The October 5 Seismic event in Iran had no pre-tremors, just a huge shock with decaying echoes, like an underground explosion, not like an earthquake.

This is how HAARP works.

Beaming energy into the Ionosphere which extents like a slingshot and creates ELF's that can be reflected to any specific point and create exactly this kind of "event"... no pre-tremors, ... no signs of energy building up.

Personally Iran making Nuke Tests right now... I don't buy it.

They don't need nukes to destroy Israel... they have enough conventional weapons.

And making nuke tests right now would shift the perception against Iran so I rule out a nuke test totally.

But staying at the argument of a nuke test... that would benefit Israel and bring the USA into this war.

So there you have the culprit who did it... USA and Israel.

They did it in the same way the sunk the Lusitania 100 years ago.

Dirty tricks... that is what I expect from Jews.


The Jews want WW3... Iran don't.

And Russia don't

Gunter Grass... what must be said.


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Showing that you have a nuke is better, the bestest, and gets you R-E-S-P-E-C-T


I think the Drones-from-Lebanese-border-to-Netanyahu's-empty-house might be a little right-sized-false-flag to keep-Bibi's-options-open against Iran, with "justification".

The more damage Israel chooses to do, the more damage will be done in return.

Will the US attack Iran? that's the big question, isn't it?

It would ultimately be self-defeating, but somebody might do it while "Biden" is "president".

I don't know and the owners don't care what people like me think or want.

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The more damage Israel chooses to do, the more damage will be done in return.

It would ultimately be self-defeating ... yes.

100 years ago Germany... now in the USA... lead by traitors... to destroy the empire from within.

Same MO as always by the same leaders of men to lead the world into mutual assured self destruction since men's inception.

Take their reasoning and use it against them.

Make fun of these clowns and ridicule them as they are ridiculous waste of blood organs and fresh air.

After all I ... and I am nobody... present solutions to the problems of their creation.

They are nobodies and can only be defeated by a nobody like me.

We should celebrate their stupidity by making a laughing stock out of them.

We should not take them seriously for they are monkeys not even human.

We shall not respect them for they don't deserve respect.


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Well, I am still taking them seriously, because the monkeys have machine guns...


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I know... but by doing so you empower them.

We should be vigilant but we mustn't empower them.

We defeat them by mutual assured disrespect.


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But I think the chimp with the AK-47 was real...

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His name was Solomon Feuer Frei

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Both Trump and Kamala support the Gaza genocide:

All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!



Voting Trump means half a million abortions. Voting Kamala, means a million: you'd be "saving" 500,000 babies a year!

The globalists want to kill Trump for a reason: he’s against many of their plans!

Trump is no saint. But at least he's not as evil as Kamala. By not voting, we actually vote by letting “worst” defeat “bad”. Better “bad” than “worst”, right? Plus, half a million babies per year would be grateful for sparing their lives, right?

By the way Trump was always right about the stolen elections:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail ballots and machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The masonic false-flag fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


2024 Elections: bought or stolen? Both!


It's important that people share, not the article, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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God bless you, John.

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For anyone interested there is a presidential debate hosted by freeandequal.org October 23 starting at 7PM central time. 3 or 4 alternative candidates will be participating including Jill Stein.

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As an Australian I hope the outcome of the vote brings the military occupation of our land by US forces to an end.

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Y'all still have the same crowd that rousted Gough Whitlam holding those twisted strings above the stage... ;-(

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I see that 'Prohibition of anti-Israel sentiments' is not stopping those with divergent principles from finding secret dens where they can communicate with each other.

'No T-shirts asking 'Who lived in Palestine before 1948?' then?

That's not anti-semitic, is it? It's not supporting Hamas, is it? It's just a question that will have an unfortunate answer for Zionist genocidalists.

No t-shirts saying: 'At least Israel didn't rename Gaza Robben Island!' either.

Another factual statement. The fact that it suggests that Gaza is a prison within an apartheid state is just one of those things. Gaza can't be Robben Island, it's not an island, after all. Although I guess anti-semitic misinformers might cheekily suggest that it is an island of Palestinians within a sea of Israeli Jews.

No t-shirts saying: 'Go home and fight, son of Netanyahu!' either. That really would be getting a bit personal, after all. The son of the warmonger hiding out in the USA, not being prepared to risk his life for his father's political career.

I'd be running one up in the UK saying: 'Labour Friends of Israel: no Friends of mine!'

Or: '2005 -2014: 168 dead Israelis, 3,838 dead Palestinians' - tells the world who does all the killing, doesn't it?

The charts here:


shows quite how much net murdering the Israelis have been doing in the 21st century: the first chart is data up to 7/10/2023. This shows clearly how long the Israelis have been huge net murderers.

The second chart shows quite how asymmetric the death tolls have been in the past 12 months.

There should be no right to human life, nor to a bloodline, for any Jew or Christian Zionist who sees those charts and still says that Israelis are the victims. They should simply be put to sleep, beyond redemption apotheoses of absolute human evil.

'At least 19,453 Palestinian children and 179 Israeli children have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.'

Poor Israeli children, eh? Such dangerous lives they are forced to lead.....

That's the sort of typical lying propaganda of Israeli Jews who long ago lost ability to distinguish between truth and lies, right and wrong.

It's time for consequences and they cannot involve forgiveness. The concept of true repentance is beyond the Zionist cult.

True repentance would involve Israeli+US Zionists losing 100% of their wealth and property and working their lives rebuilding Palestine for the benefit of Palestinians. Not for Jews, not for Zionists. It would involve the blowing up of the Wailing Wall, the blowing up of the Knesset, the blowing up of every Mossad and Shin Bet building, the complete disarmament of the land of Palestine and the elimination of all Mossad presence in every single Kibbutz in Palestine.

It would involve the entire donor class of Jews in the USA being stripped of US citizenship and being shipped as slaves to work in Palestine. AIPAC would be 100% looted of all financial assets and shut down, along with every other Zionist/Jewish lobbying organisation. Every single politician that took the shekels will be banned for life from politics and public life and those implementing policies to support Israeli genocide will lose 100% of their assets and work as slaves for Palestinians.

The first name on that list will be Lindsey Graham.

The second will be John Bolton.

Not very nice, am I?

Why should I be nice to people who have committed mass murder, war crimes and genocide for nearly 80 years????

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As a point of information, "Israeli children" killed October 7, 2023 were more likely to have been killed by IDF tanks and helicopter fire.

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Early voted today in Arizona...Usually not too busy two weeks before the election, but today it was mobbed, and lots more coming in when I left...I predict a big turnout in this State, which should be good for Trump...BTW, the servers in my favorite restaurant are aware of Trump's proposal to stop taxing tips, and like it a. lot...

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