We are conflating US with Global Imperial Empire. Those two entities are not one and the same. This inevitably leads to muddled analysis. First, all countries of Western Empire are vassal states, and that includes the US. There is very little of importance that the US government does in the interest of the US, the nation state. It is important to grasp that it is entirely probable that the Imperial Oligarchy is deliberately collapsing all nation states in the Western Empire. In this sort of game, eventual US$ collapse may be a desired outcome. Oligarchy manages through a series of deliberately engineered dialectic tensions (opposites) and when they make the world ready to accept their synthesis, they deploy their plans. Does anyone really detect any real opposition within Western Empire to BRICS? So far, I have not. They have invaded countries for much lower systemic threats. OK, so they cannot invade Russia and China, but to believe that they are letting South American countries act seemingly in their own national interests is a stretch. It seems to me that it is very possible that BRICS is an imperial project. It is also possible they are managing the BRICS process to advance their higher goal of one world oligarchical government.

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The owners seem to be hedging their bets about what sort of system might prevail, as usual.

Agreed that the empire is not in the interest of any of the subordinated states or peoples. "Divide-and-Rule" is manifested in the identity-politics game.

BRICS+ seems to be fighting the divide-and-rule paradigm, but there remains an external enemy.

It is hard to see China and India ever truly agreeing on things. They never have before.

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Brics will make the US population more vulnerable to the technocrats control?

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Everything they advance will make us more controllable. The current tensions with Russia and China are designed to take us to the next level of unification of oligarchical structures across the globe. I suspect BRICS project is just a stepping stone in that process.

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Aug 31, 2023Edited
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I agree, globalism is the final level in oligarchical unification. What oligarchies desire the most is to retain their oligarchical status. Everything else is fair game, including killing billions of people. They’ve figured the only way to retain their role is to drastically shrink the human population. The challenge for them is to cull without a critical mass of humanity noticing, especially in the servant technocratic class. KOVID was a test which humanity failed and the green light to proceed to the next step(s).

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Sep 2, 2023Edited
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There is a whole lot of granularity, and even elite faction discord, nascent elite power struggle.

I have a lot of tabs to convert to a post today.

Too much information, and of course, not nearly enough, either.

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I agree with you but it is important to note that even without PEAK anything, they desired massive population reductions. They simply do not need the current numbers of humans. Old money has never believed in industrialism, which happened in spite of the feudal/mercantile old money. First Industrial Revolution in England was mostly run by non-elite types, often from non-elite minority groups like Quakers and such. Eventually the Old Money neutralizes Industry. That is what has happened in England and later in the US. Initially, “industry” had a much narrower meaning, which has since disappeared, so much so that we now how medical industry, film industry, etc.

It is important to understand the historical Old Money’s anti-industry bias, because even if resource constriction die-off were inevitable, they weren’t and aren’t interested in unleashing human ingenuity to mitigate or ameliorate. No, they are only interested in retaining their power and they see their salvation in drastic population reductions.

Additionally, they aren’t interested in sustainable economics. Even if some of us retreat into locally based food and energy self-sufficiency, they will not leave us alone. We are the greatest threat to them. They want total dependency all the way down. It is the only way for them to survive.

Their Achilles Heel are not people but their technocratic servant classes. That is why they are in a race developing AI and robotic weaponry that cannot say “NO”.

American colonies had Sons of Liberty. Today, we are sliced and diced into atomic units, unable to formulate any resistance even if we fully understand the consequences of non-action.

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John, every time I read your blog I have the same thought. How do you find time to tend your garden, ride your bike, work in the kitchen and still manage to keep up with everything going on in the world!? I find it completely overwhelming! Admittedly, I started the current phase of my life more than a little uninformed about the rest of the world and maybe I have a lot to catch up on, but seriously, I don't know how you do it! I greatly appreciate the synthesis that you provide to me on a regular basis.

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Thank You, Lili. I do what I can. These are "interesting-times".

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That the German Government jailed a judge for not supporting the German Government enslaving the German people stinks.

It stinks beyond Imagination.

I told you before about C.J.Hopkins and his lies...

This new totalitarian Fascist / Communist Government is entirely Jewish and it is treating the Germans worse than slaves.

Th Government Corruption in Germany is off the scales.

We don't have food... we been evicted out of our houses... people are killed... and those who dare to speak up are met with the utmost brutality of a Government that is out of order.

And this Government is the most Jewish Government ever.

This must be said and I say it.

About Lahaina and Cuba as it stands.

It was an act of Civil war by the Government.

H A A R P and other Technologies such as STARLINK and Thermobaric weapons.

The following will now happen:

People will rise up.

There will be Civil War... it already is because they have started it.

The Government will crack down everywhere.

We will see the rise or attempt of a new totalitarian culture.

There will be blood in the streets.

And just when the people look like they are winning... we will see the rise of the machines.

Viva la Muerte


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I'm not sure how people "rise up". I don't think it's quite spontaneous most of the time. Somebody has to arrange and promote the uprisings.

One wants to avoid being taken advantage of as free cannon-fodder, for instance.

The January 6 2021 guys sure got suckered into a raw deal, and they were not even burning or breaking things.

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I agree...

On Jan 6 Trump promoted them to get there...

That is why I don't trust him.

The Government everywhere acts in devious ways... blaming the people.

Governments everywhere are off the scale, controlled by the WEF.

World Government is what they want so they want to push us into Civil war.

These are the most dangerous times ever.

All we can and must is to expose the Government lies and also be aware that there and here are paid Trolls who want to derail our efforts.

Hell, the WEF has paid 100.000 trolls to spread misinformation which of course they blame on us.

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Trump was careful to encourage people to be peaceful, and they were, except for the "crisis actors" and agents-provocateurs.


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It's like giving a child a box of candy... don't eat them all at once...

It's like throwing meat to the dogs asking them not to eat it all...

Crisis actors need a crisis to act upon...

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Crisis actors generally get paid or at least recruited.

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They do.

And this is how they do it.


The Lobby is a great must see docu series by undercover Journalists who expose exactly this.

There are 4 parts... you should watch them and be amazed.

They pay actors a lot of money...





By the way... It is a spiritual Revolution they fear.

Like Jan 6 they want us to become violent so they have excuses to be brutal and totalitarian.

This one I wrote earlier

Becoming Human: Project for a Global Revolution

A spiritual Revolution is what they fear most


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John, sorry to see you pandering to this psycho.

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Aug 29, 2023Edited
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It is apologists like you who made Hitler Possible.

I despise you!

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"A currency has to be issued by a government, a sovereign government, and all the BRICS would have to be part of the same country to issue their own currency."

I read this over at TAE and thought I must slip over here to comment. My comment on the above is quite simple really; what about the euro? Europe isn't a country, is it?

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The internal contradictions of the Euro, a common currency without monetary union...

The EC has to keep stretching rules to keep a lot of very unequal countries on the same currency, and buys all of these bonds, pretending they are actually as valuable as they are said to be. It is surprising that the reckoning keeps being kicked forward.

Hudson does go on to explain more about what one calls a "settlement currency" for instance.

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Buddhism first got to China, South China because Tao welcomed it….Boddhidharma.

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But the BRICS could use an equivalent to the ECU which I used successfully in the 1980/90s: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/european-currency-unit.asp

And I think they will - eventually, for inter-BRICS trade at least. But don't forget the other IMF contender - the SDR and WorldCoin. It's a boiling cauldron and only God knows the outcome because we will never know the hour or the day.

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I have a feeling that the BRICS countries are making plans, but don't want to pull the trigger until the $US system is clearly breaking down.

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I understand John, but BOOM is adamant that the $US is here to stay - what think you my good doctor? https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/bricssaudi-arabia-end-of-petrodollar?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I read alll of that and left a comment.

Which $US is "here to stay"? The name "$US" has changed definitions many times.

There was a Sterling based imperial financial system, which was often and largely based upon a gold standard, but not for the period after WW-1. The US did extract most of the imperial gold in WW-1, WW-2 and some in-between.

When the $US had to default on the gold standard (ran out), Michael Hudson pointed out the oil-standard in "Super Imperialism", and Nixon/Kissinger made it official.

The "petrobuck" cannot continue as such. There are finally exchanges and arrangements selling oil in not-dollars, largely forced by US sanctions on Russia, but already underway before that.

The $US will continue to be the US currency, but it will become one of many currencies, not a means of extraction of wealth and value through fractional-reserve-lending of conjured $US.

There are developments in finance to use different methods than "usury", which has always been forbidden in Islamic finance, where risk and reward are shared. Christian finance was long this way, until some parties could practice usury by papal edict, Jews, for instance. This funded the Crusades.

Byzantium did not condone usury like that.

Russia is setting up Islamic banking in Islamic areas, and the Russian state cryptocurrency will not lend at interest, which is interesting. The new global financial regime may be more user-friendly, run like a public-utility, and less extractive of value, less neo-colonialist.

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Bravo John and very well described, thank you. I have daily conflicts with BOOM's dedication to the US$ but he does measure objectively from what he sees as a dominated dollar world because of Eurodollar volume and global acceptance of this means of exchange.

My position is parallel to your own. I believe that reversion to a commodities-backed currency is crucial to match the real world of energy with the financialised world of money investment in a de-growth, multipolar NWO. OK the global south will expand their economies as the west has done over 200+ years and in time will likely become the controllers. I hope they will be benevolent and not exploitative as witnessed over the last centuries.

Suffice to say that the eastern mind is cultured in community, driven by rice farming, which requires a community effort and thus they understand cooperation. The West on the other hand is a wheat-based system where only one man can plough an acre of land in a day (with a horse of course!). So this invokes individualism and competition. They even have regular 'ploughing contests' - crazy stuff!

I am moving back to South Africa for this very reason, among many others, to pursue an off-grid localised living system known as UBUNTU. This is my Plan 'B': https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/progressing-plan-b-a-quarterly-review?s=w

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The world still turning around, day and night have not changed, there’s still ground under my feet, birds and clouds flying over, the scent of a flower, where do all this darkness and doom far far away from here fit into my life? I’m still here and breathing where else can I go? Am I the one asking questions, perceiving a threatening world around me? Am I in danger now or is it all passing like the wind? Is there really a need to know who or what I am, will it lead to be more me or less? And then there’s gold, nothing but good money of course never understood the obsession as a depression, gold depresses it makes life less. Man is a gossiping animal, thriving on bad news.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Dunbar is wrong, prior to language is not gossip and certainly not with the interaction of a verbal mother with her non-verbal child. It’s eye contact, staring, and smiling, gossiping comes not even second, it are gestures, sounds, grimaces. It would be really good to go to Italy where they more express themselves in signs, gestures with or without verbal communication, they even curse beautifully with hand signs. My whole point of view, and I must relocalise myself many times a day, I don’t throw stones to others, that I am not where I am with my consciousness. I’m not in Ukraine, not with Biden’s laptop, not in Maui, not in the Bank, also not in Davos, all that said I have to bring myself home, here where my body and awareness abides, could that be the original sin?

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Aug 29, 2023Edited
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Dunbar is wrong but I was wrong too in my first comment. When a child gets born first contact is that the child is laying on the mothers belly/womb, and secondly as all animals do they smell the odour of the new life. When we grow older not essentially wiser, we alienate from all this because of gossip and language, but for someone who’s attentive we never left Paradise, we were never expelled,….we just left because we had some things to do we wanted to create our paradise, and my personal view the mind, the stressor process coerced us to go our own way. Good or evil, don’t know perhaps both are needed to play this game, take one out and the game is finished. The big delusion is to destroy the bad and only the good remains, no if the devil has to disappear god will also, this according to Tao.

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The human mind seeks a sense of culmination. I don't think the world does that.

In Buddhist teachings one is advised to "give up hopes of fruition".

I don't think all of "us" are "here" for the same reasons, so I'm hesitant to conjecture too much.

I seem to have work to do to be of benefit in this massive and complex world-problem, which we have to "solve" together, without hopes of fruition.


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Life is above all no problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived. Yes we’re all here for different reasons but maybe we’re here because life/God wanted us to be here for no reason at all, perhaps sat-chit-ananda…be, be aware, be beautiful. Yes it might be about esthetics not so for ethics, duty.☯️

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Aug 29, 2023
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Do you forget the Tower of Babel, wasn’t it about the impossible transaction by language? And religion or mystic experience are universes apart, the first is imbedded in language or tradition, the second there’s no language for, you have to define or invent a language you only understand, and read Buddhas Diamond Sutra, in which he himself mentions if you understood the words…..you missed! There are words that have a meaning, but for instance Buddhism could not flourish in India, there was no language for it to express it. Pali and Sanskrit, the first has no nouns the second is not dynamic, flowlike. By the way how many understood Einsteins relativity theory when he offered it to the world, they say maximum 12 persons, now a majority still don’t understand, and what to say about Steven Hawking, there are only 3 maybe 4 it will take decades before we can grasp his theory, if by then we’re not wiped out by the mRNA technology

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Aug 29, 2023
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