There are those that question the authenticity/accuracy of UK ONS figures (notably Norman Fenton), so one now has to be careful about who actually produces the primary data (or more pertinently, who is ordered to fiddle the figures).

I don't disagree that the vaccines have done significant and ongoing damage to those vaccinated, but it's important to find guns that are truly smoking, rather than ones which may resemble those which smoke, but are themselves refusing to smoke.

So long as people accept the authorities destroying data without serious comeback, what is going to happen is that all the data collected will simply be destroyed. The Governments will 'want this thing to go away'....

Just like they will want the Ukraine war to 'go away' unless they start winning it....

People are going to need to be much more forceful about right to access public health data, particularly when vaccine mandates have been imposed.

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Almost misread you comment there and came out, guns blazing; but thankfully read it twice (I need another morning cup of coffee I think).

I agree with your analogy of the "smoking gun", the government lies and deceit, half truths etc... and whilst I doubt we will ever get true figures of deaths and adverse reactions in the UK or globally; the trends are definitely there now for all to see.

I doubt the data is actually destroyed actually; it is just well hidden by the governments and globalist parasites (including big corporation .. big pharma, big agri, big oil etc).... to analyse and use on their next "test", "experiment", or wicked plot. Notice how the "Yellow Card Scheme" in the UK has been lost, Vaers in the US is messing around or omitting data ??? (both used to record the adverse effects of the jab).

NOW TO MY POINT !!!. Whether we see millions of deaths and tens of millions of adverse reactions to the jabs.. I still think this is just the tip of the iceberg regards their overall depopulation part of their agenda. Looking Worldwide (where the jabs have been prevalent), look at the fertility statistics (tanking), the massive rise in the sterilisation figures in later generations etc... it truly is quite shocking.

I will not comment on Ukraine in this post.

People are losing any rights of freedom of speech or the ability to question or critisise the "government"... therefore your last paragraph is unfortunately a pipe dream - no offense.

If you are unaware of the site; have a look at UK Column (informative on all these issues) and for the medical updates, a certain Debi Evans does a blog ... if Dr John allows me to post these:

UK Column (3 x per week show - top left) = https://www.ukcolumn.org/

Debi Evans blog = https://www.ukcolumn.org/blogs/debi-evans-blog-5-september-2023

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Bob - thanks for this and yes, I'm aware of UK Column and visit it from time to time.

I also agree wholeheartedly with you about fertility effects of vaccines - but fertility is something which has been declining for a century particularly in men, due to the widespread estrogen-analogues introduced into the food chain. Sperm counts in the West are hugely down.

There's also been a huge decline in the quality of seeds for major crops - at a small scale, people have resisted this and I buy all my seeds from specialist organisations which DO still retain good quality seeds (and I make some of my own too).

There's no doubt in my mind that this whole plan is the most obscene evil ever perpetuated on planet earth - it makes the Nazis look like schoolchildren. It's not about instant death of a few million, it's about insidious wiping out of a few billion by multiplicity of mechanisms.

And what is truly appalling is that, in 2023, mandates to vaccinate healthy children are being pushed through in the USA. There is no possibility of claiming innocent ignorance any more, this is pure premeditated planning for non-specific weakening of the majority of the gene pool.

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Cheers. Regards your last paragraph; everyone needs to realise that the same "mandates" or "laws" (they are different), are being pushed out in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, NZ and many strangely enough in the likes of Japan and South Korea... they may have slightly different names or implemented in slightly different ways ... but the end results are the same and they all make reference to nett zero, UN agenda 21 or 30 or some other nonsense.

I agree totally with the rest... so thanks.

PS Any chance of a heads up for natural seed sellers ... ??

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Try the Seed Cooperative based in Gosberton, Lincolnshire; Real Seeds based down in SW Wales; Chiltern Seeds in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.

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Thanks; on it now.

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Switching gears, striking how those flying saucers were all driving sedately...even helicopters could basically keep up. Maybe some kind of Flying Saucer Highway Code?

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Like a low altitude UFO-chopper-escorted-convoy?

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I like your website, but be careful about descending into sleaze. There are endless rumours about prominent individuals, true or not.

Ok, so Malcolm X was Obama's father, G.W. Bush was a "cheerleader" at his prep school (you know what that implies), etc.

Your site should be about the issues (such as your excellent handling of the Covid vaccine matters), otherwise you will loose the respect of readers.

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Thank you for your concern. Today was a day that a lot of very strange stuff converged.

Malcolm-X possibly being Barack Obama's biological father has just been a fun theory since I first saw it presented back in 2008.

Stegial egged me on.


The Larry Sinclair story has always seemed to me like it was probably true.

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Au contraire Medetera, what you call 'sleaze' in this case are odiferous symptoms of something much worse ; they should never be dismissed, they all need looking into. In the case of the Bushes and Obama there are documented links to pedofilia; ditto the Clintons (Haiti, Kosovo) ; the wars they instigated cemented in place a worldwide industry of child trafficking and organ harvesting, reaching unprecedented levels in Ukraine [Biden].

What matters is not these people themselves but the pattern: who and what is behind them and what their unelected, unadmitted, undemocratic and hidden intentions are which these "politicians" unanimously carry out. Since the 1990s we've been inundated with instant pop-up politicians with no appropriate experience or history: Clinton, Blair, Merkel, Macron, Bush jr., Obama, Van der Leyen, all the low IQ 35 year old wimmin PMs / Foreign Ministers now littering Europe, and alongside the Zombie in the WH, literally a porn star clown heading Ukraine, Zelensky, presented as a "Churchill".Dig into any of their backgrounds : they all stink, they all work in unison and against their peoples' interests.

How normal, how natural is that?

This is crystal clear to non-Anglos because our reality is so different. This excellent Vanessa Beeley interview illustrates why:


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I love your posts. Hard to say where to start but Barry got his job to do that which he did and Mrs. Clinton did not to her eternal chagrin. Barry too likely was a sexually abused child. Rather improbable he was not. Soros backed him and Hillary like a good soldier obeyed. Which brings me around again to find we are being governed by Powers and Principalities we know nothing of save from comic books and pop culture. Pareto’s realism -All Governments use force and all aver to have their foundation in reason.  In truth, with or without universal suffrage, it is always an oligarchy which governs, which knows how to give to the popular will’ the expression that it desires from the votes of the majority in an assembly variously elected, to the plebiscite which gave the empire to Napoleon III and so forth, up to a wisely guided universal suffrage, which is bought and manipulated by our politicos. Who is this new god that bears the name 'universal suffrage’?  He is not better defined, nor any less mysterious and less foreign to the reality of things than so many other divinities: nor is his theology, as others, lacking in patent contradictions!

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The early life of Barry Soetero remains a cipher. To get a Hawaii birth certificate in those days you had a year to go to the local office and tell them a baby had been born, and when...

Deep MK-Ultra upbriniging? Why not? My favorite story has always been that Malcolm-X was Barry's biological father.


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I've read in several places that Barry was sexually abused as a child. By the sounds of his completely screwed up parents and their dysfunctional lifestyles I don't doubt it for a minute. He didn't land where he did by accident and those kids are usually groomed by MKUltra. Further along in your article about the children and SRA the Dutch link was somewhat disjointed. If I could address what they were saying about not believing and putting an end to it, they ALL need to start naming names. All these blind accounts from victims will remain meaningless unless those at the top are held accountable. Either put up or shut up already, I'm tired of reading the same disgusting stories withholding only the names of the guilty criminals.

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Ann Durham -https://mronline.org/2021/10/07/a-company-family-the-untold-history-of-obama-and-the-cia/

CIA Family Connection—Ann Dunham

Obama’s record as president should not have been surprising given his family background.

His mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Ann had training in the Russian language which, with everything combined, made her a “CIA recruiter’s wet dream.”8

The microfinancing projects that she worked on to help turn traditional craft industries into sustainable businesses were designed to “tether third world masses to the mentality of finance capitalism,” as Obama’s unauthorized biographer put it.

Dunham’s boss at USAID in Indonesia, Dr. Donald Gordon Jr., author of Credit for Small Farmers in Developing Countries for USAID (1976), was identified in Julius Mader’s 1968 book, Who Who’s in the CIA, as a CIA agent.

Another boss, Peter Geithner, was future Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s father.

Ann obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in anthropology at the University of Hawaii, writing a thesis which argued that Indonesian villagers were dynamic and could produce greater wealth if they had access to market incentives and capital.

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Good work!

I had seen most of that before, but not all the details, and NOT the Geithner connection.


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Sep 7, 2023
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This appears to be consistent with microwave internal heating, not plasma weapons, as I attempted to make clear.

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