All wars are Bankers wars...


And all Bankers report to the Rotzchilds.

"If my sons would not want war... there would be none" - Gutle Schnapper Rothchild

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I wonder how NYC would regard this rebel's purchases of 'organic meat' direct from farmers? I support Uk-owned smallholdings outside the SE of England (disgraceful!). I make orders of beef, lamb and pork, each of which last 6-12 months in the freezer from one delivery of each type of meat (disgusting use of carbon as they travel 100-200 miles from farm). I deliberately selected these farmers because they believe in high meat quality, not because they are upper-middle-class twits engaged in green hypocrisy (lock me up in jail right now!). What's worse, I have re-ordered from these suppliers because I am extremely happy about the quality of their produce (only green nutters like Bill Gates can eat meat like that, asshole!)

I wonder how they would feel about me ordering organic seeds from a cooperative (non-profits are commie Russian agents, you traitor!)? How would they feel about me barely buying any vegetables from supermarkets (I grow most of them myself)? In fact, if you thought my sole food sources were supermarkets, you would have to conclude that I was living off baked beans, cannellini beans, chick peas, tinned tomatoes, coconut milk, roasted peanuts, bacon, the odd slice of ham, a few bananas, oranges and raspberries and a few rice krispies as breakfast cereal. Put me into 'special measures' to teach me to eat mRNA-vaccine-contaminated meat!!!!

Sadly, the assholes would never bother to visit my kitchen to see me cooking winter squash which I grew last summer. They would never see my sacks of potatoes stored in the garage over winter, nor the 200+ onions I harvested last summer to store in our shed. They wouldn't have seen me harvesting Brussels Sprouts and savoy cabbage over the winter, nor would they have seen me digging up parsnips, leeks nor carrots in early March.

And they wouldn't have seen me assiduously pruning my fruit trees at various times of year to keep them in suitable levels of stress to make them fruit more. Having seven fruit trees at home and three down at my allotment doesn't register on my weekly transactions, even if three of them would have last autumn (when I purchased young trees from a UK-owned organic nursery no doubt funded by Putin et al). Commie that I am, I sowed an apple pip a decade ago, grew a tree from it and it is now flowering with the prospect of 50-100 fruit on it this year. How can Lagarde et al control me if they can't make sowing apple pips illegal, eh?

I mean, they've already tried to claim that cow manure is bad for the environment, when any non-green-nutter knows that cow manure does remarkable good for soil to be used for growing crops. Same with horse manure. But getting supplies of dung from farmers without having some safety certificate that says that it is free of active biologicals is commie subversion, eh? The fact that the most fertile compost is teeming with biological life seems to be above the genii like Obama, Verhofstadt and Rishi Sunak....

I am so evil that every time I sow new seeds in trays or modules, I inoculate my compost with small amounts of 'healthy bacteria' and mycorhizzal fungi. Disgusting, isn't it? You can't mimic nature to cock a snook at political non-entities, can you? It's a conspiracy theory that fungal networks exist in soil, that bacteria help to make soil fertile and as for basaltic rock dust, that needs banning right away!

The thing is, where growing food is concerned, nature is my teacher, not politicians. Sure, the odd human makes suggestions which I am open to trying and if they work out, it shows that the human has listened to nature too, doesn't it? I judge strategies based on whether my soil becomes more fertile each year, whether crops grow more or less successfully with each year that I have been growing on a particular tract of land. I watch my fruit trees each winter to see whether they form more or less fruit buds, whether the wood on the trees is more or less healthy, whether the fruit I harvest is more or less tasty.

It's amazing how London-based upper-middle class green groupies who have never grown a celeriac in their lives know what's best for us all, isn't it??

What would be best for them would be to practice what they preach. To go live on an eco-retreat and live a net zero life. No gas or electricity from oil/gas products for them. Make all their own clothes. Build their own homes from mud. No glass in their homes, far too much carbon guzzling there. No cars, just a bicycle and even those are dangerous because the raw materials used carbon to make them, eh? Try learning to ride a horse, mateys. Oh, and work out how to feed them and give them space to roam. Ooh, that's a lot of land you need for yourselves, isn't it????

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Sshhh ... AI is monitoring. They'll send the drones for you.

Yes, people who live in abstractions alone are readily misled. I am sorry for that.

We are both working to realize more of what actual life is and what it needs in support.

I'm working gradually on the onion-storage thing. I have been using a refrigerator, but am trying a new variety, which should store longer, allong with the kind I most used. I will try "potato onons" in the fall, to harvest next May or so, which is when I usually need to harvest onions.

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