"Crack down on government leakers" sounded dangerous to me right away, though we know how the deep state is using such targeted-leaks as a policy tool.
I believe this "arrangement" is Good Cop Bad Cop. Trump is perfect for the next round of mass murder. We are primed for the Anti-Hero hero. Of course that scenario is in fiction. Warp Speed was not and his public policy is simply more of the same --https://criticallegalthinking.com/2010/11/24/murderous-humanitarianism/
Hmm. I thought Covid tyranny took us into the deepest Fascism the nation has encountered. Nor have we left it, though the optics are downplayed. Injections continue though mandates have not.
I wonder why we use the rear view mirror in regards to Covid tyranny? Is it not as in the Navy, “Cinderella Liberty?” We as population permitted and DO now Emergency “Health” laws to lock us up, Covid has triumphed. CDC wanted internment camps. Covid shots are encouraged! No harm permitted to be mentioned. Turbo cancers ignored! Unsafe, Ineffective, BY INTENT and now a faux election. Trump is hiring as his chief of staff the lobbyist for Big Pharma. 😀. Sir we are preparing for Operation Faster Than Light next injection round.
You may be a businessman or some high-degree thief
They may call you doctor or they may call you chief
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you are
You're gonna have to serve somebody (serve somebody)
Yes for the best. Regrettable how many thought the Divine said hide your face. In San Francisco I regret to say people still drive wearing masks. Even on the streets, grocery or the doctor office, masks. Kaiser of course is in it, with it and for it masking up and still pushing Covid vaccines. My concern is that this psychology is still held as safe. Social Distance signs remain up. Americans do not want to return to normalcy. They want some Messiah who will wave a magic wand. Trump is not this magic man. I think he will be worse on any new invented illness give his intended Chief of Staff is from Big Pharma. We are driving fast into the abyss created in 2020. When the car hits the ravine it is all over.
Max Picard wrote his book The Human Face in the 30’s I believe. “He who looks upon a human face is moved to the very core of his being; his emotions, his understanding, his will are affected, and even the very depths of him, where his emotions, intelligence and will coexist in that dark formlessness which we call presentiment or foreboding, he feels the face which he looks upon. His whole being is ploughed up. Man’s face is the image of God. And the image of God is like a call to the spectator: the whole being of the spectator is called together and held together. It is as if the image of God were being shown that man is still the whole creature that he was when God placed him upon the earth.
In Slavery and Freedom, Berdyaev writes: The face of man is the summit of the cosmic process, the greatest of its offspring, but it cannot be the offspring of cosmic forces only; it presupposes the action of a spiritual force, which raises it above the sphere of the forces of nature. The face of man is the most amazing thing in the life of the world; another world shines through it. It is the entrance of personality into the world process, with its uniqueness, its singleness, its unrepeatability.
"Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives "
this is the cavalry coming to save us? i don't think so
"Crack down on government leakers" sounded dangerous to me right away, though we know how the deep state is using such targeted-leaks as a policy tool.
they always frame these statements ambiguously enough to leave a little breathing room to work both sides of the equation
During the election campaign claims were fed into the msm "news" cycle
that an Iranian hit team was tracking Trump - intent on taking him out...
Hot on the heels of Trump's election - claims of an Iranian terrorist plot
inside the USA, a plot discovered by the Trump-friendly US Intelligence mob -
are fed into the msm "news" cycle...
Trump's gonna have to do something about Iran !!
It is a convenient way to defend, without naming the real enemy, which is like offering the real enemy a deal...
Uber- Narcissist Trump will lap up the flattery, as They bend him to continue Their Agenda...
My Crystal Ball predicts:
'They are spoon feeding Casanova
to get him to feel more assured
then They'll kill him with self-confidence
after poisoning him with words.' ... (1960s folksinger) ...
There are human vulnerabilities and feet of clay wherever one looks.
We need to remain vigilant and diligent. This is a new world, not just a phase.
We have to work out this "new-world-order" without nihilism or Polyannaism.
Work, work, work...
I believe this "arrangement" is Good Cop Bad Cop. Trump is perfect for the next round of mass murder. We are primed for the Anti-Hero hero. Of course that scenario is in fiction. Warp Speed was not and his public policy is simply more of the same --https://criticallegalthinking.com/2010/11/24/murderous-humanitarianism/
This is a delicate cusp of history where we stand.
We need to avoid going into right-fascism.
Work every day...
Hmm. I thought Covid tyranny took us into the deepest Fascism the nation has encountered. Nor have we left it, though the optics are downplayed. Injections continue though mandates have not.
That was a new, weird left-fascism thing that did not reach critical mass.
I hope we can recognize and avoid right-fascism as a backlash.
I wonder why we use the rear view mirror in regards to Covid tyranny? Is it not as in the Navy, “Cinderella Liberty?” We as population permitted and DO now Emergency “Health” laws to lock us up, Covid has triumphed. CDC wanted internment camps. Covid shots are encouraged! No harm permitted to be mentioned. Turbo cancers ignored! Unsafe, Ineffective, BY INTENT and now a faux election. Trump is hiring as his chief of staff the lobbyist for Big Pharma. 😀. Sir we are preparing for Operation Faster Than Light next injection round.
You may be a businessman or some high-degree thief
They may call you doctor or they may call you chief
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you are
You're gonna have to serve somebody (serve somebody)
Yes, Bob was past his prime then, but one must choose a "master".
I choose The Divine, and listen for guidance.
Yes for the best. Regrettable how many thought the Divine said hide your face. In San Francisco I regret to say people still drive wearing masks. Even on the streets, grocery or the doctor office, masks. Kaiser of course is in it, with it and for it masking up and still pushing Covid vaccines. My concern is that this psychology is still held as safe. Social Distance signs remain up. Americans do not want to return to normalcy. They want some Messiah who will wave a magic wand. Trump is not this magic man. I think he will be worse on any new invented illness give his intended Chief of Staff is from Big Pharma. We are driving fast into the abyss created in 2020. When the car hits the ravine it is all over.
Max Picard wrote his book The Human Face in the 30’s I believe. “He who looks upon a human face is moved to the very core of his being; his emotions, his understanding, his will are affected, and even the very depths of him, where his emotions, intelligence and will coexist in that dark formlessness which we call presentiment or foreboding, he feels the face which he looks upon. His whole being is ploughed up. Man’s face is the image of God. And the image of God is like a call to the spectator: the whole being of the spectator is called together and held together. It is as if the image of God were being shown that man is still the whole creature that he was when God placed him upon the earth.
In Slavery and Freedom, Berdyaev writes: The face of man is the summit of the cosmic process, the greatest of its offspring, but it cannot be the offspring of cosmic forces only; it presupposes the action of a spiritual force, which raises it above the sphere of the forces of nature. The face of man is the most amazing thing in the life of the world; another world shines through it. It is the entrance of personality into the world process, with its uniqueness, its singleness, its unrepeatability.
The eyes are the windows of the Soul.
We must mask my darlings to show dead souls with our eyes. :). This might be Diana Trilling today.
We connect souls through direct and open gaze.
The rest of our face and body certainly contributes to communication, too.