Dear John, since discovering you channel I am finding your posts of real value, thank you again for the work. Also I do really love your gardening reminders. Kindest regards, from Sydney Australia.
How cool. Some of my readers are concerned that we live in an age of acronyms and need decoder rings for all this. ARPA, a DoD, DARPA LOL! You might believe - if you were not looking closely - that this was all cooked up by a bunch of renegade coding enthusiasts.
Thank you, John!! I am honored. :)
You did the work, Sister.
Thank You.
"I ain't Got No-Body.."
Wherever it went there you are.
If the red slayer think he slays,
Or if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.
I don't entirely agree with your advice, depends on the goal I suppose, but that's ok, better than no garden.
Dear John, since discovering you channel I am finding your posts of real value, thank you again for the work. Also I do really love your gardening reminders. Kindest regards, from Sydney Australia.
Thank You, Teza. Are you getting your fall garden in soon?
I have to wait for a move of location (later this year), where we live at present has very, very limited garden expansion apart from some herbs. Teza.
How cool. Some of my readers are concerned that we live in an age of acronyms and need decoder rings for all this. ARPA, a DoD, DARPA LOL! You might believe - if you were not looking closely - that this was all cooked up by a bunch of renegade coding enthusiasts.
Acronyms R-US.