Very excellent post and bringing much into focus in Writing (vs auditory or video). I hope that RFK’s brilliantly engineered firestorm at the level of Congressional Hearing continues to pay off by presenting to the American people the Democide that has bloomed broadly and has been outworking for decades by secret police agencies. Now there is a clear fight about the intentionality of the mass murder even though that is not what Bobby said. But it is what Bobby constellated -- the appearance of the monstrous murder complex before the eyes of the people. On Hannity, he did the same and brought out the hidden wickedness and forgotten history...blowing up Sean’s simplistic propaganda fable. I admired Bobby’s capacity to stand his ground calmly and point out politely to Sean that deals are made and enacted all the time with people we neither like or trust. Trump is also a grown up some of the time in the same way -- but Bobby really articulated the adult real geo politics. I had to take a break watching the show because it was hard to watch Bobby cut off every time he made an irrefutable point. But, Bobby is well equipped and has trained like a Spartan warrior. He is ready. The richness of the points he made is so apparent in the written record. We have been so starved for intelligence in our national policy debate that I believe even people who cannot follow the whole exposition will be attracted to the brain food RFK set out. And however aggravating it was to see... Sean did invite him. Dr John, thank you for the brain food. It’s not new to me because I’ve been on the side of these perspectives for a long time but the written word helps anyway. I do think it is time to recognize the murder by design as the virus Frankenstein has clear inserts from HIV (to target African ethnics) and other selective targets are clear in the gene altering jab which was pushed out while the public died from lack of repurposed old drugs. It’s the same as refusing a drowning man a life preserver cause you’re waiting for the anchor to kill him. It’s clear and it’s intentional murder. We can at least agree to that so humanity can rise up to face the monster in the bright light of truth. It really matters whether you understand that some one is trying to kill you...and it’s not a philosophical’s full on engagement. Love your work Dr John.
I'm with ya, all of it. Especially " rise up to face the monster in the bright light of truth" . I loaned my copy of Kennedy's Bock on Fouchi to a lady friend. She read it. She is fully vaxed . Now she sees the truth. Dam hard to face when facing it mean your aware of how screwed you are. That's the Monster
Yes sir 🙏 - for your friend, there is very significant work being done on spike detox from whatever source it entered - see Flccc website protocols and Dr Nass websites. Natto kinase emerges as a destroyer of the spike and there are combinations of ivermectin w other benign drugs to overcome turbo cancers and prion diseases. Idk how true as have not been able to read deeply yet but it looks very hopeful — the clots also have suggested remedies and there are things we can do. I was concerned recently to see on a substack comment that there is a concern about ivermectin and fertility problems because of epigenetic alterations — there was literature but I have not seen an analysis as to who is vulnerable in this regard. If Dr John had comments I would be glad. What I do see is that we have tremendous minds and the light of the Holy Spirit informing those minds — to find cures. If I may say… Above all we must keep the faith that goodness is real in ourselves and others — that we are capable of courage and love — that we are the image of the Divine Owner of the Universe and all helping with bringing Heaven and Earth together — and we never fall out of the loving care of our Creator on either side of life. Life does not die but changes form. At least this 🔥 keeps me going.
Make sure your vitmin-D level is well up in the normal range. The immune system needs it.
Ivermectin is broadly used in Arica, including in pregnant women, but there are concerns about that. It has not been well studied in pregnancy.
From 4/5/23 "Holding The Wrong End"
Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants
Nattokinase (NK), known as a potent fibrinolytic and antithrombotic agent, has been shown to have antiatherosclerotic and lipid-lowering effects. However, data on human clinical studies are limited. In this clinical study involving 1,062 participants, our objective was to examine the efficacy of NK in atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia and safety at the dose of 10,800 FU/day after 12 months of oral administration. Various factors, including lower doses that influence NK pharmacological actions, were also investigated.
We found that NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day effectively managed the progression of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia with a significant improvement in the lipid profile. A significant reduction in the thickness of the carotid artery intima-media and the size of the carotid plaque was observed. The improvement rates ranged from 66.5 to 95.4%. NK was found to be ineffective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis progression at a dose of 3,600 FU/day. The lipid-lowering effect of NK was more prominent in subjects who smoked, drank alcohol, and subjects with higher BMI. Regular exercise further improved the effects of NK. Co-administration of vitamin K2 and aspirin with NK produced a synergetic effect. No noticeable adverse effects associated with the use of NK were recorded.
In conclusion, our data demonstrate that atherosclerosis progression and hyperlipidemia can be effectively managed with NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day. The lower dose of 3,600 FU per day is ineffective. The dose of 10,800 FU/day is safe and well tolerated. Some lifestyle factors and the coadministration of vitamin K2 and aspirin lead to improved outcomes in the use of NK.
Thank you Dr John for this very useful report from FrontiersIn. I am grateful for your reply in this vital area where it’s nice to have multiple reasons for taking a supplement. So this is a multifaceted winner with Natto which works on multiple benefits including arterial remodeling. Great to see the dosing and some safety info. Have got myself and family and peeps on D3 w K2 factors - unclear re if aspirin is an essential here or moderate booster synergistically but will look. I expect you know this but my 80 yr relative w prostate ca recently pulled 3.4 psa 😊 I got him on lycopene after reading Bill Falloon of Life Extension nearly 20 years ago then added black seed oil — and recently the C19 supplements including Quercetin. The drop of 2 more points to teen age boy psa levels we think might be the Quercetin or Bromelein w zinc. A top line Google search showed Quercetin going after ca along 3 pathways. We are blessed— and you are such a blessing. 🙏💜
Fresh beetroot and tomato soup, in addition to being very healthy, is an absolute pleasure to eat, John. I'm not sure whether all parts of the USA have a climate suited to growing beetroot, but they are simple to grow here in the UK, they store well in winter (if your winters are cool) and are extremely versatile in terms of how you can use them in cooking/salad making.
On the UAPs. If the whistle blowers really have confirmed knowledge of non human entities, then we might expect one of them to correct Congressional inquires about potential threats to US security with: "This is a potential threat to ALL of humanity!!!" or something like that.
As much as I (want to) believe in RFK Jr., he reminds me too much of Bernie in 2016. Almost everything Bernie said was, to me, spot on until he said he did not support Julian Assange. It seemed so out of character with his other positions.
RFK Jr's stance on Palestine raises the same red flags. If someone is holding a Molotov cocktail and a box of 250 wooden matches and says you can trust me because I removed two-hundred-forty-nine matches . . .
I supported Bernie (the lesser evil) Sanders in 2016, despite what I knew about his long history of caving to money and power (Murray Bookchin had the story from Burlington: )
RFK Jr. has a different background of winning in court against polluters.
I am also concerned about the longstanding peace-deal he seems to have with AIPAC. The only time I have seen him uncomfortable and irritable was when explaining his support for Israel.
He is bound to have noticed that a Palestinian was set-up as patsy for the political murder of his father, based upon his father's "support for Israel". JFK and RFK did not want Israel to have the bomb. LBJ made sure that a lot of plutonium went missing for that purpose. (as I understand it).
Interesting. I didn't know many actual details about Sander's history and liked what he said. My bad. I have to keep reminding myself that voting to change the System is, by design, futile. Non compliance is probably more effective. Maybe we should remember the Declaration of Independence supersedes the Constitution: When (ever) in the course of human events . . .
And, to be more precise, we need to take back the DNC. The hostile takeover took place in '44 when they Bernie'd Henry Wallace. How else could we execute the Red Scare and Covi . . . Cold War?
I agree about 1944. FDR was doomed at that point, when they foist Truman upon him. FDR never trusted Truman at all. My grandmother, and many others, including Joe Stalin, thought FDR was poisoned.
When elites are in a power struggle, it is sometimes the case that one side allies with the people. The people should accept that from Kennedy or Trump, I think. This seems like a cusp in history, and we should influence it for the less-bad in any way possible. I think RFK Jr. really strives to be good. (There is some long-hidden truce deal on Israel-Palestine, I sense.)
The DNC is totally controlled by its big donors. You won't 'recapture' it, you will either have to be useful to the donors or you need to form a non Democrat/Republican party that actually serves Americans. You will need to campaign in a no-holds-barred way, using irrefutable factual evidence to tell voters that both the Democrats and the Republicans hate them, see them as expendable and are only interested in them for whatever taxes they can pay. You have to campaign on the monstrous sums wasted and wilfully stolen from the American people to fund forever wars, driven entirely by 'the most corrupt industry in the World', the US Defence sector. You must not hold back about all the kickbacks that those on Capitol Hill receive, since those actions are criminal and render such recipients disbarred from standing for public office.
Start with Nancy Pelosi on that score - it's very, very important that the USA people see what a repulsive, corrupt piece of work a WOMAN can be. Then you need to do the same with a black person, a homosexual, a Jew, a Muslim. It's very, very important that these protected minorities are shown up to be just as criminal as evil white people, because they are. All segments of society are mostly honest but all have their criminals too.
Badge this lot together as Deep State grifters. Don't divide on ethnic lines, religious lines, sexuality or location. It's the people vs the Deep State and you will only win if you are clear that the Deep State is full of protected minorities too.
Ask why the SDNY attorney is going after Joe Lewis, and not after Jamie Dimon. Why are US super criminals protected from insider trading charges, when foreigners aren't? What does that tell you about 'how rotten is the State of Denmark'??
Ask why carbon dioxide is a poison, when it is the food of all plant life. Showcase Barack Obama as an unprincipled LIAR and ask how much grift that black man got for telling those lies??
Don't have any tolerance for green nutcases: humiliate them with real facts, relevant facts, not pathetic cherry picked data packets which don't tell the truth about the world. Ask why food production is at an all time high when the end of the world is upon us? Tell them that apple trees don't listen to their fear porn and the only way they will is if evil people like them cut them down. Tell them that fruit trees have intelligence that they, as deluded sheep, don't have . Make them feel small because that's what they need to feel. They've tried to impose Communism on the world and now it's payback time....
Do ask whether it's more profitable to resurface roads badly so they need repairing again in two years time. Do ask whether society benefits from 'money is all' grifters shafting local taxpayers by performing deliberately shoddy work. Don't hold back about putting pictures of those miscreants all over local papers, local TV. Give them a dose of public opprobrium....
Do expose hospitals that deliberately killed people to get Covid payments from Joe Biden's administration. Call them 'places to kill the sick', not 'places to heal the sick'. Ask whether any organisation that puts money before human health should have a license to practice healthcare....
Do expose the voluminous evidence that exposure to aluminium really isn't good for your Central Nervous System. Ask why endless spraying of the air above the USA with aluminium-containing concoctions is doing the health of the USA people any good. Ask who is getting paid to do this stuff and why. And don't hold back: call a 'clear and present danger to human health' a 'clear and present danger to human health'.
Do promote new banks that are explicitly anti-woke. Now that the current banks have all gone woke, provide new financial services to ordinary US folk. The way to change the banking system is to empty the corrupt coffers of funds and shift them to new honest ones. Don't do it too quick: lots of depositers will lose their funds due to banks going belly up. But do get people to shift where their monthly pay checks are paid into: get them all to shift their new money into new banks. That stops the corrupt woke banks for having billions to play with on the overnight lending games.
Do promote 100% recycling of tree surgeon waste into woodchips - in hot climates like the USA, covering soil with wood chips is one of the best ways to preserve moisture once the winter rains have fallen. Do promote growing trees which are well adapted to local climates and encourage chop n drop to keep trees well pollarded, vigorous and healthy. Soil doesn't like to be exposed to direct sunlight - the more that is shaded by trees, bushes and shrubs, along with low level ground covers, the better.
Good morning Dr John and once again a really informative and comprehensive blog. RFK Jr is really going for it isn’t he? It takes real courage knowing the same sort of people who offed your father and uncle will have you in their sights. The Ukraine business is a total disgrace and as a Brit I am ashamed of the fact that we are so up to our necks in it too our own PM scuppered any hopes of peace.
Loki the Trickster God and it is not a God but a group of people belonging to the Jewish Occult, Skull & Bones, Bullington Club, Freemasons...
These people play pranks on Humanity and sometimes these pranks are things like Covid 9/11 or the Ukrainian war with the ultimate Goal to create WWIII.
Your God is now called Lucifer and it's the same one as before.
Only the stage has changed, the Costumes and the actors.
But the act is still the same.
Operation Mindfuck.
Mind Control.
Because that is what Operation Mindfuck really is.
They need to Fuck with your Mind... make you believe, instead on knowing.
They make you believe and they can sell you the cancer as the cure.
They need to Fuck with your mind.
They fuck with our mind in order to control us.
We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.
- William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
Can we go faster than the speed of Light?
Yes we can.
But because of Government Mind control Lies and good old Fascism we are indoctrinated to believe disbelieve and disbelieve Truth.
The more I am thinking 🤔 of these seemingly unrelated, serious events in the world. I am going to make an interesting, yet strange observation. I am wondering what role the CCP is playing. I live in Canada and there is much rumbling about the Chinese government. Yet, as usual, it is all talk and little action. Too many strange things are happening, why can we not look at this seriously. Better yet, I want to stand on the principles of the constitution.
Very excellent post and bringing much into focus in Writing (vs auditory or video). I hope that RFK’s brilliantly engineered firestorm at the level of Congressional Hearing continues to pay off by presenting to the American people the Democide that has bloomed broadly and has been outworking for decades by secret police agencies. Now there is a clear fight about the intentionality of the mass murder even though that is not what Bobby said. But it is what Bobby constellated -- the appearance of the monstrous murder complex before the eyes of the people. On Hannity, he did the same and brought out the hidden wickedness and forgotten history...blowing up Sean’s simplistic propaganda fable. I admired Bobby’s capacity to stand his ground calmly and point out politely to Sean that deals are made and enacted all the time with people we neither like or trust. Trump is also a grown up some of the time in the same way -- but Bobby really articulated the adult real geo politics. I had to take a break watching the show because it was hard to watch Bobby cut off every time he made an irrefutable point. But, Bobby is well equipped and has trained like a Spartan warrior. He is ready. The richness of the points he made is so apparent in the written record. We have been so starved for intelligence in our national policy debate that I believe even people who cannot follow the whole exposition will be attracted to the brain food RFK set out. And however aggravating it was to see... Sean did invite him. Dr John, thank you for the brain food. It’s not new to me because I’ve been on the side of these perspectives for a long time but the written word helps anyway. I do think it is time to recognize the murder by design as the virus Frankenstein has clear inserts from HIV (to target African ethnics) and other selective targets are clear in the gene altering jab which was pushed out while the public died from lack of repurposed old drugs. It’s the same as refusing a drowning man a life preserver cause you’re waiting for the anchor to kill him. It’s clear and it’s intentional murder. We can at least agree to that so humanity can rise up to face the monster in the bright light of truth. It really matters whether you understand that some one is trying to kill you...and it’s not a philosophical’s full on engagement. Love your work Dr John.
Thank You. I try to be useful to people
I'm with ya, all of it. Especially " rise up to face the monster in the bright light of truth" . I loaned my copy of Kennedy's Bock on Fouchi to a lady friend. She read it. She is fully vaxed . Now she sees the truth. Dam hard to face when facing it mean your aware of how screwed you are. That's the Monster
Yes sir 🙏 - for your friend, there is very significant work being done on spike detox from whatever source it entered - see Flccc website protocols and Dr Nass websites. Natto kinase emerges as a destroyer of the spike and there are combinations of ivermectin w other benign drugs to overcome turbo cancers and prion diseases. Idk how true as have not been able to read deeply yet but it looks very hopeful — the clots also have suggested remedies and there are things we can do. I was concerned recently to see on a substack comment that there is a concern about ivermectin and fertility problems because of epigenetic alterations — there was literature but I have not seen an analysis as to who is vulnerable in this regard. If Dr John had comments I would be glad. What I do see is that we have tremendous minds and the light of the Holy Spirit informing those minds — to find cures. If I may say… Above all we must keep the faith that goodness is real in ourselves and others — that we are capable of courage and love — that we are the image of the Divine Owner of the Universe and all helping with bringing Heaven and Earth together — and we never fall out of the loving care of our Creator on either side of life. Life does not die but changes form. At least this 🔥 keeps me going.
Make sure your vitmin-D level is well up in the normal range. The immune system needs it.
Ivermectin is broadly used in Arica, including in pregnant women, but there are concerns about that. It has not been well studied in pregnancy.
From 4/5/23 "Holding The Wrong End"
Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants
Nattokinase (NK), known as a potent fibrinolytic and antithrombotic agent, has been shown to have antiatherosclerotic and lipid-lowering effects. However, data on human clinical studies are limited. In this clinical study involving 1,062 participants, our objective was to examine the efficacy of NK in atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia and safety at the dose of 10,800 FU/day after 12 months of oral administration. Various factors, including lower doses that influence NK pharmacological actions, were also investigated.
We found that NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day effectively managed the progression of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia with a significant improvement in the lipid profile. A significant reduction in the thickness of the carotid artery intima-media and the size of the carotid plaque was observed. The improvement rates ranged from 66.5 to 95.4%. NK was found to be ineffective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis progression at a dose of 3,600 FU/day. The lipid-lowering effect of NK was more prominent in subjects who smoked, drank alcohol, and subjects with higher BMI. Regular exercise further improved the effects of NK. Co-administration of vitamin K2 and aspirin with NK produced a synergetic effect. No noticeable adverse effects associated with the use of NK were recorded.
In conclusion, our data demonstrate that atherosclerosis progression and hyperlipidemia can be effectively managed with NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day. The lower dose of 3,600 FU per day is ineffective. The dose of 10,800 FU/day is safe and well tolerated. Some lifestyle factors and the coadministration of vitamin K2 and aspirin lead to improved outcomes in the use of NK.
Thank you Dr John for this very useful report from FrontiersIn. I am grateful for your reply in this vital area where it’s nice to have multiple reasons for taking a supplement. So this is a multifaceted winner with Natto which works on multiple benefits including arterial remodeling. Great to see the dosing and some safety info. Have got myself and family and peeps on D3 w K2 factors - unclear re if aspirin is an essential here or moderate booster synergistically but will look. I expect you know this but my 80 yr relative w prostate ca recently pulled 3.4 psa 😊 I got him on lycopene after reading Bill Falloon of Life Extension nearly 20 years ago then added black seed oil — and recently the C19 supplements including Quercetin. The drop of 2 more points to teen age boy psa levels we think might be the Quercetin or Bromelein w zinc. A top line Google search showed Quercetin going after ca along 3 pathways. We are blessed— and you are such a blessing. 🙏💜
I'm glad you are researching health and helping family/friends. Lycopene is always a good thing. I cook with fresh tomatoes a lot.
Fresh beetroot and tomato soup, in addition to being very healthy, is an absolute pleasure to eat, John. I'm not sure whether all parts of the USA have a climate suited to growing beetroot, but they are simple to grow here in the UK, they store well in winter (if your winters are cool) and are extremely versatile in terms of how you can use them in cooking/salad making.
Wow! What an informative post!
On the UAPs. If the whistle blowers really have confirmed knowledge of non human entities, then we might expect one of them to correct Congressional inquires about potential threats to US security with: "This is a potential threat to ALL of humanity!!!" or something like that.
As much as I (want to) believe in RFK Jr., he reminds me too much of Bernie in 2016. Almost everything Bernie said was, to me, spot on until he said he did not support Julian Assange. It seemed so out of character with his other positions.
RFK Jr's stance on Palestine raises the same red flags. If someone is holding a Molotov cocktail and a box of 250 wooden matches and says you can trust me because I removed two-hundred-forty-nine matches . . .
You cannot do a friendly takeover of the DNC.
I supported Bernie (the lesser evil) Sanders in 2016, despite what I knew about his long history of caving to money and power (Murray Bookchin had the story from Burlington: )
RFK Jr. has a different background of winning in court against polluters.
I am also concerned about the longstanding peace-deal he seems to have with AIPAC. The only time I have seen him uncomfortable and irritable was when explaining his support for Israel.
He is bound to have noticed that a Palestinian was set-up as patsy for the political murder of his father, based upon his father's "support for Israel". JFK and RFK did not want Israel to have the bomb. LBJ made sure that a lot of plutonium went missing for that purpose. (as I understand it).
Interesting. I didn't know many actual details about Sander's history and liked what he said. My bad. I have to keep reminding myself that voting to change the System is, by design, futile. Non compliance is probably more effective. Maybe we should remember the Declaration of Independence supersedes the Constitution: When (ever) in the course of human events . . .
And, to be more precise, we need to take back the DNC. The hostile takeover took place in '44 when they Bernie'd Henry Wallace. How else could we execute the Red Scare and Covi . . . Cold War?
I agree about 1944. FDR was doomed at that point, when they foist Truman upon him. FDR never trusted Truman at all. My grandmother, and many others, including Joe Stalin, thought FDR was poisoned.
When elites are in a power struggle, it is sometimes the case that one side allies with the people. The people should accept that from Kennedy or Trump, I think. This seems like a cusp in history, and we should influence it for the less-bad in any way possible. I think RFK Jr. really strives to be good. (There is some long-hidden truce deal on Israel-Palestine, I sense.)
The DNC is totally controlled by its big donors. You won't 'recapture' it, you will either have to be useful to the donors or you need to form a non Democrat/Republican party that actually serves Americans. You will need to campaign in a no-holds-barred way, using irrefutable factual evidence to tell voters that both the Democrats and the Republicans hate them, see them as expendable and are only interested in them for whatever taxes they can pay. You have to campaign on the monstrous sums wasted and wilfully stolen from the American people to fund forever wars, driven entirely by 'the most corrupt industry in the World', the US Defence sector. You must not hold back about all the kickbacks that those on Capitol Hill receive, since those actions are criminal and render such recipients disbarred from standing for public office.
Start with Nancy Pelosi on that score - it's very, very important that the USA people see what a repulsive, corrupt piece of work a WOMAN can be. Then you need to do the same with a black person, a homosexual, a Jew, a Muslim. It's very, very important that these protected minorities are shown up to be just as criminal as evil white people, because they are. All segments of society are mostly honest but all have their criminals too.
Badge this lot together as Deep State grifters. Don't divide on ethnic lines, religious lines, sexuality or location. It's the people vs the Deep State and you will only win if you are clear that the Deep State is full of protected minorities too.
Ask why the SDNY attorney is going after Joe Lewis, and not after Jamie Dimon. Why are US super criminals protected from insider trading charges, when foreigners aren't? What does that tell you about 'how rotten is the State of Denmark'??
Ask why carbon dioxide is a poison, when it is the food of all plant life. Showcase Barack Obama as an unprincipled LIAR and ask how much grift that black man got for telling those lies??
Don't have any tolerance for green nutcases: humiliate them with real facts, relevant facts, not pathetic cherry picked data packets which don't tell the truth about the world. Ask why food production is at an all time high when the end of the world is upon us? Tell them that apple trees don't listen to their fear porn and the only way they will is if evil people like them cut them down. Tell them that fruit trees have intelligence that they, as deluded sheep, don't have . Make them feel small because that's what they need to feel. They've tried to impose Communism on the world and now it's payback time....
Do ask whether it's more profitable to resurface roads badly so they need repairing again in two years time. Do ask whether society benefits from 'money is all' grifters shafting local taxpayers by performing deliberately shoddy work. Don't hold back about putting pictures of those miscreants all over local papers, local TV. Give them a dose of public opprobrium....
Do expose hospitals that deliberately killed people to get Covid payments from Joe Biden's administration. Call them 'places to kill the sick', not 'places to heal the sick'. Ask whether any organisation that puts money before human health should have a license to practice healthcare....
Do expose the voluminous evidence that exposure to aluminium really isn't good for your Central Nervous System. Ask why endless spraying of the air above the USA with aluminium-containing concoctions is doing the health of the USA people any good. Ask who is getting paid to do this stuff and why. And don't hold back: call a 'clear and present danger to human health' a 'clear and present danger to human health'.
Do promote new banks that are explicitly anti-woke. Now that the current banks have all gone woke, provide new financial services to ordinary US folk. The way to change the banking system is to empty the corrupt coffers of funds and shift them to new honest ones. Don't do it too quick: lots of depositers will lose their funds due to banks going belly up. But do get people to shift where their monthly pay checks are paid into: get them all to shift their new money into new banks. That stops the corrupt woke banks for having billions to play with on the overnight lending games.
Do promote 100% recycling of tree surgeon waste into woodchips - in hot climates like the USA, covering soil with wood chips is one of the best ways to preserve moisture once the winter rains have fallen. Do promote growing trees which are well adapted to local climates and encourage chop n drop to keep trees well pollarded, vigorous and healthy. Soil doesn't like to be exposed to direct sunlight - the more that is shaded by trees, bushes and shrubs, along with low level ground covers, the better.
As for AIPAC
Are there Marsians/Marsmen watching Elon with what nucleair spaceships he’s going to visit them, how did they get here?
Good morning Dr John and once again a really informative and comprehensive blog. RFK Jr is really going for it isn’t he? It takes real courage knowing the same sort of people who offed your father and uncle will have you in their sights. The Ukraine business is a total disgrace and as a Brit I am ashamed of the fact that we are so up to our necks in it too our own PM scuppered any hopes of peace.
On another note the garden’s looking productive.
Population control through Mind control.
Loki the Trickster God and it is not a God but a group of people belonging to the Jewish Occult, Skull & Bones, Bullington Club, Freemasons...
These people play pranks on Humanity and sometimes these pranks are things like Covid 9/11 or the Ukrainian war with the ultimate Goal to create WWIII.
Your God is now called Lucifer and it's the same one as before.
Only the stage has changed, the Costumes and the actors.
But the act is still the same.
Operation Mindfuck.
Mind Control.
Because that is what Operation Mindfuck really is.
They need to Fuck with your Mind... make you believe, instead on knowing.
They make you believe and they can sell you the cancer as the cure.
They need to Fuck with your mind.
They fuck with our mind in order to control us.
We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.
- William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
Can we go faster than the speed of Light?
Yes we can.
But because of Government Mind control Lies and good old Fascism we are indoctrinated to believe disbelieve and disbelieve Truth.
Shazaam! Junior is on a roll.
Thanks Doc.
Your garden is looking GREAT, Dr. John! Are you and that sweet pretty missus of yours doing some canning and other means of preserving?
Great article, BTW. Everything is so disturbing and upside down right now. I fear it’s only going to get worse.
The more I am thinking 🤔 of these seemingly unrelated, serious events in the world. I am going to make an interesting, yet strange observation. I am wondering what role the CCP is playing. I live in Canada and there is much rumbling about the Chinese government. Yet, as usual, it is all talk and little action. Too many strange things are happening, why can we not look at this seriously. Better yet, I want to stand on the principles of the constitution.