Whew! A lot here today, Doctor. Thank you for condensing so much intriguing content for one-source consumption. I do believe the whole fraudulent currency/economic structure is imploding; slipping from the powermasters' grip. However, I believe there is an additional factor that functions similarly, independently of oil supplies: monetary policy. Much oil inflation recently was spurred by reckless spending and monetary policy, especially under Biden. There can be plenty of oil but still have a collapse due to inflationary pressures on its price. Given the nature of the petrodollar, I'm not sure there is much difference in impact between an oil crisis and a currency implosion.....
Thanks John. Gail Tverberg deals well with that. There is so much interconnection between energy and finance that it is hard to tease-apart. I know that many do not believe that oil supply is in terminal decline, as I do. We do see a functional decline, and it is getting more expensive to produce, especially tar-sands in Canada & Veenezuela, and fracked oil from the base rock.
I do think there is Arctic oil on hold in Alaska since the Carter presidency, but it's not-for-us, if you know what I mean.
This has been another big-picture contextual overview.
Thank You for reading and commenting.
Your Small Farm Republic shows how a moral society is built upon the fundamental truths of diversified small farms. https://johnklar.substack.com/
Fracking has been a major game changer, and extended the apex of Peak Oil. It also created a whole new way to disrupt geological structures and pollute groundwaters. It is an interesting debate, that "oil supply is in terminal decline": it should be a no-brainer that wherever we are in consumption, it is a consumption of a finite, limited resource. (Wendell Berry; John Lukacs). Yet I meet some people who now claim, mystically, that "we don't know" whether oil is continually being replenished in subterranean production. How far the mind will grasp in cognitive dissonance to avoid uncomfortable realizations. To summarize Lukacs: there are only two kinds of people in the world, those who do, and those who do not, understand that we are approaching the end of a combustion engine age, a brief technological blip in human history. When the oil becomes scarce (by depletion, inflation, or a disruption in distribution), we will be like apes in caves, scrounging for food by excavating landfills for edible plastics and shoe leather....
I am interested in, and lean in favor of the Russian model of "abiotic oil", but the timeline is so long that it is irrelevant in human history. It seeps up soooo slowly from deep carbon and geothermal heating.
To paraphrase a Lucky Strike ad: "I'd rather die than think!"
An apropos plug for Lucky Strikes! It is scientifically intriguing that we don't actually know that oil is formed by compressed plant matter (fossil fuels). But quoting Lukacs again, about half of what humans believe at any one point in history is false. Makes one reflect about what else we are self-deluded about.... :)
The French immigrant children putting France into flames, and of course all others the far right, government, the genuine French for as far as there are any left, they say they’re the immigrants in their own country, living in ghetto’s are forced to live in foreign ghettos, all feel victimized by an immigrant uproar. One element missing and they are masters of disguise and criminalizing the other, the Cabal in France has a huge community, they pull the strings, orchestrate and apply innumerable psy-ops, discrediting, culpable minorities and as being the “majority”(!)of the 1% like in most countries dictate the 99% to do as they’re told and to obey, if not the military will repress or destroy all opposition.
Coming back to your question will the rulers and the bakers be replaced, it seems to be in France. There’s one element everyone’s attention is going blank. Macron he’s the one playing with fire and because of that whole France is burning. Weeks ago he went to the US to shake hands with Biden yes this time for real, but off track he met Elon Musk. Musk went to France to give a lecture before 30 thousand people and to give the start of a new factory producing solar panels and electronic devices. Now what’s Musk got to do with all this, well Macron has made Ukraine a private project and a personnel war has become a sheer manslaughter, so this war is fought among machines and in space, do you see the link with Musk’s visit and private meeting with Macron? Where do the immigrant children fit in this story? Police authorities talk about children of Arab origine but that’s a lie everyone has to believe in. The children are of all classes and have the age of 10-12 years. This is a whole new element, a new phenomenon and everyone can see it, but no one wants to see it. Macron sacrificing these young lives and future for his personal war project, INSTINCTIVELY they rebel, they resist! Someone also talked about a flash mob strategy, but they are unorganized, no rehearsal before. They find themselves on a place and time where they were not expected to be, the mass mind takes over at once and they want to burn, loot and destroy just like that unprepared. They already burned and destroyed schools, libraries and most of all the symbols of power of the authority/Macron ruining their lives.
Talking about domestic terrorists, this is the youngest version possible, and they’re completely disconnected with their parents, teachers, authorities, police their father and mother is TikTok, the Internet and war games. We should say they’re too young and unable to realize to what they’re actions, destruction might lead the point is they don’t care the consequences. Again the instinct the gut feeling that someone playing with their lives because of a war that can last the rest of their lives, they only got one answer, one defense burn the system. It’s heartbreaking to say that they hold a broken mirror to the elder generation, who should educate them in the deeper values of life, but this generation has ruined the younger one 🔥
Take the money and run! In the direct entourage the people around Macron have multiplied their capital with factor 4 only during the last 3 years of the Pandemic, and like an pebble throwing in a like the expanding ripples must also have enriched a happy few. So we have 2 sort of France, those who got richer and richer and the rest who got only poorer. Hope everyone can see the similarities Gates, Biden, Fauci, and of course Rotchild, Rockefeller and the Cabal. Divide and rule yes absolutely but I should add a quotation of my dear friend Sun Tzu, Don’t let the right hand know what the left hand is busy with.
Can we see the bigger picture, at this very moment the “real” President of France, Rothschild jr. paying a visit to his chief commander Zelensky in Kiev. France burning in Flames and Ukraine also, seems a caravan of wild fire. Does it dawn on everyone’s consciousness that this is a Cabal war executed by NATO and US army, contractors, consultants, think tanks, mercenaries, Blackrock, WEF, WHO, ROCKY & Rothschild’s…. The riots in France are the globalists entertainment, the gladiators in the Arena, and they in the front seat of the Tribune.
It's up to all of us to imporve this world. I can only do what I can do. I got fired for no-vaccine, but I built a modest little house I designed, with a lot of the internal work myself, grow vegetables, read, blog, be a human, ride a bike, be at peace with life and death.
It's hard to know what good for the world each of us can do, but we've got to do it ourselves.
Whew! A lot here today, Doctor. Thank you for condensing so much intriguing content for one-source consumption. I do believe the whole fraudulent currency/economic structure is imploding; slipping from the powermasters' grip. However, I believe there is an additional factor that functions similarly, independently of oil supplies: monetary policy. Much oil inflation recently was spurred by reckless spending and monetary policy, especially under Biden. There can be plenty of oil but still have a collapse due to inflationary pressures on its price. Given the nature of the petrodollar, I'm not sure there is much difference in impact between an oil crisis and a currency implosion.....
Thanks John. Gail Tverberg deals well with that. There is so much interconnection between energy and finance that it is hard to tease-apart. I know that many do not believe that oil supply is in terminal decline, as I do. We do see a functional decline, and it is getting more expensive to produce, especially tar-sands in Canada & Veenezuela, and fracked oil from the base rock.
I do think there is Arctic oil on hold in Alaska since the Carter presidency, but it's not-for-us, if you know what I mean.
This has been another big-picture contextual overview.
Thank You for reading and commenting.
Your Small Farm Republic shows how a moral society is built upon the fundamental truths of diversified small farms. https://johnklar.substack.com/
Fracking has been a major game changer, and extended the apex of Peak Oil. It also created a whole new way to disrupt geological structures and pollute groundwaters. It is an interesting debate, that "oil supply is in terminal decline": it should be a no-brainer that wherever we are in consumption, it is a consumption of a finite, limited resource. (Wendell Berry; John Lukacs). Yet I meet some people who now claim, mystically, that "we don't know" whether oil is continually being replenished in subterranean production. How far the mind will grasp in cognitive dissonance to avoid uncomfortable realizations. To summarize Lukacs: there are only two kinds of people in the world, those who do, and those who do not, understand that we are approaching the end of a combustion engine age, a brief technological blip in human history. When the oil becomes scarce (by depletion, inflation, or a disruption in distribution), we will be like apes in caves, scrounging for food by excavating landfills for edible plastics and shoe leather....
I am interested in, and lean in favor of the Russian model of "abiotic oil", but the timeline is so long that it is irrelevant in human history. It seeps up soooo slowly from deep carbon and geothermal heating.
To paraphrase a Lucky Strike ad: "I'd rather die than think!"
An apropos plug for Lucky Strikes! It is scientifically intriguing that we don't actually know that oil is formed by compressed plant matter (fossil fuels). But quoting Lukacs again, about half of what humans believe at any one point in history is false. Makes one reflect about what else we are self-deluded about.... :)
Amazing insights
Thank You, Paul. Our world, such as it is these days...
The French immigrant children putting France into flames, and of course all others the far right, government, the genuine French for as far as there are any left, they say they’re the immigrants in their own country, living in ghetto’s are forced to live in foreign ghettos, all feel victimized by an immigrant uproar. One element missing and they are masters of disguise and criminalizing the other, the Cabal in France has a huge community, they pull the strings, orchestrate and apply innumerable psy-ops, discrediting, culpable minorities and as being the “majority”(!)of the 1% like in most countries dictate the 99% to do as they’re told and to obey, if not the military will repress or destroy all opposition.
"Divide and rule", but what will be ruled? How destroyed will it be?
Occasionally, the rulers fall, particularly in France.
Will the bankers and financiers also be replaced?
Coming back to your question will the rulers and the bakers be replaced, it seems to be in France. There’s one element everyone’s attention is going blank. Macron he’s the one playing with fire and because of that whole France is burning. Weeks ago he went to the US to shake hands with Biden yes this time for real, but off track he met Elon Musk. Musk went to France to give a lecture before 30 thousand people and to give the start of a new factory producing solar panels and electronic devices. Now what’s Musk got to do with all this, well Macron has made Ukraine a private project and a personnel war has become a sheer manslaughter, so this war is fought among machines and in space, do you see the link with Musk’s visit and private meeting with Macron? Where do the immigrant children fit in this story? Police authorities talk about children of Arab origine but that’s a lie everyone has to believe in. The children are of all classes and have the age of 10-12 years. This is a whole new element, a new phenomenon and everyone can see it, but no one wants to see it. Macron sacrificing these young lives and future for his personal war project, INSTINCTIVELY they rebel, they resist! Someone also talked about a flash mob strategy, but they are unorganized, no rehearsal before. They find themselves on a place and time where they were not expected to be, the mass mind takes over at once and they want to burn, loot and destroy just like that unprepared. They already burned and destroyed schools, libraries and most of all the symbols of power of the authority/Macron ruining their lives.
Talking about domestic terrorists, this is the youngest version possible, and they’re completely disconnected with their parents, teachers, authorities, police their father and mother is TikTok, the Internet and war games. We should say they’re too young and unable to realize to what they’re actions, destruction might lead the point is they don’t care the consequences. Again the instinct the gut feeling that someone playing with their lives because of a war that can last the rest of their lives, they only got one answer, one defense burn the system. It’s heartbreaking to say that they hold a broken mirror to the elder generation, who should educate them in the deeper values of life, but this generation has ruined the younger one 🔥
Very serious considerations. Thank You, Guido.
Take the money and run! In the direct entourage the people around Macron have multiplied their capital with factor 4 only during the last 3 years of the Pandemic, and like an pebble throwing in a like the expanding ripples must also have enriched a happy few. So we have 2 sort of France, those who got richer and richer and the rest who got only poorer. Hope everyone can see the similarities Gates, Biden, Fauci, and of course Rotchild, Rockefeller and the Cabal. Divide and rule yes absolutely but I should add a quotation of my dear friend Sun Tzu, Don’t let the right hand know what the left hand is busy with.
Can we see the bigger picture, at this very moment the “real” President of France, Rothschild jr. paying a visit to his chief commander Zelensky in Kiev. France burning in Flames and Ukraine also, seems a caravan of wild fire. Does it dawn on everyone’s consciousness that this is a Cabal war executed by NATO and US army, contractors, consultants, think tanks, mercenaries, Blackrock, WEF, WHO, ROCKY & Rothschild’s…. The riots in France are the globalists entertainment, the gladiators in the Arena, and they in the front seat of the Tribune.
We all know the bad shit going on today. What we want to know is WHAT'S GOING TO BE DONE ABOUT IT????
That's up to you, isn't it?
If it was up to me things would be happening. Moving much faster.
It's up to all of us to imporve this world. I can only do what I can do. I got fired for no-vaccine, but I built a modest little house I designed, with a lot of the internal work myself, grow vegetables, read, blog, be a human, ride a bike, be at peace with life and death.
It's hard to know what good for the world each of us can do, but we've got to do it ourselves.
Surviving the cull is paramount, I think.
I agree. I do what I can but am limited due to mitigating circumstances and it's very frustrating.
Or you might say that they need an emergency and the emergency-powers that go with it, because their control system is rapidly degrading.