It's astonishing to me, and also not at all, that so many of us who think we are "critical thinkers" still turn to "authorities" who tell us all kinds of things. Things like, we need to reduce CO2, there's a climate crisis, there's a supply chain problem, there's not enough oil, everything is becoming scarce, there are too many people, people can't really handle democracy, and so on and so forth forever. It's hard, really hard, these days to get truth out of the media or even out of books, because there are so many complicit people willing to try and be on the bandwagon, probably in hopes they'll be spared all the nastiness the Global Cabal has in mind for most of us. They're wrong, of course. They won't be spared. There's only just a few thousand people, maybe, that have agreed that THEY will be the ones to survive and dominate the hybridized robot/slave/humans left.

But-- all that said, this insane plan will fail. It WILL fail. It cannot work. And so, just as we do with the actual globalists, we do with their tools: Don't waste our time trying to STOP them, simply WORK AROUND THEM, ignore them, don't comply whenever possible (when it's POSSIBLE, not just easy), and carry on as if they were not here, building our communities up in a new and GOOD way, getting together for celebrating, fun, and doing what humans do, like music, art, theater, all the good things, in REAL LIFE, not on Zoom. Sing, dance, show the children how it's done, because maybe they can't remember!! Okay, enough outta me. Love you, brother! Your garden is BEAUTIFUL!

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You bring this song to mind:

Before The Deluge


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Love the color commentary. Good stuff.

Question; what’s your plan for protein?

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022Author

Legumes for the essential amino acid, Lysine, which is limiting in most plant proteins (green beans, black beans, pinto beans and black-eyed peas are all stored in good quantity from what we grow. Rice, wheat, corn or other grains usually compliment to make a "complete protein" eggs are good if you have them. We eat cheese, which compliments the other amino-acids.

We might raise chickens some day if we become settled in the homestead-only.

Lots of other critters eat chickens if you don't watch them like a hawk.

Like hawks, coons, people, etc.)

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I know little about chicken care, but I learned one or two things... a chicken-wire roof keeps out the hawks (and around here, eagles). Dogs are good, too, if they're trained right.

I luuuuv dem chickens! --I'm such a city kid, I am enraptured with all the "country life" things... Healthy stuff.

You're in Austin, yes? You wouldn't need heat in the winter for them... I know that, too! (I grew up in SA, and lived in Austin for a couple of years. I miss it. Maybe one day I'll be able to visit and I'll come see ya.) ^_^

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We live in Austin and Yoakum. The homestead is in Yoakum.

Yoakum temperatures are like San Antonio, but it gets a bit more rain than Austin, and has the fertile "black dirt".

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Ah. I don't think I've ever been to Yoakum. Heard of it. The black dirt is good.

(I lived in the Bay Area for about 25 years, and then Western WA for now about 7... I still say "y'all")

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It's fun to play with some people by saying "y'all".

The name of the town "Yoakum"hassomewhat the ame effect.


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Ha! Git 'em, Doc! ^_^

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