Henry Kissinger, not known for saying things that embarrass him the next week, says that Ukraine should cede territory to Russia in return for peace, and should do so promptly. He says that we live in "a totally new era" in terms of how quickly use of modern weapons could escalate to total destruction, and that we should be mindful of that, and mindful of the firm positions of other parties...
“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome.
Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante.
Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself,” he said.
Ron Paul asks what the Biden Administration's Ukraine End-Game might be.
Last week, President Biden signed a massive $40 billion military aid bill for Ukraine. Who cares that inflation is killing the American economy and mothers can't even get baby formula. For Washington, spending on war and empire always seems to trump America’s interests.
To put this giveaway to Ukraine in perspective: just since late February, the US has provided nearly $60 billion in "assistance" to Ukraine. That is almost half that country's entire 2020 GDP! ...
..Defense Secretary Austin outlined the Administration's new intention not long ago when he said that the real goal is to weaken Russia.....There is a reason our Constitution grants war powers to the legislative branch. Forcing Members of the House and Senate to declare the US to be in a state of war also enables them - through the powers of the purse-string - to define the goals of the war and particularly what a victory looks like. That prevents the kind of mission-creep and shifting objectives that have characterized our endless wars in the 21st century - including this current proxy war with Russia. http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/may/23/whats-bidens-end-game-in-ukraine/
Russia's "dumb bombs" can act smart now, but remain cheap and rudimentary. Americans spent huge sums of money developing a ball-point pen that would work in space; the Soviets used a pencil. But the point of this is clear: the US approach is always high-tech; the Russian is KISS.
So, let’s go back to your WW2 bomber. Suppose you knew – to a really high degree of precision – what your altitude was, what your ground speed was, precisely where you were and where the target was. Imagine if you had a set of satellites up there that could tell you all these things. And you also knew a lot of other esoteric things (like the glide characteristics of your bombs) and you had the best possible weather information over your target. All this and every other scrap of information you needed. If you knew all this, and had a computer to work it out, then you could just drop your dumb bomb when the computer told you to and it would passively glide to the target.
And that is what the Russians have done. Explained here with more detail but by now you have the idea. The Russian global positioning system – GLONASS – gives them the necessary data, the computer doohickey in the plane calculates and drops the dumb bomb at exactly the right time. All the data inputs are known to a very high degree of accuracy. The bomb is just as dumb as it ever was but the doohickey on the plane makes it fall at precisely the moment when its dumbness doesn’t matter. https://sonar21.com/operation-z-dumb-bombs-go-to-school/
Pepe Escobar has a good, detailed and broad update again. Here is a little of it: Ukraine is the Holy Grail of international corruption. That $40 billion can be a game-changer for only two classes of people: First, the US military-industrial complex, and second, a bunch of Ukrainian oligarchs and neo-connish NGOs, that will corner the black market for weapons and humanitarian aid, and then launder the profits in the Cayman Islands.
A quick breakdown of the $40 billion reveals $8.7 billion will go to replenish the US weapons stockpile (thus not going to Ukraine at all); $3.9 billion for USEUCOM (the ‘office’ that dictates military tactics to Kiev); $5 billion for a fuzzy, unspecified “global food supply chain”; $6 billion for actual weapons and “training” to Ukraine; $9 billion in “economic assistance” (which will disappear into selected pockets); and $0.9 billion for refugees.
Moon of Alabama fills in some other details, and also comments that it "feels insane when Henry Kissinger is the only sane voice in the room".
The UK support to break the Russian blockade of Odesa is fact-checked. Russia is not blockading Odesa. Ukraine mined the harbor. Things like that.
The US DoD seems to have accidentally hung all of the Ukrainian flags upside down at a press briefing.
Losing control of the control-narrative.
Struggling to speak coherently, Biden said “When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that God willing when it’s over we’ll be stronger.”
“The world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” Biden added.
Biden also claimed he attempted to combat soaring prices by releasing 180 million barrels of oil from emergency stockpiles in late March, but admitted that it hasn’t had any effect.
The EU has put an end to the lingering ambiguity surrounding how EU members can pay for Russian gas without violating sanctions.
Russia has demanded that countries pay for its gas in rubles, although European governments have struggled to find a way to oblige Russia while not running afoul of sanctions. Further complicating matters—until now—was the EU’s lack of clarification on whether such an arrangement would violate the current sanctions.
On Friday, Germany and Italy both told companies that they could open up rubles accounts in order to purchase Russian gas, in line with President Vladimir Putin’s request.
Russia’s request has companies opening up two accounts at Gazprombank; one in euros or U.S. dollars and another in rubles.
The European Union is about to agree on a Russian oil embargo within days, Germany's Economy Ministry Robert Habeck told media.
"We will reach a breakthrough within days," Habeck told German ZDF, as quoted by Reuters.
Just a day earlier, Habeck had told the media that Germany was so eager to impose an embargo on Russian oil imports that it was willing to do it without a consensus among all 27 EU members.
Speaking to another German news channel, Habeck said that "If the Commission president says we're doing this as 26 without Hungary, then that is a path that I would always support," adding, however, "But I have not yet heard this from the EU." ... That's despite the fact that the refinery supplying fuel for the capital Berlin and its surroundings is majority-owned by Russia's Rosneft and runs on Russian crude. Earlier this month, Shell's chief executive warned the 233,000-bpd facility would start reducing production as soon as deliveries of Russian crude stop.
Suspending Russian oil imports, Ben van Beurden said, "will probably mean that that refinery will be turned down quite significantly because the incoming logistics are constrained and the refinery is not configured for anything else but Urals."
The European Union has granted Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria temporary exemptions from an embargo, giving them more time to find alternative suppliers. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Germany-Expects-Oil-Embargo-Decision-This-Week.html
Viktor Orban just got another huge electoral mandate. Hungarians like their cheap Russian gas and oil. What will Slovakia, the Czechs and Bulgarians decide?
Hungary Declares Wartime State Of Emergency On Wednesday, Hungary will announce its first measures under the new state of emergency - which Orban began laying groundwork for even before his cabinet's swearing in ceremony on Tuesday. Besides amending the constitution in order to use his new emergency powers, the 58-year-old leader gave his chief of staff oversight of the country's intelligence services.
Orban, the EU's longest serving head of government, is sitting on his fourth consecutive administration following yet another landslide election victory last month. He's notably clashed with other member nations on a range of issues, including his opposition to an EU ban on Russian oil. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hungary-declares-wartime-state-emergency
"Five Major Challenges Facing the Energy Industry" is politely written, but says that there has not been much exploration since 2014 (and the expensive exploration for a decade before that found little oil), that production prices are high and rising, that OPEC is having trouble ramping up after COVID, That the industry is broadly vulnerable to cyber attacks at many levels, including pipelines, refineries and storage, and the US has now pissed off almost every oil-producing country, including Saudi Arabia. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Five-Major-Challenges-Facing-The-Energy-Industry.html
Is Subject #12312982 the Key to Proving Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud, The Story of Augusto Roux
Subject # 12312982 in Pfizer study C4591001 is Augusto Roux, a 35-year old lawyer from Buenos Aires, Argentina who volunteered for Pfizer’s stage 3 trial of its COVID-19 vaccine (or whatever you want to call it) in order to protect his mother with emphysema.
(Briefly, this attorney who kept excellent evidentiary records, got pericarditis from the vaccine, got hospitalized, got gaslighted, got his diagnosis falsified, got lied to, had his trial-records falsified by those running the trial, and presents proof all of this fraud.)https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/is-subject-12312982-the-key-to-proving?s=r
There are several layers to the DoD fraud about the vaccine adverse event numbers in active-duty service members. The DoD changed systems in 2021 and wants you to believe that explains everything. It does not, and can be corrected-for. Tessa (Fights Robots) Lena has the story, and a good synopsis.A DoD Data Fraud? A Conversation with Mathew Crawford
Pfizer has an ironclad defense, a contract with the DoD, exempting the company from every usual requirement and liability:
Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a lawsuit from a whistleblower who revealed problems at sites that tested Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Brook Jackson, the whistleblower, alleged in a suit that was unsealed in February that Pfizer and associated parties violated clinical trial regulations and federal laws, including the False Claims Act.
In its motion to dismiss, Pfizer says the regulations don’t apply to its vaccine contract with the U.S. Department of Defense because the agreement was executed under the department’s Other Transaction Authority (OTA), which gives contract holders the ability to skirt many rules and laws that typically apply to contracts.
That means that Jackson’s claim that Pfizer must still comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulations “is simply wrong,” Pfizer said.
Warner Mendenhall, a lawyer who is working on Jackson’s case, said in a recent interview that Pfizer has “clearly not followed federal procurement laws.”
“And now they’re saying, ‘of course we didn’t follow federal procurement laws, we didn’t have to—this was just for a prototype,'” he added.
Mendenhall, who declined an interview request, said lawyers for Jackson are working on figuring out legal ways to counter Pfizer’s argument.
“We may lose on this issue because their contract imposes … none of the normal checks and balances on quality control and consumer protection that we fought for decades in this country,” he said.
"Amyloid" is globs of useless protein clogging up cells and organs. It has been seen in COVID, yes, but it has been seen a LOT in cases of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions, characterized by continuous production of spike protein in the vaccine-recipients. The amyloid clogging up organs like heart, kidneys, lungs and brain appears to be spike-protein. I saw that hypothesis presented earlier this year. This clinches it, but the researchers don't exactly say those words.
In patients with serious and long-term COVID-19, disrupted blood coagulation has often been observed. Now, researchers at Linköping University (LiU), Sweden, have discovered that the body’s immune system can affect the spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, leading to the production of a misfolded spike protein called amyloid. The discovery of a possible connection between harmful amyloid production and symptoms of COVID-19 has now been published in the Journal of American Chemical Society...
Using computer simulations, the researchers discovered that the coronavirus’ spike protein contained seven different sequences which could potentially produce amyloid. Three of the seven sequences met the researchers’ criteria for being counted as amyloid-producing sequences when experimentally tested. They produced, among other things, so-called fibrils, which look like long threads when examined under an electron microscope...
“We have never seen such perfect, but scary, fibrils as these ones from the amyloid-producing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and pieces thereof. The fibrils starting from the full-sized spike protein branched out like limbs on a body. Amyloids don’t usually branch out like that. We believe that it is due to the characteristics of the spike protein”, says Per Hammarström, professor at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.
Filling in Gaps
They were losing it all along via the classic method: spending every narrative cent they had up front. We are collapsing, not being taken over, not that guys like Schwab in his Emperor Palpatine suit aren't trying.
"Biden also claimed he attempted to combat soaring prices by releasing 180 million barrels of oil from emergency stockpiles in late March, but admitted that it hasn’t had any effect."
He gets it wrong both ways at once, eh? Of course it's had an effect on prices, and gas prices would be even higher if he hadn't dumped our emergency stash on the poker table.