There are those that question the authenticity/accuracy of UK ONS figures (notably Norman Fenton), so one now has to be careful about who actually produces the primary data (or more pertinently, who is ordered to fiddle the figures).

I don't disagree that the vaccines have done significant and ongoing damage to those vaccinated, but it's important to find guns that are truly smoking, rather than ones which may resemble those which smoke, but are themselves refusing to smoke.

So long as people accept the authorities destroying data without serious comeback, what is going to happen is that all the data collected will simply be destroyed. The Governments will 'want this thing to go away'....

Just like they will want the Ukraine war to 'go away' unless they start winning it....

People are going to need to be much more forceful about right to access public health data, particularly when vaccine mandates have been imposed.

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Switching gears, striking how those flying saucers were all driving sedately...even helicopters could basically keep up. Maybe some kind of Flying Saucer Highway Code?

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by John Day MD

I like your website, but be careful about descending into sleaze. There are endless rumours about prominent individuals, true or not.

Ok, so Malcolm X was Obama's father, G.W. Bush was a "cheerleader" at his prep school (you know what that implies), etc.

Your site should be about the issues (such as your excellent handling of the Covid vaccine matters), otherwise you will loose the respect of readers.

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I love your posts. Hard to say where to start but Barry got his job to do that which he did and Mrs. Clinton did not to her eternal chagrin. Barry too likely was a sexually abused child. Rather improbable he was not. Soros backed him and Hillary like a good soldier obeyed. Which brings me around again to find we are being governed by Powers and Principalities we know nothing of save from comic books and pop culture. Pareto’s realism -All Governments use force and all aver to have their foundation in reason.  In truth, with or without universal suffrage, it is always an oligarchy which governs, which knows how to give to the popular will’ the expression that it desires from the votes of the majority in an assembly variously elected, to the plebiscite which gave the empire to Napoleon III and so forth, up to a wisely guided universal suffrage, which is bought and manipulated by our politicos. Who is this new god that bears the name 'universal suffrage’?  He is not better defined, nor any less mysterious and less foreign to the reality of things than so many other divinities: nor is his theology, as others, lacking in patent contradictions!

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deletedSep 7, 2023Liked by John Day MD
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