Doctor, note that the "developed" nations will soon perish if peak oil has been reached -- our entire food production and distribution system has been converted to dependence on cheap fuels. The reversion to agrarian communities is not something that can be achieved as quickly as the soils and farmland were destroyed for suburbs and shopping malls. As with all addictions , the come-down can be more deadly than the high.....

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Peak oil means the end of economic growth as known today. It does not mean the end of production. Stuff will still be produced just at a higher price because, the myth of infinite growth in a finite space has to be maintained. Decay will be slow at first. It took 250 years to build up what is here today, it will not fall/fail overnight. I expect it to collapse in stages. First this thing is suddenly expensive, then hard to find at any price and so on. It will look fast compared to the rise in hindsight, but still a generation or two to step down any major amount. It's the cultural shock that may look worse than the situation really is. It will be worse for some without doubt. It already is actually.

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"Soon" perish? How soon?

"Oil plus liquids" seems to have peaked in late 2018, after "conventional oil" peaked in 2005.


This could seem slower going through it than looking back on it.


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We are not running out anytime soon. We have tens of thousands of capped stranded gas wells that can be converted to dimethyl ether, a 75psi liquid and all the major( Volvo, caterpillar, Scania, Tata, Dusan etc ) engine manufacturers already have tested and ready to go 12 cylinder heavy duty engines. It’s VERY clean burning and can be catalytically cracked and stored at the well head. So the trucks pull up on a dimethyl ether engine, get a full tanker load of 75psi LIQUID and bring it back to be converted to LNG or LPG.

Look it up on Google or Wikipedia.

In addition, bifacial solar panels are now on the market and quad junctions are in the works.

For the last many months, wind and solar have provided more than half of Texas electrical supply during the daytime.

The quad junction panels react to four seperate frequencies of light.

NREL has recently tested quad cells and a 300 watt panel will now put out 800 to 1000 watts.

Labor and transportation are the most expensive inputs to making a solar panel.

It’s way easier than making a big sceeen TV ( which also will make electricity if you put it in the sun and know where to tie in )

Remember our conversations a long time ago ( 2016? ) how quad and 5 junction panels will be the norm by 2030?

It’s coming and there will be a HLUT of single junction panels used that still have 20 years of warranty left.

All of us should invest in storage for our residences LiFePo batteries.

Inverters for AC but 12vdc lights ( like an RV )

When the power goes out on my RV the TV stops and the AC stops.

But my furnace has a 12vdc blower motor.

Laptops run on batteries as do phones.

I have a game camera at my river place that runs on solar.

We will change and it’s starting to accelerate.

On-site DC storage will be the norm in 15 years with your electric car charging from your array and providing power to inverters in your house at night.

Airspool has a solar direct minisplit that will run all day long on 400 watts of panels hooked directly into the condenser and it has a 120 av plug and switches seamlessly to AC at night. It’s a heat pump so can make heat also.

It costs 1399$ on Amazon and comes precharged with 410a which can be bought EVERYWHERE.

Solar powered AC is here and it’s designed for self install.

The next 6 years is going to see major changes, but you have to be ready for grid instability.

You can look at the energy usage anytime at ERCOT.

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This is from Jerry Patterson who was a politician and publishes our energy use daily from ERCOT

Can’t publish the photo, but it’s available daily.

We have been generating more than half of our needs daily from wind and solar.

The more you rely on intermittent power ( sun goes down, wind quits blowing or turbine blades ice ) the more you need a battery inverter setup at home.

Black Friday will see some amazing deals

I bought an Ecoflow delta 2 on the July prime days for half price and it’s awesome

Takes solar

Directly in up to 60 volts

Has 1024 kwhr and can add another battery ( waiting until the next sale )

But there are all sorts of batteries and charge controllers available.

Harbor freight sells Jackerys and great generators and now has an inverter 5000 watt unit that runs on propane ( the only way unless you have deep pockets and then a silenced Kubota water cooled would be the way to go )

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Good day, Dr. John!

I think of hydrocarbons as an endowment, legacy, a ... what's the word? ... a bounty, a subsidy, a gift from nature that can exploited or used but only to a limited extent. Although they have been very helpful in allowing industrial development to lift large numbers of people out of poverty, there aren't enough reserves of hydrocarbons available for us (the fortunate humans who get to use lots of them) to keep using them at present rates for very much longer.

So, what are we going to do with this precious windfall? Invest a portion of it in gaining access to a new energy endowment—if we can find one that actually pays dividends, find ways of getting by with using less, or fritter it all away in one last orgy?

We can ignore the energy issue, but eventually we won't be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring the energy issue. I would say the same thing about the education issue, the recreational drugs, the healthcare cost issue, the vaccine harm issue, the boarder invasion issue, and a dozen others I can think of. But the energy issue is at the base of our economic lives, and ignoring that one, just because there are no perfect options, will ultimately lead to catastrophe.

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You may be familiar with the work of Nate Hagens from your modeling: https://www.resilience.org/stories/2014-05-19/humans-and-earth-transitioning-from-teenagers-to-adults-as-a-species/

I share the perspective, but oil might not ever completely go away. We just may not be able to burn the small amount available for a primary fuel.

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You are working overtime! I have a case of TMI. I need to read my voters guide to decide how to vote on all the propositions on my ballot. And I really should eat. Slow down doctor and smell the okra.

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Thank You, Sister.

I do work overtime, and I am about to go out and garden, then get a bike ride.

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' The Evolution And Validation Of The Metabolic Theory Of Cancer For the past 70 years the Somatic Mutation Theory (SMT) guided all research and treatment in cancer. Why are so few aware that it was overturned 15 years ago by the Metabolic Theory of Cancer (MTOC)?​ '

Dr John - it's certainly the case that somatic mutations can cause changes in metabolism.

However, there are two key events in cancer development which are critical for overall outcomes.

They are:

the acquisition by a tumour of a vasculature, allowing the nascent tumour to access metabolites from the bloodstream; and

the shedding of cancerous cells from a primary tumour, leading to the deposition of such shedded cells at distant sites, preparing for the possibility of metastatic secondary tumours.

My personal view on this argument is that changes in metabolism are the endpoint and somatic mutations are the pathway. Moreover, there is no one rigid set of mutations which allows the endpoint to be reached, rather the cumulative effect of multiple mutations on overall metabolism will eventually tip the scales.

There is, of course, a third factor at play: the state of immune health. It is non-controversial that immune suppression/poor immune health leads to a decreased ability of the body to fight cancer. Known contributors to poor immune health include cigarette smoking; poor diet; and high levels of stress.

When I was a PhD student, the overall picture on tumour development went like this:

i. Initial somatic mutations, creating altered cell populations.

ii. Events called 'tumour promotion' - an environment which allowed selective expansion of a population of altered cells (often described as emergence of benign tumours).

Agents causing somatic mutations were called tumour initiators, where agents promotion clonal exansion of mutated cells were called tumour promoters. The classic combination were mutagens as tumour initiators and compounds such as the phorbol ester TPA as promoters. Mouse models showed that you could create benign skin tumours in a reproducible manner through topical application of a mutagen followed by topical application of TPA.

Those mouse models were entirely reproducible across continents, and specific mutations to the ras oncogene were shown to be the initiating event in that specific tumour model.

That doesn't mean that ras mutation is the only way to create early tumour cells, it just shows that it is one possible mechanism in one particular animal model of cancer.

You can also achieve the same effect on cellular metabolism by altering the transcriptional control of 'oncogene' expression and in some cases, you can achieve the same by making the mRNA encoding such oncogenes more stable, finally you can achieve the same endpoint by altering the activity/control of activity of the produced protein. The endpoint is altered activity and regulation of proteins involved in controlling the cell division/cell differentiation cycles.

Examples of this can include viral infection altering the metabolism of epithelial cells so that their normal 'differentiation' into mature skin is delayed, thereby creating a clonal pool of benign tumour cells that remain at a more immature state of existence. Interestingly, the population expansion of non-differentiated cells may require scarification of the skin, since such damage triggers repair responses which include expansion of healthy cell populations to replaced damaged ones .

If the 'metabolic cause' of cancer is the sole one, then it should be the case that tumours emerge with absolutely none of the 'signature mutations' present.

On the other hand, if the metabolic endpoints of somatic mutations can be prevented, then merely mutating certain genes won't be sufficient to create tumours.

I personally think that 'either-or' arguments miss the point here: somatic mutations are necessary but insufficient to create metastatic disease, however bodily health that predisposes toward inability of the immune system to recognise and eliminate cells carrying somatic mutations is a predisposing factor toward tumour development.

The entire system is not a set of fixed steady states, rather one constantly in flux and capable of external intervention.

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Yes; at what point in a progression, which is not stopped, is something "causative"?

Of course there are multiple defense-layers which much be breached. You may have friends who recovered from "terminal" cancer by breaking from orthodoxy, going organic, meditating and living with deeper loving connections, and so on.

I would not have put that quite the way Dr. Kory did, myself.

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I can only comment on the war on Hydro C because I live half the year in Spain and tried to purchase formerly easy to obtain Hyrdo C and was told I needed a doctors prescription in the EU since about Jan 2020. Make of that what you will!

Regarding fracking, I've always suspected the longevity of those fields. Now we find out that DC has 'unsanctioned' the big Russian banks to buy Russian commodities (in Rubles) incl. gas. Be ironic if this was sold on to the moronic EU, like they buy Indian (Russian) crude.

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I go to Mexico

It’s a six hour drive from austin.

Just got back with my legal 3 month supply.

They still have ivermectin prices jacked up.

Fendabendazole and mendabendazole also high.

No worries my local feed store sells the pure liquid version made for ALL ANIMALS. Last I checked I’m a mammal. Dose based on weight.

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Peanut The Squirrel -

Victim of the unscientific Germ Theory

Peanut The Squirrel -

Victim of the Biosecurity State

Peanut The Squirrel -

Victim of "There never can be enough security"...


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See an illegal squirrel; call 911...


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If so-called peak oil has been reached, how is that the real price of oil today is almost exactly the same as the ‘60’s? I’m a little surprised that you are reposting articles by all the self-appointed medical “freedom fighters” who have proven themselves to be the exact opposite. I’m referring to McCullough and Kory, among others. Why are you doing that? McCullough was busy promoting the vaxx for people over the age of 65 in the Fall of 2021, at the peak of the injection period. Kory, as well as McCullough, promoted the whole idea of the dangerous virus, Covid 19, that was never shown to be any more dangerous than the a moderately bad flu season. All the stat’s, as well as personal experience (how many people without serious co-morbidities died at home from Covid 19, that you know, John?). I know zero, 0! How many do you know that died or were injured by the vaxx that was administered and not opposed by McCullough or Kory, at the time it was shoved into so many arms (they only opposed it later, after the deed was done, in order to earn themselves their self-appointed right as the “medical freedom fighters”)? I have a list of 40 personally known-to-me relatives, friends, acquaintances, dead or injured almost certainly from the vaxx, not the so-called dangerous virus. Why are you promoting these people? What is in it for you?

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Lots of questions you pose, Tom.

I remember the events of 2020, 2021 and 2022 differently than you do.

Peter McCullough MD, Cardiologist, Med School Faculty, head of a prestigious medical journal, and published author of so many cardiology articles, advocated strongly for early use of antivirals in 2020, mostly hydroxychloroquine, which he backed up with human clinical trial data, and presented the case for early treatment to the Texas Senate in March of 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAHi3lX3oGM

For this principled stance he lost his Faculty Appointment, editorship of the medical journal, and much of his medical practice.

His personality is what it is, and he does promote, but this is useful in this context, also.

All the way through late 2020 and through 2021, Peter McCullough was advising people to wait for the "better vaccine", the Novavax, which was less harmful, but in retrospect, also not good. I know this from engaging it in real time through the whole process.

I was fired for vaccine-refusal in October 2021, myself, and later lost my F.P. Board certification after 33 years, for "advising patients against COVID-19 vaccination". I did, openly advise all pregnant women children, healthy young people, and anybody who already had COVID against accepting the experimental injections.

This has now been verified in most minds, and harms are even clearer, but I'm still fired and board-decertified.

Pierre Kory was a stronger advocate for Ivermectin, a Critical Care Pulmonologist, treating ICU patients for COVID and other things. He was treated very badly when he testified before the US Senate December 8 of 2020 https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/imo/media/doc/Testimony-Kory-2020-12-08.pdf

For his honest service he lost his Faculty position, hospital privileges, and most of his practice, as a result.

Both of them were absolutely right and also on time, stood up and took heavy personal damage. We were all doing the same things at the same times, though they were at a higher level of medicine than I was. We all treated patients to improve their health and outcomes.

Currently, both of them have long moved away from any recommendation of these "vaccine products", as the data became clearer, particularly in 2022.

As far as people dying from COVID, I was aware of many who did, though none of my patients did. Delta went through me and some of my family for Christmas-New-Year 2021, and sucked badly, but we all got better with ivermectin-based treatment. It still sucked...

As of people dying sooner, and mostly later from "vaccine" complications, we are all on the same page with you. This is democide.

Meryl Nass MD, who had her Maine Medical License suspended for treating her patients appropriately, and has become a political activist against WHO and Big Pharma power grabbing, is another physician whose integrity put her into this particular resistance-camp.

As should be clear by now, I and these other physicians got negatively-paid for our efforts, but are also confirmed in the morality of the choices we made.

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McCullough, who thinks Statins are great. And recommends SiRNA to treat mRNA LNP. Bad advice there bro. That’ll be a huge no thanks for me.

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Sadly, I have not met a Cardiologist who does not push statins, but I think Nattokinase, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, with a healthful natural diet, is better...

​ ​Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants

​ ​Nattokinase (NK), known as a potent fibrinolytic and antithrombotic agent, has been shown to have antiatherosclerotic and lipid-lowering effects. However, data on human clinical studies are limited. In this clinical study involving 1,062 participants, our objective was to examine the efficacy of NK in atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia and safety at the dose of 10,800 FU/day after 12 months of oral administration. Various factors, including lower doses that influence NK pharmacological actions, were also investigated.

​ ​We found that NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day effectively managed the progression of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia with a significant improvement in the lipid profile. A significant reduction in the thickness of the carotid artery intima-media and the size of the carotid plaque was observed. The improvement rates ranged from 66.5 to 95.4%. NK was found to be ineffective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis progression at a dose of 3,600 FU/day. The lipid-lowering effect of NK was more prominent in subjects who smoked, drank alcohol, and subjects with higher BMI. Regular exercise further improved the effects of NK. Co-administration of vitamin K2 and aspirin with NK produced a synergetic effect. No noticeable adverse effects associated with the use of NK were recorded.

​ ​In conclusion, our data demonstrate that atherosclerosis progression and hyperlipidemia can be effectively managed with NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day. The lower dose of 3,600 FU per day is ineffective. The dose of 10,800 FU/day is safe and well tolerated. ​ ​Some lifestyle factors and the coadministration of vitamin K2 and aspirin lead to improved outcomes in the use of NK.


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Thank you, I do take Nattokinase among other things. 👍🏻🙏🏽

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The dose matters, if taking it for atherosclerosis. Do read carefully.

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Thanks! I took a screenshot, so got it. 👍🏻🙏🏽

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That’s what I am doing but it’s still

Crawling up so I restarted my statins at the lowest dose.

I’m barely out of normal range on all charts

Once I’m back in range I will taper off the 20 mg of Atorvastatin.

The nattokinase is working

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ICBW, but I think you may have answered sincerely, believing what you have written. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you in the comments on Sage Hana’s Substack. I don’t agree with all that he says, but one thing I think he has done a very good job of is exposing the role that all of these self-appointed, or rather appointed by TPTB, doctors have played. You write in a praiseworthy fashion of McCullough, for example, but fail to address the important point I made that he was advocating the vaxx, like Bhattacharya, e.g., for those over 65 in October 2021. Why would he do that? Because the data wasn’t in, as you imply? That makes no sense. Anybody with an MD, including myself, could see that the narrative about vaxx safety was false, for any, any, any human being. Could it be because McCullough was tasked with helping get it into the arms of one of the main target groups for cull, i.e. the over-65’s? I think so, and his subsequent behavior supports that. Believe me, he fooled me for a long time, I’m ashamed to say. Same thing with Kory, an actor who came out of nowhere to suddenly appear in a Senate subcommittee hearing and get promoted, repeatedly, by Homeland Security Senator Ron Johnson. Kory claimed to be treating countless Covid patients in the ICU’s. Only problem was that when actually tracked his timeline he was nowhere near any epidemic of Covid. Early to the party that never happened in Wisconsin and late to the Party in NYC, where 26,000 deaths were reported dead in 11 weeks but no one is allowed to know who they were or where or when exactly they died. And eyewitnesses on the ground at the time citizen investigated Elmhurst and other hospitals and could find no indication of any activity whatsoever. This matches, by the way, exactly my experience in San Diego where it was all smoke and no fire throughout. Kory, by the way, worked for two years in 1997-98 for the CDC on a project to promote vaccines among the Medicaid population of NYC. And he has a special expertise in “Simulation Medicine.” And he’s a bad actor. Just watch his videos carefully. I don’t know what the next psy op these people are involved in is going to be, but if you are honest (admittedly I’m captivated by your organic gardening and bike riding, lol) you better start looking at them more carefully, because otherwise they will lead you into a kill box you would like to avoid. Also, when a mass democide is going on and traitors are involved, they always have the State behind them. They can be fired, de promoted, lose all sorts of privileges, and still be unfazed. Sob stories mean nothing in warfare, which is what they are doing to the American working class.

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We read the overall situation much the same, but I read these two humans, McCullough and Kory, as being people who are and were very intelligent and able to determine truth and efficacy in their everyday lives, and also used to generally conforming within a complex bureaucratic medical system. The system was much less bureaucratic in the past, not bureaucratic when McCullough trained, and only a little bit when Kory trained.

They both came down on the side of early treatment, both stood their ground, and were both ejected from positions of authority and income generation.

I don't think they garden or bike commute, which is more of a personality thing. I have a different sense of where we may be with peak-oil and such, but they are not, I believe, captured. I believe they are both morally autonomous people, not serving the "machine", "blob" or "owners" at this point.

They are trying to make a living in medicine, something that I am no longer doing, and which Dr. Nass has been prevented from doing.

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John, you keep pointing to early treatment as a redeeming factor for these two. Why is that? Early in 2020 I do think that something (poison, virus, perhaps EMR) was dispensed that caused illness, potentially fatal in old, frail individuals or those with severe co-morbidities. To this day I'm not sure what it was. A virus is only one possible explanation. Subsequent to that initial spread, whatever was being called Covid was a benign illness. I treated about 40 individuals, at their request, from the second half of 2021 onwards with HCQ, IVM, antibiotics, steroids, supplements and minerals. They all did fine but in retrospect I don't think I accomplished a thing with HCQ or IVM that wouldn't have happened without either. After about the 10th patient I made it clear that we were probably only using IVM or HCQ in order to possibly avoid Long Covid. However, people like McCullough and Kory were using the ruse of the importance of early treatment in order to further the narrative of "dangerous virus," thereby contributing to the fearmongering of the public. Which they continue to do to this day. Why are neither of them pointing fingers at those responsible for this catastrophe, i.e. the US Dept. of Defense and its agencies, who actually created the poisonous injections that have really caused a lot of death and destruction? I agree that they are intelligent, and that's why if they were on the side of the American public they would be using that intelligence to point out who is responsible for this disaster. Unfortunately, intelligence can be a trait of both honorable and dishonorable people, of which these two belong to the latter. I have nothing to say about Nass as I haven't really read much of what she had to say. One only has so much time to spend trying to figure out what the scoundrels are up to.

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Yes, this was military all along, since 1967 when coronaviruses were discovered and were seen as promising bioweapon platforms, then decades of research, then SARS, and MERS, and more animal research on vaccines, but the vaccinated animals always fared WORSE when they got infected with the virus, and so on.

COVID sucked, and I and almost every patient I treated with ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline and vitamin-D3 felt better, or less-bad the next morning after starting. The first study I saw in August 2020, from Bangladesh, using this protocol from Dr. Borody, showed excellent results, no deaths in the treatment group, and it was not yet political, so I started using it, with those overnight improvements...

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"I was fired for vaccine-refusal in October 2021, myself, and later lost my F.P. Board certification after 33 years, for "advising patients against COVID-19 vaccination". I did, openly advise all pregnant women children, healthy young people, and anybody who already had COVID against accepting the experimental injections." I remember when you reported about the loss of board certification. If you were fired as well I sincerely sympathize with you for both of those terrible injustices you suffered. But it sounds to me from your statement that you may have been advising the vaxx for seniors? Is that correct, since you didn't say you just blanket condemned its use? Why didn't you just say it was not to be used, period? Where was the redeeming factor, scientifically?

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Yes! And all who suffered & died at the hands of the nurses and doctors in the hospitals with their strict CDC “guidelines” & protocols from Fauci & friends.

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Agreed, Denise. That was a big part of the operation. Being admitted to the hospital at that point when the perpetrators needed Covid corpses was a very dangerous affair. I remember being shocked when an ICU pulmonologist that I used to work with told me they were treating patients using the CDC protocol of remdesivir, and then admitting that his patients' mortality rate was 40%. It took me a long time to figure out why that was so and how remdesivir has a high incidence of renal toxicity. So naturally when a patient was given that it took no time at all for the patient to resemble an ARDS (acute respiratory deficiency syndrome) picture. I wasn't in the hospital at the time but I recently had a couple of ICU nurses confirm to me that that's what was going on. I called out Kory on this on his own Substack comment section and his response was that he hadn't done a "deep dive" on Remdesivir. John, if you're reading this, does that sound like an intelligent, honest ICU doctor's response to you? It sure doesn't to me.

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And the sunlight Fritz, we need the sun.

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Water as energy creates no pollution so no problem.

What'ts the problem?

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A little humour Fritz, no problems.

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Back to bed, now, Red...

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You have to crack it with electricity friend

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I voted for Dr stein

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