I hope that there is a public outrage over the recently released emails showing that Fauci himself called the research being done at the Wuhan lab "gain-of-function" despite repeatedly saying under oath that it wasn't. I doubt he will get the maximum of 5 years in prison for lying under oath, but I hope that he at least gets 6 months.
That's what sixteen year old boys tend to do with 16 year old girls, isn't it? Being taken 'out behind the barn' can be both wonderful or terminal, depending on context....😂😂😂
I actually looked it up in discussions, sometimes "behind the barn" can be more serious than whipping - it can mean shooting someone/something.
The expression comes from the fact that people used to take pigs or goats behind the barn (i.e., outside of the sight of the children) to kill them for food.
The talk about 'the money supply contracting' is surely a red herring? Given the unlimited money printing engaged upon by successive US/UK puppeteers the past 10 years, actually removing some of that excess money from circulation is the only way that rampant inflation can come under control.
Of course, if it is real cash in the real economy that is being decommissioned, whereas the 'fake money' printed for banks to have free credit keeps on ramping up, that's no good at all.
But the only way that 'sound money' can return after 'money printing' is to 'retire some money'.
Rhys said: "But the only way that 'sound money' can return after 'money printing' is to 'retire some money'".
I suspect that the current monetary/financial regime will be replaced. They are going to pop some bubbles this time. The bankers will keep THIS system going as long as it is bringing tribute into NY and London, but there are replacement plans. It looks like competing replacement plans.
I like what Russia is working on. I'll post a new story about that today.
You put big big questions there, to own or not to own that’s the question and who owns what? Do we own the earth or does the earth owns us? Do we feed the earth or...? And concerning Dr. Sausy also walking on this earth, is he leaving a more permanent or deeper footmark than us, or let’s say the extinct T-rex predator?
I hope that there is a public outrage over the recently released emails showing that Fauci himself called the research being done at the Wuhan lab "gain-of-function" despite repeatedly saying under oath that it wasn't. I doubt he will get the maximum of 5 years in prison for lying under oath, but I hope that he at least gets 6 months.
It is an important message that the elite functionaries can be attacked.
The take-downs really need to proceed.
We need a different and better team.
What pleasure he must be taking in watching the worlds people die horrific deaths. My Dad would have said, take him out behind the barn....
That's what sixteen year old boys tend to do with 16 year old girls, isn't it? Being taken 'out behind the barn' can be both wonderful or terminal, depending on context....😂😂😂
I actually looked it up in discussions, sometimes "behind the barn" can be more serious than whipping - it can mean shooting someone/something.
The expression comes from the fact that people used to take pigs or goats behind the barn (i.e., outside of the sight of the children) to kill them for food.
As you can see here, the entire phrase "behind the barn and shoot it" gets 16,300 hits on Google... http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SNNT_enUS375US376&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=%22behind+the+barn+and+shoot+it%22
but it's sometimes shortened to just "behind the barn"...
Dad never used that phrase in a nice way, it was about giving nasty entities their due.
"Oh out behind the barn, I'm chewin' on a piece of hay, I'm up to my knees in cow-shit, I'm shovelin' my blues away." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0hI87nESFg
National Lampoon "Lemmings" album was a Woodstock parody, and this song, "Positively Wall Street" was a Bob Dylan parody.
I resisted the first time around, but you have left me no other recourse, but to post it...
and then the billions going to Ukraine...
This is a video posted by Kim Dotcom. Look at the faces of the listeners.No levity here.
The talk about 'the money supply contracting' is surely a red herring? Given the unlimited money printing engaged upon by successive US/UK puppeteers the past 10 years, actually removing some of that excess money from circulation is the only way that rampant inflation can come under control.
Of course, if it is real cash in the real economy that is being decommissioned, whereas the 'fake money' printed for banks to have free credit keeps on ramping up, that's no good at all.
But the only way that 'sound money' can return after 'money printing' is to 'retire some money'.
Rhys said: "But the only way that 'sound money' can return after 'money printing' is to 'retire some money'".
I suspect that the current monetary/financial regime will be replaced. They are going to pop some bubbles this time. The bankers will keep THIS system going as long as it is bringing tribute into NY and London, but there are replacement plans. It looks like competing replacement plans.
I like what Russia is working on. I'll post a new story about that today.
You put big big questions there, to own or not to own that’s the question and who owns what? Do we own the earth or does the earth owns us? Do we feed the earth or...? And concerning Dr. Sausy also walking on this earth, is he leaving a more permanent or deeper footmark than us, or let’s say the extinct T-rex predator?
Who enforces "ownership"?
"Ownership" becomes contested when finances collapse.
Bankers usually win, but nobody always wins.
Most people will lose what they think they "own", when it is something they were promised would exist when the debt was due (but it won't).