did the Smithsonian Institute or similar group uncover this in 19th Century? Was this ritual known already for many centuries? If this spiritual tech was available to all, how would we then live knowing that karma is returning back to your very same society that you stewarded.

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I have now read that. Such stories convinced me of reincarnation long ago, but there are variations, and it is impossible to have certainty, though a person may strongly intuit things, but they are "proof" to nobody else.

I was reading about "The Bible" here to respond to Fritz https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/hocking_david/hna/hocking_hna18.cfm

I am John Wickliffe Day (traditional family spelling) and you are Will Tyndale:

"But let's talk about English. We have John Wycliffe. Today we have the Wycliffe Bible Translators in his memory, the largest missionary organization in the world by far with over 6,000 employees. Long before printing, John Wycliffe translated from Jerome's Latin Vulgate. John Wycliffe is the one who used Jerome's Latin Vulgate. Tyndale is the first to be printed from the Greek text and he used the one of Erasmus. William Tyndale-a tremendous story, God's Outlaw; it is one of the most thrilling stories you'll ever read about a man who lost his life to just get the Bible into the hands of the people. And you will get a new appreciation for the importance of your Bible-William Tyndale-that's why his name is remembered today. There's also a publishing house called Tyndale Publishing House."

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Nice to meet you Wycliffe and/or his fractal reitteration. I was told that William Tyndale would be a great-uncle as he had no direct descendants. I am a beginner at studying reincarnation, but I have done more of my family tree since. Tracing back for centuries, I have realized that - for a given gene pool - we are all related and woven together.

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Not certain, but I have seen enough faiths to see this is a healthy way to live a life - in agreement with Essenes, Cathars, Native Americans, and Rudolph Steiner. To truly embrace this concept, a society would devote its wealth and energy to creating a culture that protects and nourishes a child’s development - as even the wealthiest man must return again to the same society and start over as a child.

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I believe the Navajo "Walking in beauty" is the same as Hawaiian "Real Aloha", because it was recognized in my wife, Jenny, in both places when we lived there.

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Dear Will, I am not a religious Individual, just a Conscious Human Being !!!!

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I don't believe in reincarnation but I do believe that the energies we have expressed in our life -- whether life-embracing or life-destroying -- continue after us.

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Did you read Dolores Cannon, or Edgar Cayce !!!!!

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Hello Dr. John, Thank you for finding the information on an attempt by Israel to set off a nuke as an emp on Iran. I hope this has a conclusion as true or false and does see the light of day.

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We may need to draw our own conclusions over time and as events unfold.

A world where this did happen should behave differently from a world where this did not happen, right?

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Not clear why the police were so aggressive. Even threw a guy with a pro camera to the ground( looked old and not HDMI. Might have been a prop.

Good job though hardly anyone knows this level of hardware.

I’m going to analyze and see if I can tell what brand.

The battery is straight up 30 years old.

It’s shocking

I may send an email and letter to UT, DPS ( mostly who was there ) and APD

I saw UT cops and APD DOING MOST of the takedowns.

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I saw that yesterday, but could not get a copy I could post until today. FOX news guy they assaulted from behind. Lots of that kind of brutality this week. I'm not posting sniper pictures on university buildings, though. There are plenty of them.

Greg Abbot will never get a vote from me as long as I live, at this point.

I'll get this steaming pile of shite out tonight, but it is taking me so long.

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That’s a losing battle friend

I’m curious to see what the libertarians do today.

Yesterday Kennedy addressed the national libertarian caucus and today Trump address them.

Trump might get boo’d off the stage.

Kennedy got a standing ovation yesterday.

I wanted to go but the tickets were just too much.

I’ve been bleeding money for a year now and though Aetna and Medicare approved me for 200,000$ for the Proton treatment, I’m on the hook for 20%

But, since I came in through the research way, they may forgive the 20%

I’m getting 34 treatments and have 5 to go.

I can definately feel like something has changed.

My bladder is smaller. I’m over the worst of the treatments, the heavy radiation long duration treatments

My colon had to be empty and my bladder full.

Wearing a penis clamp is weird and painful, and doing a colon prep every night sure got old.

At the strongest radiation levels by the weekend I would be dog tired with diarrhea.

The first month was seriously difficult, but I have the preps and process routine now ( it’s still no fun, but I have a repeatable pattern )

The have to stick an anus catheter that about a foot long up my rectum and then the fill it with water.

This is to protect my colon and anus from stray protons.

I only felt pain twice when they were shooting radiation from underneath and it exited one of my laparoscopic wounds and scar tissue.

Felt like a finger stick.

Once also out my naval as I’ve had two laparoscopic procedures through that ( 2 scars )

I finish June 6 and leave here June 9th

Headed to Fairmont WV and then to New River for rafting and fishing

NASA has a center in Fairmont WV and I worked with that team a lot.

So going to visit friends.

Our I V & V team is based there

Validation and Verification

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Thanks for the updates and explanations of what you are feeling going through all of these treatments. I am glad that you are able to maintain a positive and constructive attitude.

We had a big family gathering yesterday, so I am missing news of the Libertarian Convention. I have a lot of gardening and canning today.

The Libertarians are more important than usual this cycle, if we have an election, that is...

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I hope everyone saw the silly woman wearing a T-shirt that said JEW on the front trying to provoke protesters and being completely ignored. And I hope everyone saw the online comments regarding Soros (a virulent Zionist) and how absurd it is to say he is financing the protests. He finances bills legalizing prostitution which actually means he finances bills legalizing pimping and brothels. He's a big financier of transgender ideology. I love actual toads, but not people who look like them (Soros). I will definitely open a bottle of bubbly on the day he goes to Hell.

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Soros might have plans to profit from sowing ANY division.

Globalist Zionists and nationalist Zionists are having policy disagreements of late, as I understand it.

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