Killin babes in their beds, while they continue to threaten the unvaxxed. This is so sick, and its been 4 years of it; somebody, please, make it stop.

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Scott Ritter speech spoken by Gh...check it out...

Thank you for all your great compilers....

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Cool, reel-to-reel. Is that a 1/4" Ampex running at 7.5 IPS?


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That is Annabella, an 1/4" otari mtr 10 yes I believe that was at 7+1/2 ips, about the last time I used it like a year ago...the mix is of whatever 2" I put the initial speech onto if memory serves

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What a Great speech ! 🙏

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When you have people openly talking about the USA being perfectly happy to sacrifice its European 'NATO allies' just to bait Russia, it becomes increasingly obvious that NATO needs to be dissolved as it is no longer fit for purpose.

European nations should form a completely independent common security arrangement and ensure that they negotiate firmly but fairly with their neighbour, Russia, about common security concerns. No-one should waste time discussing this with the USA.

They should tell all the USA military bases to disband everything, ship it all back Stateside and ensure that every single US military personnel leaves, not to return.

It's arguable that US corporations and US financial executives should also have their right to trade anywhere in Europe revoked.

The US wanted sanctions against Russia. Perhaps it's time for Europe to have sanctions against the USA??

Of course, if the Uniparty in the USA is thrown out in the 2024 elections and some sane US President is installed, maybe relatins could thaw.

But to call the USA our 'ally' any longer is really the most repulsive piece of undiplomatic lying.

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The people of Europe are not fooled, their governments however are infiltrated. It's much safer to be an enemy than a "friend" of the U.S.

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The owners divide the peoples and countries against each other and rule them.

Wolves in the clothing of peoples.

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There's certainly a lot of Dis-trust among NATO members. Poland

seems to want NATO to take-on Russia, Italy not so eager, and Germany

cant make up its mind...

A few decades ago i presided over a local bread industry meeting called

to decide on a Strike...Though the mood for the strike was unanimous, it

took a couple of hours before putting the action to a vote...The delay was

caused by the Elephant that entered the meeting hall with the union

members, the Elephant named "Dis-trust'. The men in one factory suspected

the Wogs* and Dagos* in other bakeries would vote for the strike - but would

still go to work next day....Variants of this claim, of the Dis-trust, had to be

allowed to exhaust themselves before the vote could be taken...

NATO has a similar problem > Dis-trust of each other...

**This was back in the day before Multi-culture was imposed, and one had

to keep ones prejudices to oneself - or else !!

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Most Australians believe that the USA will come to Australia's aid if it is

attacked, a belief based on the ANZUS Treaty (Aust-NZ-USA) - but the

Treaty does not guarantee USA support. It merely ensures 'consultation'

- if one of the parties is attacked...What is guaranteed is the USA will NOT

run to Australia's defense if the USA considers it's not in America's Interests...

The Article 5 of the NATO Treaty appears also to not guarantee the USA

will come to NATO Europe's rescue, if Russia attacks...

Meanwhile the US provokes Russia and eggs NATO's Europe on, while

sitting back watching them go for each other's throats...It's in America's

interests not to directly defend Europe...

NATO's Europe is expendable, just like Ukraine...The USA will fight to the

last NATO soldier - just to 'wear down Russia"...

Europe consists of Expendable Nations.....

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Australia is defensible... and valuable and big and mostly empty. The western empire does value "Australia" enough to sink a lot of ships to keep it.

"Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofrqm6-LCqs

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Russia will retaliate as her government determines adequate. Poland might get a rude surprise. Nontheless this is a GO game and not played only by nations. I think we are in the period after the death of Alexander-COVID killed the Old World Order. Now the power struggle. Or perhaps the movie. Paul Virilio (b.1932) is the theorist of the effects of increasing speed in post or late-modernity. Of particular importance for him, in this regard, are information technology and technologies of vision, such as cinema and photography, especially in time of war. And, queries Virilio, is not this all the time? – peace being war by other means. The net result of the emergence of these prosthetic forces is the dominance of virtual reality and the disappearance of materiality (cf. Virilio 1991), of identities, of space as a definite place to be, of perception as contact with material reality, including the body. So, unlike some posthumanists, who see biology and technology (especially its cybernetic aspect) as being inextricably linked to positive outcomes, Virilio is a most trenchant critic of this. Time, for Virilio, is the instant as much as duration. Cinema is a point in the development of electro-magnetic speed: cinema time is about putting movement into images. Everything accelerates.

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Garden. ride a bike. Meditate on compassion.

Be timeless.



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" Forget all about that macho sh#t and learn how to play guitar"

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Echoes of 1968... Reflections of My Life, The Marmalade


(though this song came out in 1969; close enough)

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Awesome song. I like the black and white psychedelic effect. Reminds me of a shop on University and Euclid avenue in east San Diego back in the sixties. Black lights, incense, bongs, trippy posters, and peace signs.

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3353 2nd Avenue ("Banker's Hill") is where my grandparents lived from 1961 until my grandmother died 1/1/2020, as she was determined to die in a year of the dragon. https://www.google.com/maps/place/3353+Second+Ave,+San+Diego,+CA+92103/@32.740499,-117.1631198,3a,75y,87.8h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqUM4WU9eVv4eDGtXAKgSmw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DqUM4WU9eVv4eDGtXAKgSmw%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D360%26h%3D120%26yaw%3D87.8007%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x80d954c8b34c8f2f:0x7c839a9f80f1819b!2s3353+Second+Ave,+San+Diego,+CA+92103!3b1!8m2!3d32.7405052!4d-117.162833!16s%2Fg%2F11c4n7nwdg!3m5!1s0x80d954c8b34c8f2f:0x7c839a9f80f1819b!8m2!3d32.7405052!4d-117.162833!16s%2Fg%2F11c4n7nwdg?coh=205409&entry=ttu

My dad inherited the (Irving Gill) house, and he died shortly after making 90 years in 2018. We had lived in and near Camp Pendleton until halfway through my first grade (1964-1965) year, and I spent a lot of time in that house in those lovely days. We often went to Balboa Park and the zoo. My 3 siblings and I sold the house when Dad died, made sure we split it with Mom (not in his will), and so on. I got the rural homestead in Yoakum and paid off my daughter's med school loan.

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I knew you were a west coast brother from another mother. Small world

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The World has come a long way since Orson Welles scared the hell

out of some Americans by his 1938 radio play about a Martian Invasion...

Who'd have guessed then teevee would be used to easily convince the

masses they were under attack from A Virus, and, Global Warming ?

Orson didnt need a real Invasion, just being able to create the belief

it was actually happening...

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After the flip I’ll grow Mangoes!

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I'll be south of Tasmania after the flip, and drowned, too.

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