I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today, or let's just kick the can down the road (oops they ran out of road)

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" There Is No Can ! " Too Many listened to Baracks BS , " Yes We Can ! " NOW , NO CAN ........... No Road Either ! Every Infrastructure Bill has been diverted into politically connected clowns whom waste those precious tax dollars on signs saying slow down as the road gets clogged & you cannot see any real progress , as there is NONE ! Only Infrastructure built ; was the large billboards saying " Your Tax Dollars At Work ! " New Signs with every Infrastructure Bill , roads still impossible decades after they were supposed to be completed................... Time to go fishing & see if IRS can find you in the woods ...... Nick, NavyBlueSmoke ,LST-1195

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"I know we Can, Can make it..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8DE1N3T6EE

Pointer Sisters Point it out.

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Thx Doc ! Thought I had lost all reason to live & you remind me with this long list of faults existing in the present world ...... We have some hope .... We have some purpose ! IF ALL WE SEE , is NOT, a good reason to drink ...... then drink we will ..... You've given us all a reason to live , I'll drink to that ............. Thx Doc ....... Do you know it's St.Patricks Day ........... You're falling behind & I am buying the next round ............ Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

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Happy St. Patty's Day, Nick.

My last beer was February 1994. No arguments in my head about it since then.


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Very interesting the story about the plane sabotage. I hadn't heard anything about it even in independent media, which tells you something right there.

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Did the propping up of trash assets have the side effect of suppressing commodities, or was that deliberate?

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