Sep 11, 2022Liked by John Day MD

The successful propaganda narrative of the "cause" of 9/11 was the first real time false flag I witnessed. As an engineer, what stunned me was how others in my field, normally incredibly evidenced based in their work, bought the bullshit "planes destroyed the buildings". They refused to even discuss the collapse of WTC 7, branding me a "conspiracy theorist", of course.

When the Covungabunga lock downs started, my gut told me we were witnessing another complete propaganda circus. In this case, the narrative has fallen apart much sooner, before people just "moved on" from 9/11. Perhaps this happened because of effective professional debunking but also perhaps because of the prevalence of "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome", with otherwise healthy people falling over dead after getting poison jabs from government subsidized and indemnified drug makers, aiding and abetting Malthusian doorknobs from the WEF and other dark crevices.

Thanks for posting all the reference material. Much of it has been available for the last 20 years, that is, if you cared to look for it.

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Good thanks! A great steep and deep dive into what plagues us today. It is not pretty to look at or admit but is similar to other historical events where we either looked, saw solutions, moved forward, or submitted. Helpful to me to remember that during pre-revolutionary times, despite the tyranny being waged by Britain, the founding fathers had difficulty convincing the colonists it needed to be fought. They spent years lambasting citizens with their revolutionary ideas.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by John Day MD

When I speak to an adult, the litmus test for me is 9/11. They can be pro-Russia, anti-vax, anti-globalist... but that is all pointless if they do not realize Neocons did 9/11 to highjack our country. Gutless liberals usually pale when I tell them Israel is the USA’s greeatest enemy. Russia will not defeat Ukraine while Israel stands. USA will not be free until Israel falls for what they did to us. Fortunately, Iran and Russia can deal with Israel.

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I'm still curious about Melvin Lattimore who purchases explosives for the first World Trade Center bombing possibly with a government credit card, was positively identified by his ID the day before the Murrah Building bombing with Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City and riding in the car McVeigh was arrested in, as well as roomed with two of the original 19 hi-jackers, the 20th hi-jacker, and co-signed Muhammad Atta's lease.

Also, the fact that an order of magnitude of energy is missing from that available on the day the three towers fell in respect to the pulverization of several hundred thousand tons of glass, steel, and concrete. Math and physics don't lie!

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There was still molten metal under the Twin Towers 4 weeks later.

The laws of physics weresuspended for 9/11/01 events and sequellae.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by John Day MD

Can you elaborate on which laws of physics were violated.

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Laws of gravitational acceleration against resistance (acceleration in the fall of building tops, notably WTC-7, was the same as if one had dropped a basketball to the ground. The building girders offered no resistance.

Jet-fuel melted steel, which was encased in concrete, and also kept that steel molten in a deep pool under the rubble for weeks after that.

A lightweight aluminum passenger jet punched 4 perfect holes in heavy Pentagon walls with the fuselage , while the wings, passengers, jet engines and luggage all evaporated.

Something similar happened to the plane in Shanksville, but it just left an empty hole in the ground.

That's the high-points, at least.

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Well, I would not call a 757-200 a lightweight passenger jet: Empty Weight, 57,840 kg (127,520 lb), Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW,115,680 kg (255,000 lb). I could calculate the amount of kinetic energy in something with that mass moving at 400 mph but I'll leave that to you.

I have witnessed first hand the crash site of Pacific Southwest Airlines flight 1771 in 1987 . You would be amazed as to what was *not* there.

Lord Kelvin said: “I often say . . . that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be.”

I like that, and what my old pal and sage John McAphee said once, to paraphrase. " if you want to see the truth then let go of everything you believe in, what is left will be what is real and true".

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Relating to Shanksville... something similar accured lately...

An Antonov cargo plane operated by a Ukrainian airline crashed Saturday near the city of Kavala in northern Greece, authorities said. Local residents reported seeing a fireball and hearing explosions for two hours after the crash.

You should read and watch the evidence here.


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Nanothermite accredited to a company related to the Bushes...

Controlled Demolition Inc.

Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7


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Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7


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Another lucid, potent and timely post amigo, although it saddens me to be reminded of the gullibility of so many of my fellow citizens that buy the NIST "science". The good news is that this leaky old internet hasn't censored sources like you've linked and responses to your blogposts.

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Thanks Elton. I'm recalling what I did the evening of 9/11/01, and the early morning of 9/12/01.

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The system coup against JFK set the stage. The FBI arrest of the "Blind" Shiekh a dry run in 1993.

Omar Abdel-Rahman, the Muslim cleric known as “the blind sheikh” who was convicted of conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and of planning a broader “war of urban terrorism” in the United States, died on Saturday in a North Carolina prison, authorities said. Rummy losing 2.5 trillion in Pentagon money and speaking out on September 10 the trigger pull.

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WTC 1993, TMI, FBI Raid on Survivalist Training Camp and Liberation Army 5th Battalion


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Wasn't he planting the bombs in the basement?

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He was facing the possibility of deportation when a truck bomb went off in the basement parking garage of the World Trade Center on Feb. 26, 1993, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 in an attack that made Americans realize that they were not immune to international terrorism.

18 minutes after noon on February 26, 1993, a huge bomb went off beneath the two towers of the World Trade Center. This was not a suicide attack. The terrorists parked a truck bomb with a timing device on Level B-2 of the underground garage, then departed. The ensuing explosion opened a hole seven stories up. Six people died. More than a thousand were injured. An FBI agent at the scene described the relatively low number of fatalities as a miracle.1

Four months later Abdel-Rahman was arrested and went on trial with several followers in 1995, accused of plotting a day of terror for the United States - assassinations and synchronized bombings of the U.N. headquarters, a major federal government facility in Manhattan and tunnels and a bridge linking New York City and New Jersey.

The indictment said Abdel-Rahman and his followers planned to “levy a war of urban terrorism against the United States” as part of a jihad - or holy war - to stop U.S. support for Israel and change its overall Middle East policy.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022Liked by John Day MD

I remember this day everyone does.

I also remember immediately that it did not make sense and it looked like a controlled demolition.

To this day it is absolutely clear that thermite has been used.

It is also clear that Klaus Schwab Evelyn Rothschild Marvin Bush the Bush Family LArry Silverstein the Mossad and the CIA had their dirty hands in this.

What is more on 7/7 2005 Benjamin Nethanyahoo was the Mastermind of the London Bombings.

There is a great documentary about that a must watch...

It is called 7/7 ripple effect and it is mind blowing


To prevent any of those I outlined a white paper for a one month shutdown of all activities... a general strike... in which we take them down all of them and then restructure society so that it works for us...


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Might this be the next huge lie?todays post by “Justus R Hope” has me needing a short respite. https://justusrhope.substack.com/p/weather-warfare-an-existential-threat?utm_medium=email. I can only manage one major life-threatening new lie at a time so will come back and read yours tomorrow. Always appreciate the signs of life from your home and garden to offset! Your home and garden are such a life affirming accomplishment! Congrats to you both!

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Thank You for the kind words.


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