Israel is straight up evil for what they're doing.

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It is not everybody. Netanyahu had a very low approval rating, but the actions are what they are...


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I know it isn't everyone but the head of this is very evil.

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My God, are we witnessing the Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Evil couldn’t be more apparent these days, everywhere.

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Quite simply, Israel wants to erase any connection to Hamas. Israel created Hamas for the concentration camps to control the people there. Hamas controlled concentration camps, Palestinians with people in the camps, they grew to be the army of Palestine, but they are Israel terrorists controlling the Palestinian people. Israel created that, now they want to just ‘rub it out ‘ like it never existed. They don’t want the world to know.

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There are a lot of dumb and illogical arguments being made to to justify Israel's month-long bombing campaign of Gaza. Some of these dumb arguments being made are. 1. Hamas is using innocent people as human shields, so there is nothing that Israel can do but to kill 10+ thousand innocent people in order to get some Hamas bad guys. 2. Another dumb argument being made is that all of the 10+ thousand people that Israel has killed in response to the Oct 7th attack are all the responsibility of Hamas, and Israel should take no responsibly for any of the people killed in their indiscriminate bombing campaigns becuase that is all Hamas's fault. 3. Third dumb argument being made is that the innocent people, including kids, in Gaza are sympathetic to Hamas so they are, for all intents and purposes, legitimate targets for bombing.

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1) Do what you want and can get away with.

2) Say anything.

3) Sow dissension, bribes and blackmail.

4) Collect more extortion.


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Good thing they are our friends, huh?


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They are certainly your mafia overlords being given menaces money every year by your 'representatives'.

I tend to suspect that any New American Revolution will incorporate the banishment of AIPAC and the like if it wishes to prosper.....

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Don’t forget that Israel is a highly vaccinated country. Vax injuries may negatively affect the IDF. They may also affect citizen attitudes toward the govt. that coerced them into being jabbed. One hopes in all of this that the Palestinians did not get jabbed. They may overcome the Jews on the basis of health alone.

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promised land… promised and carved out by a bunch of vicious thugs, for another set of settler colonizers, land grabbers, military force and genocide masters.

The New World (1492) or Israel (today) the wicked myth of a promised land is nothing but a precursor to genocide and holocaust, of the weakest - a gateway to endless misery, revenge, war and zero resolution.

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Thank you for your recap of current and relevant "news".

I’m having a very visceral reaction to Israel’s behavior these days. I embarked on a research project to learn something about Palestine. And found myself dismayed, disapponted, and even angry with the UN, who have been of no help to the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere.

Re: that clip where some man is saying we are fighting against human animals. No sir, if anyone is a human animal, it is the Jews. The Jews are big into justification, that doesn’t wash with me. “Israel needs to turn into Dresden” — what a sick claim. Is he actually referring to Kristallnacht when the Semper Synagogue, as well as most of the city, was destroyed in 1938?

Erdogan is correct in saying Israel is a terrorist state. That is undeniable.

I wonder if the Israeli attitude would change if America withdrew its support, especially its military support.

And poor Yemen. As if it wasn’t enough to have been attacked by US-supplied Saudi fighters. But because it had the nerve to support the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, the USA told the UN to stop aid to Yemen. Gee, the US just cannot resist hurting Yemen.

I suspect some Arab states will find a way to punish Israel, especially if it can be done without inciting a regional war. As long as Israel munitions are resupplied by the USA, it’s risky to attack them - what do you do when you are out of munitions? Frankly, I’m hopeful that Nasrallah will act; he’s the leader of Hezbollah and is in good standing in the Arab world. And he's no hot head.

I can recommend a video: “How Israel Was Created”

at https://youtu.be/6foH3Zc82ZQ?si=sdEDkr4z9LUG171n

Britain comes off as a nasty piece of work. Totally complicit in the current situation.

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I am glad that you have a good and kind heart. A group of "owners" appear to really want this to escalate to the US and Iran destroying each other militarily. I don't want that, and neither do the Lebanese people, who would suffer terribly in that process. I am dismayed that there is no large humanitarian convoy forcing its way into Gaza, but Israel would quite possibly kill everybody in it, no matter what countries they were from, and there would be a large regional war with 2 nuclear powers involved. It is easy to see why other countries only talk about injustice and genocide. An oil embargo on Israel would be a start, but they nixed that, too.


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For too long I've noticed other countries reacting to something Israel did with a wince. Is Israel too arrogant to be embarrassed? Why cannot any one/nation actually criticize Israel? It suggests Israel has some embarrassing 8x10 photos on its critics. Surely this is not the case. Is it the Jewish card? Frankly, I do not see why they shoud be considered sacred, as in "hands off". I wonder if they have any idea of how to proceed if they manage to kill every Palestinian - their whole raison d'etre may collapse.

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SusanJ - if the USA would criticise Israel, then everyone else could too. Every time the USA supports Israel, they strong arm all the Western vassals to do the same upon pain of severe economic penalties. Just look at the Nordstream terrorism: now Germany must pay the USA 500% what it paid Russia for gas and its leaders are pathetic Stockholm syndrome mouthpieces.

You and I can criticise Israel because we are not national leaders, but if I were UK PM, I'm sure the threats made by Biden's bunch of lunatic neocons would make me an irresponsible leader if I didn't put such thoughts to a public referendum......

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Mearsheimer says to Glenn Greenwald, that Israeli political control of the US is fairly complete. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwNVOCxiEt4

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The reference to Dresden refers to the carpet bombing of Dresden in 1945, when the war in Europe was already effectively won. The bombing was planned to create fireballs and countless innocent civilians were murdered in what was a totally disgusting act of genocide by the UK. Dresden had little to no industry relevant to the Nazi war effort, hence many Germans moved there feeling it would the safest place to hole up until peace emerged.

Dresden is a symbol of a winning nation unnecessarily murdering tens of thousands of civilians for no good reason whatsoever, other than animal bloodlust and mental faculties losing all semblance of moral probity.

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Thank you for the correction. I appreciate it.

Why would a Jew say Israel should turn into Dresden? Perhaps I misunderstood the entire conversation. Your explanation does not fit what I thought was being said. Clearly I am confused.

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At this point it appears Israel is a lost cause. My greatest fear is a new world war over these two religions. The muslims will never stop until Israel is gone and Israel will not stop till the muslims are gone. What can be done to stop the killing????????

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Remove the Zionist government perhaps?

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Full human rights for everybody. The days of such extremist religious states are ending due to practicalities. Iranian Jews live with human rights, but Israeli non-Jews do not.

So a government which is not "Revisionist Zionist" would be necessary.

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In other words, remove israel.

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Just make "Israel" a modern state with equal human rights and freedom of religion for those who do not follow the "state religion".

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It looks as though the Orthodox Jews in Israel are also against the Zionist regime.

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Elections have consequences. Just as we are suffering from corrupt and incompetent leadership so are isreal and gaza.

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I really think the neighborhood would live fine with a 2-state solution, with Israel and Palestine, with full human rights in each country for all inhabitants.

How to get there is the eternal question.

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The most obvious way is the US cutting off all aid to Israel, as well as diplomatic cover, unless they implement it within 3 years.

That does require publicly elected officials all overwhelmingly free of AIPAC funding.

And that requires 200 million Americans refusing to vote Republican or Democrat and refusing to vote for any candidate that receives money from AIPAC or similar bodies.

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Bigger picture, our border is wide open and certainly out of 5 or 6 million, some are terrorists. So, be careful what you wish for because people from all over are here to kill Americans and those that voted for Biden are at fault.

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Don't complain about it unless you lot are prepared to kill George Soros, Bill Gates and the like.

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I have only wished for a solution. I totally agree about biden and our border. Ww3 is possible with biden blundering along as always. Terrorists inside our country are supported by the demoncrats.

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No Argument from me.

Just plain Genocide.

Germany 1933 - Israel 2023

Same shit.

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The only thing America isn’t doing is flying the planes and dropping the bombs. They supplied the planes, the JDAMS,provide the area defence and have advisers on the ground with the IDF. This plan has been around since 67’ at least, it just took Joe Biden to OK it. Let’s hope it goes as badly as his Ukraine plan is doing. Will he do for Taiwan in the time he’s got left or leave that prepped for Trump as well as the aftermath of everything else he’s done?

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Happy Birthday to your lovely Granddaughter...

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In the aftermath of the 9/11 hijackings and mass murder, the "war on terror" was announced.

I found that astonishing, reasoning that terror was a technique and war is defined by armed conflict between nations. "They are international criminals," I thought "and must be brought to justice, those who plotted and carried out these criminal acts."

I was stymied by the unwillingness of the nations harboring those criminals, to arrest them and either try them or extradite them to the countries within which they committed their criminal acts of mass murder.

What should be a simple correction of category error becomes a horror of multi-generational, transnational mayhem.

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People are manipulated by the perpetrators of false-flag attacks, who are the same people who will be certain that they are never held responsible, even if/when the secrets of their actions eventually become widely known. They own the casino, or at least this block of casinos. ;-(

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Ted - my cynical view is that if this got taught in school then too many teenagers would get too depressed to ever want to have kids.

So the manipulators spin yarns for long enough to get each generation to breed and then once they have, they tell them the truth and tell them they are in a mafia and can't work unless they stay in it.

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Would you mind awfully if I asked you to elaborate on that thought, Rhys?

Which concept does your wearied perception view as being most discouraging?

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Israel hasnt gone to all the damn trouble of chasing the

"cockroaches" out of the northern part of Gaza to allow

a handful to deprive it of its eradication victory by lying

in beds in a hospital...Israel knows all the Bleeeding Hearts

in 'The West' will pressure their governments to be Good

Humanitarians by offering to remove the remaining

"cockroaches" to the safer south Gaza...

Israel will get some good PR for allowing the removal of

the remaining "cockroaches"...'The West' will slap itself on

the back for intervening so forthrightly, heroically, like

humans...'The Humanitarian West" will cease all support

for the hospitalised once Israel's bad PR problem has been


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I am sorry to be basically in agreement with your assessment. ;-(

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I hope all the lefties in the US realize the Government will kill you if they take your guns.


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An interesting alternative perspective Dr. John: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTwQh72XUZo >

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I watched the beginning of that. It misrepresents history, in my studied opinion.

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Israel has manoeuvred the Bleeding Hearts to do what

it wanted: They're gathering in Cairo to foray into Gaza

to extract the "cockroaches" lying in hospital beds...

Israel will get kudos for its Humanitarian Gesture of

allowing the injured "cockroaches" to be removed to

Safety...It is to be assisted in the total cleansing of the

north of Gaza, got others to assist in its Ethnic Cleansing...

(Free to get on with the job of gassing the tunnels to kill

off "The Rats" hiding in them)...

Israel knew the hospitals required Special Treatment to

close them down, evacuate them...The hospitals would

remain festering wounds inviting much bad PR if the

Softies didnt offer to help with The Evacuations...

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