Me too. I’m in the city with the longest lockdown in the world. I was stupid and had a Pfizer vax and am one of the walking wounded. I’m determined to survive to spite the ba###ards. They don’t seem to realise the boy with the most toys still dies. These diseases your talking about are all medium to long term- another way for pharma to extract money through health systems. They’ve got all the bases loaded so to speak.

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Eat fresh vegetables and keep your vitamin-D level up, sister.

It's not over yet.


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Yep forgot I’m also on K-2 and I’ve started taking Kind ji red rice bran instead of Lipitor and it’s working well. I found out the cholesterol drugs interfere with natural liver function and also cross the blood brain barrier and contribute to dementia- something they fail to mention .

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Keep thinking about economics, Doc, incentives are the key to understanding.

Your observations about privatization and debt load are concise, and the answer to when and how those factors can be destructive, revolve around the P/E and turnover calculus.

We're always looking for root cause, and I've been speculating that it's a matter of income inequality, but not in the way that it's usually presented.

Capital accumulates. The accumulation is represented with the Pareto distribution curve. Inflation is a constant and it, and entropy, reduce the exchange value of capital. This means that capital always seeks further accumulation, just to remain constant. this dynamic occurs in all systems of exchange, including those termed "socialistic."

What I'm suggesting, is to consider the velocity of money as it affects Pareto distribution. I like the way your mind works, and if you're going to contemplate economic systems, doing so in the context of monetary velocity at different levels of capital accumulation may provoke some useful insight.

It's axiomatic that an "ought" cannot be determined from an "is." The biggest obstacle to determining an actionable "ought," it seems to me, is the tendency to formulate solutions that have fundamental alterations in human neuropsychological structure (human "nature") as their prerequisite. This is the central failure of Marxist and other redistributive political philosophies. To my mind, the central failure of mercantile distributive philosophies is the failure to find a means of reducing the disintegrative effect of capital (and wealth) accumulation without imposing coercion that is itself disintegrative.

It's a wicked problem, which is to say; every solution imposes a new and equally difficult problem.

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Capital of various kinds accumulates and is degraded in different ways, not continuously. Farmland is the base model. There is a lot of use-it-or-lose-it.

"Money" is not "capital", but a parallel representation of productive capital, treated as a surrogate, but that is now a gross error, and about to bite hard. There is at least 4 times as much "financial capital" in the world as there is productive real-capital.

Inflation is thoroughly gamed, and depends on definition. Inflation has been relatively low since 2008, until last year, due to a big asset-Ponzi-scheme sucking up all the excess "financial capital", where it was getting excellent "returns" as long as the music kept playing...

Marx was pretty good looking at Capitalism, bt not so good working out an alternative. Germany's "Iron Chancellor" Otto Von Bismarck did a remarkably adept job of working out the societal problems of capitalism in the late 1800s, but WW-1 seems to have put a stop to that progression into a societal version of "Fordist" Capitalism.

Still, we need a system which does not require growth to maintain ablance, so it will not be based upon debt-at-interest-based-money.

The BRICS plan to base money on commodities is a lot more historical, before the last 300 years of coal/oil fueled exponential growth.

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Try checking in with Armstrong Econmcs.com , Brighteon.com and James Roguski on substack(has all the WHO details). I’ve discovered this n my reading and meandering online the Rotschilds have financed both sides of every war since Waterloo even the Bolshevik revolution. As for wars WW 1 and 2 were both financed through Wall Street. Current monetary theory from Keynes and MMT creator were both devotees of Fabian. It was never trickle down economic theory more like vacuum up. Most companies are controlled by three or four major investment companies like Blackrock. There’s a whole other world out there.

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Yes, indeed, and where do we go next?

Martin Armstrong thinks we may be about to go past pretending about our political structure in the US. https://usawatchdog.com/there-may-not-be-a-2024-election-martin-armstrong/

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Yes I watched that video earlier today. I find him very interesting. His take on Ukraine situation also interesting

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Armstrong talks about the BRICS system being set up to shift economic dominance from west to east. The ways these countries seem to be aligning that looks possible. Or is it just the same WEF actors shifting the economy to the well structured Chinese version is centralised digital economy 🤔 with well established solutions coal credit system also already in place.? Confession- I’m not an economist just an old lady with an enquiring mind lol

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I think this is a power struggle for global and regional dominance between different elite factions. Look at the Michael Hudson piece. He is very readable. There is a splitting of "the west" from the-rest-of-the-world underway. I think the west can't beat 'em and should join 'em, but the owners will have to kill a lot of us and ultimately capitulate that they have lost, before we humans can enter a new, less abusive world economy. We have a financialized neo-colonialism now. It is self-consuming at this point, eating Europe.

I hope this stops soon and people address reality.

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I thought no the toxic vax is already trimming the numbers they need to kill. In this kind of war of attrition the biggest loser is humanity 😞 and how do we figure out whether it’s like WW 1 and 2 where they are financing both sides against the middle? And who decides the winner?

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"All wars are banker's wars" is a quote which comes to mind.

It does seem that cancers, cardiac deaths, stokes and autoimmune disease are on a huge upswing. We don't know how that will play over time, but some people might have an idea. They are not sharing.

It does look like there will continue to be "kinetic war" until the global banking finance thing is settled, and it should fall on the side of the BRICS group, to be more efficient as an actual economy, rather than a wealth-extraction-and-destruction system.

"Winner"? I'll settle for survival.

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We’ll they *need* to know which way the nuclear fallout will go so I don’t see it as necessarily a plot to change the weather. Aluminum is ubiquitous in our modern lives. Easy to machine, cast, forge and recycle( the best for that). Beer and soda cans, aluminum foil, pots and pans and now very common in car bodies…… everywhere. So again, it’s trace presence not necessarily a part of a larger conspiracy.

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I've just been paying attention to this for about 16 years, but I am not privy to details. I just notice little facts and clues in the news from time to time.

How IS the military "owning the weather"?

It's ok to live with that question for a really long time.

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Haha! Facts and clues in the news!? Come on John! The news??!! You meant the propaganda right? Haha. How will *they* themselves not be affected by any modifications they make on our shared environment? What do *they* gain and what cost to them ?

Now I can *see* in my minds eye how something like an engineered virus followed by an engineered vaccine could be a setup for some kind of selective population control. I’m not averse to conspiracy theories at all. But some just seem like a stretch compared to the *better* ones. Chemtrails are stretching common sense to me.

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"News" is what I seek out while internet-bottom-dredging, not so much the free propaganda, which I have been pretty good at ignoring in the new millennium.

I took a year of "Intelligence & National Security" classes in my 6th and final year of college (worked my way through), which clarified how one evaluates "signals intelligence", which is what we do with open-source information on the internet.

All information comes at a cost to somebody. Who pays that cost?

Why do they pay that cost? What is it that they want of the reader to justify paying that cost?

We know that the deep-state and a very few oligarchic-billionaires support most of the "legacy news" organizations. We see what they present, which serves some very specific interests, which are not mine or yours.

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“Sometimes there is white poweder from jets that stays in the trails, then drifts across the sky, like powder snow, blown in the wind.”

Because that’s pretty much what it is. Look up at the sky? Hahaha! You funny! You should see my photos in my screen saver. I have been a sky watcher since I was a child. I fondly recall my friend Dwight and I laying on the lawn watching the B-36’s ( that should be a clue as to how old I am) lay contrails at 35-40,000’.

6-7 years old? I am an aviation buff. I have many friends involved in aviation, military, commercial, civil and sport. Pilots and A&P’s. None have ever encountered any evidence of any mechanisms for applying the substances, whatever they may be. I actually knew a pilot that flew a plane spraying silver iodide for cloud seeding during a drought many years ago. Legit and above board. They laugh at this nonsense. But my question remains; why would the evil wizards behind the drapes spray …….. themselves?

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"Owning the weather" is why the military would use aluminum and barium oxides over cities to discern the weather patterns. Knowing the airflow patterns over cities in all conditions is of military use. One layer of stripes going one way is barium oxide, and another grid pattern going the other way is aluminum oxide, and then the radar can see what the air is doing, for instance.

Just being able to reflect more or less sunlight can have a lot of effect on surface temperatures.

In the days after 9/11/01, when there was no airline traffic, the surface temperatures across the US went up over a degree F. Less haze was the cause, it is said.

How would the US military "own the weather" without doing a whole slew of specific things?

Would they say they were doing it?

Aluminum and barium oxide powders are not poison, though the aluminum has effects on the soil.

There is suddenly a lot of aluminum in surface soil in the US, I read. There used to be none at the surface.

I think this is mundane work the military is doing. That's my take.

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You didn't tell us what Dwight thinks about Chemtrails? Open-minded or outspoken skeptic? We just spent 2+ years locked in a cycle of gaslighting, censorship, compliance tests and appeal to authority. Noted experts and professionals sacrificed their careers to expose the corruption. Re: no evidence claim.. There are many reasons why an amateur virologist or all the Doctors you meet aren't digging for evidence of vaccine corruption, regulatory capture and adverse events not to mention the legit cloud seeder or lab tech legally experimenting on beagles. We see what we want to see. Something is different with the clouds as Dr. John described. .02

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Dwight died long ago. I agree with most everything in this comment. And we absolutely see what we look at and we get what we measure. Copenhagen interpretation. I like many worlds better but whatever. Contrails are not clouds in the natural sense. The air traffic over our heads is returning to pre COVID volume. Mankind has an effect on our environment. It is not natural, again in the sense of a cloud born from the effects of natural context and per the other article. We are not going back there but for the extinction of most men and the end of a culture and society that is mired in technocracy. You are a ‘machine’ person like it or not. We can observe and collapse the wave function or create and participate in a new world line. I take the later.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I was wondering how long of a reprieve we will get until the next major imcremental shift. I spent the last 2+ years sifting through blogs, studies and current events while prepping and covering all the bases for Plan B. Lately, I've been enjoying some time off and doing Fall clean-up with my Mom and Dad in their mid-70's. I'm trying to move beyond fight or flight and participate in the stream of life. Its nice to hear from someone on the garden path.

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Re: The GeoEngineering website. Not buying it. And the reason to do this is? The people I run into that believe in chemtrails are concerning. But that is just me. Put Flight Radar 24 in your phone and tell me that every pilot and crew on all the planes that fly over us everyday 24-7 are part of this? Get real.

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Look at the sky from time to time. Sometimes there is white poweder from jets that stays in the trails, then drifts across the sky, like powder snow, blown in the wind.

Somtimes the skies don't have that.

When I was a kid, growing up on military bases during Vietnam, I saw contrails regularly, in a wide variety of weather.

This is different. It's something. It's not "nothing".

I'm not privy to exact details, so all I can prove is that you =can see what I described if you look up in the sky regularly; not every plane, not every day.

Make of it what you will.

The USmilitary said it would "own the weather" by about now, back in 1972, if I recall correctly.

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This is what happens in a Godless world. Men think they are Gods and can make decisions for the rest of us.

Nature will take care of overpopulation, if there is such a thing. It is not that some of the ideas floated out there by the elites are not such bad ideas, they want the ideas forced on the rest of us. If they were to practice what they preach and lead by example, that might be a better approach to some of the more useful ideas.

If your ideas have merit they will stand on their own without the need to force them on others. When censorship exists, this cannot happen. You cannot be a leader when nobody follows.

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But, but, but the purpose of POWER is the exercise-of-POWER!

We're just looking at it all wrong.

We're sheep. We can't be expected to understand how things really work in the world, and it's better if we don't try.

There, all better now?

But seriously, ... It seems like human-bodies, which deny or cannot access their spiritual nature and compassion, act more as wolves than "gods". They do believe in wolves, after all.

If we seek divine guidance, we may serve that long and beneficent plan, though we do not see it all. If we practice love, altruism and compassion, and seek to be stewards of life, then we are doing our best. It doesn't mean being blind to wolves, but they have this big blind spot.

They mainly see direct threats from other wolves, not necessarily sheep following a divine-calling.

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That was so well said, the best I can add is that I agree in total.

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Bottlenecks!, yes they seem to be working for something or someone. The comments are getting numerous with good discussion, this is great to see. The garden looking good, I've been holding off putting in my garlic as it is still too warm in my neck of the woods. Usually in by now but afraid it will start growing and then be killed off when the hard freeze finally gets here. We've had only a few frosty nights back in early October and nothing but May-like weather since. There is also the shifting poles that may well play a part in our ever changing weather systems. The now due or maybe over due pole flip will have an effect on every object on the planet both animate and inanimate matter.

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Thanks Red. Garlic overwinters in central Texas, with spring harvest.

Speaking of the polar reversal, people are squabbling over man-made climate change, but ignoring the severity of climate change in general, as pertains to our potetnials for life.

I think some of us are more forward looking, but most of us are not, and there are probably herd-survival reasons for that distribution. It is hard to get up to date polar-positioning information. They seem to think these things can go quickly or glacially slowlyy, so a lot of uncertainty. Fossil records don't have second-hands, it seems.

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Planting garlic in Nova Scotia can be done in the spring but I seem to have better results with fall planting for a late summer harvest. No spring harvest here due to our normally hard frozen ground, winters.

The release of magnetic field weakening reports have been stopped at least to the public it would seem. The reporting of global grain reserves put out by the UNFAO ceased in 2014 and has never been updated since, hmm? We now see the grain problem globally and it's blamed on war/energy shortages etc. I watched this report for two decades and thought in '16 when it was no longer available something was happening, and here we are. Now the magnetic field report is being suppressed, hmm? At the 2:30 mark:


Something wicked this way comes?

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Ben Davidson is "da bomb". He says what I have discerned myself. They will not release magnetic field data. I have been feeling the summer sun stronger on my skin in recent years.

Ben does not understand Jung quite well enough, but he has a good attitude and is making real progress.

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I’m taking Z stack equivalent plus 1200 mgs NAC/ day keeping Vit D levels above 100.. Can’t get Z stack in Aus. I told my general practitioner that when God wants me he’ll have to employ an axe murderer 😊

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