As the above commentator remarked, we truly are more in “hospice stage.” With the population increases over time there is no way for actual representative government. Given the monetary policies, we have been in a slow death spiral for decades. Throw in the IT tools to collect & analyze gazillionbytes of data each moment, and we have the most disconnected society in history. The average person is so busy with trivia he doesn’t have the time or inclination to attend to the micro or macro elements in the world.
I have been trying to help parents see that the current mode of high school (for those not yet ready to homeschool) is to overwhelm child AND parents with time commitments. Sports & activities are demanding ridiculous amounts of after school time, more homework is being required, and so both parents & children are on a treadmill with no exit. For this chunk of the population, they are effectively removed from any real thinking about political & economic issues, beyond what media tells them. No time or energy.
This most impacts the “professional middle class family” who are the ones most capable of understanding & seeking to change the system. Obviously this is a generalization, but I believe it to be valid. I will be writing about these issues in the near future, including a brief overview of economic systems & money. It will take significant awakening to course-correct.
Oh yeah, before I forget: political party & “left-right” distinctions mean nothing anymore. They are all collectivist-globalist-power hungry morons. Elections have become a joke, and as much as I truly appreciate what Bobby Kennedy is seeking to do, I have serious doubts about his ability to arrive at the finish line alive. The beast won’t allow it ... and I HOPE & PRAY that I am WRONG!!!
The current beast won't let Bobby get there, unless he has truly powerful friends, and that faction gets stronger, or exercises a coup against the current courtiers (left and right flavors) in DC.
Yes, people are being shifted to quick reactions to small data sets. (click this!)
No big picture integrative thinking is desired by the machine.
Agreed. Political outsiders have a short shelf life in DC. His dad & Uncle Jack were outsiders, while Uncle Teddy became the consummate INSIDER. Of course something like Chappaquiddick gives a great deal of leverage.
The prosecution of Trump shows how far from reality the politicos have drifted. The sense of being “untouchable” (compare crimes of Hunter Biden compared to allegations against Trump) have given us an intolerable situation. No voting our way out of this, that ship has sailed!
I tell my offspring, in attempting to rouse them to alertness, that "you may not care about politics but politics cares about you." The consequences of quality of attention, or lack of, have resulted in our (insert various adjectives) last three years.
It goes back decades, not 3 years. As an example, I had NO IDEA that the childhood vax schedule was anything like it actually is. Breton Woods is long past, the Fed has gutted the wealth of a productive nation, and we have survived only by the exorbitant privilege (being the printer of the global reserve currency).
Yes, but the fraud and abuse has been made evident now to those with their eyes wide open and willing to see and understand. It is a lot to take in and almost beyond comprehension as the deceptions and structures have been in the works for decades and longer.
Part of the problem is that most physicians are working in settings that they no longer control, and don’t have the time they really need to dig into issues enough. The corruption of “Medical Journal world” has snuck up on people. There have always been some questionable articles published, but the level of corruption exposed 3 years ago with the onset of “pandemic world” was shocking to most who ‘woke up.’
Medical practice requires so much time wasting due to bureaucratic nonsense, docs are worn out & running more on autopilot. This is bad, I am just giving an observation. It’s also why I haven’t utilized insurance companies for payment in 30 years!
These daze (sp. intentional) I find myself first scrolling down to your "moment of grounded/connected zen" pics as a mental palate cleanse to get into a parasympathetic state, and once again after perusing your info and analysis gatherings I dwell on it long enough to do some vagal tone repair.
Your blogside manner betrays your experienced skill as a physician who has learned how to buffer the news our fragile human hearts don't want to hear, but must if we are to take accountability and make decisions on our next step.
We are all on hospice at this point as your colleague Zach Bush MD says, and taking account & acceptance of where we are is the first step to allowing for miracles. Thanks again for what you do.
Thank You, Dogsnose. I apppreciate your kind comments, and I do seek to be useful to people. I see us as having a lot of critical work to do as things go through rapid changes, the outcomes of which are not yet defined or predictable.
" I'm not sure that there is enough intolerance in the US to feed a cultural revolution, or right-fascism, though the potential for a swing to right-fascism has long concerned me."
A swing to 'right-fascism' from the ' left- fascism' we are living now? Mussolini was a student of Marx, perhaps we might come up with a new name for a synthesis of fascist/marxist ideology that seems to have evolved. Considering the hatred of the nazis for communists, and the vestiges of that hatred currently in the Ukraine are we sure who really won WW2?
Yes, a swing to right fascism from the (softish) left fascism we now have, which is pretty weak stuff at street-level.
I can't tell if the USA will make a hard right swing as things get very hard and dysfunctional, as in Weimar Germany.
If things make a hard swing in bad times, I think it will have to be to the right of the political spectrum. I don't think the left can pull anything off, it's so ineffectual and shallow now.
Germany could have swung either way in the early 1930s.
My thought is collapse of the Federal "giverment" creates 50 chaotic states. Collapse is not an accident though and shaping the outcome in each state, like stealing elections in each state, will have different power interests. And this could bring a kind of civil war. Or a new political order. Or both.
A weak Federal government with an unpopular President in Pacific Rim states coupled with China's control and influence in U.S. politics may influence the Pacific Rim states break free to merge with Western Canada.
I am concerned though as unprecedented death and injury toll from all of the consequences of Covid-19 continue to escalate. Trump, oddly, celebrates "Warp Speed" and is popular with those who detest Biden and shrug about vaccines. So if the election was today the new Il Duce would easily win. But it is not held today and the country is in free fall with no parachute.
JFK, Jr. recognizes this. He is electable as a Democrat. He would find donors grasping the only way to keep Trump out and the Democrats in power is to elect him on the platform of bringing the Covid vaccine creating criminal deep state to Justice. Especially visible devils like Fauci. However once again this if the vote was today.
One year from today or even one month at the present speed of events can drastically alter everything. A collapse of the ability to embargo a narrative of the U.S government being a rouge state domestically for example by information reaching a large enough group of concerned Americans has to have consequences we only can imagine.
Yes there are contaminations in the "vaccines" and some lots more poisonous than others, and some lots had little nano-ferrite balls left in them, and some had weird self assembling nan-structures iin them. We only THOUGHT they were uniform, because we were provided that concept of them, but somebody has keys to what was in what lots and can watch the effects play out in time, a big human medical experiment (that kills some folks).
I'm not sure where Bobby Jr. can go with this candidacy, and the DNC can give him the Sanders treatment, or the bullet-treatment. If he proceeds, it will be because a shift will have taken place in the real power structure.
I wish him well, and will help as I can (obviously not much) unless I see something very different.
I'd like him to come out for Assange's freedom and to step back from the "global warming" narrative a bit.
Well here is the funny part of our elections which is the buy in of the voter for the candidate to acceptable untruths. Candidates who are challenged by voters who know what they speak have a hard time being wavy gravy. They are pinned down and forced off rhetoric. It may well be no candidate could handle such an encounter. Confronted by hard to deny facts they only lie or dance with verbiage. And we know who they are. And if we vote for them, as so many seem to say with Trump, out of a hope of rolling back the Revolution, if we accept the man we are told is hated by the Swamp as a black hat hero after knowing he is astroturf then our politics is fully collective. RFK, Jr. is from a different and more pugnacious space than Trump. From a distance he seems more his own man. As I have suggested he better embodies the myth needed to exit and start healing from Covid. And as a Democrat - though not a CIA Democrat- he has I think populist appeal in crucial demographics.
So we both entertain some hope, though it seems that the system will have to change for Bobby Jr. to proceed. The system of the imperial court, which we have come to know, would not tolerate his procession through an uncontrolled process, would not allow an actual primary.
I think I see RFK, Jr. is not a wholly controlled agent. In politics hard to know truth.
You are spot on that hurdles are many and the machine will strive to smother him. Still, as illness and death continues and explanations fall short and men like Kirsch back him I see also though he is within the toleration limits of the Party with many issues aside from medical dictatorship. A pivot which may be to the benefit of certain factions within the party who can appease the populace like Pilate. :)
Chaos; There is no blueprint not even for those who have a certain direction in mind or in the AI mind; and Cultural Revolution. For the last I see never never a cultural revolution happening in the US, not even in Russia, China or Europe it’s impossible. Every culture is on its deathbed, better it’s bleeding to death drop by drop, it will take its time but once all cultures will be gone, all. So what revolution are we talking about, the revolution for making place for something else (Contingency?). Dinosaurs over birds, humans and following.....👨🦯
As the above commentator remarked, we truly are more in “hospice stage.” With the population increases over time there is no way for actual representative government. Given the monetary policies, we have been in a slow death spiral for decades. Throw in the IT tools to collect & analyze gazillionbytes of data each moment, and we have the most disconnected society in history. The average person is so busy with trivia he doesn’t have the time or inclination to attend to the micro or macro elements in the world.
I have been trying to help parents see that the current mode of high school (for those not yet ready to homeschool) is to overwhelm child AND parents with time commitments. Sports & activities are demanding ridiculous amounts of after school time, more homework is being required, and so both parents & children are on a treadmill with no exit. For this chunk of the population, they are effectively removed from any real thinking about political & economic issues, beyond what media tells them. No time or energy.
This most impacts the “professional middle class family” who are the ones most capable of understanding & seeking to change the system. Obviously this is a generalization, but I believe it to be valid. I will be writing about these issues in the near future, including a brief overview of economic systems & money. It will take significant awakening to course-correct.
Oh yeah, before I forget: political party & “left-right” distinctions mean nothing anymore. They are all collectivist-globalist-power hungry morons. Elections have become a joke, and as much as I truly appreciate what Bobby Kennedy is seeking to do, I have serious doubts about his ability to arrive at the finish line alive. The beast won’t allow it ... and I HOPE & PRAY that I am WRONG!!!
The current beast won't let Bobby get there, unless he has truly powerful friends, and that faction gets stronger, or exercises a coup against the current courtiers (left and right flavors) in DC.
Yes, people are being shifted to quick reactions to small data sets. (click this!)
No big picture integrative thinking is desired by the machine.
Agreed. Political outsiders have a short shelf life in DC. His dad & Uncle Jack were outsiders, while Uncle Teddy became the consummate INSIDER. Of course something like Chappaquiddick gives a great deal of leverage.
The prosecution of Trump shows how far from reality the politicos have drifted. The sense of being “untouchable” (compare crimes of Hunter Biden compared to allegations against Trump) have given us an intolerable situation. No voting our way out of this, that ship has sailed!
I tell my offspring, in attempting to rouse them to alertness, that "you may not care about politics but politics cares about you." The consequences of quality of attention, or lack of, have resulted in our (insert various adjectives) last three years.
It goes back decades, not 3 years. As an example, I had NO IDEA that the childhood vax schedule was anything like it actually is. Breton Woods is long past, the Fed has gutted the wealth of a productive nation, and we have survived only by the exorbitant privilege (being the printer of the global reserve currency).
Yes, but the fraud and abuse has been made evident now to those with their eyes wide open and willing to see and understand. It is a lot to take in and almost beyond comprehension as the deceptions and structures have been in the works for decades and longer.
Part of the problem is that most physicians are working in settings that they no longer control, and don’t have the time they really need to dig into issues enough. The corruption of “Medical Journal world” has snuck up on people. There have always been some questionable articles published, but the level of corruption exposed 3 years ago with the onset of “pandemic world” was shocking to most who ‘woke up.’
Medical practice requires so much time wasting due to bureaucratic nonsense, docs are worn out & running more on autopilot. This is bad, I am just giving an observation. It’s also why I haven’t utilized insurance companies for payment in 30 years!
These daze (sp. intentional) I find myself first scrolling down to your "moment of grounded/connected zen" pics as a mental palate cleanse to get into a parasympathetic state, and once again after perusing your info and analysis gatherings I dwell on it long enough to do some vagal tone repair.
Your blogside manner betrays your experienced skill as a physician who has learned how to buffer the news our fragile human hearts don't want to hear, but must if we are to take accountability and make decisions on our next step.
We are all on hospice at this point as your colleague Zach Bush MD says, and taking account & acceptance of where we are is the first step to allowing for miracles. Thanks again for what you do.
Thank You, Dogsnose. I apppreciate your kind comments, and I do seek to be useful to people. I see us as having a lot of critical work to do as things go through rapid changes, the outcomes of which are not yet defined or predictable.
" I'm not sure that there is enough intolerance in the US to feed a cultural revolution, or right-fascism, though the potential for a swing to right-fascism has long concerned me."
A swing to 'right-fascism' from the ' left- fascism' we are living now? Mussolini was a student of Marx, perhaps we might come up with a new name for a synthesis of fascist/marxist ideology that seems to have evolved. Considering the hatred of the nazis for communists, and the vestiges of that hatred currently in the Ukraine are we sure who really won WW2?
Yes, a swing to right fascism from the (softish) left fascism we now have, which is pretty weak stuff at street-level.
I can't tell if the USA will make a hard right swing as things get very hard and dysfunctional, as in Weimar Germany.
If things make a hard swing in bad times, I think it will have to be to the right of the political spectrum. I don't think the left can pull anything off, it's so ineffectual and shallow now.
Germany could have swung either way in the early 1930s.
My thought is collapse of the Federal "giverment" creates 50 chaotic states. Collapse is not an accident though and shaping the outcome in each state, like stealing elections in each state, will have different power interests. And this could bring a kind of civil war. Or a new political order. Or both.
A weak Federal government with an unpopular President in Pacific Rim states coupled with China's control and influence in U.S. politics may influence the Pacific Rim states break free to merge with Western Canada.
I am concerned though as unprecedented death and injury toll from all of the consequences of Covid-19 continue to escalate. Trump, oddly, celebrates "Warp Speed" and is popular with those who detest Biden and shrug about vaccines. So if the election was today the new Il Duce would easily win. But it is not held today and the country is in free fall with no parachute.
JFK, Jr. recognizes this. He is electable as a Democrat. He would find donors grasping the only way to keep Trump out and the Democrats in power is to elect him on the platform of bringing the Covid vaccine creating criminal deep state to Justice. Especially visible devils like Fauci. However once again this if the vote was today.
One year from today or even one month at the present speed of events can drastically alter everything. A collapse of the ability to embargo a narrative of the U.S government being a rouge state domestically for example by information reaching a large enough group of concerned Americans has to have consequences we only can imagine.
Yes there are contaminations in the "vaccines" and some lots more poisonous than others, and some lots had little nano-ferrite balls left in them, and some had weird self assembling nan-structures iin them. We only THOUGHT they were uniform, because we were provided that concept of them, but somebody has keys to what was in what lots and can watch the effects play out in time, a big human medical experiment (that kills some folks).
I'm not sure where Bobby Jr. can go with this candidacy, and the DNC can give him the Sanders treatment, or the bullet-treatment. If he proceeds, it will be because a shift will have taken place in the real power structure.
I wish him well, and will help as I can (obviously not much) unless I see something very different.
I'd like him to come out for Assange's freedom and to step back from the "global warming" narrative a bit.
Well here is the funny part of our elections which is the buy in of the voter for the candidate to acceptable untruths. Candidates who are challenged by voters who know what they speak have a hard time being wavy gravy. They are pinned down and forced off rhetoric. It may well be no candidate could handle such an encounter. Confronted by hard to deny facts they only lie or dance with verbiage. And we know who they are. And if we vote for them, as so many seem to say with Trump, out of a hope of rolling back the Revolution, if we accept the man we are told is hated by the Swamp as a black hat hero after knowing he is astroturf then our politics is fully collective. RFK, Jr. is from a different and more pugnacious space than Trump. From a distance he seems more his own man. As I have suggested he better embodies the myth needed to exit and start healing from Covid. And as a Democrat - though not a CIA Democrat- he has I think populist appeal in crucial demographics.
So we both entertain some hope, though it seems that the system will have to change for Bobby Jr. to proceed. The system of the imperial court, which we have come to know, would not tolerate his procession through an uncontrolled process, would not allow an actual primary.
I think I see RFK, Jr. is not a wholly controlled agent. In politics hard to know truth.
You are spot on that hurdles are many and the machine will strive to smother him. Still, as illness and death continues and explanations fall short and men like Kirsch back him I see also though he is within the toleration limits of the Party with many issues aside from medical dictatorship. A pivot which may be to the benefit of certain factions within the party who can appease the populace like Pilate. :)
We shall see how far the "owner" groups are willing to change their tack in order to regain the "consent of the governed".
Chaos; There is no blueprint not even for those who have a certain direction in mind or in the AI mind; and Cultural Revolution. For the last I see never never a cultural revolution happening in the US, not even in Russia, China or Europe it’s impossible. Every culture is on its deathbed, better it’s bleeding to death drop by drop, it will take its time but once all cultures will be gone, all. So what revolution are we talking about, the revolution for making place for something else (Contingency?). Dinosaurs over birds, humans and following.....👨🦯
Hi John
Take time to check out James C Scott has to say about
1. How to not think like a state
2. why avoid the state as much as possible
3. why the savages were indeed smarter than those civilized
I'm so sick of having to explain why neoliberalism doesn't exist.