I'd like to get rid of it, and probably will. The original owner I bought it from is a bicyclist, as am I, but I don't ever intend to use a roof rack. The strap on rear racks are ok, but the best is a tow-hitch rack. With a Matrix it is easy to just stick a bike in the back, which is what we do with Jenny's car.
How is the US going to participate in an attack on Iran without losing planes Russian S-300 or 400s? Or ships to hypersonic missiles? Or $200/barrel oil?
The USS Liberty was expendable-at-a-cost, and Johnson's plan did not work out. He wanted to nuke Egypt. Israel jumped the gun with their attack on Egypt by 3 days, so the Liberty arrived 2 full days after the Egyptian air force had ceased to exist, and Lyndon still insisted on running that play.
"Israel never had a better friend than Lyndon Johnson"...
Yes, Dr Ana reports about the private islands they want to return to the elite scum, which they don't want us upon, used to be called continents, where will they get all the water from to drown us all?
Other than that question, I don't doubt this plan at all
I love your trees… Stay positive…. The world is a manure place we can unlikely change…
BTW: The first thing I noticed on your “new toyota” was a bike rack. Was it originally on the vehicle?
I'd like to get rid of it, and probably will. The original owner I bought it from is a bicyclist, as am I, but I don't ever intend to use a roof rack. The strap on rear racks are ok, but the best is a tow-hitch rack. With a Matrix it is easy to just stick a bike in the back, which is what we do with Jenny's car.
How is the US going to participate in an attack on Iran without losing planes Russian S-300 or 400s? Or ships to hypersonic missiles? Or $200/barrel oil?
So somebody would need to WANT those outcomes to take that action, right?
Bibi does, but will Loyd Austin buy into it....
We don't know the full chain of command, do we?
Do something constructive. I need to garden and ride my bike now.
My dog needs me....
The US oil companies, USAF pilots are expendable (as is US navy - remember USS Liberty? ) etc, etc. we’re all pawns.
The USS Liberty was expendable-at-a-cost, and Johnson's plan did not work out. He wanted to nuke Egypt. Israel jumped the gun with their attack on Egypt by 3 days, so the Liberty arrived 2 full days after the Egyptian air force had ceased to exist, and Lyndon still insisted on running that play.
"Israel never had a better friend than Lyndon Johnson"...
Yes, Dr Ana reports about the private islands they want to return to the elite scum, which they don't want us upon, used to be called continents, where will they get all the water from to drown us all?
Other than that question, I don't doubt this plan at all
"Israel Cannot Fight A Multi-Front War Without Support From The US Military"
From what I've been seeing in Ukraine I don't think they can fight a single front war with all of NATO in tow.