As it relates to the spraying chemicals and particulates into the sky to block the sun, aka Solar Radiation Management, I suspect that this has been going on for several years now. It is my understanding that global warming is considered a threat to national security by the military industrial complex, and that threats to national security can be dealt with in a fashion that does not require disclosure to the public or transparency. It seems that there is a push to declare war on climate change, and that Solar Radiation Management and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection are the weapons that the defense contractors have created to fight this war.

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I first noticed the criss-crosed chemtrails being laid out over Austin at various altitudes in the later 1990s, Dotcom-bubble years.

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I would not be surprised if it started that long ago.

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There's a push to kill a very large number of people and 'war on climate change' is merely one channel for delivery of that outcome. War on disease is another. War on Russia is a third. War on 'useless eaters' a fourth. War on freedom of speech and thought a fifth. War on private ownership a sixth.

What's astonishing is that 350 million Americans still believe that Raytheon et al serve the US people, when the truth is that they are the enemy within.

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Gramma came to Canada on a boat in 1914, fleeing WW1. Here we go again, maybe I will end up returning to Europe in a similar fashion and for a similar reason?

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Ran away from Europa and where I am now I’m not safe either, indopacific wars are next but the blue and green here is still more beautiful than our neighbours.

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I don't think Europe looks likely to be better than Canada.


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Certainly not the EU, very unlikely the UK. Maybe Iceland?

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My younger daughter and her husband just visited Iceland in late summer.

Everything is very expensive and there are no fresh vegetables.


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Two things...

You write about Christine from Naked Capitalism...

Maybe you can sent her my story... here is the link


When the richest man on earth Elon Musk needs to steal from Fritz Freud ... what does it tell you?

Also... when the "Elites" want to destroy this planet rather than give up their power... what does it tell you about them?

We must consider what I write all along!

These so called Elites are not Human and should be removed from Human Society by and and every and all means necessary

They are basically an Alien Death Cult...

They are the enemy within.

By their actions you shall recognize them... they cannot be and are not human.



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Christine is a librarian who reads N.C. She has no other link to that site, but sends me stories she sees.

The rich need to kill people they can't steal from at this point. Things are tightening up. The rich cooperate in various ways and compete in various ways, especially the top tier of "owners", who can "know" each other.

They are the kind of "human" that is tasked with killing lots of "regular" humans when resources start to deplete. I think they are still human. Regular humans can be taught to think this way, too.

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Two things...

A) The Mathew principle:

For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

— Matthew 25:29, RSV.

B: They all belong to the Occult...

That means they are willingly possessed... they are not Human anymore.

To be Human you must act like a Human and have Humanity (Empathy) within you.

Them are all possessed by Ancient Evil.

NOT Human.

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If you define "human" that way, then no, "not human".

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A few obvious questions emerge:

1. Who decides who the senior operatives within DOD are?

2. Who decides what DOD policies are, especially the ones that are not subject to Congressional Oversight?

3. Why do those senior DOD officials still have human rights?

4. Why should Board Members of GMO-producing seed companies have human rights?

5. Should any member of the military, who obeys orders to spray aluminium particulates into the sky, have the right to an attorney?

6. Should any pilot that works to save billionaires as they murder billions retain human rights under any humane constitution?

7. Should any national/regional official, anywhere on earth, that ordered vaccine mandates, have the right to eat?

8. Should every US base outside the USA be targeted for carpet bombing to wipe out all US military presence overseas? Ditto every single aircraft carrier, destroyer or other military ship found in international waters? Ditto every single submarine anywhere outside US waters?

9. Should every US corporation compliant with the great genocidal policies be refused the right to exist outside of the USA?

10. Should legal rights of US corporations be drastically curtailed to effect the end of hegemonic power grabs by unfeeling, inhuman entities solely obsessed about impoverishing the majority??

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LBJ could have answered all of those questions clearly and decisively.


All of his answers would have been as wrong as ramping up the war in Vietnam, which Kennedy was winding down and intended to exit after re-election.

The stuff about using space to control the weather and the world is between 24:00 and 25:00, but Lyndon really lets his light shine throughout this speech, often lying with apparent deep-conviction, obviously feeling the dark side of the force surge through him as he spoke to inspire the graduating class.

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"Fascist Trumpian party"??? TDS sufferer.

Only people causing irreparable damage to the planet are the Globalists, Elite Cabalists or whatever name they are calling themselves now. And after all they've done to us they SHOULD BE VERY AFRAID.

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They still have some deadly cards to play...

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No doubt

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It's about time Bill Gates had some deadly cards played on him, kind sir. And the entire Boards of Pfizer and Moderna. And the top 50 officials in DOD.

Just for starters.....

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and the farmer kept on ploughing

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Actually, the small scale growers are increasingly not tilling soil, they are practicing 'no-dig' growing.

The natural soil is rarely disturbed to depth and soil structure improves with every season that it isn't. Channels formed by worms increase drainage in response to heavy rain, whereas effective soil production continues to increase the absorption capacity of soil for water. Fungal networks proliferate increasingly and this helps plants to be more resilient toward drought, nutrient scarcity etc.

My growing experiments the past decade indicate that some crops are lessy fussy about the quality of soil structure, whereas others only grow well in healthy, well-structured soils. Potatoes and squash are notably tolerant, whereas brassicas and parsnips start to thrive as soil health improves.

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Yes I agree the soil and he seeds also in depth are not disturbed. I remember a documentary of farmers in Vietnam where they dug up the soil from beneath 10-20 m. below surface, and buried the surface soil damaged to napalm and agent orange. My grandfather was a farmer and my first 5 years I grew up with them, he said I you want quality from the earth, you have to give quality back so every year he fertilised the soil with the best manure. But things have changed profoundly, the sun and all what comes between this life giving force and our Mother Earth, is disturbed. The earth’s electro magnetic field, the same as the “prana” or electric vital field around our body is no longer the same…. and the restoration I have no direct answer, migration? Living with a lesser immune system? Living underground? Living mutant life? Next life not choosing to live in a human body?

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I believe a simple reason the populace is not rising up in rage is that the YOUTH are not interested or are manipulated into useless rage groups like Anti-Fa, BLM, Extinction Rebellion etc. France was different in WW2 with up to 3% of the population in the Resistance. The experience of the Occupation was hard to be accepted by the French. Many Parisians could not get over the shock experienced when they first saw the huge swastika flags hanging over the Hôtel de Ville and on top of the Eiffel Tower. At the Palais-Bourbon, where the National Assembly building was converted into the office of the Kommandant von Gross-Paris, a huge banner was spread across the facade of the building reading in capital letters: "DEUTSCHLAND SIEGT AN ALLEN FRONTEN!" ("Germany is victorious on all fronts!"), a sign that is mentioned by virtually all accounts by Parisians at the time.[36] The résistant Henri Frenay wrote about seeing the tricolour flag disappear from Paris with the swastika flag flying in its place and German soldiers standing guard in front of buildings that once housed the institutions of the republic gave him "un sentiment de viol" -"a feeling of rape"

Rather remarkable with all the excess deaths and vaccine injuries Americans and Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and Brits are awaiting the Nazi Occupation to have "un sentiment de viol."

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People are multi-tasking to exist, with no bandwidth left.

What if all the screens go blank"


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Looks like the brain screen is kinda broken. I have enjoyed listening on YouTube to Iain McGilchrist in discussion with Alex Gomez-Marin about his book the Master and the Emissary on brain hemispheres. His work is very interesting in that he shows both brain Hemispheres are separate brains and that the Right brain really is the Master. According to Iain McGilchrist, the author of The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World, the differing world views of the right and left brain have shaped Western culture since ancient times. McGilchrist suggests that the left hemisphere (LH) tends to be overbearing, while the right hemisphere (RH) is often underactive. He argues that this imbalance can lead to feelings of fragmentation, devitalization, depersonalization, depression, or dissociation, along with a loss of emotional depth and empathy. He replaces the popular notion that the hemispheres are respectively logical and creative with the idea that they pay attention in fundamentally different ways. The left hemisphere is detail-oriented, while the right hemisphere is whole-oriented. He argues further our LH dominate world is insane and not grounded in reality. I just checked out the book from the biblioteca. Nice paperback edition. With index only 934 pages. :)

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Sounds good.

Integration can come from activities as diverse as ballet, Karate, gardening, bicycling, designing and building things and humanly engaging other people, person to person, with the intent to help.

It's all good. No masters, no slaves.


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I think the political aspect of LH domination has to be the totalitarian impulse of our very technological detail oriented era of specialists running in packs.

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Reductionism was so effective when applied to science, engineering and industry, coupled with mining and oil-drilling, that it took over.

It's a pretty severe Yang overshoot by now.

We're ready for a bit more Yin, huh?

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John - reductionism is brilliant for understanding how particular structures are constructed, especially biological ones.

It has zero utility in predicting how any alternative synthesis will play out, when interacting in a complex dynamic world.

So easy to say: 'insert metal-resistance genes into plants'.

So difficult to know what the global ecology will look like if you forced that onto the entire planet.

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Kali -Estimated Prophetess on the burning shore. Quite Yin. :)

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How many guys get out a tape measure before deciding whether they find a woman sexy?

How many guys ask a woman to take a Myers-Briggs test to decide if they like them emotionally?

The answer, I think, is a vanishingly small percentage.

We know which women we find sexy as individuals, although brainwashers try and convince millions that they all have the same tastes.

Basic common sense tells us that the reason that women of all different shapes and sizes exist is that different men found all of them sufficiently sexy to breed with in past generations.....

LH tries to rationalise what we already know instinctively.

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Per McGhilchrist the LH is disconnected from reality. The RH is not. LH solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind defined by LH. This is not the case with RH. McGhilchrist I believe is accurate in his concern that LH dominance will end our civilization.

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My experience of nearly 60 years of life is that creation is often the result of several years of detail-orientated struggles, but that the creative process occurs when the human spirit returns the detail-obsessed data acquisition processes to the subconscious. Creation occurs when the time is ripe, the journey has reached a critical staging post. It is often utterly natural, like Mozart writing down musical perfection in first draft form. It can often seem entirely instinctive and when someone asks 'how you did it?', the answer is often 'my spirit was ready to synthesise'.

I'm sure that others have different experiences of the creative process, but mine tends of occur as the climax of 6-7 year cycles.

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Gotta finally sit down and start writing, or finally start building after drawing so many plans...

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Youth is brainwashed throughout schooldays nowadays. There's no education any more, just deluded 'teachers' trotting out propaganda to be absorbed like a sponge.

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Most teachers are micro-managed for what they have to teach in every minute of the schoolday these days. It is really oppressive for them, and comes from state level, national level and school-district level. Various parent groups also have organized action-plans.

Smartphone screens are winning, and that is a different battlefield to a degree, though schools attempt a LOT of content management on the devices they provide to students. (Jenny is an elementary school librarian, so I am kept up to date.)

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You hit a home run here with the bases loaded. Great post that explains a great deal about this fuckery we are all experiencing. So many lessons in history.

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Thank You, Bert. I hope it is useful to people.

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Same here, it is time to wake up to some new realities. Past time really, but not too late.

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Sep 22, 2023
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Peace, Brother.

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Sep 22, 2023
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Thank You, A.R. (always reminds me of loudspeakers).

I grew up on USMC and Navy bases during Vietnam. I knew not to join up.

Vietnam was not good for Dad, or for Mom, either.

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The biggest danger of joining any military organisation is the wilful giving up of critical thinking. In the military, you follow orders, you do not think for yourself.

Every military structure is designed to allow any kind of warfare, however obscene, to take place and the entire operational force will mindlessly just follow orders.

All it takes is keeping the truth away from any but a select few psychopaths.

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