When I was studying for an MBA, one of the best faculty (i.e. one with the greatest experience of the real world, all over the world) advised us all to read the American Declaration of Independence, the American Bill of Rights and the American Constitution.
I think he did so because he felt the documents were highly idealistic and he wanted us to think for ourselves about whether they were being upheld in modern USA, what the reasons might be that they might not be and whether or not that needed to change.
The conclusion I came to was that, for the 'American Idea' to work, citizenry needed to be very active and they could not afford to 'trust their leaders uncritically'. A government that truly answers to the people, serves the people, is a very rare thing and the temptation of the hangers-on is to enrich themselves, grant themselves privileges, without the populace either noticing or holding them to account.
The fact now is that since I was born in the early to mid 1960s, the US State has become completely corrupted, its budgets bear no relevance to monies levied and fiscal discipline has completely disappeared. What is amazing is that the demand for 'sound finances' no longer exists amongst a large rump of the US populace, nor does a demand that the USA merely defend its own borders, rather than existing as a global police force.
The way the USA has been corrupted is the purchase of politics, primarily by the armaments industry, Israel and, more latterly, Big Pharma. Bankers and financiers have always been powers behind the throne, but their corruption is about periodic bailouts, thus making their gambling risk free. The others are about constancy of spending/appeasement and they absolutely do not represent the will of the US people, nor do they represent the interests of the US people.
There are only three ways to repair the US system of governance:
1. Going bankrupt and having foreigners impose fiscal discipline: this is unlikely in the near term.
2. Violent domestic revolution bringing about a coup d'etat followed by new elections after criminalising AIPAC, the Defence lobby and Wall Street blackmailers.
3. 'The perfect miracle' of 200 million plus Americans simply refusing to vote for the Uniparty and not standing for the sort of vote rigging which has been endemic throughout the 21st century.
Even then, most of us looking in from outside question whether the societal cancer has spread too deep for too long for the dream to be maintained.
But most of profoundly would prefer 'the American idea' to die rather than World War III be imposed on all of us just so that a corrupted idea can be perpetuated in Disneyworld, Hollywood and on CNN.
Thanks Rhys. Agreed in principle, though some details could be modified.
Regulatory-Capture has certainly happened. Trilateralists seem to have a lot of sway, and remain opaque. "FIRE" sector of rent-extracting investments has a lot of power, as do military and oil/extractive-industries. Michael Hudson goes into that a lot.
This is a global imperialist structure, which needs to collect rent from the world to stay in business. It does not serve Americans, but uses them as collateral. The military enforcement arm has weakened and is being overshadowed by Russia, with China and Iran reservedly "allied". The tributary countries are hedging their bets, hesitant to open themselves to attack, but testing the new boundaries a bit. This is a tipping point.
What happens in the debt-default of the $US assets? When does it happen? Managed how?
How much BRICS+ structure will be working by then? Can "we" join absent the rent-collecting globalist parasitic class? Can that entire class-interest be jettisoned in asset-value-collapse?
"Inquiring minds want to know".
The globalists present themselves as kings "who would burn their kingdom to the ground to rule the ashes." This is the face they must present in the game. How much is real?
What back-up position are the "rationalists" preparing, for after the "crazies" fail?
Feather your own nest and expect rent-paying assets to be out-of-action for a long time. Globalists will presume to own-everything through the derivative scam, but how could the enforcers enforce that extreme claim? When will the enforcers (watch USMC) change "sides" and stand with the Constitution? I ask "when", not "if".
Prepare to shelter-in-place and "keep your head down".
Perhaps you should expand on this. I do not think the Ottomans fit your description, for example. Nor the Chinese, nor Siam. Micheal Hudson has a lot to say on pre-industrial economies and how they got around this problem. Meanwhile ALL civilisations were agriculture based until very recently. Even my mountainous country, Hellas, with few plains can feed itself. And there was a lot more industry in pre-industrial societies than is admitted by the phrase 'agricultural civilisations'.
Actually Hellas CAN feed itself -unlike Germany - except for wheat, traditionally bought from Russia or USA. Like all EU countries it is flooded with EU food products but in our case all can be eliminated without problem since it is either dumping (notably the poor quality Dutch and Danish meat) or the myriad junk products like boxed cereals and worse.
I objected to your absolutism re empire in that not all empires have functioned in the same set of circumstances and two even constituted a long time Pax and civilising condition despite wars around their edges - the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. both destroyed by the West (the Barbarians par excellence) and by changing circumstance such as the Westphalian concept, which had a special resonance in light of history between Hellas and the Sublime Porte.
There is even a qualitative difference between the British and American empires. In the British case their ex-colonies inherited extensive infrastructure, universities, judiciaries etc. The US doesn't even bother with cultural institutes like the British Consul, the Institute Francais. It will leave only the poisoned earth of their military installations.
We all make certain assumptions in our cognitive models. I am not so sure about Greek communication-preferences for important things, such as selling produce to real people on the real black market.
Some may live outside of the ethersphere. I hear rumors...
Every State is a war state. The rise of the Polis was a military decision. The Federalist thesis post/Civil War/was the strong state from D.C. would now ensure no state or group of states dare leave the Federal Empire and the war machine began in earnest to compete with European powers and later entangle itself in European conflicts and now the Federal Government decided that Global Federalism is the best possible solution for a world of warring states. Ellul favored Christian Anarchism for replacing government.
Early Christians, pre-Roman-takeover, did "hold all things in common" and lived as groups of under 150 members can live. "An-archy" can work in smallish groups, especially based upon shared spiritual practice and an external threat.
Rome adjusted that to fit Roman purposes better, and got rid of "usury" as the main sin, replacing it with sexuality at some point.
Yes, there were spiritual exemplars in the pre-Roman Christian Churches, and they were quite varied. St. Valentine was one of them, and had a following.
The Tripartite Tractate is an important work of his, buried in a jar to save it from the Romans, and discovered in the late 1940s.
The war state got very strong in WW1. Randolph Bourne was fired for opposing the War from his professor position at Princeton. He wrote a book posthumously published after his death from the flu in 1918-The State. An important extract from the book is War is the health of the State. Cleary technics does not require war but it is profitable. Moreover as early as the 1930’s workers are replaced by machines so obviously throwing people out of work is not the issue.
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil. I believe in the Power of Prayer & right action. My heart aches for what is happening. We have been under attack from our own gov't & our gov't has been attacking others as well - the evil/corruption runs deep. I have to believe that Justice will be served & Truth will come to Light, either in this lifetime or the next. Happy Thanksgiving to you; Dr. Day & your family - we have much to be grateful for ...
The Zionist/Globalist/UN/WEF trifecta: Rome is religion. London is banking/finance. US is military. All have the obelisk.
Zionists, aka as UN/WEF globalists, control politics, government, finance, commerce, judiciary, science, technology, medicine, education, and media (news/entertainment) on a global basis. The UN with its Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The Zionists are the UN, WEF, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, Nazis, etc.
Zionists originated as Ashkenazi (Noah’s grandson Ashkenaz, Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6) Khazar ‘Jews’ first in what is now N. Turkey, then Khazaria (present day Ukraine) where they converted to Judaism while practicing dark arts, sacrificing to Baal; they gained power through the Bolsheviks, Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Ashkenazi (Nazi) Khazar ‘Jews’ are the Khazarian Mafia and the nascence of the Nazis.
YHWH documents the lineage of the Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’ in Genesis 10:3 and I Chronicles 1:6. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, Japeth. Shem’s descendants are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, David, Yeshua; the Messianic lineage. Ham’s descendants are the Canaanites. Japheth’s descendants through son Gomer and grandson Ashkenaz are the Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’.
The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’ are not of the Messianic lineage and converted to Judaism in Khazaria. The Zionists follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They practice(d) dark arts, sacrificing to Baal. The star of David is instead the star of Remphan. There are many layers to the deception.
Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
We’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionist agenda is one world government/currency/religion. The Zionists want their NWO. The Zionists will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and their deity/messiah, the man of perdition, will sit upon the throne and declare himself God. He will be charismatic and powerful. Many will be deceived. All people will be forced to worship the beast and accept the mark of the beast to buy and sell or face death.
The Bible warns of these false Jews:
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Zionism is not Judaism. It is not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist (false Jews/synagogue of Satan).
Dr John
When I was studying for an MBA, one of the best faculty (i.e. one with the greatest experience of the real world, all over the world) advised us all to read the American Declaration of Independence, the American Bill of Rights and the American Constitution.
I think he did so because he felt the documents were highly idealistic and he wanted us to think for ourselves about whether they were being upheld in modern USA, what the reasons might be that they might not be and whether or not that needed to change.
The conclusion I came to was that, for the 'American Idea' to work, citizenry needed to be very active and they could not afford to 'trust their leaders uncritically'. A government that truly answers to the people, serves the people, is a very rare thing and the temptation of the hangers-on is to enrich themselves, grant themselves privileges, without the populace either noticing or holding them to account.
The fact now is that since I was born in the early to mid 1960s, the US State has become completely corrupted, its budgets bear no relevance to monies levied and fiscal discipline has completely disappeared. What is amazing is that the demand for 'sound finances' no longer exists amongst a large rump of the US populace, nor does a demand that the USA merely defend its own borders, rather than existing as a global police force.
The way the USA has been corrupted is the purchase of politics, primarily by the armaments industry, Israel and, more latterly, Big Pharma. Bankers and financiers have always been powers behind the throne, but their corruption is about periodic bailouts, thus making their gambling risk free. The others are about constancy of spending/appeasement and they absolutely do not represent the will of the US people, nor do they represent the interests of the US people.
There are only three ways to repair the US system of governance:
1. Going bankrupt and having foreigners impose fiscal discipline: this is unlikely in the near term.
2. Violent domestic revolution bringing about a coup d'etat followed by new elections after criminalising AIPAC, the Defence lobby and Wall Street blackmailers.
3. 'The perfect miracle' of 200 million plus Americans simply refusing to vote for the Uniparty and not standing for the sort of vote rigging which has been endemic throughout the 21st century.
Even then, most of us looking in from outside question whether the societal cancer has spread too deep for too long for the dream to be maintained.
But most of profoundly would prefer 'the American idea' to die rather than World War III be imposed on all of us just so that a corrupted idea can be perpetuated in Disneyworld, Hollywood and on CNN.
Thanks Rhys. Agreed in principle, though some details could be modified.
Regulatory-Capture has certainly happened. Trilateralists seem to have a lot of sway, and remain opaque. "FIRE" sector of rent-extracting investments has a lot of power, as do military and oil/extractive-industries. Michael Hudson goes into that a lot.
This is a global imperialist structure, which needs to collect rent from the world to stay in business. It does not serve Americans, but uses them as collateral. The military enforcement arm has weakened and is being overshadowed by Russia, with China and Iran reservedly "allied". The tributary countries are hedging their bets, hesitant to open themselves to attack, but testing the new boundaries a bit. This is a tipping point.
What happens in the debt-default of the $US assets? When does it happen? Managed how?
How much BRICS+ structure will be working by then? Can "we" join absent the rent-collecting globalist parasitic class? Can that entire class-interest be jettisoned in asset-value-collapse?
"Inquiring minds want to know".
The globalists present themselves as kings "who would burn their kingdom to the ground to rule the ashes." This is the face they must present in the game. How much is real?
What back-up position are the "rationalists" preparing, for after the "crazies" fail?
Feather your own nest and expect rent-paying assets to be out-of-action for a long time. Globalists will presume to own-everything through the derivative scam, but how could the enforcers enforce that extreme claim? When will the enforcers (watch USMC) change "sides" and stand with the Constitution? I ask "when", not "if".
Prepare to shelter-in-place and "keep your head down".
RE: The United States government exists to wage war:
Ernest Mandel. Belgium Trotskyist, wrote at length during the
1970s about the US War Economy - about how production
for wars was good for the overall health of the US economy...
Without its War Industries the US economy would SHRINK, so
too blue-collar jobs, and the middle classes living standards...
(in which case, war is as much necessary as it is addiction)...
Perhaps you should expand on this. I do not think the Ottomans fit your description, for example. Nor the Chinese, nor Siam. Micheal Hudson has a lot to say on pre-industrial economies and how they got around this problem. Meanwhile ALL civilisations were agriculture based until very recently. Even my mountainous country, Hellas, with few plains can feed itself. And there was a lot more industry in pre-industrial societies than is admitted by the phrase 'agricultural civilisations'.
Actually Hellas CAN feed itself -unlike Germany - except for wheat, traditionally bought from Russia or USA. Like all EU countries it is flooded with EU food products but in our case all can be eliminated without problem since it is either dumping (notably the poor quality Dutch and Danish meat) or the myriad junk products like boxed cereals and worse.
I objected to your absolutism re empire in that not all empires have functioned in the same set of circumstances and two even constituted a long time Pax and civilising condition despite wars around their edges - the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. both destroyed by the West (the Barbarians par excellence) and by changing circumstance such as the Westphalian concept, which had a special resonance in light of history between Hellas and the Sublime Porte.
There is even a qualitative difference between the British and American empires. In the British case their ex-colonies inherited extensive infrastructure, universities, judiciaries etc. The US doesn't even bother with cultural institutes like the British Consul, the Institute Francais. It will leave only the poisoned earth of their military installations.
We all make certain assumptions in our cognitive models. I am not so sure about Greek communication-preferences for important things, such as selling produce to real people on the real black market.
Some may live outside of the ethersphere. I hear rumors...
Every State is a war state. The rise of the Polis was a military decision. The Federalist thesis post/Civil War/was the strong state from D.C. would now ensure no state or group of states dare leave the Federal Empire and the war machine began in earnest to compete with European powers and later entangle itself in European conflicts and now the Federal Government decided that Global Federalism is the best possible solution for a world of warring states. Ellul favored Christian Anarchism for replacing government.
Bookchin's "Libertarian Municipalism" is a good formulation, too, but if there is one war-state, it will predate on other states...
Surely, if some can claim to be anarcho-capitalists, others can claim to be anarcho-christians ?
The thing about certainties - they often provide The Guillotine with its victims...(To misquote Pol Pot...And then there's Zionism)...
Early Christians, pre-Roman-takeover, did "hold all things in common" and lived as groups of under 150 members can live. "An-archy" can work in smallish groups, especially based upon shared spiritual practice and an external threat.
Rome adjusted that to fit Roman purposes better, and got rid of "usury" as the main sin, replacing it with sexuality at some point.
Yes, there were spiritual exemplars in the pre-Roman Christian Churches, and they were quite varied. St. Valentine was one of them, and had a following.
The Tripartite Tractate is an important work of his, buried in a jar to save it from the Romans, and discovered in the late 1940s.
The war state got very strong in WW1. Randolph Bourne was fired for opposing the War from his professor position at Princeton. He wrote a book posthumously published after his death from the flu in 1918-The State. An important extract from the book is War is the health of the State. Cleary technics does not require war but it is profitable. Moreover as early as the 1930’s workers are replaced by machines so obviously throwing people out of work is not the issue.
Why has it taken so long for someone to raise the Genocide Convention, an international treaty from . . . 1948?
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil. I believe in the Power of Prayer & right action. My heart aches for what is happening. We have been under attack from our own gov't & our gov't has been attacking others as well - the evil/corruption runs deep. I have to believe that Justice will be served & Truth will come to Light, either in this lifetime or the next. Happy Thanksgiving to you; Dr. Day & your family - we have much to be grateful for ...
Thank You, Susan. Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours, also.
The Zionist/Globalist/UN/WEF trifecta: Rome is religion. London is banking/finance. US is military. All have the obelisk.
Zionists, aka as UN/WEF globalists, control politics, government, finance, commerce, judiciary, science, technology, medicine, education, and media (news/entertainment) on a global basis. The UN with its Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The Zionists are the UN, WEF, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, Nazis, etc.
Zionists originated as Ashkenazi (Noah’s grandson Ashkenaz, Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6) Khazar ‘Jews’ first in what is now N. Turkey, then Khazaria (present day Ukraine) where they converted to Judaism while practicing dark arts, sacrificing to Baal; they gained power through the Bolsheviks, Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Ashkenazi (Nazi) Khazar ‘Jews’ are the Khazarian Mafia and the nascence of the Nazis.
YHWH documents the lineage of the Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’ in Genesis 10:3 and I Chronicles 1:6. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, Japeth. Shem’s descendants are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, David, Yeshua; the Messianic lineage. Ham’s descendants are the Canaanites. Japheth’s descendants through son Gomer and grandson Ashkenaz are the Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’.
The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’ are not of the Messianic lineage and converted to Judaism in Khazaria. The Zionists follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They practice(d) dark arts, sacrificing to Baal. The star of David is instead the star of Remphan. There are many layers to the deception.
Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
We’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionist agenda is one world government/currency/religion. The Zionists want their NWO. The Zionists will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and their deity/messiah, the man of perdition, will sit upon the throne and declare himself God. He will be charismatic and powerful. Many will be deceived. All people will be forced to worship the beast and accept the mark of the beast to buy and sell or face death.
The Bible warns of these false Jews:
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Zionism is not Judaism. It is not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist (false Jews/synagogue of Satan).
All glory to Yeshua, Lord and Savior.