The areas of 9/11 where the official narratives conflicts with on-the-ground evidence:

1. The temperatures needed to melt/cut steel girders vs the temperatures created by burning aeroplane fuel.

2. The first-responder statements documenting explosions vs the 'spontaneous collapse' of WTCs 1 and 2.

3. The collapse of WTC7 despite not being hit by an airliner.

4. The temperature of the rubble for several weeks after 9/11.

5. The freefall rate of collapse of all three towers which collapsed into their own footprints on 9/11.

6. The Jewish messaging service advising Jews not to to go work at WTC on 9/11.

7. The insider trading on United- and American Airline shares.

8. The impossibility of a commercial airline hitting the base of the pentagon when 'flown' by an inexperienced amateur pilot.

9. The lack of an aeroplane according to first-on-the-scene eye witness accounts where the fourth airliner purportedly crashed.

10. Celebrating Jews and Saudi nationals being flown out of town during a time of purported total aerospace lockdown.

I said over a decade ago that only two possibilities remained to explain the downing of WTCs 1 and 2: use of nanothermite explosives and/or the use of nuclear devices below ground. I have not changed my view.

WTC7 was clearly brought down by controlled demolition, conveniently destroying back up servers to an enormous amount of highly relevant State information.

The following were all signs of a State-wide cover-up:

1. Deliberately removing all crime scene evidence and transporting it to China to prevent evidence-led forensic investigations to take place.

2. Immediate pinning of the blame onto bin Laden and Al Qa'ida at a time when zero evidence had been collected.

3. Failure to report the dozens of independent witnesses to explosions at WTC beyond the first couple of hours.

4. The anti-scientific nonsense of NIST claiming that the laws of physics were miraculously absent on 9/11/2001.

5. The use of the event to justify foreign genocides in Afghanistan and Iraq, all benefitting companies with extremely close ties to the Vice President.

6. The miraculous appearance of the Patriot Act, which was obviously pre-prepared; and its passage into law with literally minimal to zero levels of Capitol Hill oversight, proving beyond doubt that Capitol Hill did not represent the USA people, it prostituted itself for unaccountable masters.

7. The use of Philip Zellikow to co-ordinate the cover up through his deliberate whitewash, despite numerous protests by relatives of fallen victims.

8. The full realisation by vast swathes of the globe that 9/11 was the manifestation of a criminal state now fully out of control of its people.

9/11 was a day of infamy followed by a decade of infamy.

The global response to it was the emergence of the BRICS via the Shanghai cooperation agreement, with an ever increasing number of nations wishing to join it, to the detriment of the US-controlled 'rules-based-order'.

If the USA is stupid enough to bomb Russia in the next weeks, there can be no complaints if nuclear armageddon strikes the US, wiping out Boston, the entirety of Southern Manhattan, Baltimore, the entirety of the Beltway and its Deep State hinterland, Miami, Dallas, LA, San Francisco, Seattle and Chicago.

World War III must take place in the Lower 48 - it is the only way to teach insane psychopaths in the USA that there are consequences to their behaviour.

The people of Europe don't want war and if Starmer tries to play warmonger, he will not last until Christmas here in the UK.

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Good work, Rhys. As for the Patriot Act, Democrat, Tom Daschle was keeping it from coming for a vote, and got a letter with special, weaponized Ft. Detrick Anthrax. Some postal workers died, and Daschle complied.

I really think the elite power struggle is happening right now, ahead of Guy Fawkes and US elections, now, and mostly invisible to us.

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Sep 13Liked by John Day MD

Its people like Rhys and Dr Day that make me proud to be standing with them as a 911 Truther.As far as TPTB invisible to most ,thats true ,but more and more people are acquiring those special sun glasses ,,,,,,,we fight on !

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Sep 11Liked by John Day MD

Every year i ask others on the 4th of November "Do you know what tomorrow is ?

100% fail - because the corporate propaganda media (aka - msm) stopped talking about

Guy Fawkes Day years ago...

The masses will forget all about 9/11 when the corporate propaganda media (aka - msm)

stop talking about it...

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I love your Korean melons! How do you prepare/eat them?

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