Thank you, John!!! I approve of the type of squeeze presented in the photo. :)

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Observations on the bureaucracy are spot on. Good stuff.

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The canning looks like it went well! Good stuff John. If you're so inclined give this guy a little of your time, you may find him interesting: https://suspicious0bservers.org/ His take is backed up with official science, you know the kind that is reviewed. This one is from a few years back but there are lots of shorter ones and a daily update on our star and its rumblings on his utube:


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Hi John.

This bit "What is required may be impossible, but it is required, anyway to proceed, and there is no alternative..." reminded me of David Graeber's essay Utopia of Rules. 5000 years of Bureaucracy. How almost everything in daily life, has always been bogged down by completely idiotic useless rules. Very sad to know that such stifling levels of no-brain bureaucracy, has taken a toll on your profession as well. Adios!

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Thank you John, for bringing this information together in one place. My simple and childlike mind says 'humans love precious metals, but precious metals don't love humans'. Right down to the silver and gold, metals we dig up from underground get in the way of us being human, prompt us to kill each other faster by multiple means. I would have stopped societal evolution around the time of the Roman baths and the trebuchet if it had been up to me. I am quite simple. Best

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