Great legwork John!

Adding this link to mass postings in F.book (for all the good that will do) and as a resource for my long overdue substack post on this. A DuckDuckGo search for "Lockheed Martin Direct Energy Weapons' turns out several interesting links, this being one of many ... https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/rms/documents/directed-energy/Laser_Weapon_Systems_BRO.pdf

If this is the extent of the information that is now publicly available, I shudder to imagine what is still hidden in the black budget.

Japan Inc. has dirty hands all over this as well, particularly Hitachi. Even with DuckDuckGo, no doubt Hitachi's web site and all of the internet is being scrubbed, but in one of the "Blossom Inner Wellness" podcasts (maybe not this one ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_Z8mX1d7Tk), I remember seeing doucments from 2015 of how Hitachi submitted a plan to provide the information infrastructure to a Smart City in Lahaina.

Cheers from a not so clean Japan, John.


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Thanks Steve, I left out a lot of information about laser systems, because this attack acted like microwaves, not lasers, in my assessment.

I'll keep Hitachi in mind.

(The yellow t-shirt is a Tokyo Tower t-shirt my older (engineer) son brought me from his recent work trip to Japan (Sankyo Denki is his employer) He walked up to the top of the tower on the steps.)

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(What? Yet another Dear John comment? 🤣)

Haven't read and listened to it all yet, but Heather, through Sage Hana, has just posted something somewhat comprehensive about Lahaina. https://blissandblisters.substack.com/p/maui-was-targeted

Cheers John!

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Thanks Steve. I fully reviewed that. It is very short on details.

I think the devil is in the details as we dig into this crime.

Where are the school buses? Where are the children?

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Hi John, (part 1)

Indeed about those details.

Those questions are important.

And what you are doing, you are doing very well ... and is absolutely a necessary part of the picture.

But what is worrying me is the big picture. There are a few otherwise woke people who see the corrupt plandemic for what it is, and although they say they are against Sustainable Development Goals as laid out by the WHO, UN, WEF, etc. ... they don't seem to see the relationship between the plandemic and SDGs, much less how it is tied to 'smart 15 minute cities' ... or what appears to compelling evidence of qualitatively 'different' fires in suspiciously strategic places world wide and the probability that some of the same, now officially admitted ingredients of chem-trails include aluminum oxide ... which serves a 'dual purpose' (now where have I heard that term before?) as a highly flammable accelerant. Among the links to personal accounts I have been collecting include an 'unusual haze' in the sky before the Lahaina fire, and white snow-flake rain shortly before or during the fire. Granted, that 'rain' might be the windblown ashes of previously destroyed buildings.

Maybe I am just another conspiracy theorist, but I agree with the likes of Catherine Austin Fitts or Dr. Rima Laibow. The, fires, the plandemic, the GMO foods, the dumbing down of education, the 15 minute cities, the coming Centrally Controlled Digital Currencies, etc. ... are not by chance. They are all tentacles of a criminal cabal of psychopaths determined to bring us back into a neo-technical feudal system. I am seeing a lot of the means, motives, and opportunities of the Lahaina fire as a fractal of what is happening on a larger, world stage.

The more I read about world history and 'dark-triad' psychology, the more I am inclined to agree with that big picture scenario, if only for one uncomfortable reason I've observed here in Japan as well. The more trusting and neurotypically empathetic a person is, the less likely they are to be found behind the doors of closed room meetings or as a member of the board of directors. Pyschopaths are masters of remorseless manipulation ... and see us as no different from cattle to be herded and culled. That's all they can do, but they do it well.

On a personal note ... I am particularly jaded about the state of 'higher' education in Japan. I still have written Quora posts from about 8 years ago where former Prime Minister Abe urged all national universities to eliminate programs in journalism, humanities, and the social sciences, in favor of building up STEM programs without them. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2015-09-20/japan-dumbs-down-its-universities-at-the-wrong-time?leadSource=uverify%20wall. (Damn. Now appears to be behind a paywall. I have it copied word for word somewhere in Quora, but it will take awhile to find it.)

This would reduce all public universities to less-than-effective technical institutes such as MIT or Cal Tech which recognize the necessity of social sciences for something like the algorithms of A.I. and robotics. As a bonus for the powers-that-be, without students of journalism or ethics, decisions on the who, how, and why to use these high-tech toys would be more easily controlled by the corporate nation-state which funds them.

Because the budgets of national universities are closely tied to the centralized Ministry of Education, over half of the universities immediately complied. A top down 'suggestion' in a culture of compliance to authority is read as an order. Still, there was a backlash by top-ranked schools which were less dependent on the Ministry's funds, Tokyo University among them, and private universities such as Keio and Waseda could also afford to ignore the suggestion without repercussions.

What the compliant schools accept on a policy level, they implement at a personal level. Similar to those doctors who chose to ignore their Hippocratic Oath in favor of steady income, and agreed to inject a bioweapon into people without fully informed consent — teachers in Japan, from Jr. High to University level, tend to be weeded out ... systematically replacing idealistic educators with bureaucratic functionaries ... careerists who know not to bite the hand that feeds them. To me, at least, a critical questioning of authority is essential to the highest ideals of education, as well as the moral responsibility of a member of a community (as opposed to an institution).

I could go on and on regarding how little educational outcomes mean in Japan, and how often I was called on as a problem-solving troubleshooter, only to have 'higher' authorities to cherry pick my successes and appropriate them as 'stolen valor', but for now, will just say I was an idealist and took my state (North Carolina) motto seriously Esse Quam Videri — 'to be, rather than to seem'. That doesn't go down very well in a land of 'tatemai' ... 'professed intentions rather than real feelings', or 'go along to get along'. As your son works for a Japanese company, that might make for some interesting discussion.

But I digress.

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Thank You, Steve (my son's name, also).

Agreeing with what you have written, I still see Japan as being far more nationally unified and internally faithful than almost any other country.

Russia does better. Greece would like to do better, but has a boot on the throat.

I only mean to say that the horrible cancer appears to be more advanced in most places.

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Hi John (part 2)

But I am just trying to frame the sack of Lahaina from a Bayesian-bird's eye view of a coming reckoning which could be anything from a techno-feudal panopticon to the collapse of the cabal, its laws, and institutions ... and the flourishing of small, empathy-driven communities. I suspect it will be a mixture of the two, with those communities being somewhat parallel and underground, a bit like the Amish.

But one thing I don't think we can escape is the malthusian dilemma of geometrically increasing populations and rapidly shrinking natural resources. I just don't agree with the current murderous approach with which the Cluster B personality types are addressing this problem, and I don't think we can depend on STEM fields to constantly bail out each succeeding generation's problems. Unfortunately the same scheming skills that put psychopaths in positions of authority, also allow them to out-compete the same compassionate, collaborative, creative skills we need to take us into a better future.

I must be somewhere on a continuum between a tin-hat flat earther and an admirer of thinking in terms of Spock-like, Bayesian probabilities. When I ran the biolabs at TUJ, I made sure the undergrads understood that experiments rarely show clear-cut cause-effect relationships, and more likely high correlations.

One who articulates my suspicions better, is the earlier mention of Dr. Rima Laibow. With a couple of caveats, the following discussion is very good ...


I spent the better part of today downloading the video to my computer, breaking it into 9 parts of 15 minutes or less, and uploading the parts to YouTube ... specifically to give you a hint of where I am coming from. After uploading the 9 to my YouTube account, part 4 was immediately flagged and blocked by YouTube's algorithms, probably because she brings up an opinion that the nanoparticles are more problematic than the spike proteins because of the coming interaction with 5G and 6G communication/control. I received a warning that future posts of malinformation would result in me having a 1 week ban from uploading videos to YouTube. Shortly afterwards, Part 1 was also banned ... possibly because she referenced her now deceased husband ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Stubblebine ... (ha, of "The Men Who Stare at Goats" fame) or because she referenced the connection between the Rockerfellers and the bioweapon. I expect to receive that 1 week ban, but because I rarely upload to YouTube and have never monetized it, no biggie.

Slight divergence ... in re-listening to her introduction about her husband, she mentioned that as head of army intelligence, he was at one time stationed in Fort Huachuca. I know the place because I briefly worked on the base part-time in a recreation room (mostly musical instruments). The reason I was there is because my mom had remarried a GS-14 level spook and nerd, a computer engineer specializing in satellite communications. The bulk of his career was in either Hagerstown Maryland, or Fort Huachuca, both of which contained underground facilities which were his place of employment. It was also at that time that I spent 3 summers in the forest service as a GS-4 Tanker Truck operator fighting mountain fires. Small world. Not sure if I've mentioned this, but my mom died just a few days ago, 11 minutes after midnight of my birthday, Sept. 11. She bought into the bioweapon medical treatment, and I am convinced her rapid onset of neurological problems was correlated with that. Back to the videos ...

I will try to cut the sound of key words in the two banned parts, but in the meanwhile she goes on a VERY good rant in the still available part 2 and 3 which I will post here.



My only hedges are the following (copy-pasted from a Facebook chat earlier today with a couple of Aussie buddies fighting the good fight:

"1 — The sexualization of children is not new. It takes a little digging through DuckDuckGo, or a lot of reading of history books ... but children, servants, and beasts were dehumanized and used for sexual pleasure throughout history ... from 'aids' for medieval royalty to the debauched Roman empire to probably long before the Great Pyramid of Giza. Psychopaths have always been part of the collective genome of humanity. As I've said before, we are in a forever war of humanity against its own worst nature.

2 — Dr. Laibow refers to the hierarchical organizations like the WHO, UN, WEF, etc. as "Western" ... maybe "patriarchical". Not once does she refer to similar structures and heuristics in the Far East such as the Hindu caste system, the socially engineered faux-meritocracy of Confucianism, or the modern Japanese counterpart.

Though she is spot on about psychopathy and the importance of families, small communities, and the arts ... she could do better with some references to history and/or comparative culture.

Everyone has their blind spots, and I applaud her for knowing enough about human nature to say that she would refuse to head any new, parallel organization aspiring to replace the currently corrupted institutions with other institutions which will invariably be gamed by those same psychopaths and corrupted. That ol' "Tower of Babel" syndrome I've been writing about for a few years." — from my Facebook chat earlier today.

I may go back and post a substack of those parts, along with a more detailed analysis of what Laibow says ... but have to weight the cost-benefit of my limited time against other reading and writing.

Probably close to reaching my substack comment here, but will pause for now with a podcast new to me that I've been following since the fires.


Cheer John, and keep up the good fight!


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I agree, Steve, have not looked at the videos, and appreciate this excerpt:

"But one thing I don't think we can escape is the malthusian dilemma of geometrically increasing populations and rapidly shrinking natural resources. I just don't agree with the current murderous approach with which the Cluster B personality types are addressing this problem, and I don't think we can depend on STEM fields to constantly bail out each succeeding generation's problems. Unfortunately the same scheming skills that put psychopaths in positions of authority, also allow them to out-compete the same compassionate, collaborative, creative skills we need to take us into a better future."

"We" have to come up with a better way to keep human populations from overgrowing resource supplies. All that I can come up with is to seek, accept and actively carry out the instructions of Divine Guidance.

I don't think I am simplistic, but I don't see a hierarchical and mechanistic soulution that would end up being different from the current sociopathic-apex-predator operations.

They seek to fine-tune it with invasive brain-control technology, that is an abomination of spiritual guidance.

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Hi John.

Yes, I agree that a mechanistic reductionism will not solve our problem.

I never bought into Cartesian dualism as other than a good heuristics, an ideal to help weed out all-too-human biases. Not an insight into fundamental reality.

I prefer something like Alfred North Whitehead's "Process" as closer to fundamental reality (not so different from more recent takes on fractal theory or emergence theory) or for a more whimsical take on it "Siphanoptera" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siphonaptera_(poem)

And pushing at the limits of literal language (Wittgenstein's Ladder) and logic (Gödel's Incompleteness theorems) ... "god" as a metaphor for nature in its entirety ...not so different from the god of Spinoza, Emerson, or Einstein ... and one's acting upon that awareness. A necessary spiritual dimension of moral maturity and autonomy.

Moral autonomy. Yes, that is why I agree with you, and Rima Laibow, that another hierarchy will not solve the problem either.

Though just my as yet undeveloped opinion, I think the family and small communities (Dunbar's number or less) are capable of empathy-driven behavior, but sometimes have psychopaths in the family closet or street gangs led by bullies. I am suspicious of all hierarchies because I supect empathy doesn't scale, and those who end up at the top are simply the self-selected, blindly ambitious.

Here is another, more intuitive take on how empathy does not scale. The lyrics are spot-on in this era of wokism. From "Especially people who ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrD14jqTtAE

I agree with your implication that all hierarchies go through a process of growth, homeostasis (or optimization), and eventually decay, become corrupt, and fall. I am not a Hobbesian 'romantic savage' (wow, great wiki read on that), but I do think the culture of Kalahari Bushmen has already outlived that of any empire, particularly of modern corporate nation-states.

I agree that "Divine Guidance" is necessary and it is not a simple matter. In addition to the above statement on spiritual moral dimension, something beneath, above, and beyond our identity as an individual or a member of a particular community. Jill Bolte Taylor gave a fantastic TED talk about one such approach. I actually exchanged a few e-mails with her prior to NHK Japan running two documentaries about her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU

And I fully agree that the invasive brain-control technology (and culling) are an abomination, but just the latest in a string of abominations since the stone age. Even if we win this battle, the psychopaths among us will have already extended another tentacle in an attempt to strangle us. Ha. Just realized the psychopathic beast is a bit like the James Bond nemesis of Spectre ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPECTRE.

Just letting you know we are on the same page John.

(sigh) I just wish I could write substack posts as well as I can interact on a personal level.

Don't worry about spending so much time on the likes of me. I am still struggling to find my own voice ... or rather, to let the spirit of god flow through me.

Cheers John!

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Thanks Steve. We do see the same world, which is kind of a rare vision, and I am grateful to see your expressions of that.

I don't want to berate you, but I might chide you for being more than modest.

Modesty is always good, but it's wrong to denigrate your honest and insightful self (IMHO).


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Thanks John.

I just see too many faults in myself to take myself seriously enough ... other than in personal chats. I guess lack of 'self forgiveness' is one of those faults.

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Sorry about your Mom's passing, Steve. And a bittersweet Happy Birthday. I trust her journey continues.

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Thank you for reminding me, Kathleen.

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Thank YOU John.

Keep up the good fight.

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Thank you Kathleen.

Nobody gets out of this room alive.

I guess the trick is to do it with style and meaning.

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Another trick is to know yourself as the-dead-that-you-always-are

during the very distracting experience of inhabiting a human body.


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Hi John (part 3)

Here is a slightly edited transcription of part the first YouTube video that Google quickly banned ... from about 8:12:


So I said to him, “Sweetheart, we have to close the medical practice.” And he said something, really intelligent. He said “Why?” Because that was how we earned our living. And I said, well, here's what I found, and this is what's happening. … Our side, the health freedom side, keeps making the same mistake over and over and over ... and by it we lose again, again, and again. What we do is we respond tactically.

We see a problem like sexualization of children or the destruction of parental rights which goes together, or land seizures, or one’s health and the use of the bioweapons and injection of them as vaccines … We see a problem and we respond to that problem tactically, instead of analyzing the situation and asking, what is the core issue from which that problem springs and then acting strategically, choosing our tactics.

… I learned from General Stubblebein (her murdered husband) that Sun Tzu, the Chinese philosopher of conflict and war and victory of 3500 years ago, was always right, that it is impossible to fight a defensive war and win. Furthermore, it is necessary to choose your strategy and pursue it by collecting tactics that augment and amplify your strategic victory. And I learned that if you follow Sun Tzu's pathway, you can have success. You may not, but you can.

If you do not, if you fight a defensive tactical war, then you will be defeated. And we, frankly are being defeated at pretty much every turn. Once in a while, we have a court case that gives us something like a little bit of a slap on the wrist of censorship by the US. Government recently. But that is not the same thing as total victory. And unless we have total victory, these monsters will destroy every aspect of our life and will destroy our integrity as a human species and weave us into the Internet of things, which is the ultimate slave system and the internet of bodies.



The above is what makes the likes of Dr. Rima Laibow and Catherine Austin Fitts generals in this forever war of humanity against its worst nature.

The devil is indeed in the details, but even as we pinch one tentacle of the beast, it withdraws that tentacle into the shadows, and extends another one elsewhere. A forever war until it is last man/woman standing and a new species emerges. I have my doubts that it will be a transhuman species.

Cheers John.

And though no one leaves this room alive, fight on, til the end.


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Thank You, Steve. The battle is within.

We have to know ourselves and know the enemy. Russia knows the enemy...

I will say that the Japanese got over the Daimyo/deforestation period through national cooperation in all aspects of life. I don't mean to overstate it, but it dangerous to not recognize it.

It may interest you that one of my friends in North Kohala, Hawaii was Colonel Jim Channon, the Colonel in "The Men Who Stare At Goats" book and movie. I bought a copy of the book and he autographed it for me. He had a bunch of therapy students doing a workshop at his place "Artesia" one week, and showed the movie, which I watched with them. Jim died a couple of years ago. Interesting guy, an engaging extravert with a wry smile and a wink that hinted more, but he never got there in conversation.

I don't think the energy/resource base will support something transhuman. It just needs to fail once and it will be over forever. It won't naturally procreate.

Hierarchy takes more energy for each new top-level. I think the world is about to lose several levels. (I almost hope for a Carrington Event before the last drops of blood are squeezed out of productive economies.)

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Very interesting side note about Jim Channon. It is indeed a small world!

I am running low on attention span because it is late at night here, but after a couple of reads of your last two paragraphs regarding transhumanism, hierarchies, and pessimism about the near future, I am in tune with you there.

But the part concerning Japan, hmmm.

I read a collection of academic essays entitled "Invented Traditions of Modern Japan" ... a bit of an oxymoron of a title similar to "Manufacturing Consent". The book was edited by Stephen Vlastos, so I looked him up and bought and read a book by him, "Peasant Protests and Uprisings in Tokugawa Japan". It was an eye opener because I saw the same patterns and techniques of corruption while working in Japanese colleges (and American), and the same thing is happening under the present Kishida administration. The 'harmony' of Japan is not real, but rather, a carefully crafted and controlled illusion. Cooperation, competition, and corruption here is as cut-throat as any Corporate nation state, and I would argue that Japan Inc. is even further from egalitarian, meritocratic, or democratic ideals in the West. At least the pushback in the E.U. and Anglo speaking countries is visible. The deeply embedded culture of the Far East doesn't even allow for the tradition of political humor ... one of humanity's best weapons against tyranny.

I've exchanged a couple of e-mails with Prof. Vlastos, hoping to find a way to get a Japanese translation of his book published for a Japanese audience. But it will be difficult. Reporters Without Borders has generously rated freedom of press in Japan at mid-pack at best, for good reason. Alas, the propaganda machine here is alive and kicking ... and as usual, at the expense of the working class.

Cheers John.

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Thank You, Steve. I appreciate your thoughtful, insightful and grounded comments.

I didn't mean to imply "harmony" in Japan, per se, but that things were accomplished nationally through working together, whatever the visible and invisible mechanisms of that were.

As a young American (white) foreigner in the 1970s my position was much better than if I had been a Filipino day-laborer without papers. I was grateful for my leeway.

There is a lot of politeness, but it is often forced and there is often a rigid underlayment to it.

Thailand is much different, in that the politeness is more friendly and relaxed.

I still want to return to Japan Inc. working together. I am not sure how, not in all aspects. There is hierarchy and respect, but somehow it has nuances of internalization of roles that remind me a bit of the Indian caste system, not the Chinese system.

That is just a faint flavor as I try to describe what I don't fully grok, which is how large numbers of Japanese work together better than large numbers of most other nationalities.

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RE "The 'harmony' of Japan is not real, but rather, a carefully crafted and controlled illusion. Cooperation, competition, and corruption here is as cut-throat as any Corporate nation state, and I would argue that Japan Inc. is even further from egalitarian, meritocratic, or democratic ideals in the West."

Fascinating - I trust your impression. Thanks for the insight.

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Sep 11, 2023
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Thank you reante. But we should both be thanking John, first and foremost.

I can not yet get started on my own piece about the fire, and it is only thanks to John and a couple of other writers that I have a chance to organize any thoughts at all.

Some other writers about the fire I recommend are Sasha Latypova ... especially her chat with Catherine Austin Fitts, Mathew Crawford, Tereza Coraggio, Sage Hana, and Mark Crispin Miller.

Cheers reante

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Steve I'm sorry to have not given my condolences on the loss of your Mom. My Mom is similarly trusting and innocent. She is most sincere and loving. I remain profoundly fortunate to have been her firstborn child.

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Sep 11, 2023Edited
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Deer! Lol. I thought you were hiding from a DEW. Mother- of - God! The last thing we need is those things in mobile hands. Look what they did to paradise, Lahaina,.. Especially the mindless zombies in the National guard and Ukraine. This is not a fair fight.

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No, it is slaughter, hidden from view.

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Ahh countermeasures, I’ve got to get prepared to stop the kangaroos and wallabies eating the new shoots on my fruit trees. Damn another job! Cut a lot of firewood yesterday- future money

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"They" want our physical removing from here, with a non-humanoid Species...which can transform into what "appear" as us...Please use your own instincts as a "compass"

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Love your healthy garden! It shows your care and hard work! Yippee!

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We all liked to play with fire since childhood, but some cannot stop. All sorts of fires, wildfires, nuclear fires, germ fires and now we got a double use of our microwave oven, in addition less known but not less destructive acoustic and tremble wave fires. The dual use of all of these systems, for warfare and for the greater good, health yes we can conclude that the second is a choice but the first is no longer an accident. Since Plum island’s “Lab 257” a must read, which was famous for the most advanced secure lab in the world even sending the message into the world germs have no chance in here, anno 1952, control over all sort of weapon system has definitely left our planet, total wipe out is only a matter of last minute good or bad luck.

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Excellent information and references. Thank you.

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Sep 10, 2023
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Sep 10, 2023
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We all have normal reflexive actions to strike for justice, but the enemy is well hidden and dispersed. This is very difficult. I really seek Divine Guidance.

I can't see enough of what is going on, and am prone to cause harm if acting on my own.

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Sep 11, 2023
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I don't think we are inherently so far apart in our views.

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Sep 11, 2023
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I don't think we are inherently so far apart in our views.

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Sep 10, 2023
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Who sent this message, and for whom is the message intended?

9/11 was a message to the governments of the world that the US/Empire was committed to war and would not be stopped by reason. It was a false-flag "new Pearl Harbor" to drive Americans to support global war. Those were 2 parts. The nations of the world knew what went down and were silent.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a signal to Russia/USSR that "we" (US/UK) could destroy them with these weapons. The war in Japan was won. Japan was negotiating surrender and had already agreed.

Again, who would have been able to carry out such an attack on Lahaina, the Space Force?

The bases and weapons programs are technically USAF, but there is bound to be CIA and DARPA involvement.

The cover-up is extremely vigorous. It seems to me like the whole government wants to cover this up after some faction performed it.

Who sent this message to whom? What does the message mean? It is clearly some kind of threat and also a kind of boasting, as I see it.

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Troll, I'd guess. I would ignore it.

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Sep 10, 2023
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Seek divine guidance. Mechanistic solutions may end up serving the wrong master, I fear.

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Keep in mind that Parasites are master of survival !!!!

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Bomb Washington?

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You post it as a question, but you know the answer, Sister.

The parasites are widely distributed.

Choking their blood-supply (finance) might be promising.

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Sep 10, 2023
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The parasites are in the brain of the host this time, a special case; delicate.

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Sep 10, 2023
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In an abstract sense that may hold, but I and you "have skin in this game".

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Sep 11, 2023
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I want to do my very best, whatever that may be, and not out of fear. I am sometimes deeply revolted, though.

It may seem hopeless, but I am really trying to become fully human and to help others do the same as a different form of solution to replace the traditional mass killings.

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Sep 10, 2023
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Destroy and be destroyed. Mindless and brainless rampant murder. The Beast is AI and is utterly devoid of any semblance of morality. It is the idol that is in allignment with what America AKA MYSTERY BABYLON has become.

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