Thank you for the best news lineup of all - the Judge and Ray McGovern are key -- some day maybe the hx of the USS Liberty and Johnson will be taught. Meantime the whistleblowing of 50 intelligence analysts about corruption in the info pipeline seems like big news on the treason front. The possible failures of the US air defenses- Eg Russian General staff acquired understanding of functional systems and the swarming tactics recognized by the innovating tribesmen (confirmed by the US explanation of system’s confusing incoming enemy and returning US surveillance aircraft -- like why would they validate the tactic?!) was indicated by John Helmer weeks ago in YOUR posting! With Uncle Joey’s penchant for cut and run out on your allies (Vietnam and Afghanistan), I would bet they are hushing the disaster news in the Executive. Thank you for the news I would never see otherwise.

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I am happy that this information is useful to you.


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Most expensive military times ten that the world has ever seen, out foxed by " innovating tribesmen".

Reminds me of that movie " cowboys and aliens".

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Or it was a false flag that they don't want to go to war for, and a drone "blending in with the crowd" is their excuse. The big question after false-flag is how did such a BIG drone as to kill 3 and injure 34, get to be in the hands of somebody...

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We are wise to approach each event as if MSM and official government sources seek to mislead.

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They have an official narrative to support...


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I'm too tickled at the thought. How is the world's most expensive " health care system" performing? I think I would prefer those foxy tribesmen for my well being.

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Thailand does much better, as do many other countries.

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Excellent summary of current topics John.

Thank you.

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Thanks Harry, you're just "quasi evil".


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If the antagonistic psychological frame of Israel and Palestine can change with a mental health oriented paradigm shift then yes a solution can be found. The idea of a Disarmed non-state internationally guaranteed bottom up self governing Holy Land can work. A no state solution.

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Palestinians never had a chance. https://ps.boell.org/en/2021/08/19/agriculture-palestine

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The Israelis hog the water in the region and destroy olive orchards that are many hundreds of years old. Palestinian farmers DO have a chance if they are treated fairly.

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In my postbox this day this interesting piece on the

modern (health) administrative state:

'First They Came For The Large Glasses Of Wine, And I Did Not Speak Out':


Made me think "Without statistics they'd be F**ked !

Dont help them ! Dont become statisticized ! Give 'em

fake data, that'll F**k-up their Grand Plans & Schemes !"

"Throw a spanner in their works !"

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That boy appears to be drinking wine from a goldfish bowl.


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Always in the garden.

How it should be...

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It makes for better pictures of a bit of "right livelihood".


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