Had an insight after this post: Everything is rising to be seen, yes, the corruption is being revealed, BUT, the best of our Human spirit is also rising, too. 🙏❤️
Don't be ashamed, the world knows it is not you and other "ordinary" Americans, it is your government. As Dr. Day says, don't consent and concentrate on showing your disagreement in every way possible (congressman, state governor etc.).
Best be getting a backup generator to your backup generator and make sure your fuel tanks are topped off. Propane being the best and cleanest fuel.
I’m almost topped off on all tanks and since Costco had Firman ultra quiet duel fuels on sale I bough a backup for my house and one for my daughters house.
She’s a smart one and has been prepping all
Food, refrigeration, lights and security.
BTW, I have a line on some AGM’s fresh out of cell tower UPS.
Float charged and barely used. Excellent price.
Call me if you want some as I am buying in bulk at a discount.
"Israel" does militarily-occupy Palestinian homelands and private Palestinian-titled property "lands", also.
This latest October 7th Palestinian irregular-military operation appears to have coordinated not just Hamas, but other Palestinian resistance groups, also. there is some implication that Hamas may be outgrowing its Muslim Brotherhood origins, as Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas have been fed and supported by US/UK/Israeli covert interests from their origins.
There are many reasons that countries do not accept Palestinian refugees, and Hamas-problems are one, but the permanent exclusion of the Palestinian people from their rightful homes is more fundamental, and it is what the US/Israel seek to accomplish now.
Extreme religious-government organizations are polarizing and problematic, which is why that had been set aside in the region for many centuries. They do polarize against each other, Jewish(only) nationalism vs Islamic(only) nationalism...
Human rights are erased for "lesser" humans, which is the foundation of genocide.
It is hard to know what organization mercenaries, if any, were working for on October 7, as a lot of secret agencies were involved with their own purposes. Israel left the door open and unlocked, so to speak, for 7 hours, at just the right time, killed a lot of Israelis, and blamed those tank-cannon and air-attack deaths on Hamas, for instance.
Who is more wrong? Anybody who keeps bombing civilians is currently more-wrong. It looks like Israeli policy is now to continue until there are no Palestinians on the valuable Gaza strip, and Israel can build a competitor to the Suez Canal, and take 100% of the natural gas.
John - the BRI initiative was to a significant degree a project to evade the political complexities of the Suez canal and to provide land-based alternatives to maritime transport of goods.
The decline of Suez will be linked to the success or otherwise of BRI. There are already freight trains going from East London to China, direct and I'm sure that's also true from many other European states.
Agreed, and also trade will decrease as chaep-oil decreases.
The "owners" want to maintain control of whatever is in shortest supply. They have managed to do that with "money", but oil, wheat, corn, soybeans and rice are really more critical...
Israeli govt is Khazarian Mafia not so it's citizens. Hamas hides behind and terrorizes it's own people. That's why no one wants them. The Capital in DC was attacked yesterday by Hamas/Palestinian supporters. Not one MSM reported it. FYI US govt not backing Israel.
No, I'm talking about this past weekend when Hamas/Palestinian insurrectionists descended on DC Capital bldg which was not reported in MSM. There was no insurrection on 1/6 unless you're counting the CIA ,FBI, etc. dressed as MAGA supporters. Who is shooting at people in the distance?
I read today Israel is flooding all the tunnels in Gaza. That will surely eliminate that threat and maybe some of the fighters.
I’m guessing they will demolition anything left standing and implode the tall buildings.
Then they will establish a no man’s land around what’s left in the south. This will include a naval blockade. Turkey has been sufficiently warned by NATO and USA.
They should have known this would be coming and the Palestinians in Gaza will suffer.
The "Hannibal Directive" allows the Israeli army to kill Israeli soldiers, rather than have to bargain for them as hostages. They will do that with the flooding of tunnels, since that's where the remaining hostages, essentially POWs, are located.
On and right-after Otober 7, the Hannibal Directive appears to have been applied to Israeli civilians in houses and cars, and open fields, as helicopter and tank commanders were ordered to shoot without discriminating Hamas from civilians.
Whenever the Balfour Declaration is quoted it is invariably missing the key part of the sentence that gives lie to the foundation of Israel as an exclusive Jewish state. Balfour was at pains to make it clear that a 'Jewish home' could not impinge on the rights of the existing population.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." That second part of the sentence is always dropped from the quote.
John - if you were going to impose digital currencies without mandate, the easiest way to do so is to make fiat cash worthless. You do that through organising hyperinflationary pressures and then say that 'we need to do this to control inflation'. Of course, you're not controlling it in any way, as digital money is infinitely expandable, you don't even need expensive printing presses for that, you just have some simple algorithm and whoopy do, another $50trn digital dollars exist.
Running continuous budgetary deficits, continuously printing money to stave off US Federal bankruptcy, running out of control defence budgets, racking up ever bigger debt repayment schedules, and then, the coup de grace, organise rapid increases in interest rates to make the US Federal debt repayment schedules increasingly impossible to service.
So it becomes 'default on your debts' or 'impose a digital currency'.
Not that that will solve the debt problem - it will just give the controllers far, far more control over the controlled.
Zimbabwe had problems recently. Making a new form of money the only game in town was economically catastrophic. Again, all of the eggs are in the electronic-communications basket now, which will be catastrophic when it goes down, which seems inevitable, but not predictably timed.
How will the US default this time? Lincols, FDR and Nixon all defaulted in various ways.
I suspect that returning to a gold-standard would work ok, something like $10-12,000 per troy oz. Inflation up to that point could be done in a few years from the current $2k/oz mark.
It would be a shitshow, but the main thing would be to impose losses where they could be afforded, the middling-wealthy. Retirees are already being culled, and they (we) will be predictably starved in any such arrangement.
Changing who is in power is essential to any actual systemic transition, and those in power have been arranging to stay in power for a long time.
The alternate-pole arising in BRICS+ is poorly formed, but will have to serve somehow,,,
Chinese "Realpolitik" is the big threat i see there, but what else can be done in the near-term?
it is almost impossible to have enough information to do significant barter, except eggs for milk, or something. "Money" is a good form of information for trade.
Cash will be essential if the internet and grid are attacked, and it might not be enough if supply chains are badly impacted.
Whenever we use money it is "information" in a broad economic paradigm. Nobody ever has the right barter trade for anything, so "information" about who has what to give, and what it should trade for in "value" is the critical factor, usually, but not if you are starving.
I bartered with family last weekend when a short break to visit our 89 near old aunt took place. My cousin paid for the accommodation and I bartered my share in exchange for me bringing my own grown vegetables and cooking soup for six three times, along with a £20 wine bottle and access to a single malt whisky (which was mostly not taken up).
This barter was easier because all the products had fiat values and the value of my time was in effect what a lowly worker in a restaurant would get paid. £20 of labour, £20 bottle of wine, £15 my time growing vegetables and £5 for the whisky. Pretty accurate barter based on the price of the AirBnB.
John - anything storable long-term is useful. Tomato seeds last 10 years in my experience; whisky bottles; wine in storage; canned vegetables; dried fruit; olive oil.
Shorter term, most root vegetables in winter in the UK store for 2-3 months, but mostly then you would trade your surplus to those needing to eat.
Excess clothes will have value as multiple thin layers do well in winter by trapping air. Shoes in general will have value as, unused, they will last for years. Ditto pairs of socks.
Tents, sleeping bags, bivouac bags, insulating matting to sleep on. Anyone who's ever slept outdoors (I often did when young going on mountaineering trips) knows how much heat you lose through the ground without insulation under your body.
Knowing who to sell to will be more important than what to sell. Pawnbrokers don't need anything for themselves, so will offer lower prices You need to identify those that actually need your wares to get yourself a fair and decent price.
In another life (ie. 3+ years ago) you and I, Dr John, would’ve been on opposite ends of the political spectrum. In our respective fields (medicine and law) we had a sort of grounding as to what we were doing and what the future held. Spring ‘20 changed it all for me and for you, too, I suspect. The sudden rush of the lockdowns did it for me (segregating courtrooms was immediately unacceptable to me but it was mandated by fiat from Austin) and I think you went through a similar experience in your practice. Now, here I am seeing the lies about this Gaza genocide. More people now know what’s going on but TPTB are pushing it through, sad and frustrating.
Kemper - I grew up in the UK with UK Governments still overtly supporting Apartheid South Africa. It's been clear in my country for decades that Governments have no interest in human rights, unless their opinion polls drop due to not speak out about it.
I also grew up with complete government corruption in court rooms, with Home Office pathologists forging forensic analyses to convict innocent Irishmen for purportedly being IRA bombers. Even over a decade after their unjust imprisonments with the IRA saying: 'We know who the bombers were and it wasn't that bunch', Home Secretaries repeatedly refused to open the judicial can of worms.
In the `1980s, justice improved a bit when a jury expressly stuck up 24 fingers at a bent judge told by Government to convict a Civil Servant under 'Section II of the Official Secrets Act'. It was the finest example in my lifetime of the value of trial by jury, rather than trial by Government.
There's a very, very big difference between what ought to happen in professional life and what actually does happen.
Here in the UK, doctors all expunged their moral consciences and parroted the Government line on Covid19. For 25 years and more, lawyers brought in to head 'public enquiries' have always agreed the outcome prior to accepting the job, thus taking money for distorting public enquiries rather than carrying them out. It's happening now with the 'Covid19 enquiry', it happened over Iraq and it's still happening during the multi-year 'enquiry into child abuse'.
Each of us has a choice between morals and ambition, the way the Western alliance is set up.
We can't have 'high flying careers' if we speak out with conviction, based on morality, about any subject the Governments deem to be 'essential foreign/domestic policy'.
On the other hand, we can be frankly racist in what we say if it reinforces government propaganda (look at all the presstitutes calling for absolute racism against the unvaccinated; look at the presstitutes now saying that any criticism of Israel is hatred etc etc)
Each of us must make our own decision but it's entirely futile to think that we can control the decisions of millions of others. Not alone, anyway.
Hanging my head, I’m ashamed to be an American these days. World, if you’re listening, I’m sorry.
"Don't consent", Sister. Seek alternatives in spirit and in life.
Never. At 58, I’m not about to sell my soul. 🌹🙏
To state the obvious, “never” refers to “Do not consent”. 👍 Thanks for shining the Light.
Had an insight after this post: Everything is rising to be seen, yes, the corruption is being revealed, BUT, the best of our Human spirit is also rising, too. 🙏❤️
We need to work together in spirit, with other humans who are doing the same.
You’re lucky you’re not British, it’s worse.
Don't be ashamed, the world knows it is not you and other "ordinary" Americans, it is your government. As Dr. Day says, don't consent and concentrate on showing your disagreement in every way possible (congressman, state governor etc.).
Spoken from outside by a non-American :-))
But you partly grew up in Washington DC in the early 60s, didn't you, Eleni?
You know more than you let on.
Tremendous variety of reports in this episode.
Transformers need 12 to 35 weeks?
Best be getting a backup generator to your backup generator and make sure your fuel tanks are topped off. Propane being the best and cleanest fuel.
I’m almost topped off on all tanks and since Costco had Firman ultra quiet duel fuels on sale I bough a backup for my house and one for my daughters house.
She’s a smart one and has been prepping all
Food, refrigeration, lights and security.
BTW, I have a line on some AGM’s fresh out of cell tower UPS.
Float charged and barely used. Excellent price.
Call me if you want some as I am buying in bulk at a discount.
Forewarned means preparing
Thanks Mel. I am praying and meditating for our world.
I’m preparing to survive what’s coming,
2 aspects of the same intention, I think.
Russia saying they are an “occupying” power is laughingly ludicrous.
Maybe they should call it a “special operation”
Egypt doesn’t want them EITHER.
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood is illegal in Egypt because of all the atrocities and terror they did.
It’s leaders are in jail for life or executed.
Their actions and beliefs are toxic poison.
They will be destroyed and any civilian caught in the middle will die.
Israel is cutting Gaza in half and will bulldoze it and implode the tunnels.
Just as I said on October 7
They don’t care about the civilians or Palestinian people or they would have never done this.
Bigger posts at play as there were African mercenaries involved as well.
How do I know that? I saw a video of an African mercenary loading hostages in the back of a truck.
But regardless, you do what they did and you can expect is real to go biblical with scorched earth actions.
And nobody can stop it.
Not a peep out of Saudi Arabia either.
Why aren’t the refugees being evacuated to a friendly Arab country?
Because NOBODY wants Hamas.
"Israel" does militarily-occupy Palestinian homelands and private Palestinian-titled property "lands", also.
This latest October 7th Palestinian irregular-military operation appears to have coordinated not just Hamas, but other Palestinian resistance groups, also. there is some implication that Hamas may be outgrowing its Muslim Brotherhood origins, as Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas have been fed and supported by US/UK/Israeli covert interests from their origins.
There are many reasons that countries do not accept Palestinian refugees, and Hamas-problems are one, but the permanent exclusion of the Palestinian people from their rightful homes is more fundamental, and it is what the US/Israel seek to accomplish now.
Extreme religious-government organizations are polarizing and problematic, which is why that had been set aside in the region for many centuries. They do polarize against each other, Jewish(only) nationalism vs Islamic(only) nationalism...
Human rights are erased for "lesser" humans, which is the foundation of genocide.
It is hard to know what organization mercenaries, if any, were working for on October 7, as a lot of secret agencies were involved with their own purposes. Israel left the door open and unlocked, so to speak, for 7 hours, at just the right time, killed a lot of Israelis, and blamed those tank-cannon and air-attack deaths on Hamas, for instance.
Who is more wrong? Anybody who keeps bombing civilians is currently more-wrong. It looks like Israeli policy is now to continue until there are no Palestinians on the valuable Gaza strip, and Israel can build a competitor to the Suez Canal, and take 100% of the natural gas.
Ben Gurian canal.
By name... Yes.
City of London, by other name.
It is an "active" plan, but the regionalization of trade and the competition between blocks (as energy declines) will make "another Suez" redundant.
John - the BRI initiative was to a significant degree a project to evade the political complexities of the Suez canal and to provide land-based alternatives to maritime transport of goods.
The decline of Suez will be linked to the success or otherwise of BRI. There are already freight trains going from East London to China, direct and I'm sure that's also true from many other European states.
Agreed, and also trade will decrease as chaep-oil decreases.
The "owners" want to maintain control of whatever is in shortest supply. They have managed to do that with "money", but oil, wheat, corn, soybeans and rice are really more critical...
There are volcanoes in some of those trenches...
Israeli govt is Khazarian Mafia not so it's citizens. Hamas hides behind and terrorizes it's own people. That's why no one wants them. The Capital in DC was attacked yesterday by Hamas/Palestinian supporters. Not one MSM reported it. FYI US govt not backing Israel.
'Terrorism Leads To Lockdowns Leads To Martial Law' - Martin Armstrong Warns Of Deep State Plan To Hold On To Power
Yep, that's why they brought the terrorism here.
Well, it's advertised, but that was Jan. 6, and it was all fluff and accusations.
I sure don't know how all of this will play out.
Will shooting people we can barely see in the distance protect us?
What if we make mistakes?
No, I'm talking about this past weekend when Hamas/Palestinian insurrectionists descended on DC Capital bldg which was not reported in MSM. There was no insurrection on 1/6 unless you're counting the CIA ,FBI, etc. dressed as MAGA supporters. Who is shooting at people in the distance?
I think this weekend was another nothingburger, no more of threat than Nasrallah's speech, as I saw it. It was a peaceful protest, no?
I read today Israel is flooding all the tunnels in Gaza. That will surely eliminate that threat and maybe some of the fighters.
I’m guessing they will demolition anything left standing and implode the tall buildings.
Then they will establish a no man’s land around what’s left in the south. This will include a naval blockade. Turkey has been sufficiently warned by NATO and USA.
They should have known this would be coming and the Palestinians in Gaza will suffer.
Such is the state of war.
The "Hannibal Directive" allows the Israeli army to kill Israeli soldiers, rather than have to bargain for them as hostages. They will do that with the flooding of tunnels, since that's where the remaining hostages, essentially POWs, are located.
On and right-after Otober 7, the Hannibal Directive appears to have been applied to Israeli civilians in houses and cars, and open fields, as helicopter and tank commanders were ordered to shoot without discriminating Hamas from civilians.
Looks like they moved the hostages out of the tunnels.
The raid yesterday was in Rafah and they were being held on the second floor
Israehell has spies giving them intel on hostage movements. Or do it seems from that raid.
The Israelis really, really track cellphones effectively.
Whenever the Balfour Declaration is quoted it is invariably missing the key part of the sentence that gives lie to the foundation of Israel as an exclusive Jewish state. Balfour was at pains to make it clear that a 'Jewish home' could not impinge on the rights of the existing population.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." That second part of the sentence is always dropped from the quote.
I believe the second part was included and openly derided in at least one of the essays dealing with the declaration, which I posted.
. . . for which I'm grateful.
Thank you for everything you do.
You are welcome. I seek to be of service.
John - if you were going to impose digital currencies without mandate, the easiest way to do so is to make fiat cash worthless. You do that through organising hyperinflationary pressures and then say that 'we need to do this to control inflation'. Of course, you're not controlling it in any way, as digital money is infinitely expandable, you don't even need expensive printing presses for that, you just have some simple algorithm and whoopy do, another $50trn digital dollars exist.
Running continuous budgetary deficits, continuously printing money to stave off US Federal bankruptcy, running out of control defence budgets, racking up ever bigger debt repayment schedules, and then, the coup de grace, organise rapid increases in interest rates to make the US Federal debt repayment schedules increasingly impossible to service.
So it becomes 'default on your debts' or 'impose a digital currency'.
Not that that will solve the debt problem - it will just give the controllers far, far more control over the controlled.
Zimbabwe had problems recently. Making a new form of money the only game in town was economically catastrophic. Again, all of the eggs are in the electronic-communications basket now, which will be catastrophic when it goes down, which seems inevitable, but not predictably timed.
How will the US default this time? Lincols, FDR and Nixon all defaulted in various ways.
I suspect that returning to a gold-standard would work ok, something like $10-12,000 per troy oz. Inflation up to that point could be done in a few years from the current $2k/oz mark.
It would be a shitshow, but the main thing would be to impose losses where they could be afforded, the middling-wealthy. Retirees are already being culled, and they (we) will be predictably starved in any such arrangement.
Changing who is in power is essential to any actual systemic transition, and those in power have been arranging to stay in power for a long time.
The alternate-pole arising in BRICS+ is poorly formed, but will have to serve somehow,,,
Chinese "Realpolitik" is the big threat i see there, but what else can be done in the near-term?
No dislike button
it is almost impossible to have enough information to do significant barter, except eggs for milk, or something. "Money" is a good form of information for trade.
Cash will be essential if the internet and grid are attacked, and it might not be enough if supply chains are badly impacted.
Whenever we use money it is "information" in a broad economic paradigm. Nobody ever has the right barter trade for anything, so "information" about who has what to give, and what it should trade for in "value" is the critical factor, usually, but not if you are starving.
We hope to not go there.
I bartered with family last weekend when a short break to visit our 89 near old aunt took place. My cousin paid for the accommodation and I bartered my share in exchange for me bringing my own grown vegetables and cooking soup for six three times, along with a £20 wine bottle and access to a single malt whisky (which was mostly not taken up).
This barter was easier because all the products had fiat values and the value of my time was in effect what a lowly worker in a restaurant would get paid. £20 of labour, £20 bottle of wine, £15 my time growing vegetables and £5 for the whisky. Pretty accurate barter based on the price of the AirBnB.
"Information" about relative economic value in facilitated trade.
That's what money is.
Packs of cigarettes and boxes of common-ammunition work, too.
John - anything storable long-term is useful. Tomato seeds last 10 years in my experience; whisky bottles; wine in storage; canned vegetables; dried fruit; olive oil.
Shorter term, most root vegetables in winter in the UK store for 2-3 months, but mostly then you would trade your surplus to those needing to eat.
Excess clothes will have value as multiple thin layers do well in winter by trapping air. Shoes in general will have value as, unused, they will last for years. Ditto pairs of socks.
Tents, sleeping bags, bivouac bags, insulating matting to sleep on. Anyone who's ever slept outdoors (I often did when young going on mountaineering trips) knows how much heat you lose through the ground without insulation under your body.
Knowing who to sell to will be more important than what to sell. Pawnbrokers don't need anything for themselves, so will offer lower prices You need to identify those that actually need your wares to get yourself a fair and decent price.
"Therma Rest" camping mattresses are the best.
Food will be the big issue, I think, more than clothing in the survival crunch, but war moves people and destroys their stuff, as we are seeing.
In another life (ie. 3+ years ago) you and I, Dr John, would’ve been on opposite ends of the political spectrum. In our respective fields (medicine and law) we had a sort of grounding as to what we were doing and what the future held. Spring ‘20 changed it all for me and for you, too, I suspect. The sudden rush of the lockdowns did it for me (segregating courtrooms was immediately unacceptable to me but it was mandated by fiat from Austin) and I think you went through a similar experience in your practice. Now, here I am seeing the lies about this Gaza genocide. More people now know what’s going on but TPTB are pushing it through, sad and frustrating.
Kemper - I grew up in the UK with UK Governments still overtly supporting Apartheid South Africa. It's been clear in my country for decades that Governments have no interest in human rights, unless their opinion polls drop due to not speak out about it.
I also grew up with complete government corruption in court rooms, with Home Office pathologists forging forensic analyses to convict innocent Irishmen for purportedly being IRA bombers. Even over a decade after their unjust imprisonments with the IRA saying: 'We know who the bombers were and it wasn't that bunch', Home Secretaries repeatedly refused to open the judicial can of worms.
In the `1980s, justice improved a bit when a jury expressly stuck up 24 fingers at a bent judge told by Government to convict a Civil Servant under 'Section II of the Official Secrets Act'. It was the finest example in my lifetime of the value of trial by jury, rather than trial by Government.
There's a very, very big difference between what ought to happen in professional life and what actually does happen.
Here in the UK, doctors all expunged their moral consciences and parroted the Government line on Covid19. For 25 years and more, lawyers brought in to head 'public enquiries' have always agreed the outcome prior to accepting the job, thus taking money for distorting public enquiries rather than carrying them out. It's happening now with the 'Covid19 enquiry', it happened over Iraq and it's still happening during the multi-year 'enquiry into child abuse'.
Each of us has a choice between morals and ambition, the way the Western alliance is set up.
We can't have 'high flying careers' if we speak out with conviction, based on morality, about any subject the Governments deem to be 'essential foreign/domestic policy'.
On the other hand, we can be frankly racist in what we say if it reinforces government propaganda (look at all the presstitutes calling for absolute racism against the unvaccinated; look at the presstitutes now saying that any criticism of Israel is hatred etc etc)
Each of us must make our own decision but it's entirely futile to think that we can control the decisions of millions of others. Not alone, anyway.
Yes, truth, decency and "reality" are more important than any political flavorings these days.
TPTB are commanding a ship that is heavily listing and taking on water.
Argentina is at 140% inflation and ejected a libertarian populist today.
Earth shaking as he is telling the truth unfiltered
Sorrry type “elected”
I figured that's what you meant.
I hope he can actually accomplish some good. There is quite a corrupt and extractive status-quo in Argentina.
He’s already ruffling feathers and has put UK on the hot button by reopening the Falkland Islands claims.