Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Thank You for stating that RFK was assassinated by bullets fired from BEHIND him at close range. This was reported on by the California coroner at the time of RLK's death. But instead of accepting the facts, a story was made up that accused Sirhan-Sirhan of firing the fatal shot. Yes... Sirhan-Sirhan fired shots. But none of them hit RFK. It's hard not to see this whole tragedy as just another CIA operation. Most people shy away from accepting the obvious. Why ? Probably because to accept reality is to accept the awesome power of the CIA then and now. And people would prefer to not see what is. And instead to live in a comfortable fiction. La-La land indeed.

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Lots of good info here Dr. Day. Thanks for illuminating Dr Kory's observations on the differences between long koVid and long jab injury - very helpful. Still can't get anyone (not a soul) in my circle of friends of family to admit that the jab might be what's wrong with them. But having the info ready for them when/if they're ever ready to see it is helpful. THANK YOU.

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You are welcome. The FLCCC resource is worth printing up.

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First on RFK, Jr. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/09/16/what-a-coincidence-potential-rfk-jr-assassin-had-same-last-name-as-el-chappos-wife-who-was-released-from-federal-prison-the-day-before/. Perhaps a contract killing set up with the Sinola linked crime gang.

Then on a very technical question which confuses me. mRNA is not in the Pfizer vaccine but Mod-RNA is. Reasonably since Pfizer did so the companies imitating Pfizer did so. Ok. If then Mod-RNA is "merely" mRNA altered I am assuming it is still not mRNA but now Mod-RNA. IF then it is Mod-RNA and not mRNA being used in the shots are those using mRNA in their vaccines discussions using a figure of speech, a kind of shorthand?

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m(essenger)RNA is broken down within human cells in a few minutes. The messenger delivers the message, and is then "killed".

"Modified" messenger RNA still works to carry the message, but has a substitution so that the enzyme to break it down cannot attach to break it down.

Instead of lasting 4 minutes it lasts 6 months, messaging and messaging and messaging...

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Exactly thank you. Now then why does a sentence stating by an authority, one who knows the science, say mRNA in the vaccine causes consequent injuries? Is it not the case it is not mRNA but Mod-RNA causing all the health problems? If even a figure of speech it is misleading. A: either there is a serious and important mistake in language (this view seems impossible) or B: intent to be inaccurate.

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Dr. John here is my example. I believe Pfizer used Mod-RNA which is not mRNA. Or is it mRNA despite the modification? My confusion is in this statement. Dr. Makis "The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA, it's not just mRNA...I'm kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of this...It could be causing some of the rare, but serious, side effects like death from cardiac arrest...

This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix...It's different from RNA because it can be permanent...

It could cause theoretically...a sustained autoimmune attack towards that tissue.

It's also a very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people.

There's probably about 200 billion pieces of this plasmid DNA in each dose of the vaccine...This is a bad idea.".

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Thank you Dr. Day for the post-covid information. A friend and I are dealing with previously healthy 93 year old and 86 year old, both unjabbed, who became infected with covid, experienced no actual covid symptoms, but which has resulted in extreme brain fog and disorientation in the 93 year old, and after a descent into a severe 3 week pneumonia 5 days after diagnosis (a year ago) for the 86 year old , leaving him with extreme exhaustion after the simplest tasks. Sadly, even the best doctors would ascribe this to old age, whereas we who live with them and care for them daily expeience this as an immediate result. Truly insidious, this "infection".

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Thank you, Eleni. I hope the information is useful. The intermittent fasting and ivermectin might be considered "core", but all management has to be individualized, as I understand it.

I am not in a position to treat patients currently, or to provide professional medical advice, just useful general information.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Dr., you're a miracle worker!

Kidding. But it's back up. I promise to visit again some time- though I read you ever at tae.

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I did email Raul/Ilargi about the 404.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Day MD

I see it's fall in Texas, as well.

Sorry to use your website for this purpose, but theautomaticearth is 404ed and I am bereft. I thought others might come here as well.

So, Doctor Day- I have a broken heart. How am I to fix it?

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TAE is back out of 404, but is marked as "unsafe site" by Google now. I put this blog post up in the comments there about 5:30 AM Texas time today, and by 7:30 AM it was 404.

Some kind of attack, I presume.

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Finally, there are a group of doctors and growing, who dare to be come forward, that there’s undeniable long COVID and there’s long VAXX, and I know from first hand in my own family, misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed or the golden rule You’re normal or you aren’t in the book DSMV!

In Berlin’s university women are misdiagnosed for over 200 years says a female professor, all diagnoses, analyses, therapeutics are originated and destined for men, she found out that medicines are only having half the effect on women that have on men. She’s working with a group of women to establish the forgotten side of medicine WOMEN! Endocrine, neurology, mind, psychology, the Anita even the heart they all are different and work in a holistic symphony/orchestra and whole, completely different from men. There was a case shown in the document on German tv, a woman 10 years on psychotropics (mis)diagnosed as major depression, and by miracle she came in contact with the pro who took her out her misery, the real thing was about Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder. Therapy mindfulness, breathing exercises and creative body painting and a minor natural hormonal med.

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Some errors Anita=Anima,

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deletedSep 17, 2023Liked by John Day MD
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We shall see. This is something like an announcement, not a serious attempt by an organized group.

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