Social media changed the advertising game by providing advertisers with far more accurate access to their potential customers in a way that establishment news outlets had no way of replicating. As a result, local and regional news has all but died as outlets can no longer afford to employ journalists. Without the local and regional training pools, the quality of national journalism has also plummeted, even as the number of journalists and of genuine investigations has fallen off a cliff. Today, most of what we call news consists of re-hashed press releases from approved organisations, together with commentary as a substitute for hard evidence.


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Thanks Red. All information is paid for by somebody.

If it is presented to us, somebody paid for it to be presented to us. Why?

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . . 2024: Elon Musk is a Scumbag - The Ultimate Agent of Government Censorship


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I believer we will be undergoing a huge change in the very near future. Hopefully for the good!

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I don't think that good usually comes before bad when big changes take place.

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Well, we seem to be in the midst of the 'bad' now - so I feel the Light is right around the corner - may be a long corner, but there no less. We're going to see some major changes in April!

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I hope you are right, and I see the workings of evil everywhere, but we are not yet in a war zone.

Maybe I have the bar set too high... I hope so.

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The bar needs to be high!

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This is the choice that both the Democrats and the Republicans are following, and that is what makes a recovery impossible for the United States without a change in policy. I don’t see how it can occur without a revolution...

Briefly this phrase is applicable to not only Phynance but all policy from D.C to culminate in Covid Tyranny gone global.

In my opinion the Federal structure needs a Hercules to clean the stable and no political Duo-Poly wants this to happen. And in our present somnambulist non-Republic even cutting the head off an agency breeds more heads. If there exists no solution to a captured government we are doomed to be serfs if we are allowed life.

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Things happen. "Chance favors the prepared".

Who knows?

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Past performance no guarantee of future results I grok. However history rhymes.

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What if there is a Carrington event? Stuff happens.

I am reading history as rising to some kind of crescendo. Billions of us stand to be culled by the "owners", but owners get surprised by history, too, and by each other.

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Hedged bets. Deep Underground Military Bases designed to take a direct hit. Colorado comes to mind of course probably with deep high speed rail linking sites. Or as Fitts suggests the High Frontier and .....contact?....with whom pray? The revenant of the Third Reich?

We have naturally no idea of our fate and possibly are greatly deceived in regards to that which is said True. Unsurprising given our awareness of the actual stretching back through the history of man, a few over the top super scrupulous and the others less so in public service.

I think nationalism is so bound up with the International State System after Bonaparte we might with better historians have a more exact history of say the Puritan Revolution, then the American, then the French and then the Russian after that. And speeding up the movie we reach Detente, Nixon in China, and then speeding the movie really fast the great Coup consisting of really 3 acts. Covid, Biden, and Alvin Bragg Esq.

How best to bring Warring States under one thumb with as little damage as possible to critical infrastructure is all prospective Hegemon's goals.

And all along that way is Billy Gates and a circle of influential powerful people only in it for the idealism and gold.

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There are a lot of sorceror's apprentices. The Kinzhal missiles Russia used earlier this month purportdly took out some very deep coommand/control centers near Lviv.

I have a feeling that setting up a living system to survive without modernity is the appropriate goal.

I am not there yet.

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Thoreau came close but he would go home. As a kid I loved Farley Mowat and badly wanted life in the Canadian wilderness. At 30 Santa Cruz seemed like an ideal wilderness. Marin being too costly.

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There's nothing new about this. The only thing that could become new would be the attitudes of the long-suffering US public to it.

Whingeing on social media won't change things. The only thing that will change things is 300 million Americans realising that voting Democrat or Republican is a vote for no change.

They need to vote in their tens of millions for an anti-Establishment candidate and they need to switch off the MSM and not listen to what they say. They need to start trusting their own experience, their own self-interests and absolutely never put the interests of bankers first any longer.

If the USA really IS the land of the free (I have always had serious doubts about that), then this will be seen as one of the most positive political actions since 1776.

If it's the land of tyrants with lots of money, then it will be called domestic terrorism.

Let's see what happens, eh?

But nothing will happen if the people don't rip up their Dem/Repo memberships and start a genuinely people-centric party headquartered a million miles away from Southern Manhattan, Washington DC, the Bay Area or Hollywood.

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We shall see when there is no easy way forward, I suppose.

Most people are conserative, and will not interrupt their flow of food and necessities, but when those stop, they will consider ALL alternatives.

There are wavves of social-activism energy, though.

This is feeling like 1968 to me.

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