Thank you Dr. Day!

FYI the French May 68 "revolution" was a CIA regime change op aimed at getting rid of America's arch-enemy DeGaulle and it worked. Even though he was not the original student leader, TIME magasine chose to promote pro-pedofilia Daniel Cohn-Bendit as the leading personality. D C-B went on to become a secret organiser of what would become the authoritarian, democracy-free EU (as opposed to the simple Common Market) involved for decades in putting its agents in place in bureaucracies across Europe. The aim of the EU is to create a super state of "regions", dissolving all borders and sovereignty, undoing the Wesphalian contract. Europeans are supposed to become slaves again, this time for this very un-elite self-styled "elites"

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Thank you for another intimate-history-lesson from the alternate universe of what-really-happened, Eleni. :-)

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John - from where I sit in the UK, I'm not convinced that my country will 'go up in flames': it reminds me rather of the 1980s, when an internal war in the Labour Party split the left vote between Labour and SDP (25% odd each) and gave Mrs Thatcher big majorities without deserving them (we have a First Past the Post Election System which brutally discriminates against parties getting less than 25% of the vote and those whose votes spread evenly rather than concentrate in small pockets).

In 2024, the ruling Conservative Party is imploding and its vote was split with a newish party, Reform UK, in two recent by-elections (caused by sitting MPs resigning/dying), allowing Labour to win traditionally 'safe' Conservative Seats.

There is zero evidence that Keir Starmer is anything but a slave to the US-Israeli axis and we in the UK now have a Uniparty just like you do.

There is no party representing those that want border controls, proper exit from the EU and its institutions, an independence from US foreign policy, traditional values concerning gender, a bit of climate realism, vaccine skepticism, journalists who actually practice journalism, doctors who abide by the Hippocratic Oath, an Army which prioritises military skills above climate education, rainbow sexuality etc etc.

I still get sent claptrap by politicians claiming that voting for one or the other of them will change the world. It goes straight in the bin.

But I'm not the majority - the majority still vote Labour or Conservative like credulous sheep.

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Would this chlormequat chloride be added deliberately to foods or is it just by product of production? Or am I giving our ‘powers that be’ too much credit!

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"Chlormequat chloride is an organic chloride salt comprising equal numbers of chlormequat and chloride ions. A gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor, it is used as a plant growth retardant to produce plants with sturdier, thicker stalks, facilitating the harvesting of ornamental flowers and cereal crops."

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Moscow is hosting the first Forum of Supporters for the Fight against Modern Neo-Colonialist Practices, which was organized by Russia’s ruling United Russia party.

I began laughing. Propaganda is a marvelous device like a lever for minds expecting a clue about white and black nation state violence hats. Like Mad magazine Spy vs. Spy we have good guy vs. bad guy and can't tell the difference. Colonialism is the world. Without it the world could not possibly be as it is. Russia has zero interest in changing the world. It wants a much larger piece of the pie. Very unhappy indeed the European partners prefer American money and American politics. Or maybe Russia is interested in changing the colonial world into a Russian Neo-Colonial Order. Perhaps Europe can be a vassal of Moscow and not the US thanks to profit center Ukraine.

Central African Republic is a fragile state mired in internal instability and external interventions. The article presents the case of Russian involvement in the country. It argues that the utilisation of the Wagner Group is setting up proxy neo-colonial ties between the regime and Moscow. The political elite in the Central African Republic is protected against a possible takeover by rebel troops or an army coup and the external benefactor is allowed to export the sought-after natural resources and gather some diplomatic support. The relationship thus clearly follows the neo-colonial pattern rather than developing the state capacities. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09750878231209705

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I found this about the Central African Republic. The French set up an elite minority. Governance was never good or secure. https://www.britannica.com/place/Central-African-Republic/The-arts-and-cultural-institutions

As to Russia, the inheritor of the mantle of the USSR, which inherited the mantle of the Tsars, they were an odd empire, with reverse-flows of wealth, very notably under the USSR. The dissolution of the USSR took a load off Russia, though neoliberals sought to extract even more.

Russia does seem to have a good level of anti-colonial political capital in the world, and seems to have earned it. UK, France, Belgium and Germany, and late comer Italy, all did the extraction/repression thing.

Bureaucrat-speak is peculiar to the bureaucracy, and Russian bureaucrat-speak is different from what we see in our daily lives.

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John, it could be argued that Moscow/St Petersburg 'extract wealth' from Siberia, where most of the gas comes from - you could argue that more of that wealth should remain within more Eastern parts of Russia, but it's no different in Russia to what happened to UK's North Sea Oil (the benefits mostly ending up in London).

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So my bias I admit exists, maybe unfairly, maybe not, given I am not an objective observer of anything at all and no one else is either and even if we poll and tabulate opinion it remains a snapshot unrelated to any reality save by fiction,.

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Feb 18, 2024Edited
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Each head has different truth but qua truth is not absent. 36 views of Mt. Fuji. We encounter the world as subjects, not objects, our emotions exist to co-create reality.

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Feb 18, 2024
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In fact we are not abstract detached awareness only. We are clouds in trousers. Men. Commitment to any form of meaningful activity involves faith, belief in some sort of permanence or intelligibility in the cosmos. Berdyaev is unabashedly Christian in his explanation of what this permanent structure of intelligibility is. It is the God/man, Christ, who provides a link between the two principles of Berdyaev's metaphysics: the need for meaning, and meonic freedom. Together they form the basis of creativity. The God/man is the existential concrete union of poles of reality: meaning (the divine, infinite, eternal, etc.) and freedom (the human, finite, temporal). Philosophy of history is a moral undertaking. It is the search for shared meaning, an effort to discover a commonality that can be shared by all human being

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Feb 18, 2024
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The human person is not anything at all, the human person is the place of existence and bearer of the capacity to create new meaning,.

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I think we are all creatively-engaged observers/participants.

Buddha strove to find "objectivity", but had a hard time even explaining the path(s) to that vantage-point.

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Feb 19, 2024
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That was my statement. Much can be gained, lost or misconstrued in translation, including mine.


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Are you a European or not? Europeans were very happy, for 40 years, trading Russian oil and gas for European products and services. It is the USA that hated Europe trading with Russia, which is why Nordstream II was bombed and over a decade of Trade Sanctions imposed.

The USA is the one that is the colonialist and enforces it through genocides, economic terrorism and other acts worthy of disgust.

You are busy looting Europe right now, making all European heavy industry uneconomic, the better to relocate their factories to the USA.

If you think that is acceptable, I hope you die horribly, really horribly. And I hope your children become crack addicts....

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Have to admit I agree totally the first 3 paragraphs, and would add the junkification of European culture to the list of imperial crimes. I'm European from the part that doesnt count - Balkans / SE Med - and a country crushed on purpose to stabilise TBTF Euro banks of NW EU. The country that named 'Europe' circa 3000 years ago.

Per the philosophical argument above, to me it seems the hair splitting of the comfortably off. Whereas the passion that rules me is the safety of my heavily occupied country: the desire to reach the further shore intact and the willingness to do everything honourable to achieve that end. To not disgrace the ancestors. That probably sounds crazy in the english speaking world.

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Keeping Germany and Russia at each other's throats is the "Anglo Saxon" (per Putin) way, isn't it? Halford Mackinder's way...

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Title of this post... too funny!

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It ties in with Meryl's piece at the end.


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Exactly :-)

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John - your reference to pivotal years in history, and specifically the political forces which arose in 1968, brings to mind the conflagration which we witnessed during the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago in 1968. Will this year's convention in Chicago be besieged in a similar fashion. History may not repeat, but often rhymes.

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That's too specific to predict, isn't it?


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