There are accusations that Hunter was a CIA operative in Ukraine since his dad was vice president. CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter's Hollywood Tax 'Sugar Brother': CIA knew he was grifting for China too. Espionage and entanglement among leaders in nations leading up to and inclusive of nuclear war serves somebody. Obama White House served Iran very well by blocking at the highest level any investigations. However not only Iran, for like the CIA Obama served somebody, CIA serves somebody but it's complicated how that works that some overall technique of globalization is at work. I think it is like a communist cell structure, this globalism. Or simpler we are blind men and there is an Elephant. Both propositions even after Covid are ignored. Following the money helps. Tracking family wealth through time with winners and losers and original ambitions.

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There are systems of power, where the elites mostly don't go after each other in such a way as to threaten the arrangements of the system, but sometimes everything breaks down and it's Eat Or Be Eaten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5uB9OM5c6Y


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A bit of cordial social darwinist competition among plutocrats tired of feasting on children is the breakdown. System fails to generate the right winners. Players forget the House always wins.

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But sometimes the house changes. I think we are at Peak Elites now...

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Right on. I don't speak Mandarin.

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My sister the language major and international business "branding specialist" in LA speaks and reads Mandarin, though her Japanese is best...

I can't count on her. I think she'll wish she was near my vegetable garden.

It's our local(ish) elites that are more dangerous to our lives in general...

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What a comedy show. The elites parade naked cloaked in pseudo-power and they - because it is always Saturnalia in America-rule over and command obedience or else We The People suffer the full force of a non-law that will be partially upheld and partially over turned years after the damage.

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May 24Liked by John Day MD

"the Israeli genocidal war against the native Palestinian people trying to survive in their ancestral land"

Such a true quote

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Empire of Balance is a Conundrum.

An Empire by design is an Imbalance of power.

So there is an Off Balance... and that I agree.

How many people got that?

A lot of assassinations and assassination attempts lately...

And threats to Democracy from Blinken and EU Comissioners.

But hey what can you expect from people like that`?

People like Blinken who literally wank of on pictures of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Problem creators in Power that are unelected and support Genocide.

All lightening up the funeral pire of an Empire based on Illusions.

This from Alex of the Duran... by far the best comment on Geopolitics.



Had a great talk with the straight juice on Elon Musk.

And we both agree (as does the Duran) that the powers are losing their grip.


And I want to tell you this:

Expect the unexpected because they are losing it... their whole plan implodes and they do anything and I mean Hiroshima Nagasaki like...

The kikes don't like to lose their power.

Be vigilant my friend.

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Ever vigilant. Time to garden and ride my bike...

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Can't like... somehow they disabled me liking people...

Love it that you ride your Bike...

Been doing the same.

Right now still have acupuncture treatment for my Arm.

When this is done I go full training again... been missing it for a long time.


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May 25·edited May 25Liked by John Day MD

same boat here, cant 'do likes'....weeks now....all substacks....ah, the delicate subtleties of ever increasing intolerance.....should I thank the masters for allowing me to comment at all? /s

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It just means we are doing something right.

I highly suspect it is the AI.

And AI as I wrote a many of times and warn people for over 4 years and counting is centralized Fascism.

So it isn't really Substack per se but the AI Substack employ.

Another good Argument against AI.

The solution I also have written... the AI abuse prevention act.


For exactly this reason.

Again I have been proven right again... haven't I?

Only a class action Lawsuit and the AI prevention act going viral has a chance to stop this.

Because it is clearly an abuse of power.

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The censorship filters that Google has been using have been highly variable most of the time since spring 2016, when I suddenly started being subject to various AI censorship filter functions, always variable, and often changing. They turned off after the November election, then repeated every election cycle. They don't want to leave tracks, barely fingerprints...

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Thank you my friend... you are truly vigilant and I highly respect that.

I can verify that every word you say... even i stopped using Google years ago.

But I do compare different search engines regularly.

And if you type in certain searches you get 10 pages of debunk before you ever if ever get to the point.

So I am right about the Abuse of AI?

And the AI abuse prevention act?

I wrote this to make people aware that if we do something like that and stick together and use it as a base of say a class action lawsuit... we would have a chance... don't you think?

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Same here! I could 'like' up to yesterday. Today 'no can do'. Will Comments be next?

Who owns Substack btw?

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I suspect Substack gets attacked at times. The limit on likes is more subtle, though...

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I sometimes find I am rationed to one "like" on a thread on other blogs...

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John - there's certainly plenty more 'harmony' needed in the USA right now.

I was absolutely horrified reading some of the BTL 'comments' at the Gateway Pundit today - there really were people claiming that 'it was the British that murdered 1 million in Iraq', they were stating that 'it would be really good for smelly London to get one of Putin's nukes' and 'we should leave NATO and let the Europeans have their war in Ukraine'.

When you combine this with nonsense like '100,000 US troops saved all of Europe and 25 million russians had nothing to do with it', they merely 'kept their German neighbours out of their front garden' or the like, you start to see a level of deranged evil that suggests a tipping point is coming in relations between the USA and Europe.

I am not impressed to hear that Donald Trump has signed up Nikki Haley to be 'part of his team'. If Trump didn't learn first time round that signing up Washington DC swamp life isn't the way to get anything done, it says that he has already 'gone native' and is deliberately seeking to con US voters again in 2024. The more interesting question there is: 'why would he do that?'

Whilst every adult human knows that the people of a country are not the same as the regime of a country, I'm really close to losing hope that the USA is not going to become a force for really repugnant evil in the next generation.

It's clear there are coordinated moves afoot to turn Europe into a wasteland and the USA will be gloating from the rafters as it happens. The concept of gloating about London being nuked is so repugnant that I hope that Jim Toft is challenged about it during his chapter 11 negotiations. I'd ask him why I should have any mercy whatsoever for a bloke that condones his readership salivating about genociding European underlings. I'd tell him to sell his assets in their entirety, pay his bills and go live on the streets.....as a choice preferable to going to live as a slave to Ashkenazi Jews.

One does have to ask who the USA is going to have left as 'allies'. I don't see many in Central- nor South America. Certainly not too many in Africa. They apparently hate China, Japan would love to escape from their tentacles. I suppose it still leaves Canada, Australia and New Zealand...it's not a huge number of friends to keep, is it?

I'm all in favour of freedom of speech, but I happen to believe there should be consequences too.

If saying 'nuking London would be a great thing to witness' is now acceptable in American society, then no-one can complain to much if 5 billion people would prefer to see Washington DC flattened by a mushroom cloud, Chicago sunk into Lake Michigan, LA ending up in the Pacific Ocean, Miami ending up in the Gulf of Mexico and NYC ending up in the Hudson River.

We hear all this nonsense about 'Palestinian hate' when they say 'from the river to the sea'.

Is that more hateful than saying 'I'd love to see London nuked to a pulp', eh?

Plenty of evil terrorist minds in the USA and they aren't Arabs, they aren't commies, they are right-wing Americans that haven't learned the difference between right and wrong.....

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The elites, our "owners" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7yzi1I_Zsk pick and choose what narratives to pump in what demographic, "twitter space", etc. how hard to pump, when to pump, and what actual events to create feed which narratives. The fine-tuning of this is orders of magnitude beyond what was afforded by radio, newspapers and even TV.

I don't think they can get a baby-bear "just right" war, anyway.

They have models ...


Their economic system will break. I don't want WW-3 as a "solution" to keep them in control.

I want them to step down more gracefully than that... Yes, it means buying-them-off, but it's less bad than the other trajectory.

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How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely ​one of its ​many stalking horse​s.

After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.

The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is​: the​ UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.

Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.

If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.

The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.

If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com. If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".

We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.

Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.

The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.

By the way, at the same link, PreventGenocide2030.org, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.

Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.

And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.

​Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.

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May 26·edited May 26Author

Hi Rima. I see you are also friends with Iurie and Kat.


Good News (but be cautious): Meryl Nass MD, Some good news: the Treaty negotiations failed to reach agreement and are done. WHO bureaucracy will still try to move something forward next week but the worst should be gone.

CONGRATULATIONS! https://merylnass.substack.com/p/some-good-news-the-treaty-negotiations

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Yes, I am friends with them and respect both of them.

Meryl, sadly, is totally taken with the WHO issue. As I have pointed out, when we are out of the entire UN Death Machine, WHO is no longer relevant. None of the bits and pieces of this complex, highly effective Death Machine are relevant.

Sadly, Meryl has said terrible and untrue things about me (about which I sent her a Cease-and-Desist letter) but that is unimportant. What is important is that she has a considerable audience and is misleading them to focus on a superficial abscess when the problem is the deeper rot which the abscess shows a window into.

The important thing is not who says what or who gets credit for what. It is that we pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 with enough votes to override the veto that the SPiC (Sock Puppet in Charge) in the Oval Office will give it.

That is, to my mind, the only meaningful strategic objective that will solve our enormous problems.

All that will take is somewhere around 10 million people picking up their Freedom Mice and taking the Actions at https://PreventGenocide2030.org.

And, along the way, the Action there points out to every member of the US Congress that, since we never had a valid treaty, but only a fraudulent one, with the UN, NOT voting for the Disengaging Entirely from the UN Debacle Act of 2023 makes them a criminal party, in violation of their Oath of Office, to an on-going fraud.

Seems like an interesting point to make to them.

It's their own rear ends that are hanging out on this one.

Perhaps that will be an added inducement for them.

Either way, massive public pressure is required.

That means each person who is aware, like you, John, needs to bring this to the attention of your circle of influence as vigorously as possible.

Please reach out to me if you would like further in-depth info.

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Hi Rima. Thank you for your detailed reply.

I fear that sometimes we-who-seek-truth may squabble in a blind men and elephant kind of way, though each of us is earnest and right about most of what we say...

Meryl has reached a lot of people and representatives around the world with her relentless efforts. James and Kat have also been part of that push.

"Rust never sleeps", as the saying goes.

I don't think that "we", the non-elites of the world, will ever be safe in this epoch, which has just begun. The elite "owners" (per Carlin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7yzi1I_Zsk ) see the need to seriously cull their human herds, as they are the apex-predators in the human economic ecosystem, and the days of economic growth are over.

How many sequential attacks upon our lives will the elites undertake?

"How many skins hath an onion?"

I am not nihilistic, but seek Divine Guidance, because there are paths through these times.

I don't think there are any administrative saviors to be found within bureaucratic systems, such as governments and corporations, but that doesn't mean that sincere efforts are wasted, either.

"All things work together for good, for those who love God."

That is a simple statement, but it lays out a complex path of human life and endeavor, which cannot be fully known ahead of time, but guidance will come at or just ahead of critical junctures.

When I decided to accept firing for vaccine-refusal in October 2021, after 18 years of service through that public health clinic, and a maximum merit raise 2 months prior, I did it as a spiritual act, which I had never foreseen.

We had taken our teenage kids to the Anne Frank House, Dachau concentration camp, and Tuol Sleng Museum in Cambodia, to teach them about this recurrent mode of human history, where ordinary humans kill other ordinary humans.

I had taught them that they had to be vigilant to see it begin, then get away. I could not give a clear and certain sign to watch for, but when I saw "the unvaccinated" being made "untermenschen", I recognized history rhyming. Contrary to what I had taught them, I saw that I had to "stand naked with the Jews", as I put it to people at work, some of whom took offense...

I knew, in the event, what I could not foresee ahead of time. My spiritual act did change the path of my life, but our world is on a changed path, and there is no return to what was before.

Yours in Service,


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' Blinken Says He Wants To Work With Congress To Punish the ICC​ (international criminal court)'

Maybe that genocidal Jew Blinken needs to have lots of the non-US world gang up on him and his genocidal cronies to punish them??

The case in law would be infinitely stronger.....

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May 25Liked by John Day MD

"House Passes Bill Blocking The Fed From Issuing A CBDC​"

Having given this cbdc thing a lot of thought about how to work around it, having it installed may prove to be of some fun. How would the grift in politics still move monies around without being tracked? If it's trackable it's hackable! Might be easier and faster to "follow the money" around. At the very least it may make buying political favours a bit more difficult. Still I don't see it as any win. Fiat, which cbdc's are just another form, and usury have to go if there is to be any reasonable future.

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We will soon enter a transition and beta-testing phase.

There are more $100 bills in the world than $1 bills, the second most common denomination.

India cancelled the value of their highest value notes a couple of years ago, so hoard $20 and $50 bills, I guess.

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May 26Liked by John Day MD

I wouldn't hoard too may paper bills, they will be changed so as to be useless in the cbdc future. They may also just be discontinued and their lifespan halted as no longer accepted. Here in Canada it has happened already to several bills. A lot of smaller bills of older origin are no longer accepted and the $1000 note has been removed altogether from circulation and isn't cashable anywhere. Hoard metals of any kind, copper, aluminum, silver whatever. These will be more useful after the cash is deemed illegal and that will be done. No you say! Think about gold in the thirties no longer tradable and you had to cash it in at a price set by .gov or else. Seeds will be another tradable item going forward as will be anything that can be used to fix or build things and the knowledge of how to use them.

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"Hoard" is a relative term. "Cash buffer" is as good, but with different implications.

Trading/barter is really inefficient.

It's hard to know what to do, but basics like biking, veggie gardening, and keeping a couple of months of stock in the pantry, and clean water seem prudent.

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For non-Americans the visceral hatred for Trump exhibited by a large faction in the USA is a totally inexplicable mystery. Helen of Destroy characterises him as "vulgar", which offers a clue, but is he?

The dictionary definitions of "vulgar" are:

1) "lacking sophistication or good taste". We can ask, are Obama and Killary considered sophisticated in USA, or exhibiting "good taste"? Not outside USA, I can assure you. Meanwhile, lack of sophistication is usually seen as a virtue (or a weakness in certain circumstances), but never a vice.

As for good taste, this is surely an irrelevant style issue.

2) "characteristic of or belonging to ordinary people" - apart from being an insult to "ordinary people" clearly this is a plus in a politician / democracy.

3) "Making explicit and offensive reference to sex and bodily functions, coarse and rude". Surely this applies to Kamala Harris. "Not my type" hardly qualifies....it is honest, it does not insult.

For outsiders, barring the WEF exceptionalists, Trump has the appeal of genuine Americana, and thus likeability - something which had become a distant memory.

Finally, it should be noted that "unpredictability" (quoting Helen of Destroy,) is a powerful political weapon.

Whether these - on the whole - political virtues work out for "ordinary" Americans, should Trump achieve a 2nd term, of course remains to be seen.

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I think Trump fronts for nationalist deep-state & elites. The whole style thing as part of identity-politics is outside of my own nature, so I simply see it with puzzlement, as you do.

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I looked at Dr. McCullough's Contagion Emergency Kit and it seems to me wildly

overpriced at $300. for meds I can get here and in greater quantity per box in Greece for about 40 euros, some without prescription. My total however excludes Ivermectin where (locally) twice his dose costs 90 euros - someone is making a packet importing from India and overcharging Greeks!

Does this reflect a difference in pharmaceutical prices between countries? Is dr. McCullough's kit correctly priced in the USA?

What IS invaluable though is to see a list of what should be on hand and buying ahead.

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Yeah, McCullough is a bit narcissistic and self-serving. He treated me completely inconsiderately, then glibly said he would "make it up to me next time".

Don't fund him.

Baby, bathwater, you know...

He's very smart and medically competent.

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May 24Liked by John Day MD

Unless it’s a family secret, would you tell us your salsa recipe?

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Food processer makes about a pint, a bit more if you over-stuff it, so each pint gets peppers (to taste), heaping half teaspoon salt, fresh minced garlic, fresh cut onion (about a loose half cup) fresh tomatoes to basically fill (not stuffed), fresh cilantro if you like it and have it.

I am using different tomato types and pepper types to customize jars.

The only things not from my garden right now are the peppers, and salt.

The Ball Blue Book of Pickling and Canning is available at used book stores and new. It's "the bible" as regards the actual canning process in boiling water bath.

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May 25Liked by John Day MD

Thank you!

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I second that :-))

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May 24Liked by John Day MD

"The definitive war for loss of imperial power is the one being fought by the apartheid European colonists of "Israel" against the stoic and long-suffering Palestinian people, randomly bombed, starving in rubble and praying five times per day."

One more

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May 24Liked by John Day MD

This is related, re pyramids....3.5 hrs, an afternoon...but well done.....first 5 min is intro....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMAtkjy_YK4 The Movie Great Pyramid K 2019 - Director Fehmi Krasniqi imo, a rather reasonable explanation.....!

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It moves very slowly. Can you state their thesis, please?

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May 24Liked by John Day MD

Thanks for asking John...lets see....

The units of measurement being the width of a raindrop, a centimeter. Discovered by ancient peoples, not the French just before 1800....

That this centimeter determined all other measurements used.

Later in the docu, that many other ancient ruins buildings measure precisely in metric.

That everything was poured in place. Rather simply chemistry.

It's all concrete. stones were not chiseled.

There is a fantastic lens that can melt stone, itself made from a natural material.

Later in the docu, that this tech is what advanced the Masonic movements, building secrets for complex stonework, right into our centuries.

That if the rocks for pyramids had been chiseled from stone, they would essentially have a grain to them that would be directional, and it would vary.

These 'stones' we find in pyraminds have a unified composition and direction of magnetic resonance, only achievable if poured of same material that allowed its contents to orient correctly during curing of elastic material....(this I just deduced, its implied but not really stated)

They spend a good deal of time delineating the previous theories, (with sarcasm, subtly) but its worth sticking with it for the second half. Well produced, easily refuted, probably. But a cool effort, I would say. best and thanks again- j

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Thanks Jacquelyn. There are a fair number of truly ancient and large things in the world which are not explained within prevalent views of world history.


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