There are no problems only solutions.

If we all work together... one year from now we have changed the world.

All together now... the future belongs to us... not them.

We work together... nothing can stop us.

This is a time for heroes... and everyone can be a hero... everyone has it inside them.

All it takes is courage.


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"Wisdom is the better part of valor", as the saying goes.

It does take more wisdom than courage I think.

I have come to think that by being remarkably lucky a lot of times when I had less wisdom, but at least fast reflexes and basic durability.

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Freedom is not given.

Freedom cannot be taken.

Once I was a boy.

Then I became a man.

Tomorrow I am a Hero.


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How many dead-heroes compared to live-heroes?

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In the vietnam war the average death of a soldier was 19.

I am a Hero for I speak up against war.

As are you my friend.



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Practice Freedom Carefully.


I became a "hero" the old fashioned way in May 1986, when I found that a woman I had met was about to drown, when I waded out to look for my friends. I put my life on the line, to not live unless she lived.

It took a couple of hours. We both lived. 19 years later our kids got to meet when we visited them in Hungary.

The next month I began my internship as a Doctor, knowing that life and death are in the hands of God, and that I was completely responsible to do my best, not make excuses.

It helped me be a good intern.

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By the way...

Around 1964 I believe a couple of years before I was born... a young GI knocked on my parents door... in the village i was born... she was 17 and heavily pregnant.

My parents rented a flat in our house... they became lifelong Friends.

Lisa was her name and I grew up with her.. I learned to speak English before i went to school.

My parents went to USA as did my brothers... I left the house and went to the east.. I never saw them again but II wrote a few letters to them when I came back to care for my father.

Such stories make life worth living...

We must prevail... this madness must stop... for we love life.

We must not let this go on...

For the love of life...

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So you were... so you are... a good person... and a friend... Brother in spirit.

Why do you fear the future when your life is build on greatness my friend?

The love and passion you show?

Don't fear the reaper...

Kick his Arse!

You did it once... you do it again... and again... and again...

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If you ever wondered what Obongo's 3rd term would look like, you've just seen it. As he promised in his campaign rhetoric a long time ago, he would "transform America" (into a pile of shite). Commie Saul Alinsky would be proud. What a bunch of sorry wankers, Dems and RINOs, not only stood by and watched him and his cabal do this, they joined in and helped him!!

I fear that the only thing that will truly end our disgusting spiral into the abyss is a leap into that abyss via the failure of the US Dollar. Once the fiat money is worthless, the parasites will move on to another host. The result is financial ruin for everyone holding Dollars. Too high a price to pay to get rid of the Wreckers? You be the judge.

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The train wreck looks to be longer and more gradual, and non-linear.

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Billionaire Elon Musk sounded very excited that taxpayers were gonna get tax cuts

if trump was (re)-elected; excited because he is also in line for those promised tax cuts ?

Or, excited because to pay for them , all those dependent on handouts from the

government to survive were gonna be cut loose? Or, excited because his tax wont be

increased to pay for tax cuts to those who pay more tax than he does ?

Philanthropist billionaires look good when it's others money they are generous with ?

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I think Musk is excited by taking on the challenge of being like FDR's Harry Hopkins for the Federal bureaucracy. He's that kind of guy, with that kind of mind, not a "regular billionaire".


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… speaking of Israeli this, Israeli that, etc. series of articles in today’s postings on Israelis crimes, Alastair Crooke chimes in with suggestion of 'Masada'

A “heroic” preference for self-destruction is taking hold in Israel

October 29, 2024

"Israel teeters at the edge: it will not be able to impose itself over the plurality of resistance that it faces."




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Thanks FS. That's a good piece by Crooke (yet again).

He sure likes the English language, though...

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The Salk vaccine was rolled out with little testing or analysis...My understanding is that, from the git-go, it contained SV-40 and other monkey viruses...I was one of the first recipients as a 7 year old, they just lined us up at school and injected us, without any consent documents being signed by parents....That was about 1954...I've always wondered whether that played a roll in my much later development of cancer...

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Polio is a disease of poor sanitation.Which rapidly improved postwar..The data indicates that the Salk vaccine, and the subsequent Sabin oral vaccine which was much safer, had exactly zero effect on the number of polio cases in America....

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Salk vaccine was cancer risk without benefit.

Sabine vaccine has some benefit, but at the very real risk of causing cases of Polio.

Yeah, good healthy lifestyle is the main protection.


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Unlucky You...


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Well, still here, so can't complain...

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