Comrades In Agronomy,
Today, Friday September 6, and tomorrow, Saturday September 7, there is a symposium, free for your own investment of time and attention, with numerous top tier presenters, and also me (after lunch, second day).
The Attack On Food And Farmers and How to Fight Back (2024)
All of the presentations will remain available at Door To Freedom and at Children's Health Defense after they are given live (or canned, as I recorded mine on a nice afternoon in the Austin garden).
My talk is an introduction to the material presented in these 3 blog posts, recently updated for this current presentation:
Deciding Where To Grow Vegetables
Preparing Your Kitchen Garden
Growing Food
Speaker List, brief biographies and topic outlines are here. (I seem to follow Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Down to Earth
This year I am "growing out" for seed one heirloom pole bean (drying type, a chili bean) and one heirloom flour corn. Last year I trialed 5 types of heirloom winter squash. Next year planning on another flour corn variety, trialing paddy rices, soy and fava beans plus "growing out" a different drying type heirloom pole bean (the 3 bean varieties are from different species, allowing proximity without worry about cross pollination- soy = Glycine max, fava = Vicia faba, pole beans = Phaseolus vulgaris).
Tried to trial the rice & soy beans this year, then discovered I had a woodchuck problem... They thought all types were equally delicious! 😋.
I have grown shallots from seed before with decent success, I've had very mixed success with onions and garlic. Shallot varieties I have grown keep CRAZY long, I've stored some shallots 2 years before cooking with them (or planting)!
Looking at trying NOT starting shallots from seed, here is the offering I'm looking at-