RFK Jr is a rare, refreshing candidate. I hope he can win against a horrible machine that has greatly damaged our Republic, and the democracy of the people.
I am sorry to inform you that going against the machine entails a hidden assassin with a rifle. No President has the power to change what has been set in motion for a verry long time and the people who actually run the world are neither Democratic minded and are in fact working to destroy Democracy. If you actually read the Patriot Act as well as the National security Authorization Act, you will see that you now have no rights at all now. Ask yourself why these acts were passed into law! It certainly had nothing to do with 9-11. It is like killing a flea with a sledgehammer. No, terrorists are not bombing buildings all over America, Americans are murdering other Americans in mass shootings far more than any Islamic terrorist. The medical terrorists are killing more people worldwide than any other terrorists ever imagined. This is your own government murdering by injection, without any qualms or remorse. Time for a red pill.
This is true as to the current status, but it is aso subject to change, rapid change. This same corrupt arrangement of an overripe and corrupt empire has happened before It happens periodically. A lot of people at all levels of the machine are disgusted by it, and would change it if the opportunity presented. The machine got set back in 1968 and had to reorganize. It may be taken down this time.
Hopelessness relieves you of any responsibility to act.
Needn't invest too much energy in the hope. The Democrat/Communists will make certain that he doesn't have a flying prayer. They have no desire for this to be a Democracy of any sort.
The W.HO. meets next week and it will be telling to see how earnestly Biden seeks to surrender the sovereignty of this country to Tedros (Islamic terrrorist) and his fellow goons at the U.N.
Ugh…she brings up the wax subject, then proceeds to interrupt and cut him off, saying “I don’t want to debate this”. Then why’d you bring it up? Here’s a little constructive criticism, Krystal: let your GUEST answer the questions! Put your biases aside and let your viewers be the judge.
Krystal is internally stressed because her nature is at war with her professed "religion" of vaccines-are-all-good, and she is having cognitive diissonance whenever she thinks about it,including at the very beginning, when she put it off.
Why the hell is he on this program to begin with? He is never going to be able to be interviewed by any sold out talking heads from the corporate media. This is why they have them on in the first place, to talk over them and try to make them look foolish.
This year and next are a similar situation to 1968 after the Tet lunar new year offensive, when Americans turned aainst the Vietnam War in a paradigm shift moment. LBJ decided to withdraw his candidacy, even after RFK was assassinated. It has not worked to improve his standing with the public
The demoncrats will never allow him to win the nomination. As you can see they have already put him in the wacko conspiracy box. As for energy his stance would put us back in the horse and buggy days. The only currently viable replacement for fossil fuels is nuclear. How hard would it actually be to shoot the waste into the sun?
What pecentage of the nucear launches fail in your scenario?
Very expensive.
Let's see. the corrupt power elites are under attack from Van Helsing factions in all agencies and parties and at all levels.
I don't think we can pull off horse and buggy at this point. It takes 10 acres to graze a horse around here, and the soil is good. We have gotten too dense. 20 hp mini-cars would do, and we would never go over 50 MPH. there are a lot of ways to work this, but really no-going-back.
They will never invest in bullet trains or any rapid transportation. Our public transport is pitiful by design, hell we can't make the trains or the track in this country any longer because they sent all these capabilities to third world countries. Globalization is just an attack on Democracy which is now on its knees. Just as planned. The American dream has now become the American nightmare. Not only have these jobs disappeared we now have so many illegals in this country vying for jobs, or scraps that our system is overwhelmed, just as planned. It is a one world government ruled by about 300 families and the corporations they own that will cull the population down so their progeny will survive well into the future. It has always been the masses they fear more than anything, now they have the tools to actually do what they dreamed of three hundred years ago.
I think the parasitic elites are in overshoot They need to exist at the top of a vast hierarchy. They are not versatile in times of shocking change, such as we approach.
Don't get culled. Grow vegetables. Be a friend. Ride a bike.
Nobody needs a bullet-train any more than they need an SST
Really, foolish. You call me foolish when you stated that shooting the waste into the sun would not be hard. I am not on the climate change caused my human's train. The real science has been clear as we live on a planet that is cooling with a molten centerer that has changed climate many times over millions of years and proven by ice cores. The real problem is pollution poisoning the air, water, food and people. The carbon dioxide is greening the planet. The plants survive on the carbon dioxide, and we survive on the oxygen said plants produce so no it is not carbon dioxide, it is poison in everything. The so-called green revolution is the elite's method of gaining control of humanity and the means of production. First, they fooled us with the need for globalization, how did that turn out? Flooding us with illegal immigrants and increasing the burdened population of this country, the Patriot Act, the national security authorization act, crashing the economy, then bailing out the bankers that caused it or I should say orchestrated it. Do you think all these things happened in a vacuum, all separate events? Nothing to do with each other, please take your head out of the sand or wherever it is now deposited, take a red pill and exit the matrix! if you do not question everything then you will never understand anything. Research is a word you need to be introduced to. The information is all out there for the finding, but you have to look. If you think mainstream science is real science and mainstream economics are real economics, then I have an investment idea for you to put your money in. I am going to mine the cheese on the moon and dismantle the golden gate bridge and sell little pieces for souvenirs. We will make hundreds of billions by using your money.
The freight will go by trucks, trains and waterways. We won't be traveling as much, but might take trains or buses, depending on how things work out. The world will be a lot different. Trekked much in the Himalayas?
We;ll be licky to be alive, as I feel we are now. We might derive more satisfaction from that success if we have to pt a lot of effort into it.
A level like subsistence farming in India is probably sustainable.
By "sustainable" I mean enough-fuel to keep it going long term if we all cooperate well. The "unsustainable" alternative is always dying of the four-horsemen.
James Howard Kunstler has does some great prognostigation about our future adaptation to a world of diminishing fossil fuel and our adaptation to it. He has a great web site with some of the best interviews being done years ago!
As I said. An incredibly lesser standard of living. That's a mighty big ask. We may be forced into it regardless. We need dilithium crystals! More power Scotty! And no, I've never been able to afford a trek in the himalayas... unfortunately.
This is the key: "We may be forced into it regardless."
My wife and I were 25 and 30 when we did the Annapurna trek for 3 weeks of hiking at high altitude.
It was not expensive. There was nothing to spend money on. No running water. No electricity. Lentils and rice. If somebody had a couple of eggs it was a lucky day.
Filter your own water. Have a good sleeping bag, ground pad, boots that fit, and inner and outer socks to avoid blistering.
It was satisfying despite diarrhea and weight loss, but how could that lesser standard of living be satisfying?
People that we met were not depressed. We greeted on the trail with "Namaste" or "Tashi Delek".
Of course it was satisfying. As any extended time with nature can be. As you know they have lived that life for centuries. We have been industrialized and indoctrinated to live in an entirely different way. You also know that the billions of "poor" struggle in different ways that the industrialized do not know. What we both know is that being forced to give up our technology in order for the "princes" that rule our world to enslave us a la "hunger games" would be a very unsatisfying utopia.
Why do we need to travel from NY to LA and back? Why do we need high speed transportation? All that requires an infrastructure that is developed at the expense of invaluable, irreplaceable farm land.
Some communities have outlawed food gardens in the front "yard". Thank goodness I do not live in such a place. My limitation is that I live in an apartment building with no surrounding land for tenant gardens. I long to grow veggies, herbs, fruit, and flowers.
Bullet freight trains would eliminate the cross-country freight hauling trucks that now clog the highways. they would just deliver locally from the freight depots thereby cutting the need for long haulers. The vehicles do not have to be fifty MPH to be efficient, but Americans love to show off their huge SUVs and fast cars not the mention the motor sports use of fuel. If Las Vegas did not have water supplied, it would not exist at all and in fact why does it exist. Huge gambling cities are good for what exactly. No, we do not have to resort to horse and buggy days to still enjoy and be prosperous. We just need to stop being so blatantly wasteful as a society. I have to say that not much thought went into this comment.! Samuel Clemons stated, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." I do not want to be disrespectful but give comments some thought before making them. By the way there are other forms of nuclear energy that are cleaner and safer than what has been used in the past, they just do not want them for selfish reasons. If you have never been informed about Lyndon Larouche, then it may be time to take a look.
I have to say that their alternatives in nuclear energy, they just have not been interested in them as they are cheaper and safer. If anyone is familiar with Lyndon Larouche, read his real economics plans and his predictions over the last fifty years. See what real brilliance is like. See the battle between the good and the evil have been controlled by the evil, and they are always punishing or marginalizing the truth tellers or have you not noticed. All wars are bankers' wars, all wars are a lie. they are a racquet. Do you know who Smedley Darlington Butler was, no? Wonder why you do not know who he is? How is it that the most decorated Marine in US history is not part of history. Two medals of honor, leader of the Marine corps, did battle in fifteen countries until he realized that war is a racquet and wrote a booklet with this name. He pointed out the truth that took him 38 years to figure out, and he stated this truth publicly. So much information not read that the truth is what you are told it is, get it? Look up the Schiller Institute and the Larouche Organization, please!.
John - I'm so glad that you wrote about this. Your blog, like RFK Jr's work and recent announcement, continues to inspire your subscribers (as does your garden!). I'd be so grateful if, at some point, you chose to help spread awareness of the financial drivers behind the trans agenda. Motivated by the laudable desire to be kind, we’re all being duped into supporting an agenda driven by NGOs and funded by pharma, technology, & banking/big finance that tries to replace sex with gender, biology with ideology, and free speech/critical thinking with fearful compliance. This video is a good place to start: Who Is Behind the Trans Agenda?
I know that's actually the name someone uses, but, thanks for this title this morning, just the laugh I needed. The image of Joe "alcohol is staying!!" Kennedy on the wall behind as bobbin bobby jr. stares into a krystal ball is hilarious, and will last.
Thanks for the video interview of RFK Jr. I felt the interviewers used their own agenda to fault Kennedy's. I thought he handled himself well. His views on climate change are certainly more nuanced than I've encountered so far. He proposed an internet-based "information grid" to collect information about a pandemic from doctors around the world sounds good, but what do you think? And, lastly, why do we only talk about Africa when it comes to presumed contagious illness and at no other time? That sure seems like a "dead horse".
Take a look at Bobby Jr's most recent interview on his platform, with Dane Wiggington, on the "proposed" climate engineering, which has been in the skies for a couple of decades or more (at least that my eyes have seen)
I just watched RFK Jr.'s interview with Dale Wigington about chem trails and geoengineering. Very provocative. Robert said that he has been fighting his whole life people trying to impose engineering solutions on environmental problems. Usually the engineering solution just makes more major problems down the line. There is collateral damage.
The other aspect I got from this video is that Kennedy's understanding of "climate change" is more nuanced than most people who comment on websites seem to think. The problem is not just that weather may be changing, but mostly the collateral damage caused by governments trying to interfere - with geo-engineering.
John, I have to say that Kennedy running as a Democrat is a huge mistake and it will cost him dearly. I will not vote for any mainstream candidate and if the DNC endorses him, it just means he sold out. He should run independently. The other point is the nuclear energy argument. The fact that two alternative types of nuclear energy have been known for some time but ignored by everyone with the exception of Lyndon Larouche is perplexing and I do not know why Mr. Kennedy does not know about them. They are safer than what has been used traditionally. The fact remains that solar and wind are not scalable for the needs of the world as in the amount of silver it would take to make them is astronomical, the space would encompass a couple of states geographic area, an army of people to keep them clean. Not possible or practical. There is no such thing as clean coal but there is such a thing as clean and safe nuclear energy. Look it up and see. This would be a game changer for the world but the powers that be do not want this energy made available for obvious reasons. I would like to know what Mr. Kennedy proposes as an alternative to nuclear! If he says wind and solar then he is delusional.
I think humanity just passed the peak of fosil-fuel inheritance, and has to figure out how to deal with it. "Global warming" as a control-narrative tries to sugar coat the actual situation, but the sugar coating is gone now. Tyranny is the main strategy of the owners, and ignorance of the populace.
I don't think there is a way tolive in the style to which we have become accustomed.
I have researched other forms of nuclear reactors, such as thorium and themodular units the Russians are now making.
The main thing to change is our outlook. I see a long resource contraction. Russia is in the best position for that. The US is in second-place, if we could shed our parasitic "owners". Big "if"...
I see Bobby's candidacy differently.
His fight is to re-humanize the Democratic Party, "his party", as he calls it.
His fight is now and through the primary season, not later than that.
He will either prevail, be excluded through crooked vote-rigging and delegate coercion, or he will be assassinated, as his dad and uncle were.
Your last paragraph has me dismayed. I think you are correct. What will the country do if he is assassinated? Hopefully, it will not be business as usual. What will it take for Americans to realize they have been had? And then, what will we do???
My wife and I are working on our veggies now. I have pears,apples ,mulberrys,blackberrys, currants and hazelnuts. Just outside albuquerque so contouring to catch rainwater. We get serious memorial weekend around here cause of late frosts. Bless you and yours.
I saw RFK speak a few weeks ago at Dartmouth (penned an article about it: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/04/vaccine_mandates_and_informed_consent_at_dartmouth_.html). I was very impressed by his talk, and his passion. Though I don't agree with him on everything, America needs a centrist and he's the only chance we have. Not only would he expose Biden's fraud and incompetence, but he would be an attractive option to conservatives who are not enamored with Donald Trump. Including me..... :)
Reading back your comments I actually don't know why I said that. I am sure that "anthropogenic climate warming" is propaganda. I mostly agree with what you've said. I believe some sort of nuclear/ fusion powerplants will be required. On the waste product I ask a simple question, how hard can it be to shoot it into the sun? Really, no snark, just think about it.
It must be dealt with in some way. The simpler the better. If you have a good idea let it be known.
RFK Jr is a rare, refreshing candidate. I hope he can win against a horrible machine that has greatly damaged our Republic, and the democracy of the people.
I am sorry to inform you that going against the machine entails a hidden assassin with a rifle. No President has the power to change what has been set in motion for a verry long time and the people who actually run the world are neither Democratic minded and are in fact working to destroy Democracy. If you actually read the Patriot Act as well as the National security Authorization Act, you will see that you now have no rights at all now. Ask yourself why these acts were passed into law! It certainly had nothing to do with 9-11. It is like killing a flea with a sledgehammer. No, terrorists are not bombing buildings all over America, Americans are murdering other Americans in mass shootings far more than any Islamic terrorist. The medical terrorists are killing more people worldwide than any other terrorists ever imagined. This is your own government murdering by injection, without any qualms or remorse. Time for a red pill.
This is true as to the current status, but it is aso subject to change, rapid change. This same corrupt arrangement of an overripe and corrupt empire has happened before It happens periodically. A lot of people at all levels of the machine are disgusted by it, and would change it if the opportunity presented. The machine got set back in 1968 and had to reorganize. It may be taken down this time.
Hopelessness relieves you of any responsibility to act.
Don't take that poisoned bait.
Needn't invest too much energy in the hope. The Democrat/Communists will make certain that he doesn't have a flying prayer. They have no desire for this to be a Democracy of any sort.
The W.HO. meets next week and it will be telling to see how earnestly Biden seeks to surrender the sovereignty of this country to Tedros (Islamic terrrorist) and his fellow goons at the U.N.
thanks for the synopsis, I rarely consume video content so the data is helpful
You are welcome. I rarely watch, either, but the opportunity presented yesterday afternoon.
Ugh…she brings up the wax subject, then proceeds to interrupt and cut him off, saying “I don’t want to debate this”. Then why’d you bring it up? Here’s a little constructive criticism, Krystal: let your GUEST answer the questions! Put your biases aside and let your viewers be the judge.
Krystal is internally stressed because her nature is at war with her professed "religion" of vaccines-are-all-good, and she is having cognitive diissonance whenever she thinks about it,including at the very beginning, when she put it off.
I am hopeful for her better nature to prevail.
Why the hell is he on this program to begin with? He is never going to be able to be interviewed by any sold out talking heads from the corporate media. This is why they have them on in the first place, to talk over them and try to make them look foolish.
A lot of people watch this program.
This year and next are a similar situation to 1968 after the Tet lunar new year offensive, when Americans turned aainst the Vietnam War in a paradigm shift moment. LBJ decided to withdraw his candidacy, even after RFK was assassinated. It has not worked to improve his standing with the public
If he gets in it will be a miracle.
If the DNC/Clintons weaken enough for him to proceed in a minimally rigged primary, that might be enough.
We shall see.
RFK’s interview with Russell Brand is great as well. It’s happening!!! ✊🏽
The demoncrats will never allow him to win the nomination. As you can see they have already put him in the wacko conspiracy box. As for energy his stance would put us back in the horse and buggy days. The only currently viable replacement for fossil fuels is nuclear. How hard would it actually be to shoot the waste into the sun?
What pecentage of the nucear launches fail in your scenario?
Very expensive.
Let's see. the corrupt power elites are under attack from Van Helsing factions in all agencies and parties and at all levels.
I don't think we can pull off horse and buggy at this point. It takes 10 acres to graze a horse around here, and the soil is good. We have gotten too dense. 20 hp mini-cars would do, and we would never go over 50 MPH. there are a lot of ways to work this, but really no-going-back.
They will never invest in bullet trains or any rapid transportation. Our public transport is pitiful by design, hell we can't make the trains or the track in this country any longer because they sent all these capabilities to third world countries. Globalization is just an attack on Democracy which is now on its knees. Just as planned. The American dream has now become the American nightmare. Not only have these jobs disappeared we now have so many illegals in this country vying for jobs, or scraps that our system is overwhelmed, just as planned. It is a one world government ruled by about 300 families and the corporations they own that will cull the population down so their progeny will survive well into the future. It has always been the masses they fear more than anything, now they have the tools to actually do what they dreamed of three hundred years ago.
I think the parasitic elites are in overshoot They need to exist at the top of a vast hierarchy. They are not versatile in times of shocking change, such as we approach.
Don't get culled. Grow vegetables. Be a friend. Ride a bike.
Nobody needs a bullet-train any more than they need an SST
Which Jack is the real Jack? Oh foolish one.
Really, foolish. You call me foolish when you stated that shooting the waste into the sun would not be hard. I am not on the climate change caused my human's train. The real science has been clear as we live on a planet that is cooling with a molten centerer that has changed climate many times over millions of years and proven by ice cores. The real problem is pollution poisoning the air, water, food and people. The carbon dioxide is greening the planet. The plants survive on the carbon dioxide, and we survive on the oxygen said plants produce so no it is not carbon dioxide, it is poison in everything. The so-called green revolution is the elite's method of gaining control of humanity and the means of production. First, they fooled us with the need for globalization, how did that turn out? Flooding us with illegal immigrants and increasing the burdened population of this country, the Patriot Act, the national security authorization act, crashing the economy, then bailing out the bankers that caused it or I should say orchestrated it. Do you think all these things happened in a vacuum, all separate events? Nothing to do with each other, please take your head out of the sand or wherever it is now deposited, take a red pill and exit the matrix! if you do not question everything then you will never understand anything. Research is a word you need to be introduced to. The information is all out there for the finding, but you have to look. If you think mainstream science is real science and mainstream economics are real economics, then I have an investment idea for you to put your money in. I am going to mine the cheese on the moon and dismantle the golden gate bridge and sell little pieces for souvenirs. We will make hundreds of billions by using your money.
Have you read "Small Farm Future" by Chris Smaje? As energy becomes more scarce and (thus) costly, we may be dreaming of horses and buggies....
10 non-irrigated acres to graze a horse around here, sigh.
It's pretty good farmland, too.
20 hp minicars eh. So no more than 2 people to a car. 50 mph from NY to LA. Quite a long trip.
And how would you deliver all the freight? There really are not many ways at all to "work" this without an incredibly lesser standard of living.
The freight will go by trucks, trains and waterways. We won't be traveling as much, but might take trains or buses, depending on how things work out. The world will be a lot different. Trekked much in the Himalayas?
We;ll be licky to be alive, as I feel we are now. We might derive more satisfaction from that success if we have to pt a lot of effort into it.
A level like subsistence farming in India is probably sustainable.
By "sustainable" I mean enough-fuel to keep it going long term if we all cooperate well. The "unsustainable" alternative is always dying of the four-horsemen.
James Howard Kunstler has does some great prognostigation about our future adaptation to a world of diminishing fossil fuel and our adaptation to it. He has a great web site with some of the best interviews being done years ago!
As I said. An incredibly lesser standard of living. That's a mighty big ask. We may be forced into it regardless. We need dilithium crystals! More power Scotty! And no, I've never been able to afford a trek in the himalayas... unfortunately.
This is the key: "We may be forced into it regardless."
My wife and I were 25 and 30 when we did the Annapurna trek for 3 weeks of hiking at high altitude.
It was not expensive. There was nothing to spend money on. No running water. No electricity. Lentils and rice. If somebody had a couple of eggs it was a lucky day.
Filter your own water. Have a good sleeping bag, ground pad, boots that fit, and inner and outer socks to avoid blistering.
It was satisfying despite diarrhea and weight loss, but how could that lesser standard of living be satisfying?
People that we met were not depressed. We greeted on the trail with "Namaste" or "Tashi Delek".
Of course it was satisfying. As any extended time with nature can be. As you know they have lived that life for centuries. We have been industrialized and indoctrinated to live in an entirely different way. You also know that the billions of "poor" struggle in different ways that the industrialized do not know. What we both know is that being forced to give up our technology in order for the "princes" that rule our world to enslave us a la "hunger games" would be a very unsatisfying utopia.
Why do we need to travel from NY to LA and back? Why do we need high speed transportation? All that requires an infrastructure that is developed at the expense of invaluable, irreplaceable farm land.
I have not flown since my Dad's funeral. I agree with you.
However, people are creatures of habit, and most are not growing vegetables yet
Some communities have outlawed food gardens in the front "yard". Thank goodness I do not live in such a place. My limitation is that I live in an apartment building with no surrounding land for tenant gardens. I long to grow veggies, herbs, fruit, and flowers.
Bullet freight trains would eliminate the cross-country freight hauling trucks that now clog the highways. they would just deliver locally from the freight depots thereby cutting the need for long haulers. The vehicles do not have to be fifty MPH to be efficient, but Americans love to show off their huge SUVs and fast cars not the mention the motor sports use of fuel. If Las Vegas did not have water supplied, it would not exist at all and in fact why does it exist. Huge gambling cities are good for what exactly. No, we do not have to resort to horse and buggy days to still enjoy and be prosperous. We just need to stop being so blatantly wasteful as a society. I have to say that not much thought went into this comment.! Samuel Clemons stated, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." I do not want to be disrespectful but give comments some thought before making them. By the way there are other forms of nuclear energy that are cleaner and safer than what has been used in the past, they just do not want them for selfish reasons. If you have never been informed about Lyndon Larouche, then it may be time to take a look.
I totally agree about nuclear / fusion.
You can't replace trucks with trains. Trains already exist efficiently. Trucks go wherever, and make lots of stops.
"We just need to stop being so blatantly wasteful as a society."
Yes to that!
Also Larouche has always had a lot of good ideas and has been against corruption. He died in 2019, but his organization persists.
Delivering freight is part of the supply chain that was forced on us a few years ago. Let's just say no.
I have to say that their alternatives in nuclear energy, they just have not been interested in them as they are cheaper and safer. If anyone is familiar with Lyndon Larouche, read his real economics plans and his predictions over the last fifty years. See what real brilliance is like. See the battle between the good and the evil have been controlled by the evil, and they are always punishing or marginalizing the truth tellers or have you not noticed. All wars are bankers' wars, all wars are a lie. they are a racquet. Do you know who Smedley Darlington Butler was, no? Wonder why you do not know who he is? How is it that the most decorated Marine in US history is not part of history. Two medals of honor, leader of the Marine corps, did battle in fifteen countries until he realized that war is a racquet and wrote a booklet with this name. He pointed out the truth that took him 38 years to figure out, and he stated this truth publicly. So much information not read that the truth is what you are told it is, get it? Look up the Schiller Institute and the Larouche Organization, please!.
John - I'm so glad that you wrote about this. Your blog, like RFK Jr's work and recent announcement, continues to inspire your subscribers (as does your garden!). I'd be so grateful if, at some point, you chose to help spread awareness of the financial drivers behind the trans agenda. Motivated by the laudable desire to be kind, we’re all being duped into supporting an agenda driven by NGOs and funded by pharma, technology, & banking/big finance that tries to replace sex with gender, biology with ideology, and free speech/critical thinking with fearful compliance. This video is a good place to start: Who Is Behind the Trans Agenda?
Jennifer Bilek, investigative journalist
(Peter McCullough has also lately started addressing this issue as has Joseph Mercola.)
‘Minimally rigged’ being the operative phrase there. 🙄
I know that's actually the name someone uses, but, thanks for this title this morning, just the laugh I needed. The image of Joe "alcohol is staying!!" Kennedy on the wall behind as bobbin bobby jr. stares into a krystal ball is hilarious, and will last.
Thanks again.
I enjoyed it, too. I could have abused it worse, but decided against it.
Krystal's dad was a physicist, I read. He got his Ph.D.doing work on crystals...
Her name is not a curse for her.
Her dad's last name was Ball? Well, then, why not?
It didn't come across as a person when I first read it.
Thanks for the video interview of RFK Jr. I felt the interviewers used their own agenda to fault Kennedy's. I thought he handled himself well. His views on climate change are certainly more nuanced than I've encountered so far. He proposed an internet-based "information grid" to collect information about a pandemic from doctors around the world sounds good, but what do you think? And, lastly, why do we only talk about Africa when it comes to presumed contagious illness and at no other time? That sure seems like a "dead horse".
Take a look at Bobby Jr's most recent interview on his platform, with Dane Wiggington, on the "proposed" climate engineering, which has been in the skies for a couple of decades or more (at least that my eyes have seen)
What a fabulous interview! Our govt. is causing drought and wildfire. How fabulous is that?
The same mindset that made these problems can't fix these problems.
I just watched RFK Jr.'s interview with Dale Wigington about chem trails and geoengineering. Very provocative. Robert said that he has been fighting his whole life people trying to impose engineering solutions on environmental problems. Usually the engineering solution just makes more major problems down the line. There is collateral damage.
The other aspect I got from this video is that Kennedy's understanding of "climate change" is more nuanced than most people who comment on websites seem to think. The problem is not just that weather may be changing, but mostly the collateral damage caused by governments trying to interfere - with geo-engineering.
John, I have to say that Kennedy running as a Democrat is a huge mistake and it will cost him dearly. I will not vote for any mainstream candidate and if the DNC endorses him, it just means he sold out. He should run independently. The other point is the nuclear energy argument. The fact that two alternative types of nuclear energy have been known for some time but ignored by everyone with the exception of Lyndon Larouche is perplexing and I do not know why Mr. Kennedy does not know about them. They are safer than what has been used traditionally. The fact remains that solar and wind are not scalable for the needs of the world as in the amount of silver it would take to make them is astronomical, the space would encompass a couple of states geographic area, an army of people to keep them clean. Not possible or practical. There is no such thing as clean coal but there is such a thing as clean and safe nuclear energy. Look it up and see. This would be a game changer for the world but the powers that be do not want this energy made available for obvious reasons. I would like to know what Mr. Kennedy proposes as an alternative to nuclear! If he says wind and solar then he is delusional.
I think humanity just passed the peak of fosil-fuel inheritance, and has to figure out how to deal with it. "Global warming" as a control-narrative tries to sugar coat the actual situation, but the sugar coating is gone now. Tyranny is the main strategy of the owners, and ignorance of the populace.
I don't think there is a way tolive in the style to which we have become accustomed.
I have researched other forms of nuclear reactors, such as thorium and themodular units the Russians are now making.
The main thing to change is our outlook. I see a long resource contraction. Russia is in the best position for that. The US is in second-place, if we could shed our parasitic "owners". Big "if"...
I see Bobby's candidacy differently.
His fight is to re-humanize the Democratic Party, "his party", as he calls it.
His fight is now and through the primary season, not later than that.
He will either prevail, be excluded through crooked vote-rigging and delegate coercion, or he will be assassinated, as his dad and uncle were.
Your last paragraph has me dismayed. I think you are correct. What will the country do if he is assassinated? Hopefully, it will not be business as usual. What will it take for Americans to realize they have been had? And then, what will we do???
My wife and I are working on our veggies now. I have pears,apples ,mulberrys,blackberrys, currants and hazelnuts. Just outside albuquerque so contouring to catch rainwater. We get serious memorial weekend around here cause of late frosts. Bless you and yours.
There used to be some nice alluvial land down by the river, but Google maps shows that to all be developed now. Lightly so, so good for gardening.
Blessings to you and your family.
I saw RFK speak a few weeks ago at Dartmouth (penned an article about it: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/04/vaccine_mandates_and_informed_consent_at_dartmouth_.html). I was very impressed by his talk, and his passion. Though I don't agree with him on everything, America needs a centrist and he's the only chance we have. Not only would he expose Biden's fraud and incompetence, but he would be an attractive option to conservatives who are not enamored with Donald Trump. Including me..... :)
Love your garden! Wow!!
How blessed you are to have a garden.
Reading back your comments I actually don't know why I said that. I am sure that "anthropogenic climate warming" is propaganda. I mostly agree with what you've said. I believe some sort of nuclear/ fusion powerplants will be required. On the waste product I ask a simple question, how hard can it be to shoot it into the sun? Really, no snark, just think about it.
It must be dealt with in some way. The simpler the better. If you have a good idea let it be known.