And now for something quite different! Stuff that you probably never heard of. Perhaps full dose of fairy tales, … or not. Imaginative? Truth telling? Innuendo? Dunno, …
A Jew, Russian, living in Sweden, … once a Knesset member and a son of one of former Israeli Prime Minister, booted out out of Knesset for “loving Palestinians” (so he once claimed in his previous, numerous writings!) interviewing “Sweden-based Professor Z [RZ] a man of vast learning and deep understanding”. No kidding, … you decide!
"Without a deal signed with the US, and with ties to the EU getting weaker every day, the UK is now hanging on in quiet desperation. Thanks to Pink Floyd, we know this to be the English way."
I've now read that in full. It seems that they are saying that the obviously good game-alliance between Russia and the US is already covertly underway.
IS: So you think Trump is serious about the annexation of Greenland?
RZ: And Canada, too. Dead serious. When this is done, the US will have more than half of the Arctic shelf, closely followed by Russia. These two countries will have more than 90% of the total, with the much smaller remaining part being largely Norwegian. However, the caveat is that without explicit or implicit Russian approval, the US couldn’t think of annexing either of these two countries. This is because such a move is clearly not in the interest of China. China is very powerful militarily, but it is too far away from the area and, without Russia, it won’t be able to interfere.
So the deal is, as long as we can see today, that Russia takes Ukraine and casts its shadow over all of Europe, especially its Eastern and Central parts, while the US grabs Canada and Greenland and once again rules over both American continents. The Monroe and Brezhnev doctrines are being reborn—with a vengeance.
… btw, that interview, I classify that as ‘an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself’. Of course, I’m not absolutely certain that such is true, … but I assign great probability that it’s so.
After reading it all and giving it some serious thought this has some merit. When looking at the last eight years in the US some of what has happened may fit in with this. Trumps first go round as president was a way of flushing out the globalists. All the lawfare committed by Pelosi et.el. was just a way of getting the real traitors to show themselves. When looking at the pardons passed out by Biden maybe they were actually on the side against the globalists. Pre emptive pardons are a way of saving them from the courts they should face if it was really an attack on the state. What about the P Diddy, Epstein files etc! What about them? Those are some minor offences to be used as leverage if and when needed. But the children! Huh, yeah sure, just cannon fodder look at Gaza. Look at the sweeping security passes being revoked that we're hearing little about. 4000 plus by the Biden admin. J6 just another tool. If any of this is even remotely close then you'll soon see some judges loosing their jobs. This will take a bit longer because due process. Trump on his first go in the Whitehouse put the WHO on hold, stalling it in its tracks and now looks to be putting a bullet through its head. Europe now looks to be crawling back to Russia for a bit of gas to keep the lights on, there is still one Nordstream line not damaged. That would be enough gas to keep western Europe from freezing in the dark but too little for an industrial come back. Europe doesn't have the natural resources to supply any major industrial base to boot. Lower oil prices wouldn't hurt Russia nearly as much as MBS in Saudi, its oil field in decline, let them fight it out in the middle east. The people that play at empire always play the long game. Look back thirty years at some of the plays in the early nineties by the major nations and movements. The WEF was just starting to form as a player putting Europe at the centre of an imagined global government. By the 2010's it was bragging about having people in positions of influence in most of the worlds governments. How's that working out now? Global finance/banking is what has to be dealt with next most likely. How exactly will that come about? I certainly don't know but the digital thing may well be the leash that takes away their power. It won't really work wide spread in the economy on the ground but may well remove the power over governments that the banking cartel now holds. There are a lot of moving parts and some are just distractions. Woke, BLM and other such crap are just shows to keep the plebs stomping around in the dark and, to some degree, allowed to go on so as to let the globalists think they're making some kind of progress with their project. I think maybe when Trudy grabbed the truckers bank accounts is when a lot of people took notice. The banks did his bidding without any push back causing a lot of powerful people to see the banks as a threat not an asset. Trudy is a European globalist and showed his hand out of turn causing some ripples to turn into waves against the WEF by people in position to not only take notice but start playing their cards.
The Medical Industry of today was built on the trust of ignorant people who trusted medical doctors who were relatively uneducated themselves. Med schools provided information to their students, which came from those who had a product to sell...patented-petroleum based drugs. Drugs bring patients back into offices for repeat business, but unknowingly created damage to their recipients. Doctors were provided erroneous information in med school.. It is incredible to think no one questioned the fact - drugs did not provide cures. They were temporary bandaids. Now, the results stemming from the last 70 years with the massive use of vaccines have shown that America is now in 47th place in world health.. Handing out prescriptions like candy and Injecting people with poisonous matter in these vaccines has lowered American's physical and mental health drastically.. People have lost the ability to think. Was this planned by those who wanted to destroy America or did this occur, because Money was put on a Pedestal...and morality and ethics vanished in a society, which lost all faith in its Creator?..
When I was a child, doctors were empathetic. They went to patient's homes, if necessary. They even, delivered babies without charge, if a woman had no money. There was no such thing as 15 minute visits. Doctors knew the families they attended and were really prized for their INTUITIVE skills. They really examined the patient. They observed the whole person. and asked questions.. There are few doctor like this today. They need to see so many patients each day in order to afford all the costs they face for running an office. Our government with its paperwork demands is very costly and is a total waste of time.
The system pushed me out. The system is about distant hierarchical control, "compliance economy". Every leash is short and tight. I had been able to find settings where I could focus on patient care, but I was ultimately driven out for vaccine refusal on the principle of standing with the underclass for moral/spiritual reasons.
I'll add that in the 2 years I was in small town private practice, I never refused to see anybody, whether they ever paid or not. I never worked harder or made less.
Different people have different settings. I had just spent 2 years on the Navajo Reservation, where all of us were dedicated to patient care and service and nobody paid anybody else. It was very different when I was alone in a small town with that approach. I could not keep doing it past my 2 year contract.
Its sad that people lost a caring doctor such as yourself, because of the AMA which has no connection to the word health. it forces doctors to comply with its draconian rules or they lose their licenses. There is nothing it promotes that is beneficial to patients. Chemo destroys the immune system and it is a miracle, when someone survives. Drugs and vaccines contain toxic elements, which don't belong in the body. if doctors kept their patients healthy with simple knowledge like Hippocrates prescribed 2500 years ago, they would be in demand.. There is a problem, because true nutritional knowledge is not being taught. The Food Industry took over the "research" and provides it to the nutrition schools. Most nutrition books written by doctors are far from accurate. Dr Gundry's Plant Paradox is good, but not close to 100% accurate. The 80-10-10 Diet Book by Dr. Doug Graham has a great deal of good info. Dr. Norman W Walker's ten books are known worldwide, but not promoted in America, because he was a healthy long-lived vegetarian. The best book on the subject is Quality Longevity by Mark Lovendale. He designed the Prime Test...and he taught doctors how to use it to determine the right foods for their patients. Doctors would always have business, if they were into real nutrition that produced results.....Hippocrates taught doctors his information, which brought about cures.
Everything in medicine is based on compliance now, and it is vast and complicated what must be complied with. The actual diagnosis and treatment is tragically secondary, and quickly managed one-problem-per-visit, which means that nothing can be deeply understood or managed in that paradigm.
That paradigm only serves the top elites, and poorly, at that.
None of this is sustainable...
History goes through reset cycles, to lower complexity, when high complexity cannot be maintained. We are in it...
Change is inevitable. Many have awakened...and your services would be in demand. A good doctor is hard to find...and people would seek you out. I am 100% into the Creator and believe that the high and mighty are about to fall! Our Creator does not condone the survival of mass murderers....and this is what this industry has shown itself to concern for the death of millions in America...and still promoting more of these deadly injections worldwide. Billions worldwide have been poisoned...and the Medical industry is not satisfied yet. .
In the late '70's, approaching my thirtieth birthday and beginning to show a modicum of good sense, the vocation of Chinese Medicine quite literally sought me out. After practicing for several decades, I retired due to some eyesight problems.
I was and am eternally grateful that I could take my time, see relatively few patients and get to know them and sometimes their families, and just listen. Money was never the first consideration, but the income was adequate.
Acupuncture is certainly no cure all, but is safe, free of side effects, and frequently quite effective. However, probably the most important element of my practice was to just listen, attentively, to people as they told their stories.
Now, alas, Chinese Medicine is becoming more and more "establishment", and with costs going up time with patients inevitably goes down. So my generation was some of the fortunate practitioners, and I am quite certain that I received more from my patients than they from me.
Regarding the executive order that places a 90 day "pause" on foreign aid, if you read the order, it allows for the Secretary of State to overrule the pause at his/her own discretion. Would anyone care to speculate which recipients won't have their "aid" interrupted? Reading the specifics of the actual executive orders has proven to be quite illuminating.
Thanks for reading that, Peter. It sounds like the EO is "playable". Of course we assume that Israel gets everything, but "it's not our war; it's their war", leaves a bit of doubt.
Trump did like the Jeffery Sachs video calling Bibi a "dark S.O.B." as a warning...
Trump is also perhaps saying he’s not to be held to account for progress when he is NOT the author or implementer. This is an incredibly large pull away from the usual speech of others who leave no daylight between us and Israel. It is stony and resolved -- not my problem-- who says that? Dr John, taken together w the Sach’s tweet, we are looking at a major quiet declaration. To be for Israel and the People is not the same as letting psychopaths use and debase your soul.
Regarding your introductory posed question, “A burning question today is what will be negotiated to end the Ukraine war, or if it will be escalated to World War-3.”
Well, I was listening to a podcast this a.m., and just perhaps, if one has a chance to quick read a transcript of that podcast, there is a wealth of ideas in it that may just supplement one’s speculating ponder of the answer(s) to that question. Here is a link to the transcript:
In a nutshell, I think observant part mentioned in that interview of Every is that pretty well everyone - all around - is concentrating on what will Trump do, … yet no one is really, really concentrating on what the other countries might do - independently or as small groups - to counter Trump’s actions.
Another words, Trump may just be setting himself up for quite a few nasty surprises and probably even few of these will be not matching very well his plans.
I got through his making of that point. War, or class-struggle or 4th Turning is tumultuous, and they are playing a game that can all crash completely. Nobody really "owns" what they think they own...
While I didn't click on the link because you censored my comments a year or two ago, you are correct that there won't be a genuine WW3, but there will be a carefully orchestrated Big Nuclear Scare, and Trump will probably be the fall guy for it.
And now for something quite different! Stuff that you probably never heard of. Perhaps full dose of fairy tales, … or not. Imaginative? Truth telling? Innuendo? Dunno, …
A Jew, Russian, living in Sweden, … once a Knesset member and a son of one of former Israeli Prime Minister, booted out out of Knesset for “loving Palestinians” (so he once claimed in his previous, numerous writings!) interviewing “Sweden-based Professor Z [RZ] a man of vast learning and deep understanding”. No kidding, … you decide!
Anyway, long story, complicated. Enjoy or not…
Unravelling the Mystery of War
"Without a deal signed with the US, and with ties to the EU getting weaker every day, the UK is now hanging on in quiet desperation. Thanks to Pink Floyd, we know this to be the English way."
I've now read that in full. It seems that they are saying that the obviously good game-alliance between Russia and the US is already covertly underway.
IS: So you think Trump is serious about the annexation of Greenland?
RZ: And Canada, too. Dead serious. When this is done, the US will have more than half of the Arctic shelf, closely followed by Russia. These two countries will have more than 90% of the total, with the much smaller remaining part being largely Norwegian. However, the caveat is that without explicit or implicit Russian approval, the US couldn’t think of annexing either of these two countries. This is because such a move is clearly not in the interest of China. China is very powerful militarily, but it is too far away from the area and, without Russia, it won’t be able to interfere.
So the deal is, as long as we can see today, that Russia takes Ukraine and casts its shadow over all of Europe, especially its Eastern and Central parts, while the US grabs Canada and Greenland and once again rules over both American continents. The Monroe and Brezhnev doctrines are being reborn—with a vengeance.
… btw, that interview, I classify that as ‘an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself’. Of course, I’m not absolutely certain that such is true, … but I assign great probability that it’s so.
… fwiw
Do see my addendum to my comment after reading it all.
After reading it all and giving it some serious thought this has some merit. When looking at the last eight years in the US some of what has happened may fit in with this. Trumps first go round as president was a way of flushing out the globalists. All the lawfare committed by Pelosi et.el. was just a way of getting the real traitors to show themselves. When looking at the pardons passed out by Biden maybe they were actually on the side against the globalists. Pre emptive pardons are a way of saving them from the courts they should face if it was really an attack on the state. What about the P Diddy, Epstein files etc! What about them? Those are some minor offences to be used as leverage if and when needed. But the children! Huh, yeah sure, just cannon fodder look at Gaza. Look at the sweeping security passes being revoked that we're hearing little about. 4000 plus by the Biden admin. J6 just another tool. If any of this is even remotely close then you'll soon see some judges loosing their jobs. This will take a bit longer because due process. Trump on his first go in the Whitehouse put the WHO on hold, stalling it in its tracks and now looks to be putting a bullet through its head. Europe now looks to be crawling back to Russia for a bit of gas to keep the lights on, there is still one Nordstream line not damaged. That would be enough gas to keep western Europe from freezing in the dark but too little for an industrial come back. Europe doesn't have the natural resources to supply any major industrial base to boot. Lower oil prices wouldn't hurt Russia nearly as much as MBS in Saudi, its oil field in decline, let them fight it out in the middle east. The people that play at empire always play the long game. Look back thirty years at some of the plays in the early nineties by the major nations and movements. The WEF was just starting to form as a player putting Europe at the centre of an imagined global government. By the 2010's it was bragging about having people in positions of influence in most of the worlds governments. How's that working out now? Global finance/banking is what has to be dealt with next most likely. How exactly will that come about? I certainly don't know but the digital thing may well be the leash that takes away their power. It won't really work wide spread in the economy on the ground but may well remove the power over governments that the banking cartel now holds. There are a lot of moving parts and some are just distractions. Woke, BLM and other such crap are just shows to keep the plebs stomping around in the dark and, to some degree, allowed to go on so as to let the globalists think they're making some kind of progress with their project. I think maybe when Trudy grabbed the truckers bank accounts is when a lot of people took notice. The banks did his bidding without any push back causing a lot of powerful people to see the banks as a threat not an asset. Trudy is a European globalist and showed his hand out of turn causing some ripples to turn into waves against the WEF by people in position to not only take notice but start playing their cards.
The Medical Industry of today was built on the trust of ignorant people who trusted medical doctors who were relatively uneducated themselves. Med schools provided information to their students, which came from those who had a product to sell...patented-petroleum based drugs. Drugs bring patients back into offices for repeat business, but unknowingly created damage to their recipients. Doctors were provided erroneous information in med school.. It is incredible to think no one questioned the fact - drugs did not provide cures. They were temporary bandaids. Now, the results stemming from the last 70 years with the massive use of vaccines have shown that America is now in 47th place in world health.. Handing out prescriptions like candy and Injecting people with poisonous matter in these vaccines has lowered American's physical and mental health drastically.. People have lost the ability to think. Was this planned by those who wanted to destroy America or did this occur, because Money was put on a Pedestal...and morality and ethics vanished in a society, which lost all faith in its Creator?..
When I was a child, doctors were empathetic. They went to patient's homes, if necessary. They even, delivered babies without charge, if a woman had no money. There was no such thing as 15 minute visits. Doctors knew the families they attended and were really prized for their INTUITIVE skills. They really examined the patient. They observed the whole person. and asked questions.. There are few doctor like this today. They need to see so many patients each day in order to afford all the costs they face for running an office. Our government with its paperwork demands is very costly and is a total waste of time.
The system pushed me out. The system is about distant hierarchical control, "compliance economy". Every leash is short and tight. I had been able to find settings where I could focus on patient care, but I was ultimately driven out for vaccine refusal on the principle of standing with the underclass for moral/spiritual reasons.
I'll add that in the 2 years I was in small town private practice, I never refused to see anybody, whether they ever paid or not. I never worked harder or made less.
Different people have different settings. I had just spent 2 years on the Navajo Reservation, where all of us were dedicated to patient care and service and nobody paid anybody else. It was very different when I was alone in a small town with that approach. I could not keep doing it past my 2 year contract.
Its sad that people lost a caring doctor such as yourself, because of the AMA which has no connection to the word health. it forces doctors to comply with its draconian rules or they lose their licenses. There is nothing it promotes that is beneficial to patients. Chemo destroys the immune system and it is a miracle, when someone survives. Drugs and vaccines contain toxic elements, which don't belong in the body. if doctors kept their patients healthy with simple knowledge like Hippocrates prescribed 2500 years ago, they would be in demand.. There is a problem, because true nutritional knowledge is not being taught. The Food Industry took over the "research" and provides it to the nutrition schools. Most nutrition books written by doctors are far from accurate. Dr Gundry's Plant Paradox is good, but not close to 100% accurate. The 80-10-10 Diet Book by Dr. Doug Graham has a great deal of good info. Dr. Norman W Walker's ten books are known worldwide, but not promoted in America, because he was a healthy long-lived vegetarian. The best book on the subject is Quality Longevity by Mark Lovendale. He designed the Prime Test...and he taught doctors how to use it to determine the right foods for their patients. Doctors would always have business, if they were into real nutrition that produced results.....Hippocrates taught doctors his information, which brought about cures.
Everything in medicine is based on compliance now, and it is vast and complicated what must be complied with. The actual diagnosis and treatment is tragically secondary, and quickly managed one-problem-per-visit, which means that nothing can be deeply understood or managed in that paradigm.
That paradigm only serves the top elites, and poorly, at that.
None of this is sustainable...
History goes through reset cycles, to lower complexity, when high complexity cannot be maintained. We are in it...
Change is inevitable. Many have awakened...and your services would be in demand. A good doctor is hard to find...and people would seek you out. I am 100% into the Creator and believe that the high and mighty are about to fall! Our Creator does not condone the survival of mass murderers....and this is what this industry has shown itself to concern for the death of millions in America...and still promoting more of these deadly injections worldwide. Billions worldwide have been poisoned...and the Medical industry is not satisfied yet. .
I'm mostly doing this work for free these days.
There is a LOT of understanding in medicine, but also some misunderstanding in critical places that are profit-centers.
In the late '70's, approaching my thirtieth birthday and beginning to show a modicum of good sense, the vocation of Chinese Medicine quite literally sought me out. After practicing for several decades, I retired due to some eyesight problems.
I was and am eternally grateful that I could take my time, see relatively few patients and get to know them and sometimes their families, and just listen. Money was never the first consideration, but the income was adequate.
Acupuncture is certainly no cure all, but is safe, free of side effects, and frequently quite effective. However, probably the most important element of my practice was to just listen, attentively, to people as they told their stories.
Now, alas, Chinese Medicine is becoming more and more "establishment", and with costs going up time with patients inevitably goes down. So my generation was some of the fortunate practitioners, and I am quite certain that I received more from my patients than they from me.
Regarding the executive order that places a 90 day "pause" on foreign aid, if you read the order, it allows for the Secretary of State to overrule the pause at his/her own discretion. Would anyone care to speculate which recipients won't have their "aid" interrupted? Reading the specifics of the actual executive orders has proven to be quite illuminating.
Thanks for reading that, Peter. It sounds like the EO is "playable". Of course we assume that Israel gets everything, but "it's not our war; it's their war", leaves a bit of doubt.
Trump did like the Jeffery Sachs video calling Bibi a "dark S.O.B." as a warning...
Trump is also perhaps saying he’s not to be held to account for progress when he is NOT the author or implementer. This is an incredibly large pull away from the usual speech of others who leave no daylight between us and Israel. It is stony and resolved -- not my problem-- who says that? Dr John, taken together w the Sach’s tweet, we are looking at a major quiet declaration. To be for Israel and the People is not the same as letting psychopaths use and debase your soul.
Thanks MClark. One might guardedly hope...
I also read your reply, deleted, I think, about the Dellingpole piece, asserting that Trump is tied into the Masonic/Satanic network.
I presented that as an example of a view I keep seeing, and I argued against nihilism and Pollyannaism just before that.
We are not off the hook. We have work to do, "come hell or high water".
Eleni sent that piece, and I value her input. She is not one to give up, either, but presented that perspective.
There is a story:
A week after The Germans launched World War One the German
Kaiser had misgivings and asked his generals to call it off...
He was told, 'The mobilisation took years of planning, to call
it off would create CHAOS.' The rest is History...
There should be No Doubt - The planning of World War three
has already occurred... What apparently has delayed it has been
Russia's refusal to over-react to the numerous USNATO provocations.
The US provoked such by Japan late 1930s by imposing sanctions on
its access to natural resources, especially much need oil... Russia's oil
exports have become the target of USNATO sanctions - will the same
provocation work twice ?
Hi Dr. John!
Regarding your introductory posed question, “A burning question today is what will be negotiated to end the Ukraine war, or if it will be escalated to World War-3.”
Well, I was listening to a podcast this a.m., and just perhaps, if one has a chance to quick read a transcript of that podcast, there is a wealth of ideas in it that may just supplement one’s speculating ponder of the answer(s) to that question. Here is a link to the transcript:
… fwiw,
Thanks FS. I waded into that but it is a lot of words for an 8th grade audience...
In a nutshell, I think observant part mentioned in that interview of Every is that pretty well everyone - all around - is concentrating on what will Trump do, … yet no one is really, really concentrating on what the other countries might do - independently or as small groups - to counter Trump’s actions.
Another words, Trump may just be setting himself up for quite a few nasty surprises and probably even few of these will be not matching very well his plans.
I got through his making of that point. War, or class-struggle or 4th Turning is tumultuous, and they are playing a game that can all crash completely. Nobody really "owns" what they think they own...
Thanx for that song.
While there will be no WW3 (the first two only decimated whites...), but there are a number of other options on the back burner:
While I didn't click on the link because you censored my comments a year or two ago, you are correct that there won't be a genuine WW3, but there will be a carefully orchestrated Big Nuclear Scare, and Trump will probably be the fall guy for it.