When doctors are THE MOST CLUELESS....' The expected challenges never happened as doctor after doctor thanked us for explaining the science of why so many of their patients’ lives have been ruined by the vaccines'......WHY WOULD DOCS DESERVE ANY TRUST IF THEY WERE WILLING TO JAB FOLKS WITH THIS MYSTERY GOO? WILL THEY CONTINUE TO BE AS CLUELESS NEXT JAB? GUESS....YES.

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"Doctors" is a pretty broad brush. Some of us did seek out our own information, treated people early, and kept them out of the hospital/ICU/morgue.

Just as college educated women were highly targeted by COVID PR, so were doctors and nurses.

Some of us were just 2 months ahead of the PR, assessing the best information we could find, and earning the respect of our patients and coworkers (if not the administrators).


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OMG🤯 You should write the story of your experience what it was like going in to the plandemic and how it all started to become very suspicious...

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I was blogging it as it happened. www.johndayblog.com

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They were not clueless at all. They were encouraged to do as they were told for the money, the loss of license and jobs, being vilified by mainstream. The medical cartel has an iron hold over doctors if they go against the narrative. Most people will not challenge the authority when it can cost them everything. Some brave people did speak out and this is what happened to the. Truth tellers are the enemy in a society of lies. Most Doctors know and practice off patient prescriptions that they think will help but not in this case, some did but most were afraid to. The message was clear. Send them home till they got verry sick and then go to the hospital where they were prescribed Remdesivir that killed them! No Doctor ever does this in the normal practice of medicine, ever. The safe drugs that were used verry successfully were vilified and no prescriptions were allowed to be filled. So, the reality is that nothing is as it appears. Military intelligence is an oxymoron, criminal lawyer is redundant, you have representatives in the government, your vote actually counts, we live in a Democracy, the economy is getting better. We have no economy now that we do not make big things here that provided jobs, we live in a consumer society, not an economy at all but they keep telling us that all these things are a reality, Democracy that is. I did not take the jab, and when my Doc. at the VA asked me if I had it, I said no. He said you can get it here it is safe and effective, and I said then you can have mine also lol.

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Do see the above reply, please.

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Quite frankly, I'm not in the least surprised that Russia has acted the way it has. It has had 30 years of the USA treating it like the proverbial. And it's reward for 20 million + dead in WWII was being turned into the new 'bogey man' of the west. The Russians don't forget and when they finally take decisions, they remain taken.

What is more relevant to me as a European is how the peoples of Europe (not their non-representatives who kowtow to US psychopaths 365 days a year) see their future. It's pretty clear that the French hate Macron, the Dutch support their farmers and Hungary certainly thinks that its continued membership of the EU might come into question if they keep on being such incompetent and nasty people. So there may well be mass uprisings, overthrow of governments (be that through ballot boxes or more objectionable methods) and a deep questioning of the continued value of the USA as an 'ally'. They certainly aren't an 'ally' at the moment, they are an overbearing tyrant that treats its partners with overt contempt.

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1) You wrote "bogeyman", not boogyman (which is different). Good on Ya!

2) The psychopaths are like brain parasites saying "We're American! America, Fuck Yeah!"

But they are brain parasites, and they live wherever they want, sucking the life force through all available channels.

They are global. They would like to suck the life force of the whole world.

They are happy to say they are "Chinese", "Japanese", "Ottoman", "Jewish", "Catholic", "British", you name it.

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Hippo Birdies!

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Munchos Garcias!

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Despite all this competition to the west , China, Russia, and Brazil still push the big pharma scam of pandemic planning and jabs in order to be a part of society.

Edward slavsquat on substack covers the stupidity of Russia in continuing with their WEF like multi polar agenda that their own citizens are mostly against.

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It seems that all ruling regimes are partial allies to humanity, at best,

proceeding down to ghoulish-demon-spawn ... :-(

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There is a poem from 1802 by Wordsworth that is in my thoughts regarding changing whip hands and blows delivered by any given State System.

England! the time is come when thou shouldst wean

Thy heart from its emasculating food;

The truth should now be better understood;

Old things have been unsettled; we have seen

Fair seed-time, better harvest might have been

But for thy trespasses; and, at this day,

If for Greece, Egypt, India, Africa,

Aught good were destined, Thou wouldst step between.

England! all nations in this charge agree:

But worse, more ignorant in love and hate,

Far, far more abject is thine Enemy:

Therefore the wise pray for thee, though the freight

Of thy offences be a heavy weight:

Oh grief! that Earth's best hopes rest all with Thee!

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It was still an agrarian country in an agrarian world:

"Fair seed-time, better harvest might have been

But for thy trespasses."

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Wordsworth did reside in France as the Revolution began to take her toll.

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Ouch. That quote is even deeper in that context.


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Generally speaking the sentimental history of children is set aside by adults. And this has to be our first clue to our ailment. Why do children get dumbed down from pre-school onward? There is a famous book The Right To Be Intelligent by Louis Alberto Machado, until the military deposed him, former Minister of State for the Development of Human Intelligence in Venezuela. Until removed the Ministry was conducting and evaluating a vast array of projects to improve the thinking skills of individuals of all age unknown by many disposed to teaching children well. "The only weapon effective against State force is the intellectual power of the citizens"

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I have clear and cogent memories going back to before the age of one year (less so of yesterday, perhaps).

One of my persistent perceptions was that grown-ups seemed to not remember being my age. It was astounding to me, but inescapable. if they had remembered, they would not have behaved so stupidly towards me, I reasoned.

I vowed to remember.

I now know that people behave as stupidly as they can get away with, but the perception that people don't remember much of preschool years has been reinforced in other ways.

I largely got through grade school by having the book open in the back of class, and trying to find the place when I got called upon.

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Book in a book is what I did.

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I recall punishment for whatever in grammar school going to sit with my SF book in the Principle's office. A couple times by buddy and I played chess in the office. I think the fourth time no books, no chess, sitting Zen I reckon.🤣

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Free tenant peasants.

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I bet you recognize the threats of genetic engineering and AI from the past 3 years. People with a mind to kill and dominate are funding and shaping all of this. - There you go.

That missile attack is to show bunkers are fallible. I noticed how quickly Ukraine notified the US Embassy, assuming all this is true...

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Serious times. That said... a belated Happy Birthday !

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Healthful happiness blessings to you & yours on your BEing-on-Earth day and all your days. 🎈

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Thanks Dogsnose. My daughter created an excellent cake without artificial ingredients, too.

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No sugar???

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I can't eat anything with carbs it makes me weak. Eating cake was always fun, good for you. :-)

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Small pieces. She cooked fresh strawberries into a sauce, then mixed it into the cake batter for flavor. A lot of work.

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Its nice to be thought of so well, a clue as to your character. :-)

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... and with double-stuff portions of natural love, the most healthful ingredient of all, I'm certain!

You are blessed indeed!

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John, in case some readers are not aware of the facts of all this frantic war action by the west it is because the west is about to be exposed for the financial fraud it has perpetrated against the world since the end of WW2, we decided on pax americana, an empire of colonialism rather than the Hamilton-Franklin model of cooperation between nations for the good of all. The Malthusian-Eugenics monsters won, and they gave us the FED as well as NATO, world bank et al. that has indebted nations with unpayable debt. It is and has been a scheme to depopulate the planet, leaving just enough technocrats to run things for them. We are viewed by them as beasts and useless eaters. Once you realize the puzzle pieces are not disconnected it starts to look like just what it is. The book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire; Its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman Outlook, you will see just how long they have been planning this nightmare and waiting for the technology to finally pull it off. Thanks for this great article, Jack Willliams.

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You are welcome, Jack. It's as you say. We are liivestock to the owners, and overgrazing their lands. The system of empires that FDR sought to wind down (imperfect man that he was), was just transposed onto New York and Washington DC from London/Amsterdam, though it never left those centers, either. The anti-imperialist UN and associated institutions became imperialist tools.

It is time for imperialism to take another step down, because it is too inefficient and counterproductive, and resources are declining.

We really have to work out a better system now.

Crunch Time!

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Keep on keeping on, John!

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